858 resultados para Triangle Inequality
Building on earlier work on regional inequality in Russia (Fedorov 2002; Gaddy and Ickes 2005; Bradshaw 2006 and others) we investigate a novel line of research, i.e. to demonstrate that the regional oil and gas abundance is associated with high within-region inequality. We show empirically that hydrocarbons represent one of the leading determinants of an increased gap between rich and poor in the producing regions. We discuss a possible cluster of geographic, economic and political factors underlying the phenomenon.
The concept of the United Kingdom acting as a bridge between Europe and the United States has been a key element in British foreign policy for six decades. Under the second Blair Premiership it reached both its apogee and its nadir. This paper analyses these developments focusing both on the transatlantic and European ends. Particular attention is paid to the failure of the Blair government either to establish a secure place for Britain as a co-leader or to make the British people more comfortable in their European skins. This failure occurred at a period when the EU is characterised by leadership transition and confusion. New leaderships will emerge in the EU over the next two years but it seems unlikely that Britain, characterised by a continuing disconnect between a Euro-sceptic public discourse and deep involvement at a governmental level will develop a European policy narrative that is regarded as convincing at either the EU or domestic level. This weakness is compounded by a failure to develop new thinking about the rise of new powers such as China and India.
Wage inequality is a particular focus of attention not only in public debates over the need for social regulation to support equity, but those over the implications of social regulation for productive performance. The present paper employs panel techniques to examine the comparative historical relationship between wage inequality and hourly labour productivity growth in the manufacturing sectors of nine advanced industrialised nations over the period 1970-1995. The results show that whilst greater inequality in the top half of the wage distribution is associated with greater productivity growth, greater inequality in the bottom half is associated with lower productivity growth. It appears that whilst wage inequality in the top half of the distribution productively motivates higher earners, wage inequality in the bottom half of the distribution is detrimental for productivity performance. The latter result is most likely attributable to the weak incentives to reorganise production where extremely low pay is feasible.
We survey several applications of Simons’ inequality and state related open problems. We show that if a Banach space X has a strongly sub-differentiable norm, then every bounded weakly closed subset of X is an intersection of finite union of balls.
We consider the question whether the assumption of convexity of the set involved in Clarke-Ledyaev inequality can be relaxed. In the case when the point is outside the convex hull of the set we show that Clarke-Ledyaev type inequality holds if and only if there is certain geometrical relation between the point and the set.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 26D10.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 42B20, 42B25, 42B35
Mathematics Subject Classification: 26D10, 46E30, 47B38
2000 Math. Subject Classification: Primary 42B20, 42B25, 42B35
Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 42B20, 42B25, 42B35
It is shown in the paper the discovery of two remarkable points of the triangle by means of “THE GEOMETER’S SKETCHPAD” software. Some properties of the points are considered too.
MSC 2010: 30C45
MSC 2010: 03E72, 26E50, 28E10
Асен Божилов, Недялко Ненов - Нека G е n-върхов граф и редицата от степените на върховете му е d1, d2, . . . , dn, а V(G) е множеството от върховете на G. Степента на върха v бележим с d(v). Най-малкото естествено число r, за което V(G) има r-разлагане V(G) = V1 ∪ V2 ∪ · · · ∪ Vr, Vi ∩ Vj = ∅, , i 6 = j такова, че d(v) ≤ n − |Vi|, ∀v ∈ Vi, i = 1, 2, . . . , r е означено с ϕ(G). В тази работа доказваме неравенството ...
Снежана Христова, Кремена Стефанова, Лиляна Ванкова - В работата са решени няколко нови видове линейни дискретни неравенства, които съдържат максимума на неизвестната функция в отминал интервал от време. Някои от тези неравенства са приложени за изучаване непрекъснатата зависимост от смущения при дискретни уравнения с максимуми.