Heavy mineral contents in 0.1-0.05 mm grain size fraction of bottom sediments from the Barents Sea and adjacent areas

Autoria(s): Klenova, Maria V

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 78.400247 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 29.247403 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 68.430000 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 4.000000 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 81.880000 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 73.000000 * MINIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.002 m * MAXIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.865 m




text/tab-separated-values, 4111 data points









Klenova, Maria V (1960): Geology of the Barents Sea. USSR Academy of Sciences Publ. House, Moscow, 365 pp


CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted

Palavras-Chave #Amphibole; Anatase; Andalusite; Apatite; Archive of Ocean Data; ARCOD; Arctic Ocean; Augite; Barents Sea; Barite; Biotite; Biotite and green micas; Brookite; Calculated; Carbonates in heavy mineral fraction; Colorless micas; Comment; Counting, binocular; Depth, bottom/max; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Depth, top/min; Disthene; Dolomite; Elevation of event; Epidote-zoisite; Event label; Fram Strait; Garnet; GC; Glauconite; Glaucophane; Grab; GRAB; Grain size, sieving/settling tube; Gravity corer; Green and colourless micas; Green micas; Heavy minerals; Heavy minerals, sum; Hypersthene; Ilmenite and magnetite; Iron hydroxides; Kara Sea; Knipovich-480; Knipovich-482; Knipovich-486; Knipovich-489; Knipovich-493; Knipovich-498; Knipovich-499; Knipovich-500; Knipovich-501; Knipovich-771; Knipovich-790; Knipovich-794; Knipovich-809; Knipovich-814; Knipovich-816; Knipovich-817; Knipovich-828; Knipovich-832; Latitude of event; Leucoxene; Longitude of event; Magnesium and iron carbonates; Mica; Micronodules; Norwegian Sea; Olivine; Opaque nonmetalliferous minerals; Persey-1066; Persey-1069; Persey-1070; Persey-1157; Persey-1176; Persey-1249; Persey-161; Persey-2169; Persey-2191; Persey-2280; Persey-2384; Persey-2385; Persey-2386; Persey-2387; Persey-242; Persey-2792; Persey-2826; Persey-2827; Persey-2828; Persey-2831; Persey-2833; Persey-2834; Persey-2835; Persey-2836; Persey-2837; Persey-2839; Persey-2841; Persey-2844; Persey-2845; Persey-2846; Persey-2849; Persey-2851; Persey-2884; Persey-2885; Persey-2886; Persey-2889; Persey-501; Persey-631; Persey-637; Persey-650; Persey-719; Pyrite, FeS2; Pyroxene; Pyroxene, monoclinic; Rutile; Sadko-12; Sadko-13; Sadko-25; Sadko-26; Sadko-31; Sadko-33; Sadko-37; Sadko-41; Sadko-42; Sadko-43; Sadko-47; Sadko-48; Sadko-50; Sadko-52; Sadko-54; Sadko-55; Sadko-59; Sadko-7; Separation with use of heavy (2.9) liquid; Siderite; Sillimanite; Size fraction < 0.010 mm; Size fraction 0.100-0.050 mm; Size fraction 0.500-0.250 mm, 1.0-2.0 phi, medium sand; Size fraction 1-0.1 mm; Spinel; Staurolite; Titanite; Tourmaline; Tremolite; Turgite, hydrohematite; White Sea; Zircon
