962 resultados para Tumor marrom
Visual perception of body motion is vital for everyday activities such as social interaction, motor learning or car driving. Tumors to the left lateral cerebellum impair visual perception of body motion. However, compensatory potential after cerebellar damage and underlying neural mechanisms remain unknown. In the present study, visual sensitivity to point-light body motion was psychophysically assessed in patient SL with dysplastic gangliocytoma (Lhermitte-Duclos disease) to the left cerebellum before and after neurosurgery, and in a group of healthy matched controls. Brain activity during processing of body motion was assessed by functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Alterations in underlying cerebro-cerebellar circuitry were studied by psychophysiological interaction (PPI) analysis. Visual sensitivity to body motion in patient SL before neurosurgery was substantially lower than in controls, with significant improvement after neurosurgery. Functional MRI in patient SL revealed a similar pattern of cerebellar activation during biological motion processing as in healthy participants, but located more medially, in the left cerebellar lobules III and IX. As in normalcy, PPI analysis showed cerebellar communication with a region in the superior temporal sulcus, but located more anteriorly. The findings demonstrate a potential for recovery of visual body motion processing after cerebellar damage, likely mediated by topographic shifts within the corresponding cerebro-cerebellar circuitry induced by cerebellar reorganization. The outcome is of importance for further understanding of cerebellar plasticity and neural circuits underpinning visual social cognition.
Tissue protein hypercatabolism (TPH) is a most important feature in cancer cachexia, particularly with regard to the skeletal muscle. The rat ascites hepatoma Yoshida AH-130 is a very suitable model system for studying the mechanisms involved in the processes that lead to tissue depletion, since it induces in the host a rapid and progressive muscle waste mainly due to TPH (Tessitore, L., G. Bonelli, and F. M. Baccino. 1987. Biochem. J. 241:153-159). Detectable plasma levels of tumor necrosis factor-alpha associated with marked perturbations in the hormonal homeostasis have been shown to concur in forcing metabolism into a catabolic setting (Tessitore, L., P. Costelli, and F. M. Baccino. 1993. Br. J. Cancer. 67:15-23). The present study was directed to investigate if beta 2-adrenergic agonists, which are known to favor skeletal muscle hypertrophy, could effectively antagonize the enhanced muscle protein breakdown in this cancer cachexia model. One such agent, i.e., clenbuterol, indeed largely prevented skeletal muscle waste in AH-130-bearing rats by restoring protein degradative rates close to control values. This normalization of protein breakdown rates was achieved through a decrease of the hyperactivation of the ATP-ubiquitin-dependent proteolytic pathway, as previously demonstrated in our laboratory (Llovera, M., C. García-Martínez, N. Agell, M. Marzábal, F. J. López-Soriano, and J. M. Argilés. 1994. FEBS (Fed. Eur. Biochem. Soc.) Lett. 338:311-318). By contrast, the drug did not exert any measurable effect on various parenchymal organs, nor did it modify the plasma level of corticosterone and insulin, which were increased and decreased, respectively, in the tumor hosts. The present data give new insights into the mechanisms by which clenbuterol exerts its preventive effect on muscle protein waste and seem to warrant the implementation of experimental protocols involving the use of clenbuterol or alike drugs in the treatment of pathological states involving TPH, particularly in skeletal muscle and heart, such as in the present model of cancer cachexia.
Background: Symptom relief is the traditional treatment goal in Crohn's disease (CD). New goals including mucosal healing and bowel preservation are now achievable with tumor necrosis factor (TNF) antagonists. Infliximab and adalimumab are approved as second-line treatments for severe, active CD. Certolizumab pegol is approved only in the U.S. and Switzerland as second-line treatment for moderate-to-severe, active CD. Data from trials of infliximab suggest that high-risk patients and patients with active inflammation (CRP elevation and/or ileocolonic ulcers) may benefit from earlier use of this drug.
Rats bearing the Yoshida AH-130 ascites hepatoma showed enhanced fractional rates of protein degradation in gastrocnemius muscle, heart, and liver, while fractional synthesis rates were similar to those in non-tumor bearing rats. This hypercatabolic pattern was associated with marked perturbations of the hormonal homeostasis and presence of tumor necrosis factor in the circulation. The daily administration of a goat anti-murine TNF IgG to tumor-bearing rats decreased protein degradation rates in skeletal muscle, heart, and liver as compared with tumor-bearing rats receiving a nonimmune goat IgG. The anti-TNF treatment was also effective in attenuating early perturbations in insulin and corticosterone homeostasis. Although these results suggest that tumor necrosis factor plays a significant role in mediating the changes in protein turnover and hormone levels elicited by tumor growth, the inability of such treatment to prevent a reduction in body weight implies that other mediators or tumor-related events were also involved.
Mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) has been shown to preferentially infect B lymphocytes in vivo. We have used recombinant envelope-coated fluospheres and highly purified MMTV particles to study the distribution of the viral receptors on fresh mouse lymphocytes. A preferential dose-dependent binding to B lymphocytes was observed which could be competed with neutralizing antibodies. In contrast, T-lymphocyte binding remained at background levels. These results strongly suggest a higher density of viral receptor molecules on B lymphocytes than on T lymphocytes and correlate with the preferential initial infection of B lymphocytes observed in vivo.
Expression based prediction of gene alterations identified WNT inhibitory factor I (WIF1) as a new candidate tumor suppressor gene involved in glioblastoma. WIF1 encodes a secreted WNT antagonist and it is strongly down-regulated in most glioblastoma as compared to normal brain both by genomic deletion and WIF1 promoter hypermethylation. WIF1 expression in glioblastoma cell lines inhibited cell proliferation in vitro and in vivo and strongly reduced migration capability. Interestingly, WIF1 expression induced a senescence-like phenotype characterized by the appearance of enlarged, flattened and multinucleated cells positive for the presence of senescence associated ß-galactosidase, a late marker of senescence. It is of note that WIF1 induced senescence, in glioma cell lines, is independent of either p53 or pRB, two pathways that have been widely associated with this process. The analysis of the signaling pathways downstream of WIF1 brought some interesting results. WIF1 expression inhibited the canonical pathway but alteration of this pathway alone couldn't explain all the WIFl-induced effects. Some WIF1-related changes were attributed to inhibition of the non-canonical pathway, as we could prove by downregulation of WNT5a, the main ligand of the non-canonical WNT pathway. For example, a drastic reduction of phosphorylation of both ERK and p38 was detected when either overexpressing WIF1 or downregulating WNT5a. Due to the complexity of the non-canonical pathway is difficult to define the precise mechanism of signal transduction. We have excluded the involvement of the WNT5a-JNK-APl pathway and preliminary results suggest the implication of the WNT-calcium signaling, but further evidence is needed. Moreover, from the analysis of the gene expression profile of WIF1 expressing cells we could select a very interesting candidate: MALATI, a non-coding RNA widely associated with migratory capability in many different types of tumors. We found MALATI to be overexpressed in glioblastoma specimens compared to normal brain and to be associated with total tumor volume. The downregulation of MALATI by RNAi (RNA interference] drastically impairs migration, thus it is a very interesting potential target in the context of invasive tumors such as glioblastoma. Résumé WIFl a été sélectionné en tant que putatif suppresseur de tumeurs dans le cadre des glioblastomes par une analyse qui a était conduit à partir des données d'expression de gènes provenant d'environ 80 glioblastomes. WIF1 code pour une protéine destinée à la sécrétion qui antagonise la voie de WNT et son expression est fortement sous-exprimé dans la plupart des glioblastome par rapport à tissu cérébral normal. Cette sous-expression est due à deux mécanismes différents: à la délétion de la partie génomique codant pour WIF1 et à l'hyper méthylation de son promoteur. La surexpression de WIF1 réduit la capacité de prolifération des cellules de glioblastome in vitro ainsi que in vivo et elle réduit aussi leur capacité migratoire. Il est intéressant de remarquer que l'espression de WIF1 induit un phénotype sénescent caractérisé par l'apparition de cellules aplaties, multi nucléées et positives pour l'activité de l'enzyme ß-galactosidase associée à la sénescence, un marqueur tardif de la sénescence. Il est à noter que le phénotype sénescent qui est induit par WIF1 est indépendant de p53 et pRB, deux voies qui ont été largement associées à ce processus. L'analyse des les voies de signalisation en aval de WIFl a apporté des résultats intéressants. L'expression de WIF1 inhibe la voie canonique de WNT, mais l'altération de cette voie seule ne pouvait pas expliquer tous les effets induits par WIF1. Nous avons pu prouver que certains changements sont liés à l'inhibition de la voie non-canonique qui est activée par WNT5cc. Par exemple, une réduction drastique de la phosphorylation de ERK et p38 à la fois a été détectée lorsque WIFl a été surexprimé ou WNT5a sous- exprimé. En raison de la complexité de la voie non-canonique, il est difficile de définir le mécanisme précis de la transduction du signal. Nous avons exclu l'implication de la voie JNK-WNT5a-APl et les résultats préliminaires suggèrent l'implication de la voie de signalisation appelée WNT-calcium. En plus, l'analyse du profil d'expression génique de cellules sur-exprimant WIF1 nous a permis d'identifier un candidat très intéressant: MALATI, un ARN non- codants largement associés à la capacité migratoire dans nombreux types de tumeurs. Nous avons trouvé que MALATI est surexprimé dans les échantillons de glioblastome par rapport à tissu cérébral normal et il est associé au volume total de la tumeur. La sous-expression de MALATI altère considérablement la migration des cellules tumorales. Donc, MALATI, est une cible potentielle très intéressante dans le cadre d'une tumeur invasive telle que le glioblastome.
Many mechanisms have been proposed to explain why immune responses against human tumor antigens are generally ineffective. For example, tumor cells have been shown to develop active immune evasion mechanisms. Another possibility is that tumor antigens are unable to optimally stimulate tumor-specific T cells. In this study we have used HLA-A2/Melan-A peptide tetramers to directly isolate antigen-specific CD8(+) T cells from tumor-infiltrated lymph nodes. This allowed us to quantify the activation requirements of a representative polyclonal yet monospecific tumor-reactive T cell population. The results obtained from quantitative assays of intracellular Ca(2+) mobilization, TCR down-regulation, cytokine production and induction of effector cell differentiation indicate that the naturally produced Melan-A peptides are weak agonists and are clearly suboptimal for T cell activation. In contrast, optimal T cell activation was obtained by stimulation with recently defined peptide analogues. These findings provide a molecular basis for the low immunogenicity of tumor cells and suggest that patient immunization with full agonist peptide analogues may be essential for stimulation and maintenance of anti-tumor T cell responses in vivo.
Tumors are often compared to wounds that do not heal, where the crosstalk between tumor cells and their surrounding stroma is crucial at all stages of development, from the initial primary growth to metastasis. Similar to wound healing, fibroblasts in the tumor stroma differentiate into myofibroblasts, also referred to as "cancer-associated fibroblasts" (CAFs), primarily, but not exclusively, in response to transforming growth factor-ß (TGF-ß). Myofibroblasts in turn enhance tumor progression by remodeling the stroma. Among molecules implicated in stroma remodeling, matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), and MMP-g in particular, play a prominent role. However, the mechanisms that regulate MMP-g activation and function remain poorly understood. Recent evidence indicates that tumor cell surface association of MMP-g is an important event in its activation, and more generally in tumor growth and invasion. In the present work we address the potential association of MMP-g activity with cell-surface recruitment to human fibroblasts. We show for the first time that recruitment of MMP-g to the MRC-5 fibroblast cell surface occurs through the fibronectin-like (FN) domain, shared only by MMP-g and MMP-2 among all the MMPs. Functional assays suggest that both the pro- and active form of MMP-g trigger a-smooth muscle actin (aSMA) expression in resting fibroblasts that reflects myofibroblast differentiation, possibly through TGF-ß activation. Moreover, the FN domain of MMP-g inhibits both MMP-g-induced TGF-ß activation and aSMA expression by sequestering MMP-g. Xenograft experiments in NOD/SCID mice using HT1080 fibrosarcoma or MDA-MD231 breast adenocarcinoma cells stably expressing the FN domain of MMP-g revealed no changes in primary tumor growth. However, in the context of metastasis, expression of the FN domain by these same tumor cells dramatically increased their metastatic proclivity whereas expression of wt MMP-g either promoted no change or actually reduced the number of metastases. We observed a decrease of an active form of MMP-g in MDA-MB231 cells overexpressing the FN domain suggesting that the FN domain may inhibit MMP-g activity in Tumors are often compared to wounds that do not heal, where the crosstalk between tumor cells and their surrounding stroma is crucial at all stages of development, from the initial primary growth to metastasis. Similar to wound healing, fibroblasts in the tumor stroma differentiate into myofibroblasts, also referred to as "cancer-associated fibroblasts" (CAFs), primarily, but not exclusively, in response to transforming growth factor-ß (TGF-ß). Myofibroblasts in turn enhance tumor progression by remodeling the stroma. Among molecules implicated in stroma remodeling, matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), and MMP-g in particular, play a prominent role. However, the mechanisms that regulate MMP-g activation and function remain poorly understood. Recent evidence indicates that tumor cell surface association of MMP-g is an important event in its activation, and more generally in tumor growth and invasion. In the present work we address the potential association of MMP-g activity with cell-surface recruitment to human fibroblasts. We show for the first time that recruitment of MMP-g to the MRC-5 fibroblast cell surface occurs through the fibronectin-like (FN) domain, shared only by MMP-g and MMP-2 among all the MMPs. Functional assays suggest that both the pro- and active form of MMP-g trigger a-smooth muscle actin (aSMA) expression in resting fibroblasts that reflects myofibroblast differentiation, possibly through TGF-ß activation. Moreover, the FN domain of MMP-g inhibits both MMP-g-induced TGF-ß activation and aSMA expression by sequestering MMP-g. Xenograft experiments in NOD/SCID mice using HT1080 fibrosarcoma or MDA-MD231 breast adenocarcinoma cells stably expressing the FN domain of MMP-9 revealed no changes in primary tumor growth. However, in the context of metastasis, expression of the FN domain by these same tumor cells dramatically increased their metastatic proclivity whereas expression of wt MMP-g either promoted no change or actually reduced the number of metastases. We observed a decrease of an active form of MMP-9 in MDA-MB231 cells overexpressing the FN domain suggesting that the FN domain may inhibit MMP-9 activity in those cells and therefore prevent MMP-9-induced activation of TGF-b, which results in increased invasion. Curiously, xenografts of SW480 colorectal adenocarcinoma cells stably expressing the FN domain of MMP-9 displayed reduced growth at both the primary (subcutaneous) injection site and the lungs of NOD/SCID mice, in experimental metastasis assays, whilst the same cells overexpressing wt MMP-9 showed enhanced growth and dissemination. Gelatin zymography of conditioned medium revealed that these effects may be due to the FN domain, which displaces MMP-9 from SW480 cell surface. These observations suggest a dual role of MMP-9 and its FN domain in primary tumor growth and metastasis, underscoring the notion that the effect of MMP-9 on tumor cells may depend on the cell type and highlighting possible protective effects of MMPs in tumor progression.
Cancer cells acquire cell-autonomous capacities to undergo limitless proliferation and survival through the activation of oncogenes and inactivation of tumor suppressor genes. Nevertheless, the formation of a clinically relevant tumor requires support from the surrounding normal stroma, also referred to as the tumor microenvironment. Carcinoma-associated fibroblasts, leukocytes, bone marrow-derived cells, blood and lymphatic vascular endothelial cells present within the tumor microenvironment contribute to tumor progression. Recent evidence indicates that the microenvironment provides essential cues to the maintenance of cancer stem cells/cancer initiating cells and to promote the seeding of cancer cells at metastatic sites. Furthermore, inflammatory cells and immunomodulatory mediators present in the tumor microenvironment polarize host immune response toward specific phenotypes impacting tumor progression. A growing number of studies demonstrate a positive correlation between angiogenesis, carcinoma-associated fibroblasts, and inflammatory infiltrating cells and poor outcome, thereby emphasizing the clinical relevance of the tumor microenvironment to aggressive tumor progression. Thus, the dynamic and reciprocal interactions between tumor cells and cells of the tumor microenvironment orchestrate events critical to tumor evolution toward metastasis, and many cellular and molecular elements of the microenvironment are emerging as attractive targets for therapeutic strategies.
Endogenous and infectious mouse mammary tumor viruses (MMTVs) encode in their 3' long terminal repeat a protein that exerts superantigen activity; that is, it is able to interact with T cells via the variable domain of the T cell receptor (TCR) beta chain. We show here that transmission of an infectious MMTV is prevented when superantigen-reactive cells are absent through either clonal deletion due to the expression of an endogenous MTV with identical superantigen specificity or exclusion due to expression of a transgenic TCR beta chain that does not interact with the viral superantigen. A strict requirement for superantigen-reactive T cells is also seen for a local immune response following MMTV infection. This immune response locally amplifies the number of MMTV-infected B cells, most likely owing to their clonal expansion. Collectively, our data indicate that a superantigen-induced immune response is critical for the MMTV life cycle.
The paradoxical coexistence of spontaneous tumor antigen-specific immune responses with progressive disease in cancer patients furthers the need to dissect the molecular pathways involved in tumor-induced T cell dysfunction. In patients with advanced melanoma, we have previously shown that the cancer-germline antigen NY-ESO-1 stimulates spontaneous NY-ESO-1-specific CD8(+) T cells that up-regulate PD-1 expression. We also observed that PD-1 regulates NY-ESO-1-specific CD8(+) T cell expansion upon chronic antigen stimulation. In the present study, we show that a fraction of PD-1(+) NY-ESO-1-specific CD8(+) T cells in patients with advanced melanoma up-regulates Tim-3 expression and that Tim-3(+)PD-1(+) NY-ESO-1-specific CD8(+) T cells are more dysfunctional than Tim-3(-)PD-1(+) and Tim-3(-)PD-1(-) NY-ESO-1-specific CD8(+) T cells, producing less IFN-γ, TNF, and IL-2. Tim-3-Tim-3L blockade enhanced cytokine production by NY-ESO-1-specific CD8(+) T cells upon short ex vivo stimulation with cognate peptide, thus enhancing their functional capacity. In addition, Tim-3-Tim-3L blockade enhanced cytokine production and proliferation of NY-ESO-1-specific CD8(+) T cells upon prolonged antigen stimulation and acted in synergy with PD-1-PD-L1 blockade. Collectively, our findings support the use of Tim-3-Tim-3L blockade together with PD-1-PD-L1 blockade to reverse tumor-induced T cell exhaustion/dysfunction in patients with advanced melanoma.
PURPOSE: 3'-deoxy-3'-[(18)F]fluorothymidine ([(18)F]FLT), a cell proliferation positron emission tomography (PET) tracer, has been shown in numerous tumors to be more specific than 2-deoxy-2-[(18)F]fluoro-D: -glucose ([(18)F]FDG) but less sensitive. We studied the capacity of a nontoxic concentration of 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine (FdUrd), a thymidine synthesis inhibitor, to increase uptake of [(18)F]FLT in tumor xenografts. METHODS: The duration of the FdUrd effect in vivo on tumor cell cycling and thymidine analogue uptake was studied by varying FdUrd pretreatment timing and holding constant the timing of subsequent flow cytometry and 5-[(125)I]iodo-2'-deoxyuridine biodistribution measurements. In [(18)F]FLT studies, FdUrd pretreatment was generally performed 1 h before radiotracer injection. [(18)F]FLT biodistributions were measured 1 to 3 h after radiotracer injection of mice grafted with five different human tumors and pretreated or not with FdUrd and compared with [(18)F]FDG tumor uptake. Using microPET, the dynamic distribution of [(18)F]FLT was followed for 1.5 h in FdUrd pretreated mice. High-field T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and histology were used comparatively in assessing tumor viability and proliferation. RESULTS: FdUrd induced an immediate increase in tumor uptake of 5-[(125)I]iodo-2'-deoxyuridine, that vanished after 6 h, as also confirmed by flow cytometry. Biodistribution measurements showed that FdUrd pretreatment increased [(18)F]FLT uptake in all tumors by factors of 3.2 to 7.8 compared with controls, while [(18)F]FDG tumor uptake was about fourfold and sixfold lower in breast cancers and lymphoma. Dynamic PET in FdUrd pretreated mice showed that [(18)F]FLT uptake in all tumors increased steadily up to 1.5 h. MRI showed a well-vascularized homogenous lymphoma with high [(18)F]FLT uptake, while in breast cancer, a central necrosis shown by MRI was inactive in PET, consistent with the histomorphological analysis. CONCLUSION: We showed a reliable and significant uptake increase of [(18)F]FLT in different tumor xenografts after low-dose FdUrd pretreatment. These results show promise for a clinical application of FdUrd aimed at increasing the sensitivity of [(18)F]FLT PET.
Following infection with the protozoan parasite Leishmania major, C57BL/6 mice develop a small lesion that heals spontaneously. Resistance to infection is associated with the development of CD4(+) Th1 cells producing gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF), which synergize in activating macrophages to their microbicidal state. We show here that C57BL/6 mice lacking both TNF and Fas ligand (FasL) (gld TNF(-/-) mice) infected with L. major neither resolved their lesions nor controlled Leishmania replication despite the development of a strong Th1 response. Comparable inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) activities were detected in lesions of TNF(-/-), gld TNF(-/-), and gld mice, but only gld and gld TNF(-/-) mice failed to control parasite replication. Parasite numbers were high in gld mice and even more elevated in gld TNF(-/-) mice, suggesting that, in addition to iNOS, the Fas/FasL pathway is required for successful control of parasite replication and that TNF contributes only a small part to this process. Furthermore, FasL was shown to synergize with IFN-gamma for the induction of leishmanicidal activity within macrophages infected with L. major in vitro. Interestingly, TNF(-/-) mice maintained large lesion size throughout infection, despite being able to largely control parasite numbers. Thus, IFN-gamma, FasL, and iNOS appear to be essential for the complete control of parasite replication, while the contribution of TNF is more important in controlling inflammation at the site of parasite inoculation.
A fonte de N fornecido às culturas influencia algumas propriedades do solo como o pH, causando efeitos indiretos na disponibilidade e, consequentemente na absorção de nutrientes pela planta. Em relação ao Mn, que pode influenciar na susceptibilidade de plantas a doenças, pode haver alterações até mesmo nas relações patógeno-hospedeiro. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de duas fontes de N e cinco doses de Mn na severidade da mancha-marrom em plantas de trigo, bem como na produção de matéria seca da parte aérea e raízes, a absorção desses nutrientes pelas plantas e a disponibilidade do Mn no solo. O experimento foi instalado em casa de vegetação e os tratamentos dispostos em um esquema fatorial (2 × 5), sendo duas fontes de N (amoniacal e nítrica) e cinco doses de Mn (0; 2,5; 5,0; 10,0 e 20,0 mg dm-3), em delineamento de blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Foram utilizadas amostras de um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico em vasos contendo 2,2 dm³, com três plantas de trigo. Aos 45 dias após emergência (DAE), as plantas foram inoculadas com uma suspensão de 10(5) mL-1 conídios de Bipolaris sorokiniana. Foram determinados o grau de severidade final da mancha-marrom, a produção de matéria seca da parte aérea e das raízes, e os teores foliares de N e Mn nas plantas de trigo, assim como a disponibilidade de Mn no solo. Verificou-se efeito das fontes de N e das doses de Mn apenas na severidade da mancha-marrom e nos teores de Mn no solo e nas folhas. Houve respostas quadráticas para os teores de Mn no solo e nas folhas e para a severidade da mancha-marrom no trigo. A fonte amoniacal [(NH4)2SO4] proporcionou maior disponibilidade do Mn no solo do que a fonte nítrica [Ca(NO3)2], que foi acompanhada de aumento do teor foliar de Mn na planta e de diminuição da severidade da mancha-marron em trigo.