963 resultados para Vocalises (High voice) with piano.


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Diplomityön tavoitteena oli selvittää elintarvikepakkauksiin soveltuvan graafisen kartongin potentiaalinen hajun aiheuttaja. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli vähentää päällystetyn tasakoosteisen (SBS) kolmikerroskartongin hajutasoa keskittyen päällystyspastakomponentteihin sekä massaosaston jälkeen annosteltaviin kemikaaleihin. Kirjallisuusosassa tarkasteltiin eri kartonkilajeja, päällystyspastoja ja sen sisältämiä komponentteja, pääpainon ollessa kuitenkin kartongin hajuominaisuuksiin vaikuttavien tekijöiden selvittämisessä. Lisäksi luotiin katsaus kartonkien aistinvaraisiin ja instrumentaalisiin määritysmenetelmiin. Instrumentaalisista määritysmenetelmistä käsiteltiin headspace –kaasukromatografia (HSGC) sekä korkeanerotuskyvyn nestekromatografia yhdistettynä massaspektrometriin (HPLC/MS). Kokeellisen osan alussa kartoitettiin päällystyskemikaalien sekä liima- ja retentioaineiden haihtuvat yhdisteet HSGC- ja HPLC/MS –tekniikoiden avulla. Kaasukromatografisesti analysoidut kokonaishaihtuvien tasot eivät poikenneet normaaleista tasoista, joten jouduttiin siirtymään HPLC/MS –menetelmään. HPLC/MS –tekniikalla on päästy tutkimaan herkästi haihtuvien typpiyhdisteiden amiinipitoisuuksia. Kemikaalimittausten perusteella vaihdettiin potentiaaliset hajua aiheuttavat kemikaalit, kovete ja synteettinen paksuntaja, markkinoilla oleviin vaihtoehtoisiin kemikaaleihin ja suoritettiin pilot -koeajo sekä tehdasmittakaavaiset koeajot. Työssä perehdyttiin myös varastoinnin aiheuttamiin vaikutuksiin eri kartonkilaatujen aistinvaraisissa ominaisuuksissa. Päällystyspastan kemikaaleista suuren hajukuorman aiheuttavat kovete, dispergointiaine, päällystyspigmentit ja lateksit sekä synteettinen paksuntaja. Kovetteen annostelumäärä päällystyspastoihin on alhainen, mutta sen sisältämä ammoniakkipitoisuus on kuitenkin huomattavan suuri. Kovete ohjaakin lopputuotteen ammoniakkipitoisuutta. Merkittävän metyyliamiinikuorman sisältää dispergointiaine. Sen vaikutus lopputuotteeseen voidaan olettaa vähäiseksi johtuen kemikaalin pienestä määrästä pastassa. Päällystyspigmenttien ja lateksien korkea metyyliamiinikuorma voi puolestaan aiheuttaa lopputuotteeseen huomattavan hajukuorman johtuen niiden suurista annostelumääristä. Eri synteettisille paksuntajille tehtyjen tutkimusten mukaan niiden hajukuormat olivat hyvin samankaltaisia ja vaikutus lopputuotteen kokonaishajutasoon jäi pieneksi. Aistinvaraisesti tarkasteltuna eri kartonkilaaduille saadaan eri hajutasoja. Elintarvikepakkauksiin soveltuvan graafisen kartongin hajutasot olivat korkeita muihin kartonkilaatuihin nähden niin tuoreena kuin varastoinnin jälkeen. Erityisesti tuoreen kartonkinäytteen metyyliamiinipitoisuus ylitti hajukynnyksen. Käytetty lateksi, kovete ja synteettinen paksuntaja näyttävät muodostavan niin tiiviin hajua koteloivan päällystekerroksen kartongin pinnalle, että hajua vapautuu pitkällä aikavälillä. Myös varastointi tiiviinä pakkauksena estää amiinien haihtumisen. Tutkimusten mukaan ammoniakkivapaalla PZC –kovetteella saadaan alennettua graafisen kartongin ammoniakkikuormaa huomattavasti. Tämä on vaikuttamassa myös lopputuotteen hajutasoon, jota on mahdollisuus alentaa käyttämällä ammoniakkivapaata kovetetta.


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Strategia on yrityksen toiminnan perusta. Perinteisillä toimialoilla ei välttämättä nähdä tavoitteellisen strategian tarpeellisuutta ja tärkeä strategiasuunnittelu jää toissijaiseksi. Löytämällä erottuva strategia omaa yritys kilpailuedun. Sinisen meren strategia on teoreettinen viitekehys luoda erilaistavaa liiketoimintaa. Strategian avulla voidaan tunnistaa ja luoda strategiaprofiili uudelle liiketoiminnalle jossa kilpailu ei tehnyt toiminnasta liian haavoittuvaista. Tämä nykytilanteen analysointiin ja siitä erilaistumiseen perustuva muutos voi liittyä itse tuotteeseen tai palveluun, sen tuotteistamiseen tai tuotteen jakelutien uudelleenasemointiin. Strategiatyön tarpeellisuus huonekalujen valmistamisessa ja myynnissä on muuttuvassa tilanteessa avainasemassa. Korkea valmistamisen kustannustaso ei mahdollista kilpailua edullisien tuontituotteiden kanssa ja korkeamman hintatason tuotteilla on toisaalta rajattu ostajakunta sisämarkkinoilla. Monelle toimijalle vientityön aloittaminen on riskialtis kustannuserä. Huonekaluteollisuudessa ja –jakeluteissä on ylikapasiteettia suhteessa kannattavaan liiketoimintaan. Erilaistavina markkinatekijöinä on pidetty hintaa molemmissa ääripäissä, laatua ja designiä. Hyvän jakelutien omaavat yritykset ovat hoitaneet valtakunnallisen myynnin karsien pienet toimijat alalta. Valmistuksessa innovatiivisuus perustuu lähinnä tehokkaaseen tuotantotekniikkaan, mikä osaltaan on nostanut investointien tasoa ja toteutuksen mielekkyyttä. Tuotteena huonekalu on kuitenkin teknisiltä ominaisuuksiltaan yleensä matala ja jo pienellä pääomalla on aloitettavissa tuotannollinen toiminta, mutta tällöin ei menestytä välttämättä tuottavuudessa. Uusina tekijöinä kompleksisessa tilanteessa on nähtävissä voimakkaasti tulossa oleva ympäristöarvojen suurempi huomioiminen. Näistä elementeistä voidaan etsiä strategiaprofiilin avulla uusia markkinarajapintoja, joissa kilpailutilanne mahdollistaa kannattavan liiketoiminnan. Työssä tutkitaan strategiamenetelmän hyödyntämismahdollisuutta, sen perusteita ja tarpeellisuutta perinteisen muutosjäykän teollisuudenalan ja kilpailtujen huonekalumarkkinoiden segmentissä. Uuden toimintamallin tarpeen, strategian, ymmärtämiseksi on tiedostettava ympäristössä tapahtuneet muutokset ja kartoitettava nykyinen strategiaprofiili. Tähän liittyen läpikäydään ne seikat jotka ovat aiheuttaneet nykytilanteen ja näin muutostarpeen tässä markkinassa.


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To improve tannin assay in cashew apple, several parameters were examined, including (1) extraction solvents, (2) effects of water and boiling time on butanol acid reaction and (3) correlation between vanillin and butanol acid assay of tannin in cashew apples. The 50-70% acetone extracted the greatest amount of tannin from cashew apples. Concentrations of water in butanol reagents were adjusted and boiling time of butanol reaction was reduced at 15 min. Tannin of unripe cashew apples was purified on Sephadex LH-20, aiming to obtain tannin standard for butanol assay. The vanillin assay presented high correlation with the butanol acid assay.


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Score-based biotic indices are widely used to evaluate the water quality of streams and rivers. Few adaptations of these indices have been done for South America because there is a lack of knowledge on mac-roinvertebrate taxonomy, distribution and tolerance to pollution in the region. Several areas in the Andes are densely populated and there is need for methods to assess the impact of increasing human pressures on aquatic ecosystems. Considering the unique ecological and geographical features of the Andes, macroinvertebrate indices used in other regions must be adapted with caution. Here we present a review of the literature on mac-roinvertebrate distribution and tolerance to pollution in Andean areas above 2 000masl. Using these data, we propose an Andean Biotic Index (ABI), which is based on the BMWP index. In general, ABI includes fewer macroinvertebrate families than in other regions of the world where the BMWP index has been applied because altitude restricts the distribution of several families. Our review shows that in the high Andes, the tolerance of several macroinvertebrate families to pollution differs from those reported in other areas. We tested the ABI index in two basins in Ecuador and Peru, and compared it to other BMWP adaptations using the reference condi-tion approach. The ABI index is extremely useful for detecting the general impairment of rivers but class quality boundaries should be defined independently for each basin because reference conditions may be different. The ABI is widely used in Ecuador and Peru, with high correlations with land-use pressures in several studies. The ABI index is an integral part of the new multimetric index designed for high Andean streams (IMEERA). Rev. Biol. Trop. 62 (Suppl. 2): 249-273. Epub 2014 April 01.


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The structural characterization of molecules used in the sterilization of blood for transfusions, such as crystal violet (CV), is relevant for understanding the action of these prophylactic drugs. The characterization is feasible by surface enhanced resonance Raman spectroscopy (SERRS) of CV in solution or on surfaces. The limit of detection of CV by SERRS, in the presence of colloidal particles, using 514.5 nm as excitation radiation, was found to be around 1 ppb. The characterization of CV was also made by SERS, by using different active-particles-containing substrates, proving the versatility of this technique for the study of such structures. The results suggest that the controlled production of highly efficient SERS-active substrates may allow qualitative and quantitative analysis, with high sensitivity, with potential applications in medical and environmental fields.


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This article describes the use of a conventional CRT monitor as a high voltage power supply for capillary electrophoresis. With this monitor, a 23-kV high voltage with a ripple of 1.32% was observed. The reproducibility of the applied high voltage was evaluated by measuring the standard deviations of peak area and migration time for five consecutive injections of a test mixture containing potassium, sodium, and lithium cations at 50 mmol L-1. The errors were about 2.5% and 0.6% for peak area and migration time, respectively. The maximum current tested was about 180 mA, which covers most capillary electrophoresis applications. This system has been successfully used for several months, maintaining the desired level of performance.


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Genetic diversity is one of the levels of biodiversity that the World Conservation Union (IUCN) has recognized as being important to preserve. This is because genetic diversity is fundamental to the future evolution and to the adaptive flexibility of a species to respond to the inherently dynamic nature of the natural world. Therefore, the key to maintaining biodiversity and healthy ecosystems is to identify, monitor and maintain locally-adapted populations, along with their unique gene pools, upon which future adaptation depends. Thus, conservation genetics deals with the genetic factors that affect extinction risk and the genetic management regimes required to minimize the risk. The conservation of exploited species, such as salmonid fishes, is particularly challenging due to the conflicts between different interest groups. In this thesis, I conduct a series of conservation genetic studies on primarily Finnish populations of two salmonid fish species (European grayling, Thymallus thymallus, and lake-run brown trout, Salmo trutta) which are popular recreational game fishes in Finland. The general aim of these studies was to apply and develop population genetic approaches to assist conservation and sustainable harvest of these populations. The approaches applied included: i) the characterization of population genetic structure at national and local scales; ii) the identification of management units and the prioritization of populations for conservation based on evolutionary forces shaping indigenous gene pools; iii) the detection of population declines and the testing of the assumptions underlying these tests; and iv) the evaluation of the contribution of natural populations to a mixed stock fishery. Based on microsatellite analyses, clear genetic structuring of exploited Finnish grayling and brown trout populations was detected at both national and local scales. Finnish grayling were clustered into three genetically distinct groups, corresponding to northern, Baltic and south-eastern geographic areas of Finland. The genetic differentiation among and within population groups of grayling ranged from moderate to high levels. Such strong genetic structuring combined with low genetic diversity strongly indicates that genetic drift plays a major role in the evolution of grayling populations. Further analyses of European grayling covering the majority of the species’ distribution range indicated a strong global footprint of population decline. Using a coalescent approach the beginning of population reduction was dated back to 1 000-10 000 years ago (ca. 200-2 000 generations). Forward simulations demonstrated that the bottleneck footprints measured using the M ratio can persist within small populations much longer than previously anticipated in the face of low levels of gene flow. In contrast to the M ratio, two alternative methods for genetic bottleneck detection identified recent bottlenecks in six grayling populations that warrant future monitoring. Consistent with the predominant role of random genetic drift, the effective population size (Ne) estimates of all grayling populations were very low with the majority of Ne estimates below 50. Taken together, highly structured local populations, limited gene flow and the small Ne of grayling populations indicates that grayling populations are vulnerable to overexploitation and, hence, monitoring and careful management using the precautionary principles is required not only in Finland but throughout Europe. Population genetic analyses of lake-run brown trout populations in the Inari basin (northernmost Finland) revealed hierarchical population structure where individual populations were clustered into three population groups largely corresponding to different geographic regions of the basin. Similar to my earlier work with European grayling, the genetic differentiation among and within population groups of lake-run brown trout was relatively high. Such strong differentiation indicated that the power to determine the relative contribution of populations in mixed fisheries should be relatively high. Consistent with these expectations, high accuracy and precision in mixed stock analysis (MSA) simulations were observed. Application of MSA to indigenous fish caught in the Inari basin identified altogether twelve populations that contributed significantly to mixed stock fisheries with the Ivalojoki river system being the major contributor (70%) to the total catch. When the contribution of wild trout populations to the fisheries was evaluated regionally, geographically nearby populations were the main contributors to the local catches. MSA also revealed a clear separation between the lower and upper reaches of Ivalojoki river system – in contrast to lower reaches of the Ivalojoki river that contributed considerably to the catch, populations from the upper reaches of the Ivalojoki river system (>140 km from the river mouth) did not contribute significantly to the fishery. This could be related to the available habitat size but also associated with a resident type life history and increased cost of migration. The studies in my thesis highlight the importance of dense sampling and wide population coverage at the scale being studied and also demonstrate the importance of critical evaluation of the underlying assumptions of the population genetic models and methods used. These results have important implications for conservation and sustainable fisheries management of Finnish populations of European grayling and brown trout in the Inari basin.


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To choose among the variety of oleaginous plants for biodiesel production, the oil content of several matrices was determined through different low-field ¹H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments with varied pulse sequences, namely single-pulse, spin-echo, CPMG, and CWFP. The experiments that involved the first three sequences showed high correlation with each other and with the solvent extraction method. The quality of the vegetable oils was also evaluated on the basis of the existing correlation between the T2 values of the oils and their properties, such as viscosity, iodine index, and cetane index. These analyses were performed using HCA and PCA chemometric tools. The results were sufficiently significant to allow separation of the oleaginous matrices according to their quality. Thus, the low-field ¹H NMR technique was confirmed as an important tool to aid in the selection of oleaginous matrices for biodiesel production.


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An isolate of Grapevine virus B (GVB), obtained by indexing Vitis labrusca and V. vinifera grapevines on the indicator LN33, was transmitted mechanically to several Nicotiana species. The virus was partially purified from N. cavicola and the coat protein estimated at 23 kDa by SDS-PAGE. In negatively stained leaf extracts of experimentally inoculated N. cavicola and N. occidentalis, flexuous particles with cross banding were observed, predominantly measuring 750-770 x 12 nm, with a modal length of 760 nm. Decoration indicated a clear, positive reaction against AS-GVB. In DAS-ELISA, GVB was detected in N. cavicola and grapevine extracts, and Western blots showed homologous and cross reaction of GVB and GVA antisera with GVB coat protein. Using specific primers for GVB, a fragment of 594 bp, comprising the coat protein gene coding for 197 amino acids, was amplified by RT-PCR with viral RNA extracted from GVB-infected N. occidentalis. The nucleotide and the deduced amino acid sequences of the coat protein gene showed high identities with Italian and Japanese isolates of GVB.


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Twenty isolates of four fungal species, agents of "Helminthosporium" diseases in cereals, were collected from different regions: nine Bipolarisoryzae isolated from rice (Oryza sativa), seven B.sorokiniana from wheat (Triticum aestivum), two B. maydis, and two Exserohilumturcicum from maize (Zea mays). The strains were compared by PCR-RFLP and RAPD analysis. Size polymorphism among the isolates in the ITS region comprising the 5.8 S rDNA indicated genetic differences among the isolates, while a UPGMA phenogram constructed after the digestion of this region with restriction enzymes showed inter- and intra-specific polymorphism. The RAPD profiles indicated an expressive level of polymorphism among different species, compared with a low level of polymorphism among isolates of the same species. A UPGMA phenogram grouped the isolates according to the species and their host plant. RAPD profiles did not reveal polymorphism that directly correlated climatic factors with geographic source of the isolates of B. sorokiniana, and B. oryzae. Teleomorphic species revealed high similarity with their correspondent anamorphs.


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Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a chronic process that evolves over decades and may culminate in myocardial infarction (MI). While invasive coronary angiography (ICA) is still considered the gold standard of imaging CAD, non-invasive assessment of both the vascular anatomy and myocardial perfusion has become an intriguing alternative. In particular, computed tomography (CT) and positron emission tomography (PET) form an attractive combination for such studies. Increased radiation dose is, however, a concern. Our aim in the current thesis was to test novel CT and PET techniques alone and in hybrid setting in the detection and assessment of CAD in clinical patients. Along with diagnostic accuracy, methods for the reduction of the radiation dose was an important target. The study investigating the coronary arteries of patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) showed that CAD may be an important etiology of AF because a high prevalence of CAD was demonstrated within AF patients. In patients with suspected CAD, we demonstrated that a sequential, prospectively ECG-triggered CT technique was applicable to nearly 9/10 clinical patients and the radiation dose was over 60% lower than with spiral CT. To detect the functional significance of obstructive CAD, a novel software for perfusion quantification, CarimasTM, showed high reproducibility with 15O-labelled water in PET, supporting feasibility and good clinical accuracy. In a larger cohort of 107 patients with moderate 30-70% pre-test probability of CAD, hybrid PET/CT was shown to be a powerful diagnostic method in the assessment of CAD with diagnostic accuracy comparable to that of invasive angiography and fractional flow reserve (FFR) measurements. A hybrid study may be performed with a reasonable radiation dose in a vast majority of the cases, improving the performance of stand-alone PET and CT angiography, particularly when the absolute quantification of the perfusion is employed. These results can be applied into clinical practice and will be useful for daily clinical diagnosis of CAD.


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Soitinnus: lauluääni, piano.


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Suomalainen kansanlaulu.


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Sävelmän alkuperä tuntematon.


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Soitinnus: lauluääni, piano.