994 resultados para fiducial diffraction plane


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We describe high-efficiency, high-dispersion reflection gratings fabricated in bulk fused Silica illuminated by incident lights in the C + L bands as (de)multiplexers for dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) application. Based on the phenomenon of total internal reflection, gratings with optimized profile parameters exhibit diffraction efficiencies of more than 90% under TM- and TE-polarized incident lights for 101-nm spectral bandwidths (1520-1620 nm) and can reach an efficiency of greater than 97% for both polarizations at a wavelength of 1550 nm. Without loss of metal absorption, without coating of dielectric film layers, and independent of tooth shape, this new kind of grating should be of great interest for DWDM application. (C) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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A fast and reliable phase unwrapping (PhU) algorithm, based on the local quality-guided fitting plane, is presented. Its framework depends on the basic plane-approximated assumption for phase values of local pixels and on the phase derivative variance (PDV) quality map. Compared with other existing popular unwrapping algorithms, the proposed algorithm demonstrated improved robustness and immunity to strong noise and high phase variations, given that the plane assumption for local phase is reasonably satisfied. Its effectiveness is demonstrated by computer-simulated and experimental results.


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In order to measure the diffraction-limit wavefront, we present three types of common-path double-shearing interferometers based on the theory of double shearing. Two pairs of half-aperture or whole-aperture wedge plates are used to introduce opposite tilt to realize the double-shearing function. By comparing the fringe widths in two fields, the marginal wavefront aberration can be obtained. In the paper, we give three different configurations: half-aperture configuration, whole-field configuration and double-interferometer configuration. The half-aperture configuration has the features of high sensitivity, stabilization and easy alignment. For the whole-field configuration, the interference fringes are displayed in two whole fields. Consequently, the divergent or convergent characteristic and aberration types of a wavefront can be identified visually. The whole-field configuration can be changed to the double-interferometer configuration for continuous test. Both small and large wavefront aberrations can be measured by the double-interferometer configuration. The minimum detectable wavefront aberration (W-0)(min) comes to 0.03 lambda. Lastly, we present the experimental results for the three types of double-shearing interferometers.


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We have studied the anisotropic diffraction properties of the stratified volume holographic gratings recorded in photorefractive media using the anisotropic coupled wave theory. It is shown that the diffraction efficiency of such system exhibit the uniform periodic Bragg selectivity properties. In addition the dependence of the stratified volume holographic optical elements (SVHOEs) diffraction properties on the buffer-layer thickness, grating-layer thickness, number of modulation layers, and total thickness of system are discussed in detail. (c) 2005 Elsevier GrnbH. All rights reserved.


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The diffraction properties of volume holographic gratings are studied when the gratings are illuminated by an ultrashort pulsed beam with different polarization states. The developed coupled wave theory of Kogelnik is used. Considering the dispersion effect of the grating media, solutions for the diffracted and transmitted intensities, diffraction efficiencies and the bandwidths of the gratings are given in transmission volume holographic gratings and reflection volume holographic gratings. The bandwidths of the gratings are reduced by the dispersion effect of the grating media. They also have different influences on the diffraction of an ultrashort pulsed beam with different polarization states. For different values of the ratio of the spectral bandwidth of the input pulse to that of the grating, the changes of the spectral and temporal distributions of the diffracted intensities, as well as the diffraction efficiencies of the gratings are shown.


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The experimental consequence of Regge cuts in the angular momentum plane are investigated. The principle tool in the study is the set of diagrams originally proposed by Amati, Fubini, and Stanghellini. Mandelstam has shown that the AFS cuts are actually cancelled on the physical sheet, but they may provide a useful guide to the properties of the real cuts. Inclusion of cuts modifies the simple Regge pole predictions for high-energy scattering data. As an example, an attempt is made to fit high energy elastic scattering data for pp, ṗp, π±p, and K±p, by replacing the Igi pole by terms representing the effect of a Regge cut. The data seem to be compatible with either a cut or the Igi pole.


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Recurring to the characteristic of Bessel function, we give the analytic expression or the Fresnel diffraction by a circular aperture, thus the diffractions on the propagation axis and along the boundary of the geometrical shadow are discussed conveniently. Since it is difficult to embody intuitively the physical meaning from this series expression of the Fresnel diffraction, after weighing the diffractions on the axis and along the boundary of the geometrical shadow, we propose a simple approximate expression of the circular diffraction, which is equivalent to the rigorous solution in the further propagation distance. It is important for the measurement of the parameter or the beam, such as the quantitative analysis of the relationship of the wave error and the divergence of the beam, In this paper, the relationship of the fluctuation of the transverse diffraction profile and the position of the axial point is discussed too. (c) 2005 Elsevier GrnbH. All rights reserved.


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We describe high-efficiency diffraction gratings fabricated in fused silica at the wavelength of 632.8 nm by rigorous coupled-wave analysis (RCWA). High-density holographic gratings, if the groove density falls within the range of 1575-1630 lines/mm and the groove depth within the range of 1.1-1.3 microns, can realize high diffraction efficiencies at the wavelength of 632.8 nm, e.g., the first Bragg diffraction efficiency can theoretically achieve more than 93% both in TE- and TM-polarized incidences, which greatly reduces the polarization-dependent losses. Note that with different groove profiles further optimized, the maximum efficiency of more than 99.69% can be achieved for TM-polarized incidence, or 97.81% for TE-polarized incidence.


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Determination of the energy range is an important precondition of focus calibration using alignment procedure (FOCAL) test. A new method to determine the energy range of FOCAL off-lined is presented in this paper. Independent of the lithographic tool, the method is time-saving and effective. The influences of some process factors, e.g. resist thickness, post exposure bake (PEB) temperature, PEB time and development time, on the energy range of FOCAL are analyzed.


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The frame of a laser diode transmitter for intersatellite communication is concisely introduced. A simple, novel and visual method for measuring the diffraction-limited wavefront of the transmitter by a Jamin double-shearing interferometer is proposed. To verify the validity of the measurement, the far-field divergence of beam is additionally rigorously analysed in terms of the Fraunhofer diffraction. The measurement, the necessary analyses and discussion are given in detail. By directly measuring the fringe widths and quantitatively interpreting the interference fringes, the minimum detectable wavefront height (DWH) of the wavefront is only 0.2 gimel (the distance between the perfect plane wavefront and the actual wavefront at the transmitting aperture) and the corresponding divergence is only 65.84 mu rad. This indicates that the wavefront approaches the diffraction-limited condition. The results show that this interferometer is a powerful tool for testing the semiconductor laser beam's wavefront, especially the diffraction-limited wavefront.


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Based on a modified coupled wave theory of Kogelnik, we have studied the diffraction of an ultrashort pulsed beam with an arbitrary polarization state from a volume holographic grating in photorefractive LiNbO3 crystals. The results indicate that the diffracted intensity distributions in the spectral and temporal domains and the diffraction efficiency of the grating are both changed by the polarization state and spectral bandwidth of the input pulsed beam. A method is given of choosing the grating parameters and input conditions to obtain a large variation range of the spectral bandwidth of the diffracted pulsed beam with an appropriate diffraction efficiency. Our study presents a possibility of using a volume holographic grating recorded in anisotropic materials to shape a broadband ultrashort pulsed beam by modulating its polarization state.


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Using modified two- dimensional coupled- wave theory, the diffraction properties of ultrashort pulsed beams with arbitrary temporal profiles are studied with a volume holographic grating. Analytical expressions for the profiles of the transmitted and diffracted beams are obtained. It is shown that the Bragg selectivity bandwidth of the volume grating can be influenced by the geometry parameter. Numerical results are illustrated for three different temporal profiles. For different temporal profiles, the ratios of the diffraction bandwidths to input bandwidths are discussed.


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The anisotropic Bragg diffraction of the volume holographic gratings in photorefractive crystals are investigated based on the model of anisotropic coupled-wave theory. The effect of the initial intensity ratio and the recording angles of the two recording waves on the anisotropic Bragg diffraction properties is discussed. It is shown that both the ratio of the initial intensity and the incident angles of the recording waves are selective action for the anisotropic Bragg diffraction efficiency of the volume holographic gratings, while these two recording conditions are not selective action for the isotropic Bragg diffraction. Furthermore, the Bragg phase matching condition of anisotropic diffraction is analyzed when the recording angles change. (C) 2006 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.