992 resultados para UPM


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El presente trabajo trata acerca de la seguridad en los parques mineros, haciendo distingo entre la etapa de adaptación de mina a parque minero y la posterior de explotación comercial del mismo, justificándose que el tratamiento legislativo sea diferente en un caso y otro.


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El panel se divide en tres secciones : Minería histórica , Patrimonio Minero y Museos.


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A particle accelerator is any device that, using electromagnetic fields, is able to communicate energy to charged particles (typically electrons or ionized atoms), accelerating and/or energizing them up to the required level for its purpose. The applications of particle accelerators are countless, beginning in a common TV CRT, passing through medical X-ray devices, and ending in large ion colliders utilized to find the smallest details of the matter. Among the other engineering applications, the ion implantation devices to obtain better semiconductors and materials of amazing properties are included. Materials supporting irradiation for future nuclear fusion plants are also benefited from particle accelerators. There are many devices in a particle accelerator required for its correct operation. The most important are the particle sources, the guiding, focalizing and correcting magnets, the radiofrequency accelerating cavities, the fast deflection devices, the beam diagnostic mechanisms and the particle detectors. Most of the fast particle deflection devices have been built historically by using copper coils and ferrite cores which could effectuate a relatively fast magnetic deflection, but needed large voltages and currents to counteract the high coil inductance in a response in the microseconds range. Various beam stability considerations and the new range of energies and sizes of present time accelerators and their rings require new devices featuring an improved wakefield behaviour and faster response (in the nanoseconds range). This can only be achieved by an electromagnetic deflection device based on a transmission line. The electromagnetic deflection device (strip-line kicker) produces a transverse displacement on the particle beam travelling close to the speed of light, in order to extract the particles to another experiment or to inject them into a different accelerator. The deflection is carried out by the means of two short, opposite phase pulses. The diversion of the particles is exerted by the integrated Lorentz force of the electromagnetic field travelling along the kicker. This Thesis deals with a detailed calculation, manufacturing and test methodology for strip-line kicker devices. The methodology is then applied to two real cases which are fully designed, built, tested and finally installed in the CTF3 accelerator facility at CERN (Geneva). Analytical and numerical calculations, both in 2D and 3D, are detailed starting from the basic specifications in order to obtain a conceptual design. Time domain and frequency domain calculations are developed in the process using different FDM and FEM codes. The following concepts among others are analyzed: scattering parameters, resonating high order modes, the wakefields, etc. Several contributions are presented in the calculation process dealing specifically with strip-line kicker devices fed by electromagnetic pulses. Materials and components typically used for the fabrication of these devices are analyzed in the manufacturing section. Mechanical supports and connexions of electrodes are also detailed, presenting some interesting contributions on these concepts. The electromagnetic and vacuum tests are then analyzed. These tests are required to ensure that the manufactured devices fulfil the specifications. Finally, and only from the analytical point of view, the strip-line kickers are studied together with a pulsed power supply based on solid state power switches (MOSFETs). The solid state technology applied to pulsed power supplies is introduced and several circuit topologies are modelled and simulated to obtain fast and good flat-top pulses.


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La política de vivienda en España ha sufrido numerosas variaciones a lo largo del tiempo, pero a grandes rasgos se pueden diferenciar dos grandes periodos: la política del periodo franquista, principalmente a partir de la creación del Ministerio de Vivienda en 1957, y la del periodo democrático, esta última bastante homogénea durante más de treinta años. Aestos dos periodos se les podría añadir un tercero, el actual, tomando como punto de partida el 2007, año de comienzo de la crisis inmobiliaria, en el cual se empiezan a introducir nuevas ideas e instrumentos, que conviven a su vez con otras de viejo cuño.


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El eje central de esta comunicación es la relación de la participación ciudadana y la gobernanza urbana con el modelo de desarrollo y su componente territorial. Las transformaciones de los últimos años han reconfigurado las relaciones políticas, sociales y económicas. En ese proceso se ha impuesto una nueva gobernanza de orden global y la participación ha quedado cada vez más alejada de los centros de decisión, lo que ha supuesto la concentración de poder en unas pocas manos y la desconfianza en las instituciones, derivada de la complejidad administrativa y la falta de transparencia en la toma de decisiones. La construcción del espacio requiere de participación ciudadana y una gobernanza urbana que busque la acción pública enfocada en las necesidades reales de la sociedad ? y no en los intereses económicos de élites? y que desarrolle el sentido de responsabilidad colectivo ante el entorno. La vinculación (y comprensión) de los procesos de toma de decisiones a diferentes escalas (multi-level-governance) y la puesta en valor de la escala local para las cuestiones espaciales son claves necesarias para una gobernanza urbana que incorpore la acción social como fuerza transformadora de los modelos de desarrollo y su componente territorial.


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In the southern Duero Basin of central Spain, there are vast areas of aeolian sand sheets and dune fields. A comprehensive survey of the sand quarries in this area identified a number of palaeosols in sedimentary sequences. The identification and AMS radiocarbon dating of soil charcoal fragments collected in these palaeosols indicate the persistence of Pinus pinaster in this area throughout most of the Holocene. Although potential natural vegetation models have usually considered the Pinus pinaster forests in this inland area of artificial origin, soil charcoal analysis provides firm evidence of a natural origin. Our data fit perfectly with the pattern of Holocene vegetation development for inland areas of Iberia, which are characterised by stability of pine forests throughout the Holocene. Finally, the growing body of palaeobotanical evidence from Iberia (macrofossils and pollen) is contributing to improve our knowledge of P. pinaster ecology, showing that this species has been present in most Iberian regions during the Holocene, where it has inhabited areas characterised by a very diverse set of climatic and soil conditions.


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Palaeoecological evidence indicates that highland pines were dominant in extensive areas of the mountains of Central and Northern Iberia during the first half of the Holocene. However, following several millennia of anthropogenic pressure, their natural ranges are now severely reduced. Although pines have been frequently viewed as first-stage successional species responding positively to human disturbance, some recent palaeobotanical work has proposed fire disturbance and human deforestation as the main drivers of this vegetation turnover. To assess the strength of the evidence for this hypothesis and to identify other possible explanations for this scenario, we review the available information on past vegetation change in the mountains of northern inland Iberia. We have chosen data from several sites that offer good chronological control, including palynological records with microscopic charcoal data and sites with plant macro- and megafossil occurrence. We conclude that although the available long-term data are still fragmentary and that new methods are needed for a better understanding of the ecological history of Iberia, fire events and human activities (probably modulated by climate) have triggered the pine demise at different locations and different temporal scales. In addition, all palaeoxylological, palynological and charcoal results obtained so far are fully compatible with a rapid human-induced ecological change that could have caused a range contraction of highland pines in western Iberia.


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a arquitetura e o urbanismo não tinham como escapar da avassaladora mediação tecnológica nos processos produtivos e nas interações humanas, numa evolução que vem desde a automação parcial da tecelagem no século XVIII até as sofisticadas próteses biomédicas atuais fabricadas com 3D Printing. A mediação digital para processos de tomada de decisão na forma de democracia digital nos campos onde a espacialidade e o imaginário cidadão jogam um papel decisivo (arquitetura, urbanismo, promoção imobiliária, videogames, filmes e animações interativas) vem abrindo umas possibilidades ainda pouco exploradas. Este artigo propõe uma aproximação a este campo de forças digitais a partir do trabalho pioneiro do escritório holandês BBVH


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La actual crisis económica y la permanente crisis ecológica están reclamando un cambio del modelo de producción y consumo, pero también es necesario plantear un cambio del modelo de construcción, de ciudad y territorio en aras de la sostenibilidad integral. Estamos en un momento de transformación del sector de la construcción que puede impulsarse mediante cambios legislativos y nuevas oportunidades que afectan a la propia sostenibilidad del sector.


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En esta presa de gravedad de planta curva se han introducido una serie de pequeños detalles constructivos que inciden favorablemente sobre la seguridad estructural, la funcionalidad de la explotación y la estética de la obra, con un incremento porcentual insignificante del costo. En el artículo se describe cada una de estas actuaciones, el objetivo de las mismas, y su repercusión sobre el costo.


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Los procesos de cambio de ocupación del territorio, principalmente a través de la urbanización, son uno de los principales elementos impulsores de transformación de los ecosistemas y alteración de los equilibrios ecológicos con claras implicaciones para los sistemas socioeconómicos que afectan a los procesos de sostenibilidad local y global. El anterior ciclo económico se ha concentrado principalmente en la construcción y el consumo, desde una situación de bonanza amparada en un modelo productivo intensivo en materia, energía y territorio. El cambio de ciclo económico nos ofrece una nueva perspectiva, en la cual el sector de la construcción es fundamental para llevar a cabo una transformación real del modelo en clave de sostenibilidad.


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La ocupación del suelo es una de las variables clave para medir con rigor la sostenibilidad. España tiene todavía uno de los territorios más diversos y, excepcionalmente valiosos de Europa. La calidad de vida actual y de las generaciones futuras, la utilización de los recursos naturales, la biodiversidad, y los propios sectores productivos están determinados por esta ocupación del suelo. Por todo ello, el análisis de los cambios de ocupación es clave para conocer el estado actual y las tendencias en los procesos de sostenibilidad en España. El objetivo de este artículo es describir las consecuencias sociales, económicas y ambientales de los cambios de uso del suelo en España.


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La integración de manera equilibrada del desarrollo socioeconómico con el respeto por los límites ambientales es el enfoque básico de cualquier estrategia de sostenibilidad. Desde este enfoque, las ciudades, toman especial relevancia puesto que en ellas se concentra progresivamente la población. Actualmente el 50% del mundo ya es urbano, mientras que el 80% de la población europea también vive en ciudades. Las aglomeraciones urbanas españolas (ciudades mayores de 50.000 hab.), han pasado desde el año 2000 hasta la actualidad de 20,5 a 23,2 millones de habitantes, representando ya el 52,6% de la población, y es previsible que siga esta tendencia aproximándose en las próximas décadas al entorno europeo.


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A two-dimensional finite element model of current flow in the front surface of a PV cell is presented. In order to validate this model we perform an experimental test. Later, particular attention is paid to the effects of non-uniform illumination in the finger direction which is typical in a linear concentrator system. Fill factor, open circuit voltage and efficiency are shown to decrease with increasing degree of non-uniform illumination. It is shown that these detrimental effects can be mitigated significantly by reoptimization of the number of front surface metallization fingers to suit the degree of non-uniformity. The behavior of current flow in the front surface of a cell operating at open circuit voltage under non-uniform illumination is discussed in detail.


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In this paper, a numerical study is made of simple bi-periodic binary diffraction gratings for solar cell applications. The gratings consist of hexagonal arrays of elliptical towers and wells etched directly into the solar cell substrate. The gratings are applied to two distinct solar cell technologies: a quantum dot intermediate band solar cell (QD-IBSC) and a crystalline silicon solar cell (SSC). In each case, the expected photocurrent increase due to the presence of the grating is calculated assuming AM1.5D illumination. For each technology, the grating period, well/tower depth and well/tower radii are optimised to maximise the photocurrent. The optimum parameters are presented. Results are presented for QD-IBSCs with a range of quantum dot layers and for SSCs with a range of thicknesses. For the QD-IBSC, it is found that the optimised grating leads to an absorption enhancement above that calculated for an ideally Lambertian scatterer for cells with less than 70 quantum dot layers. In a QD-IBSC with 50 quantum dot layers equipped with the optimum grating, the weak intermediate band to conduction band transition absorbs roughly half the photons in the corresponding sub-range of the AM1.5D spectrum. For the SSC, it is found that the optimised grating leads to an absorption enhancement above that calculated for an ideally Lambertian scatterer for cells with thicknesses of 10 ?m or greater. A 20um thick SSC equipped with the optimised grating leads to an absorption enhancement above that of a 200um thick SSC equipped with a planar back reflector.