944 resultados para Yahweh to his anointed
One of the e-learning environment goal is to attend the individual needs of students during the learning process. The adaptation of contents, activities and tools into different visualization or in a variety of content types is an important feature of this environment, bringing to the user the sensation that there are suitable workplaces to his profile in the same system. Nevertheless, it is important the investigation of student behaviour aspects, considering the context where the interaction happens, to achieve an efficient personalization process. The paper goal is to present an approach to identify the student learning profile analyzing the context of interaction. Besides this, the learning profile could be analyzed in different dimensions allows the system to deal with the different focus of the learning.
Index to correspondence and manuscript material on literary and historical matters, mostly in Queensland and New South Wales, Australia held in the Fryer Library, University of Queensland - UQFL2. Authors and subjects include J.H.M. Abbott, Archer Family, E. Armitage, R. Bedford, H.S. Bloxome, E.J. Brady, 'Broadside', F. Broomfield, A.H. Chisholm, C.B. Christesen, R.H. Croll, Z. Cross, F.W.S. Cumbrae-Stewart, E. Dark, D. Deamer, C.J. Dennis, J. Devaney, E.M. England, P. Fitzgerald, R.D. Fitzgerald, Dame Mary Gilmore, C. Gittins, A.L. Gordon (criticism), P. Grano, M. Haley, W.A. Horn, R.G. Howarth, J. Howlett Ross, E.H. Lane, H. Lane, F.J. McAuley, D. McConnel, G. McCrae, K. (S) Mackenzie, P. Miles, J.K. Moir, C.P. Mountford, A. Muir, D.A. O'Brien, J.H. O'Dwyer, W.H. Ogilvie, M. Potter, T. Playford, H. Power, Queensland Authors' and Artists' Association, I. Southall, W. Sowden, A.G. Stephens, P.R. Stephensen, H. Tyron, A.J. Vogan, B. Vrepont, T. Welsby, H.R. White and Duke of Windsor. Also personal papers of Father Hayes, relating to his activities as parish priest.
Gregory the Great was one of the four great fathers of the western Church, quickly rising from a monk, to a deacon, and eventually to the papal office (590-604). This book provides an introduction to the life and times of Gregory the Great. Particular attention is paid to his thinking and his writings including translations of his commentaries on translating the Bible, his sermons to the people, his reflections on the human condition, and, perhaps his most important work, his commentary on the Book of Job. A great addition to the series. 177p (The Early Church Fathers, Routledge 2005)
Suppose a seller wants to sell k similar or identical objects and there are n > k potential buyers. Suppose that each buyer wants only one object. In this case, we suggest the use of a simultaneous auction that would work as follows. Players are asked to submit sealed bids for one object. The individual with the highest bid chooses an object first; the individual with the second-highest bid chooses the next object; and this process continues until the individual with the kth highest bid receives the last object. Each individual pays the equivalent to his or her bid. When objects are identical, we show that the proposed auction generates the same revenue as a first-price sealed-bid sequential auction. When objects are perfectly correlated, there is no known solution for sequential auctions, whereas we can characterize bidding strategies in the proposed auction. Moreover, the proposed auction is optimal (given an appropriately chosen reserve price), and it may be easier and cheaper to run than a sequential auction.
Paul Anthony Samuelson proposed and practiced a program for the Whig history of economics. One such example is his account of Frank Ramsey`s contribution to optimal taxation in 1927. For him, and mainly for the public finance economists who rediscovered later Ramsey`s contribution, Ramsey was a genius ahead of his time who used a mathematics too advanced for his contemporaries and was thus rediscovered only in the 1970S, when economists became more mathematically literate. In such rediscovery, a memorandum that Samuelsom wrote in 1951 for the us Treasury became central. I examine Samuelson`s account and challenge it in some respects and explore the historical context of the emergence of the optimal taxation literature in the 1970S. Additional, I analyze the canonization of Ramsey in this field, stressing Samuelson`s role in this process as a professor who liked telling stories about economists, especially about Ramsey, to his graduate students.
This paper discusses the change in the enunciative strategy in Algaravias (1996), written by the Brazilian poet Waly Salomao (1943-2003). This change is specially treated in relation to his previous production which, in my point of view, is re-writed according to the new historical and cultural context.
In this paper we suggest a model of sequential auctions with endogenous participation where each bidder conjectures about the number of participants at each round. Then, after learning his value, each bidder decides whether or not to participate in the auction. In the calculation of his expected value, each bidder uses his conjectures about the number of participants for each possible subgroup. In equilibrium, the conjectured probability is compatible with the probability of staying in the auction. In our model, players face participation costs, bidders may buy as many objects as they wish and they are allowed to drop out at any round. Bidders can drop out at any time, but they cannot come back to the auction. In particular we can determine the number of participants and expected prices in equilibrium. We show that for any bidding strategy, there exists such a probability of staying in the auction. For the case of stochastically independent objects, we show that in equilibrium every bidder who decides to continue submits a bid that is equal to his value at each round. When objects are stochastically identical, we are able to show that expected prices are decreasing.
The Australian Alfred Walter Campbell (1868-1937) is remembered as one of the two chief pioneers of the study of the cytoarchitectonics of the primate cerebral cortex. He had worked in Britain carrying out neuroanatomical and neuropathological research for almost two decades before his famous monograph on Histological Studies on the Localisation of Cerebral Function appeared in 1905. In that year he returned to his native Australia and practiced for over 30 years in Sydney as a neurologist rather than a neuropathologist, publishing mainly clinical material though he was involved in the investigation of the epidemic of Australian X disease, a viral encephalitis. His abrupt change in both the nature and the location of his career at a time when he was well established in Britain appears to have been a consequence of his marriage and the need to provide for a family. His simultaneous apparent abandonment of research seems not to have really been the case. As judged from the contents of a paper presented to a local medical congress in Sydney in 1911, it appears that, in Australia, Campbell did carry out a major comparative anatomical and histological investigation of the possibility of localization of function in the cerebellar cortex. He never published this work in detail. His investigation let him to conclude that no such localization of function existed, a view contrary to the then topical interpretation of Bolk (1906), but one in accordance with Gordon Holmes' views a decade later. Campbell's circumstances in Sydney, his extremely reticent nature and the essentially negative outcome of his investigation probably explain his failure to make his study more widely known.
A number of full-length cDNA clones of Kunjin virus (KUN) were previously prepared; it was shown that two of them, pAKUN and FLSDX, differed in specific infectivities of corresponding in vitro transcribed RNAs by similar to100,000-fold (A. A. Khromykh et al., J. Virol. 72:7270-7279, 1998). In this study, we analyzed a possible genetic determinant(s) of the observed differences in infectivity initially by sequencing the entire cDNAs of both clones and comparing them with the published sequence of the parental KUN strain MRM61C. We found six common amino acid residues in both cDNA clones that were different from those in the published MRM61C sequence but were similar to those in the published sequences of other flaviviruses from the same subgroup. pAKUN clone had four additional codon changes, i.e., Ile59 to Asn and Arg175 to Lys in NS2A and Tyr518 to His and Ser557 to Pro in NS3. Three of these substitutions except the previously shown marker mutation, Arg175 to Lys in NS2A, reverted to the wild-type sequence in the virus eventually recovered from pAKUN RNA-transfected BHK cells, demonstrating the functional importance of these residues in viral replication and/or viral assembly. Exchange of corresponding DNA fragments between pAKUN and FLSDX clones and site-directed mutagenesis revealed that the Tyr518-to-His mutation in NS3 was responsible for an similar to5-fold decrease in specific infectivity of transcribed RNA, while the Ile59-to-Asn mutation in NS2A completely blocked virus production. Correction of the Asn59 in pAKUN NS2A to the wild-type lie residue resulted in complete restoration of RNA infectivity. Replication of KUN replicon RNA with an Ile59-to-Asn substitution in NS2A and with a Ser557-to-Pro substitution in NS3 was not affected, while the Tyr518-to-His substitution in NS3 led to severe inhibition of RNA replication. The impaired function of the mutated NS2A in production of infectious virus was complemented in trans by the helper wild-type NS2A produced from the KUN replicon RNA. However, replicon RNA with mutated NS2A could not be packaged in trans by the KUN structural proteins. The data demonstrated essential roles for the KUN nonstructural protein NS2A in virus assembly and for NS3 in RNA replication and identified specific single-amino-acid residues involved in these functions.
Religião e técnica, ainda que em momentos e pesos distintos na arquitetônica do pensamento de Jürgen Habermas, acabam por se constituir como temas dialogais referenciais na obra de tal autor, a partir dos quais estrutura seu pensamento em um crescendo teórico que se estende desde seus primeiros ensaios até seus mais recentes escritos. O objetivo desta dissertação é, a partir de uma revisão bibliográfica, analisar as aproximações encetadas por Habermas acerca destes pólos dialogais explicitando movimentos e aportes teóricos elaborados em cada etapa. Propomo-nos a trabalhar em um primeiro momento o conceito de técnica explicitando a influência herdada da Escola de Frankfurt, bem como suas reconstruções e propostas aos impactos de uma razão instrumentalizada na sociedade. O ponto culminante da análise habermasiana acerca do conhecimento tecnocientífico será o delineamento dos limites ético-normativos de tais conhecimentos e ao mesmo tempo a exposição das patologias e insuficiências de uma razão estratégica, ou unicamente relacionada a fins, o que culmina com sua proposta de um “naturalismo mitigado”. A partir deste horizonte teórico trabalharemos o conceito de religião e sua importância no marco teórico hodierno de Habermas. Por fim, analisamos sua aproximação ao conceito de religião e a importância deste movimento na guinada interpretativa acerca desta, culminando com sua reposição no interior do pensamento de tal autor.
Over the centuries there has been a growing trend of societies and it is possible to verify their economic growth. This growth has provided an increased pressure on natural resources, often over-reaching the boundaries of each country, which has called into question the level of environmental sustainability in different countries. Sustainability is understood as a complex concept involving ecological, social, economic dimensions and temporal urban processes. Therefore, Firmino (2009) suggests that the ecological footprint (EF) allows people to establish dependency relations between human activities and the natural resources required for such activities and for the absorption of waste generated. According to Bergh & Verbruggen (1999) the EF is an objective, impartial and one-dimensional indicator that enables people to assess the sustainability. The Superior Schools have a crucial role in building the vision of a sustainable future as a reality, because in transmitting values and environmental principles to his students, are providing that they, in exercising his professional activity, make decisions weighing the environmental values. This ensures improved quality of life. The present study aims to determine the level of environmental sustainability of the Academic Community of Lisbon College of Health Technology (ESTeSL), by calculating the EF, and describe whether a relation between Footprint and various socio-demographic characteristics of the subjects.
A deposição de resíduos sólidos urbanos (RSU) em aterros sanitários (AS) tem uma dimensão que necessita de uma atenção especial por parte da sociedade. Deste acto podem resultar situações gravosas para o meio ambiente se não forem tomadas as medidas correctas. Um dos pontos que necessita de uma particular atenção é o tratamento das águas lixiviantes dos aterros sanitários, uma vez que estas apresentam geralmente cargas altamente poluentes. O presente trabalho apresenta a estrutura de um aterro sanitário, definindo os seus princípios de funcionamento, bem como as principais características a ter em consideração para a sua concepção e construção. É ainda abordada a composição dos resíduos sólidos produzidos em Portugal de acordo com (1) e as características quantitativas e qualitativas do lixiviado produzido por um AS. São apresentados os sistemas tratamento convencionais, biológicos e físico-químicos, mais utilizados em Portugal para o tratamento de águas lixiviantes, relacionando as problemáticas e as limitações associadas a cada um deles. É ainda apresentado o tratamento combinado de águas lixiviantes com águas residuais e a recirculação de lixiviado no sistema de tratamento, assim como algumas das vantagens associadas a estas práticas. Tendo por base, uma situação real, avalia-se um caso de estudo, que visa a avaliação do funcionamento da estação de pré-tratamento das águas lixiviantes produzidas no aterro sanitário do ecoparque de Palmela, tendo em consideração o facto de este tratamento ser realizado em combinação com o tratamento de águas residuais urbanas. A avaliação do funcionamento da estação de pré-tratamento de águas lixiviantes (EPTAL) é realizada de acordo com os dados fornecidos nos relatórios elaborados pela empresa LUSÁGUA, que apresentam os valores das cargas poluentes medidos à entrada e saída da EPTAL, verificando com estes dados se os valores limite de emissão medidos à saída da EPTAL são respeitados. São ainda propostas algumas alterações baseadas em pareceres técnicos que acompanham os relatórios elaborados pela LUSÁGUA e um estudo elaborada pela ECOserviços em Fevereiro de 2010 onde se obtêm eficiências de etapas de tratamentos com base em testes laboratoriais e testes realizados na própria EPTAL.
Copyright © 2014 Taylor & Francis.
The main objective of an Adaptive System is to adequate its relation with the user (content presentation, navigation, interface, etc.) according to a predefined but updatable model of the user that reflects his objectives, preferences, knowledge and competences [Brusilovsky, 2001], [De Bra, 2004]. For Educational Adaptive Systems, the emphasis is placed on the student knowledge in the domain application and learning style, to allow him to reach the learning objectives proposed for his training [Chepegin, 2004]. In Educational AHS, the User Model (UM), or Student Model, has increased relevance: when the student reaches the objectives of the course, the system must be able to readapt, for example, to his knowledge [Brusilovsky, 2001]. Learning Styles are understood as something that intent to define models of how given person learns. Generally it is understood that each person has a Learning Style different and preferred with the objective of achieving better results. Some case studies have proposed that teachers should assess the learning styles of their students and adapt their classroom and methods to best fit each student's learning style [Kolb, 2005], [Martins, 2008]. The learning process must take into consideration the individual cognitive and emotional parts of the student. In summary each Student is unique so the Student personal progress must be monitored and teaching shoul not be not generalized and repetitive [Jonassen, 1991], [Martins, 2008]. The aim of this paper is to present an Educational Adaptive Hypermedia Tool based on Progressive Assessment.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências da Comunicação, 3 de Junho de 2015, Universidade dos Açores.