446 resultados para ilmenite


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At Site 462 in the Nauru Basin, western Pacific Ocean, 56 lithologic units have been recovered from an extensive flood basalt province. Fossil evidence suggests that the lavas were emplaced during the interval 100-115 Ma, some 30 m.y. after formation of the underlying Jurassic ocean crust. The lithologic units can be broadly divided into three chemical units, the lowermost two of which are chemically monotonous, suggesting rapid eruption of basalt from a compositionally homogeneous magma chamber. All the basalts are hypersthene- (hy-) rich tholeiites, with approximately chondritic La/Sm, La/Yb, Zr/Nb, La/Ta, and Th/Hf ratios. Chemically they resemble, in part, "transitional" mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) from areas such as the Reykjanes Ridge, although Rb, Ba, and K contents are very low and similar to those of "normal" MORB. Their 87Sr/86Sr ratios are higher than in N-type MORB (Fujii et al., 1981). The chemistry of the Nauru basalts differs from that of continental flood basalts, which tend to be strongly enriched in large-ion lithophile (LIL) elements, although the extent to which the differences result from sialic contamination or source variability is not clear.


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Lithological horizons have been distinguished in sediments cores from different parts of the Sea of Okhotsk based on primary descriptions of sediments and smear slides, and analyses of contents of both calcium carbonate and organic carbon, and opal. Sediment lithology has been correlated with oxygen isotope records and the standard isotope scale and radiocarbon data by AMS method for three cores studied in detail. This allowed to determine in detail periods of carbonaceous and diatomaceous ooze accumulation in the Sea of Okhotsk. Changes in magnetic susceptibility and grain size composition of sediments have been also compared with oxygen-isotope curves and radiocarbon datings. Obtained results confirm that variations in magnetic susceptibility are related with oxygen-isotope stages and influenced by climatic changes. Tephra interlayers K0, TR, K2, K3 have been identified by mineralogical analyses in all studied cores. Stratigraphic location of these tephra interlayers in detailed studied cores and their radiocarbon ages (8.1, 8.05, 26.8, and about 60 ka, respectively) provided base correlation between the interlayers and volcanic eruptions on the Kamchatka Peninsula and the Kuril Islands. This allows to use the former ones as time markers for deep-sea sediments of the Sea of Okhotsk. New lithostratigraphic and tephrochronologic data obtained allowed to correlate Upper Quaternary sediments from the Sea of Okhotsk.


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The mineralogical compositions of 119 samples collected from throughout the San Francisco Bay coastal system, including bayfloor and seafloor, area beaches, cliff outcrops, and major drainages, were determined using X-ray diffraction (XRD). Comparison of the mineral concentrations and application of statistical cluster analysis of XRD spectra allowed for the determination of provenances and transport pathways. The use of XRD mineral identifications provides semi-quantitative compositions needed for comparisons of beach and offshore sands with potential cliff and river sources, but the innovative cluster analysis of XRD diffraction spectra provides a unique visualization of how groups of samples within the San Francisco Bay coastal system are related so that sand-sized sediment transport pathways can be inferred. The main vector for sediment transport as defined by the XRD analysis is from San Francisco Bay to the outer coast, where the sand then accumulates on the ebb tidal delta and also moves alongshore. This mineralogical link defines a critical pathway because large volumes of sediment have been removed from the Bay over the last century via channel dredging, aggregate mining, and borrow pit mining, with comparable volumes of erosion from the ebb tidal delta over the same period, in addition to high rates of shoreline retreat along the adjacent, open-coast beaches. Therefore, while previously only a temporal relationship was established, the transport pathway defined by mineralogical and geochemical tracers support the link between anthropogenic activities in the Bay and widespread erosion outside the Bay. The XRD results also establish the regional and local importance of sediment derived from cliff erosion, as well as both proximal and distal fluvial sources. This research is an important contribution to a broader provenance study aimed at identifying the driving forces for widespread geomorphic change in a heavily urbanized coastal-estuarine system.


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Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Hole 735B, located on Atlantis Bank on the Southwest Indian Ridge, penetrated 1508 meters below seafloor with an average recovery of 87%, providing a nearly continuous sample of a significant part of oceanic Layer 3. Based on variations in texture and mineralogy, 12 major lithologic units are recognized in the section, ranging from 39.5 to 354 m thick. The principal lithologies include troctolite, troctolitic gabbro, olivine gabbro and microgabbro, gabbro, gabbronorite and Fe-Ti oxide gabbro, gabbronorite, and microgabbro. Highly deformed mylonites, cataclasites, and amphibole gneisses are locally present, as are small quantities of pyroxenite, anorthositic gabbro, and trondhjemite. Downhole variations in mineral composition, particularly for olivine and clinopyroxene, show a number of cyclic variations. Plagioclase compositions show the widest variations and correspond to different degrees of deformation and alteration as well as primary processes. Downhole chemical variations correspond reasonably well with variations in mineral compositions. Iron and titanium mainly reflect the presence of Fe-Ti oxide gabbros but show some cyclical variations in the lower part of the core where oxide gabbros are sparse. CaO is highly variable but shows a small but consistent increase downhole. MgO is more uniform than CaO and shows a very small downward increase. Sulfur and CO2 contents are generally low, but S shows significant enrichment in lithologic Unit IV, which consists of Fe-Ti oxide gabbro, reflecting the presence of sulfide minerals in the sequence. The lithologic, mineralogical, and geochemical data provided here will allow detailed comparisons with ophiolite sections as well as sections of in situ ocean crust drilled in the future.


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A facies-genetic and stratigraphic subdivision of the Quaternary sequence in the Shapkina River valley has been accomplished. The riverbank shows outcrops of three glacial complexes with different mineralogical-petrographic compositions and structural characteristics, which can be correlated and stratificated. Datings of intermoraine horizons (alluvial, marine, lacustrine, and lacustrine-boggy sediments) have been based on palynological and paleomicrotheriological data. The Middle Neopleistocene section can be divided into two till horizons corresponding to two autonomous glaciations (Pechora and Vychegda). They are separated by a member of subaqueous Rodionov sediments. The Pechora till formed in the course of glacier motions from the northeast. Glacial horizons are mainly composed of the Vychegda till transported from the Northwest terrigenous provenance. Lithology of the Upper Neopleistocene Polyarnyi till testifies to its formation in the upper course of the river from material transported from the Northeast terrigenous-mineralogical provenance in the upper course of the river and from the Fennoscandian glaciation center in the lower course of the river. The paper presents the first lithological investigation and substantiation of genesis of various facies of Neopleistocene intermoraine marine sediments (sediments of the beach and fore-beach zones and shallow-water shelf).