995 resultados para Tuominen, Markku: Ammattikasvatusfilosofia
Tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää Suomen osakemarkkinoiden hinnoittamistehokkuutta johdon ennustepoikkeamien tapauksessa. Tarkastelu-ajanjakso on 1.1.2000–31.12.2006. Kiinnostuneita oltiin erityisesti keski-pitkän ja pitkän aikavälin (10 kaupankäyntivuorokautta ja 40 kaupankäyntivuorokautta) epänormaaleista tuotoista. Työn empiriaosuus suoritettiin tapahtumatutkimusmenetelmää hyväksikäyttäen. Empiriaosuudessa laskettiin ennustepoikkeaman aiheuttamat epänormaalit tuotot pienimmän neliösumman regressiota hyväksikäyttäen. Positiivisten poikkeamien aiheuttamat epänormaalit tuotot eivät poikenneet tilastollisesti markkinatuotoista millään tarkasteluvälillä. Negatiivisten epänormaalien tuottojen poikkeamaa havaittiin 10 kaupankäyntivuorokautta ennustepoikkeaman julkaisun jälkeen. Toimialakohtaisessa tarkastelussa parillisten otosten t-testissä havaittiin, että terveydenhuollon, rahoituksen ja informaatioteknologian epänormaalit tuotot poikkesivat markkinatuotoista. Yrityskohtaisia tekijöitä tutkittiin yksinkertaisella t-testillä. Näistä velkaisuusasteella, beetalla, päivätuottojen keskihajonnalla, päivittäisellä liikevaihdolla sekä P/E-luvulla havaittiin voi-tavan ennustaa mahdollisten ennustepoikkeamien esiintymistiheyttä. Sen sijaan markkina-arvolla ja P/B-luvulla ei havaittu yhteyttä ennustepoikkeamien esiintymistiheyteen. Tutkittaessa käyttäytymistieteellisen rahoituksen olettamaa kaupankäyntivolyymin kasvusta ennustepoikkeamaa ympäröivänä aikana ei tilastollista merkittävyyttä löydetty.
This dissertation is based on four articles dealing with modeling of ozonation. The literature part of this considers some models for hydrodynamics in bubble column simulation. A literature review of methods for obtaining mass transfer coefficients is presented. The methods presented to obtain mass transfer are general models and can be applied to any gas-liquid system. Ozonation reaction models and methods for obtaining stoichiometric coefficients and reaction rate coefficients for ozonation reactions are discussed in the final section of the literature part. In the first article, ozone gas-liquid mass transfer into water in a bubble column was investigated for different pH values. A more general method for estimation of mass transfer and Henry’s coefficient was developed from the Beltrán method. The ozone volumetric mass transfer coefficient and the Henry’s coefficient were determined simultaneously by parameter estimation using a nonlinear optimization method. A minor dependence of the Henry’s law constant on pH was detected at the pH range 4 - 9. In the second article, a new method using the axial dispersion model for estimation of ozone self-decomposition kinetics in a semi-batch bubble column reactor was developed. The reaction rate coefficients for literature equations of ozone decomposition and the gas phase dispersion coefficient were estimated and compared with the literature data. The reaction order in the pH range 7-10 with respect to ozone 1.12 and 0.51 the hydroxyl ion were obtained, which is in good agreement with literature. The model parameters were determined by parameter estimation using a nonlinear optimization method. Sensitivity analysis was conducted using object function method to obtain information about the reliability and identifiability of the estimated parameters. In the third article, the reaction rate coefficients and the stoichiometric coefficients in the reaction of ozone with the model component p-nitrophenol were estimated at low pH of water using nonlinear optimization. A novel method for estimation of multireaction model parameters in ozonation was developed. In this method the concentration of unknown intermediate compounds is presented as a residual COD (chemical oxygen demand) calculated from the measured COD and the theoretical COD for the known species. The decomposition rate of p-nitrophenol on the pathway producing hydroquinone was found to be about two times faster than the p-nitrophenol decomposition rate on the pathway producing 4- nitrocatechol. In the fourth article, the reaction kinetics of p-nitrophenol ozonation was studied in a bubble column at pH 2. Using the new reaction kinetic model presented in the previous article, the reaction kinetic parameters, rate coefficients, and stoichiometric coefficients as well as the mass transfer coefficient were estimated with nonlinear estimation. The decomposition rate of pnitrophenol was found to be equal both on the pathway producing hydroquinone and on the path way producing 4-nitrocathecol. Comparison of the rate coefficients with the case at initial pH 5 indicates that the p-nitrophenol degradation producing 4- nitrocathecol is more selective towards molecular ozone than the reaction producing hydroquinone. The identifiability and reliability of the estimated parameters were analyzed with the Marcov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. @All rights reserved. No part of the publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the author.
Osa 1, Edelläkävijöiden kumppanuus : Jyväskylän ja Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulujen konsortion strategia vuosille 2009-1012 / Markku Lahtinen, Kaisa Lahtinen, Riikka Ahmaniemi, Jussi Halttunen, Johanna Heikkilä, Tapio Huttula, Päivi Karttunen, Olli Mikkilä, Jorma Sipilä
Venäjän maantieteellinen läheisyys ja kasvavat markkinat ovat yhä edelleen tärkeimpiä syitä suomalaisyritysten Venäjä-toiminnoille. Vuorovaikutus rajan yli ei kuitenkaan ole yksipuolista, vaan maantieteellisen läheisyyden vuoksi myös venäläisyritysten voisi olettaa pitävän Suomea luonnollisena vaihtoehtona kansainvälistymiselleen. Suomessa toimivissa venäläisyrityksissä on havaittavissa ominaispiirteitä, jotka erottavat ne kotimaisesta yritystoiminnasta. Samalla kuitenkin venäläisyritysten piirteet eivät ole yhteneviä muualla maailmassa havaittujen etnisten yritysten ominaisuuksien kanssa. Toisin kuin etniset yritykset yleensä, venäläiset yritykset eivät ole syntyneet julkisen tuen avustuksella, eivätkä ne toimi matalan kannattavuuden aloilla. Venäläisen yritystoiminnan rooli on merkittävä Suomen ja Venäjän välisessä kaupassa, ja samalla se tuo lisämausteensa suomalaiseen pienyrityskenttään.
The goal of this research was to make an overall sight to VIX and how it can be used as a stock market indicator. Volatility index, often referred as the fear index, measures how much does it cost for investor to protect his/hers S&P 500 position from fluctuations with options. Over the relatively short history of VIX it has succesfull timing coordinator and it has told about the market state adding its own psychological view of the amount of fear and greed.
Synchronous machines with an AC converter are used mainly in large drives, for example in ship propulsion drives as well as in rolling mill drives in steel industry. These motors are used because of their high efficiency, high overload capacity and good performance in the field weakening area. Present day drives for electrically excited synchronous motors are equipped with position sensors. Most drives for electrically excited synchronous motors will be equipped with position sensors also in future. This kind of drives with good dynamics are mainly used in metal industry. Drives without a position sensor can be used e.g. in ship propulsion and in large pump and blower drives. Nowadays, these drives are equipped with a position sensor, too. The tendency is to avoid a position sensor if possible, since a sensor reduces the reliability of the drive and increases costs (latter is not very significant for large drives). A new control technique for a synchronous motor drive is a combination of the Direct Flux Linkage Control (DFLC) based on a voltage model and a supervising method (e.g. current model). This combination is called Direct Torque Control method (DTC). In the case of the position sensorless drive, the DTC can be implemented by using other supervising methods that keep the stator flux linkage origin centered. In this thesis, a method for the observation of the drift of the real stator flux linkage in the DTC drive is introduced. It is also shown how this method can be used as a supervising method that keeps the stator flux linkage origin centered in the case of the DTC. In the position sensorless case, a synchronous motor can be started up with the DTC control, when a method for the determination of the initial rotor position presented in this thesis is used. The load characteristics of such a drive are not very good at low rotational speeds. Furthermore, continuous operation at a zero speed and at a low rotational speed is not possible, which is partly due to the problems related to the flux linkage estimate. For operation in a low speed area, a stator current control method based on the DFLC modulator (DMCQ is presented. With the DMCC, it is possible to start up and operate a synchronous motor at a zero speed and at low rotational speeds in general. The DMCC is necessary in situations where high torque (e.g. nominal torque) is required at the starting moment, or if the motor runs several seconds at a zero speed or at a low speed range (up to 2 Hz). The behaviour of the described methods is shown with test results. The test results are presented for the direct flux linkage and torque controlled test drive system with a 14.5 kVA, four pole salient pole synchronous motor with a damper winding and electric excitation. The static accuracy of the drive is verified by measuring the torque in a static load operation, and the dynamics of the drive is proven in load transient tests. The performance of the drive concept presented in this work is sufficient e.g. for ship propulsion and for large pump drives. Furthermore, the developed methods are almost independent of the machine parameters.
Multispectral images are becoming more common in the field of remote sensing, computer vision, and industrial applications. Due to the high accuracy of the multispectral information, it can be used as an important quality factor in the inspection of industrial products. Recently, the development on multispectral imaging systems and the computational analysis on the multispectral images have been the focus of a growing interest. In this thesis, three areas of multispectral image analysis are considered. First, a method for analyzing multispectral textured images was developed. The method is based on a spectral cooccurrence matrix, which contains information of the joint distribution of spectral classes in a spectral domain. Next, a procedure for estimating the illumination spectrum of the color images was developed. Proposed method can be used, for example, in color constancy, color correction, and in the content based search from color image databases. Finally, color filters for the optical pattern recognition were designed, and a prototype of a spectral vision system was constructed. The spectral vision system can be used to acquire a low dimensional component image set for the two dimensional spectral image reconstruction. The data obtained by the spectral vision system is small and therefore convenient for storing and transmitting a spectral image.
From the boiler design point of view, it is imperative to know and understand the operation of the boiler. Since comprehensive measurement of a large furnace is impossible, the furnace can be modeled in order to study its behavior and phenomena. This requires the used model to be validated to correspond with the physical furnace behavior. In this thesis, a three dimensional furnace model is validated to match a bituminous coal utilizing, supercritical once-through circulating fluidized bed combustor based on measurement data. The validated model is used for analyzing the furnace heat transfer. Other heat transfer analysis methods are energy balance method based on tube surface temperature measurements and a method based on measured temperature difference between the tube crest and the fin. The latter method was developed in the thesis using Fluent-software. In the theory part, literature is reviewed and the fundamental aspects of circulating fluidized bed are discussed. These aspects are solid particle behavior in fluidization known as hydrodynamics, behavior of fuel and combustion and heat transfer. Fundamental aspects of modeling are also presented.
Äänitetty: 29.4.1971, [Helsinki?] (konserttitaltiointi).
Äänitetty: 29.4.1971, [Helsinki?] (konserttitaltiointi).
Äänitetty radiosta.