904 resultados para competence-based strategic management
Over the past 30 years, the Upper Echelons perspective of strategic management has sought to explain a given organization’s strategies and effectiveness as a reflection of the differences in personality, background, and other characteristics of the senior executives that guides each organization. An important stream of research within this field has linked a firm’s strategy to the grandiose way that executives are often thought to view themselves – namely through examining the narcissism, core self-evaluations (CSE), and hubris of Chief Executive Officers (CEOs). In this dissertation, I focus on understanding the strategic impact of CEO humility – a trait that has often been erroneously thought of to represent a poor view of oneself. Consistent with ancient writings and recent research, humility is defined herein as a multi-faceted trait that is the common core of four dimensions: self-awareness, developmental orientation/teachability, appreciation of others' strengths and contributions, and low self-focus. In the first essay, I explore the conceptual relevance and various potential implications of executive humility. Drawing on existing empirical research about the humility construct and general behavioral implications of humility, I argue that executive humility is a critical avenue toward a more rich and nuanced understanding of the delicate interplay and implications of executive self-concept. In essay two, I develop and validate an unobtrusive measure of CEO humility. Ten indicators of humility are suggested and then validated using a self-reported survey administered to a sample of 30 U.S. and Canadian CEOs. Two behaviors were found to be significantly positively related to self-reported humility: CEOs who volunteered some of their time for non-profit organizations and CEO’s who reported that part of their own firm’s success was due to the help of the board of directors. In essay three, I examine the relationship between the level of CEO humility and four firm-level outcomes. Employing a sample of 163 CEOs appointed to S&P 500 firms between 2005-2008, I show that firms led by humble CEOs (measured by the unobtrusive indicators) tend to outperform others in regards to corporate social performance, while at the same time showing that their financial performance is generally no better or worse.
This paper introduces a normative view on corporate reputation strategic management. Reputation performance is conceptualised as the outcome of complex processes and social interactions and the lack of a holistic reputation performance management framework is identified. In an attempt to fill this gap, a portfolio-based approach is put forward. Drawing on the foundations of modern portfolio theory we create a portfolio-based reputation management algorithmic model where reputation components and priorities are weighted by decision makers and shape organisational change in an attempt to formulate a corporate reputation strategy. The rationale of this paper is based on the foundational consideration of organisations as choosing he optimal strategy by seeking to maximise their reputation performance while maintaining organisational stability and minimising organisational risk.
This paper introduces a normative view on corporate reputation management; an algorithmic model for reputation-driven strategic decision making is proposed and corporate reputation is conceptualized as influenced by a selection among organizational priorities. A portfolio-based approach is put forward; we draw on the foundations of portfolio theory and we create a portfolio-based reputation management model where reputation components and priorities are weighted by decision makers and shape organizational change in an attempt to formulate a corporate reputation strategy. The rationale of this paper is based on the foundational consideration of organizations as choosing the optimal strategy by seeking to maximize performance on corporate reputation capital while maintaining organizational stability and minimizing organizational risk.
La relevancia del conocimiento como input del proceso productivo ha aumentado la complejidad de la contratación en el mercado de trabajo cualificado. Como consecuencia de ello, se ha generado un proceso de reflexión sobre la adecuación de la acreditación universitaria a las necesidades del mercado de trabajo. Académicos, gerentes y expertos en el mercado de trabajadores altamente cualificados han tenido parte en esta reflexión durante mucho tiempo. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo la identificación de las competencias profesionales con mayor relevancia en la empleabilidad de los graduados en Economía y Empresa. El análisis se basa en una investigación cualitativa que toma como fuentes de información las opiniones de los empleadores. La información para el estudio ha sido obtenida mediante entrevistas en profundidad y la realización de un grupo de discusión. En este proceso han participado empresarios, responsables del servicio de prácticas de la Universidad de Barcelona, expertos y responsables de empresa de colocación, representantes de organizaciones empresariales y profesores universitarios. La atención se centra en la percepción que los entrevistados tienen del requerimiento de conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes, en el grado en que los desarrollan y en los cambios que se necesitarían para lograr una mejor correspondencia entre las competencias adquiridas por los graduados y las requeridas por el mercado de trabajo. A partir de la clasificación de las competencias profesionales (proyecto Tuning), el estudio pone de relieve la importancia otorgada por los empleadores a de las competencias genéricas. No obstante, se observan diferencias valorativas según la tipología de empresas. Asimismo, se evidencian déficits en algunos aspectos relevantes, como la formación práctica y la capacidad de iniciativa, de análisis o de organización. Por último, de las opiniones recogidas también se constata la necesidad de aproximar la universidad al sistema productivo, al menos en el campo económico-empresarial.
The internationalization as an organizational phenomenon fundamentally strategic had as theoretical contributions some Schools that throughout the decades 60, 70, and 80 developed behavioral and economic approaches in order to explain the process. The behavioral approach deals with the perception of phenomenon as a gradual process from the perspective of the executives behavior (JOHANSON and VAHLNE, 1977; HALLÉN and WIEDERSHEIM - PAUL, 1979; CZINKOTA, 1985). This phenomenon in permanent theoretical and managerial evolution made an opportunity to build this investigation, whose goal is to analyse the impact comes from organizational capabilities and the external environment on the international performance of exporting firms. For both, were used as theoretical basis two types of analysis for the comprehension of international performance: Strategic Management - Industrial Organization and Resource-Based View and International Businesses - Current Economic and Behavioral. It was made a cross-sectional survey-based explanatory research, including 150 exporting companies with operations in the Northeast of Brazil. A conceptual model was made with eight constructs and eight research hypotheses, representative of the effects of external factors on international performance. The data were processed using the Exploratory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling. The structural equations model was reespecified and estimated through the use of the maximum-likelihood method up to achieve adequated values of indexes of adjustment. As the main theoretical contribution, were identified organizational and physical resources which shows the importance of the management skills development, of the learning capability and capability to establish strategic alliances abroad. That because the knowledge, as the operational point of view as in its strategic application, offers to organization conditions of market positioning which can create opportunities sustainable competitive advantages and which impact the performance of international companies
Processo de planejamento estratégico em universidade pública: o caso da Universidade Federal do Pará
The goal of this research is to check if the strategic planning developed between 2001 and 2009 into the State University of Para (Universidade Federal do Pará - UFPA) was consolidated into its Academic Centers as a management practice. To this end, we identified the planning formalization degree of the Academic Centers, the conceived tools for the planning, the conception and the methodological process used in the tools elaboration, as also its implementation. The research used a qualitative approach: it is descriptive and it uses the case study technique. The data were gathered from primary and secondary sources, through bibliography, documents, and field researches through semi-structure interviews. The analysis and data interpretation were done by each investigated Academic Center from the analytics categories guided by the specifics goals. We used theoretic fundamental based principles and the university as a study empiric reference based on its structure analysis, organizational processes and institutional strategic plan. We inspected how the strategic planning process was developed throughout the fixed period and how the investigated Academic Centers are from the collected documents and interviews. The theoretical foundation was built from three axis: the Brazilian undergraduate and posgraduate education system; the university itself including its singularity and complexity as an organization; and the planning as a strategic management process. The main results show us that the UFPA has updated regulatory milestones, presenting organizational structure, laws, instructions, manuals and deployed management model that give the strategic planning development conditions beyond its administration, i. e., into its Academic Centers. The centers also present those established milestones and develop the basic planning processes of the institution. Those processes are conceived based on the institutional strategic planning and the managers mainly use the procedural orientation defined by the university management, from where the conceptual foundation is originated and propagated. According to the literature and to the research done in this work, we can conclude that the Academic Centers from the UFPA developed the strategic planning practice. This planning is organized and founded and guided the plans and decisions which avoided the disordered management and, according to the managers, allowed the advances and performance improvement. We can conclude that the UFPA built an important foundation with respect to the management professionalization. On the other hand, we can not conclude that the management practice is consolidated since there are weaknesses into the structuring of the technical teams and there is not any management tool for the implementation of the elaborated plans
The goal of this research was to analyze the model of strategic management of the MPRN concerning the methodological guidelines presented by Balanced Scorecard. It is based in a theoretical referential which contemplates the themes, new public management, strategic management and Balanced Scorecard, focusing on applying the methodology in the public sector. This research is classified as descriptive and exploratory. According to the methods applied, it is a case study and, according to its approach, it is qualitative. The subjects of this research are members of the institution involved in the process of its strategic management. The data was collected by means of semi-structured interviews and document analysis, done by means of method content analysis. Concerning the goal of this research, it points out that the MPRN has not concluded the implantation cycle of Balanced Scorecard, furthermore, important flaws in the steps of organizational alingment have been identified, specially when it refers to communication policy, implementing incentive actions and focused training in developing competences. It yet reveals that the implantation of BSC has allowed the introduction of changes in the Institution dynamics to seek better results, however the MPRN has faced and has not adequately gotten over the same difficulties reported in various cases of BSC implantation in public organizations
I denna fallstudie undersöks hur en kompetensbaserad personalstrategi ter sig inom en organisation. Då det är ett brett område har en avgränsning gjorts och det är enbart kompetensutveckling som berörs. Syftet är att skapa förståelse för det strategiska förhållningssättet till kompetensutveckling inom en organisation. Inom ramen för våra forskningsfrågor undersöks också de verktyg och metoder som en organisation använder sig av för att utveckla rätt kompetens samt de hinder och utmaningar som finns. Det har av tidigare forskning framkommit att ett strategiskt förhållningssätt är avgörande för en organisations överlevnad och framgång. Det finns en samstämmighet kring att organisationer vid valet av kompetensutvecklingsinsatser behöver utgå från verksamhetens behov, kundkrav och framtida mål för att bli gynnsamma. Syftet för insatserna blir därmed avgörande och en central del i det strategiska förhållningssättet till kompetensutveckling. Studien utgår från en fenomenologisk ansats och insamling av data har skett med hjälp av sju semi-strukturerade intervjuer med öppna frågor som utgått från tydliga teman. Studiens intervjuer har genomförts i en politiskt styrd organisation med cirka 5000 anställda och analysen av dessa intervjuer har skett enligt en femstegsmodell där vi avsett att synliggöra de mest väsentliga beståndsdelarna av fenomenet. Studien har tydliggjort hur organisationens strategiska förhållningssätt ser ut och också tydligt påvisat faktorer som gör det svårt att upprätthålla. De verktyg och metoder organisationen använder sig av är exempelvis webbaserad utbildning, ständiga förbättringar, nätverk, händelsehanteringssystem, en utbildningsplattform samt ett formulär för utbildningsförfrågningar. De hinder och utmaningar som synliggjorts är exempelvis utomstående faktorer, ekonomi, ansvarsfördelning och samverkan. Vår studie har också bidragit till en insikt i hur viktigt det är att noga överväga vilken metod som bör användas vid olika typer av kompetensutvecklingsinsatser. Det är viktigt att inte låta fokus hamna på att genomföra det minst kostsamma, utan låta valet av metod syfta till att ge det mest effektiva lärandet. Det är viktigt att i varje skede göra strategiska avvägningar som inte enbart har sin grund i ekonomiska perspektiv vad gäller besparingar och minskade kostnader. Ett intressant område till vidare forskning ser vi i chefsperspektivet. Vi finner detta intressant då det både genom tidigare forskning och genom vår egen studie tydligt har framgått att chefer har en nyckelroll och det finns därför ett intresse att närmre undersöka den roll som chefer delegeras i kompetensutvecklingsinsatser och vilka möjligheter de har i arbetet med dessa frågor.
Mestrado em Controlo da Gestão e dos Negócios
This study answers to How scenario analysis could help acquiring companies to reduce uncertainty in the acquisition process? It is due to the mismatch between academic world’s caveat emptor and business world’s eagerness to pursue acquisitions that motivated this study. Acquisitions are as popular as ever, thus, managing the uncertainty surrounding these transactions is relevant. This study creates a generic theoretical model with a strategy-level scope. Thus, the study does not discuss nor does it seek answers to operational issues related in both fields. This study is explorative and constructivist in nature. It discusses briefly the concepts and relatedness of risk and uncertainty and establishes a hierarchy between these two: Risks being a “sub-section” of uncertainty, although not with clear boundaries. Acquisition theory follows the process view that understands acquisitions as a process with various levels – some strategic, some operational. Scenario analysis is presented as tool for management to enrich their strategic discussion and understand their future options. The empirical data collection is done through interviewing. The results are reflected on literature on strategic management, scenario literature, and on a consultancy’s report picturing firm’s strategies in accordance with their acquisition processes. The study has an abductive approach as it tries to combine multiple views and generates discussion between literature review, interviews, the report, and second round of literature. The model suggests three propositions: First, at the strategic decision making level, when the decision whether or not to pursue an acquisition growth strategy has been made, it provides firms new data and enriches the strategic discussion. Second, when the acquisition strategy has been created, it can be applied as a tool to measure possible acquisition targets against the backdrop of the first set of scenarios. Third, due to the scenario analysis’ requirement to include people with various backgrounds and from multiple levels of the corporate hierarchy, it could help managers to avoid biases stemming from hubris.
The internationalization as an organizational phenomenon fundamentally strategic had as theoretical contributions some Schools that throughout the decades 60, 70, and 80 developed behavioral and economic approaches in order to explain the process. The behavioral approach deals with the perception of phenomenon as a gradual process from the perspective of the executives behavior (JOHANSON and VAHLNE, 1977; HALLÉN and WIEDERSHEIM - PAUL, 1979; CZINKOTA, 1985). This phenomenon in permanent theoretical and managerial evolution made an opportunity to build this investigation, whose goal is to analyse the impact comes from organizational capabilities and the external environment on the international performance of exporting firms. For both, were used as theoretical basis two types of analysis for the comprehension of international performance: Strategic Management - Industrial Organization and Resource-Based View and International Businesses - Current Economic and Behavioral. It was made a cross-sectional survey-based explanatory research, including 150 exporting companies with operations in the Northeast of Brazil. A conceptual model was made with eight constructs and eight research hypotheses, representative of the effects of external factors on international performance. The data were processed using the Exploratory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling. The structural equations model was reespecified and estimated through the use of the maximum-likelihood method up to achieve adequated values of indexes of adjustment. As the main theoretical contribution, were identified organizational and physical resources which shows the importance of the management skills development, of the learning capability and capability to establish strategic alliances abroad. That because the knowledge, as the operational point of view as in its strategic application, offers to organization conditions of market positioning which can create opportunities sustainable competitive advantages and which impact the performance of international companies
Processo de planejamento estratégico em universidade pública: o caso da Universidade Federal do Pará
The goal of this research is to check if the strategic planning developed between 2001 and 2009 into the State University of Para (Universidade Federal do Pará - UFPA) was consolidated into its Academic Centers as a management practice. To this end, we identified the planning formalization degree of the Academic Centers, the conceived tools for the planning, the conception and the methodological process used in the tools elaboration, as also its implementation. The research used a qualitative approach: it is descriptive and it uses the case study technique. The data were gathered from primary and secondary sources, through bibliography, documents, and field researches through semi-structure interviews. The analysis and data interpretation were done by each investigated Academic Center from the analytics categories guided by the specifics goals. We used theoretic fundamental based principles and the university as a study empiric reference based on its structure analysis, organizational processes and institutional strategic plan. We inspected how the strategic planning process was developed throughout the fixed period and how the investigated Academic Centers are from the collected documents and interviews. The theoretical foundation was built from three axis: the Brazilian undergraduate and posgraduate education system; the university itself including its singularity and complexity as an organization; and the planning as a strategic management process. The main results show us that the UFPA has updated regulatory milestones, presenting organizational structure, laws, instructions, manuals and deployed management model that give the strategic planning development conditions beyond its administration, i. e., into its Academic Centers. The centers also present those established milestones and develop the basic planning processes of the institution. Those processes are conceived based on the institutional strategic planning and the managers mainly use the procedural orientation defined by the university management, from where the conceptual foundation is originated and propagated. According to the literature and to the research done in this work, we can conclude that the Academic Centers from the UFPA developed the strategic planning practice. This planning is organized and founded and guided the plans and decisions which avoided the disordered management and, according to the managers, allowed the advances and performance improvement. We can conclude that the UFPA built an important foundation with respect to the management professionalization. On the other hand, we can not conclude that the management practice is consolidated since there are weaknesses into the structuring of the technical teams and there is not any management tool for the implementation of the elaborated plans
The research is orientated to the actual issues of strategic management of industrial enterprises. The theoretical aspects of strategic management are generalized, its role is certain in organization development, methods and processes of strategic management are investigational. In this context the main objective of study is based on the strategic analysis of PJSC «Elektrotermometriya», formation ways to improve the strategic management of the company with regard to the readiness of the company to strategic changes and conducting of developments and recommendations for improvement activity of the enterprise. To answer to the main objective it was conducted the strategic analysis of activity of PJSC «Elektrotermometriya». The results proved the basic strategy to achieve the strategic goal of PJSC «Elektrotermometriya». According to the life cycle, and based on the current conditions of its functioning, is appropriate to use the strategy of gradual growth. Forecast implementing strategies defined by the optimistic, probable and pessimistic forecasts. According to the pessimistic forecast the company should use a strategy of stabilization, while to the optimistic and the most likely scenario - moderate growth strategy. Thus to achieve the main strategic goals according to each scenario PJSC «Elektrotermometriya» should use set of functional strategies and define the business strategy.
This article presents a literature review on current issues in the field of library science, related to competence in the management and use of information, information technology and communication, information society and knowledge among others. It further seeks to highlight the importance of users to acquire these skills so they can deal effectively with decision-making, problem solving, conducting investigations and their own training. This is possible if the information and documentation systems as dynamic agents engaged to distribute scientific and technical knowledge.
A existência de assimetrias no desenvolvimento da carreira dos militares da categoria de Sargentos dos Quadros Permanentes da Força Aérea, originou o desenvolvimento de um estudo que propõe identificar linhas orientadoras que concorram para mitigar os efeitos dessas mesmas assimetrias bem como contribuam, no âmbito da criação de um novo sistema de gestão de carreiras de Sargentos, para potenciais alterações que permitam alinhar as necessidades organizacionais e individuais. Com base no mapa concetual construído, foi desenvolvido um estudo apoiado na análise de dados relativos à categoria de Sargentos bem como realizadas entrevistas a especialistas, com funções e experiência relevantes na área da gestão de carreiras militares, de forma a, recorrendo a um método hipotético-dedutivo, comprovar hipóteses e responder a perguntas derivadas e por conseguinte à pergunta de partida que norteou esta investigação. Com este estudo concluiu-se que existe a necessidade de a Força Aérea implementar um sistema integrado de gestão estratégica da carreira dos Sargentos, propondo-se o modelo de Edgar Schein de planeamento e desenvolvimento estratégico de Recursos Humanos como possível aproximação a um modelo a implementar na Força Aérea, bem como foi igualmente identificada a utilização menos eficiente de ferramentas essenciais como são a formação e o mérito militar. Abstract: The existence of asymmetries in the development of the military career in the category of Sergeants of the permanent boards of the Air Force, led to the development of a study intended to identify guidelines that contribute to mitigate the effects of those asymmetries and contribute, within the creation of a new Sergeants career management system, for potential amendments for aligning organizational and individual needs. Based on the constructed conceptual map, a study was developed supported in data analysis on the Sergeants category as well as interviews with experts, with relevant functions and experience in the management of military careers, so, using a hypothetical-deductive method, prove hypotheses and answer derived questions and therefore the starting question that guided this research. This study concluded that there is a need for the Air Force to implement an integrated strategic management career system for Sergeants, proposing the Edgar Schein model of strategic planning and development of human resources as a possible approach to a model to be implemented in the Air Force, and it was also identified a less efficient use of essential tools as are training and military merit.