857 resultados para business-to-consumer


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Microbiologia Agropecuária - FCAV


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The consumption of minimally processed vegetables has been growing due to consumer demand for products easy to prepare. As it is extremely manipulated, this product can be contaminated with spoilage organisms such as yeasts, that have the ability to decrease the shelf life of food. In this sense, seeking to concerns about the resistance of microorganisms to sanitation methods for food industries and given the need for more studies of the antimicrobial power of ozone, this study aimed to isolate and identify the yeasts present in minimally processed vegetables, and check their antimicrobial resistance to sodium hypochlorite and ozone. 84 samples of minimally processed vegetables were collected. From them, 47 yeast cultures were isolated and submitted for identification and testing of resistance to sodium hypochlorite sanitizers (50, 100, 200 and 400 ppm) and ozone (0.25 and 0.5 ppm). From the total yeast isolated, 85.1% corresponds to Cryptococcus laurentii, 12.8% to Arxula adeninivorans and 2.1% to Debaryomyces hansenii var. fabryii. All of them were resistant to the sanitizers sodium hypochlorite and ozone at all concentrations tested. Given these observations, some actions must be taken during processing to avoid contamination with deteriorative microbiota.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal - FMVA


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With the focus on quality of services, this work uses a methodology based on questionnaires for evaluating companies and consumers, with the objective of studying the dimensions of quality within the segment of Brazilian e-commerce. The research conducted a study to identify the situation of companies regarding the dimensions of quality and, among costumers, a survey was done to determine their requirements with regard to these dimensions and to identify those dimensions considered as winning factors when making the orders. The results demonstrate that customers consider reliability to be the most important order winner, followed by safety and communications. The study of these enterprises demonstrates that their quality of service is good, however there is a need for improvements in the business processes related to the dimensions of service quality.


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It is my very real pleasure to welcome you here tonight. We are so pleased to have this opportunity to talk with you about Nebraska agriculture and natural resources, and the work we in the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources do as partners with Nebraska. We welcome your insights and your help in doing all we can to strengthen our efforts on behalf of Nebraska, where one in four people depends on agriculture for employment. That number underscores the importance of Nebraska's agricultural farm gate to consumer plate industry, as well as the importance of the work we conduct in IANR.


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A suinocultura destaca-se na economia brasileira. Contudo, avaliando-se o consumo interno da carne suína in natura, observa-se uma estagnação em patamares baixos. O artigo tem como objetivo analisar as principais iniciativas adotadas pelo Sistema Agroindustrial (SAG) da carne suína no Brasil visando sinalizar qualidade aos consumidores. Devido à marcante assimetria de informações, ressalta-se a importância da organização da cadeia produtiva, melhor direcionando esforços para a expansão do mercado interno. Este trabalho sugere ações visando aprimorar a coordenação deste SAG com vistas à melhoria na qualidade da carne ao consumidor e à redução da informalidade.


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In questo lavoro si vuole studiare il problema del monitoring di quei parametri del SLA che riguardano aspetti definiti a livello applicativo, nei contesti dell’erogazione di servizi business-to-business.


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Die vorliegende Dissertation analysiert die Middleware- Technologien CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture), COM/DCOM (Component Object Model/Distributed Component Object Model), J2EE (Java-2-Enterprise Edition) und Web Services (inklusive .NET) auf ihre Eignung bzgl. eng und lose gekoppelten verteilten Anwendungen. Zusätzlich werden primär für CORBA die dynamischen CORBA-Komponenten DII (Dynamic Invocation Interface), IFR (Interface Repository) und die generischen Datentypen Any und DynAny (dynamisches Any) im Detail untersucht. Ziel ist es, a. konkrete Aussagen über diese Komponenten zu erzielen, und festzustellen, in welchem Umfeld diese generischen Ansätze ihre Berechtigung finden. b. das zeitliche Verhalten der dynamischen Komponenten bzgl. der Informationsgewinnung über die unbekannten Objekte zu analysieren. c. das zeitliche Verhalten der dynamischen Komponenten bzgl. ihrer Kommunikation zu messen. d. das zeitliche Verhalten bzgl. der Erzeugung von generischen Datentypen und das Einstellen von Daten zu messen und zu analysieren. e. das zeitliche Verhalten bzgl. des Erstellens von unbekannten, d. h. nicht in IDL beschriebenen Datentypen zur Laufzeit zu messen und zu analysieren. f. die Vorzüge/Nachteile der dynamischen Komponenten aufzuzeigen, ihre Einsatzgebiete zu definieren und mit anderen Technologien wie COM/DCOM, J2EE und den Web Services bzgl. ihrer Möglichkeiten zu vergleichen. g. Aussagen bzgl. enger und loser Koppelung zu tätigen. CORBA wird als standardisierte und vollständige Verteilungsplattform ausgewählt, um die o. a. Problemstellungen zu untersuchen. Bzgl. seines dynamischen Verhaltens, das zum Zeitpunkt dieser Ausarbeitung noch nicht oder nur unzureichend untersucht wurde, sind CORBA und die Web Services richtungsweisend bzgl. a. Arbeiten mit unbekannten Objekten. Dies kann durchaus Implikationen bzgl. der Entwicklung intelligenter Softwareagenten haben. b. der Integration von Legacy-Applikationen. c. der Möglichkeiten im Zusammenhang mit B2B (Business-to-Business). Diese Problemstellungen beinhalten auch allgemeine Fragen zum Marshalling/Unmarshalling von Daten und welche Aufwände hierfür notwendig sind, ebenso wie allgemeine Aussagen bzgl. der Echtzeitfähigkeit von CORBA-basierten, verteilten Anwendungen. Die Ergebnisse werden anschließend auf andere Technologien wie COM/DCOM, J2EE und den Web Services, soweit es zulässig ist, übertragen. Die Vergleiche CORBA mit DCOM, CORBA mit J2EE und CORBA mit Web Services zeigen im Detail die Eignung dieser Technologien bzgl. loser und enger Koppelung. Desweiteren werden aus den erzielten Resultaten allgemeine Konzepte bzgl. der Architektur und der Optimierung der Kommunikation abgeleitet. Diese Empfehlungen gelten uneingeschränkt für alle untersuchten Technologien im Zusammenhang mit verteilter Verarbeitung.


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The report examines the relationship between day care institutions, schools and so called “parents unfamiliar to education” as well as the relationship between the institutions. With in Danish public and professional discourse concepts like parents unfamiliar to education are usually referring to environments, parents or families with either no or just very restricted experience of education except for the basic school (folkeskole). The “grand old man” of Danish educational research, Prof. Em. Erik Jørgen Hansen, defines the concept as follows: Parents who are distant from or not familiar with education, are parents without tradition of education and by that fact they are not able to contribute constructively in order to back up their own children during their education. Many teachers and pedagogues are not used to that term; they rather prefer concepts like “socially exposed” or “socially disadvantaged” parents or social classes or strata. The report does not only focus on parents who are not capable to support the school achievements of their children, since a low level of education is usually connected with social disadvantage. Such parents are often not capable of understanding and meeting the demands from side of the school when sending their children to school. They lack the competencies or the necessary competence of action. For the moment being much attention is done from side of the Ministries of Education and Social Affairs (recently renamed Ministry of Welfare) in order to create equal possibilities for all children. Many kinds of expertise (directions, counsels, researchers, etc.) have been more than eager to promote recommendations aiming at achieving the ambitious goal: 2015 95% of all young people should complement a full education (classes 10.-12.). Research results are pointing out the importance of increased participation of parents. In other word the agenda is set for ‘parents’ education’. It seems necessary to underline that Danish welfare policy has been changing rather radical. The classic model was an understanding of welfare as social assurance and/or as social distribution – based on social solidarity. The modern model looks like welfare as social service and/or social investment. This means that citizens are changing role – from user and/or citizen to consumer and/or investor. The Danish state is in correspondence with decisions taken by the government investing in a national future shaped by global competition. The new models of welfare – “service” and “investment” – imply severe changes in hitherto known concepts of family life, relationship between parents and children etc. As an example the investment model points at a new implementation of the relationship between social rights and the rights of freedom. The service model has demonstrated that weakness that the access to qualified services in the field of health or education is becoming more and more dependent of the private purchasing power. The weakness of the investment model is that it represents a sort of “The Winner takes it all” – since a political majority is enabled to make agendas in societal fields former protected by the tripartite power and the rights of freedom of the citizens. The outcome of the Danish development seems to be an establishment of a political governed public service industry which on one side are capable of competing on market conditions and on the other are able being governed by contracts. This represents a new form of close linking of politics, economy and professional work. Attempts of controlling education, pedagogy and thereby the population are not a recent invention. In European history we could easily point at several such experiments. The real news is the linking between political priorities and exercise of public activities by economic incentives. By defining visible goals for the public servants, by introducing measurement of achievements and effects, and by implementing a new wage policy depending on achievements and/or effects a new system of accountability is manufactured. The consequences are already perceptible. The government decides to do some special interventions concerning parents, children or youngsters, the public servants on municipality level are instructed to carry out their services by following a manual, and the parents are no longer protected by privacy. Protection of privacy and minority is no longer a valuable argumentation to prevent further interventions in people’s life (health, food, school, etc.). The citizens are becoming objects of investment, also implying that people are investing in their own health, education, and family. This means that investments in changes of life style and development of competences go hand in hand. The below mentioned programmes are conditioned by this shift.


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La ciudad de Córdoba no ha sido ajena a los procesos económicos-sociales de la “globalización", que implican una fuerte expansión y concentración del capital, con impactos en la esfera social y aumento de las desigualdades. La salida de la convertibilidad a fines del año 2001 y el consecuente incremento de la apertura externa del país impactó en algunos sectores económicos, agro-exportadores principalmente, que insertos en la dinámica comercial internacional logran obtener amplios márgenes de ganancias. Las ganancias se transfieren a otros sectores de la economía que continúan aumentando la rentabilidad de los agentes involucrados. Desde entonces se observa una marcada expansión de la actividad inmobiliaria y de la construcción, en barrios centrales de la misma y hacia la periferia, con la construcción de barrios privados. Esto exacerba el valor del suelo urbano y produce una revalorización inmobiliaria en las áreas mencionadas, que es demandada por grandes inversores. La configuración territorial de la ciudad de Córdoba en los últimos años ha estado comandada por el capital privado. Sin un proyecto urbano que garantice el ordenamiento de la ciudad; ha desembocado en altas densidades edificadas en detrimento de espacios públicos; en especial plazas, áreas recreativas y deportivas. A su vez se produce mayor densidad de habitantes por Km2 que demandan la utilización de estos espacios. Los vacíos urbanos que contiene la ciudad aún pueden revertir parte de esta situación y re-valorizar el “espacio verde público" como espacio de producción y reproducción socio-espacial.


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This article aims to analyze the occurrence of changes in the countryside, in Brazil, from the observation of variables such as type of job, income, family profile, access to consumer goods, services, and information and communication technology. There had been used exploratory analysis and logistic regression method, based on data from the Pesquisa Nacional de Amostra de Domicílios (Brazilian National Household Sample Survey - PNAD) for the state of Espirito Santo. The study found that about 27.2 of individuals who had lived in the countryside report an urban profile, revealing that the urban lifestyle is encompassed not only in the city


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This article aims to analyze the occurrence of changes in the countryside, in Brazil, from the observation of variables such as type of job, income, family profile, access to consumer goods, services, and information and communication technology. There had been used exploratory analysis and logistic regression method, based on data from the Pesquisa Nacional de Amostra de Domicílios (Brazilian National Household Sample Survey - PNAD) for the state of Espirito Santo. The study found that about 27.2 of individuals who had lived in the countryside report an urban profile, revealing that the urban lifestyle is encompassed not only in the city