877 resultados para Transit Oriented Developments, Regional Planning, Local Government
A regionalização tem sido apontada como um dos principais desafios para viabilizar a equidade e a integralidade do SUS. Este artigo tem como objetivo avaliar o processo de implementação de um projeto de organização de regiões de saúde no município de São Paulo. Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo de caso em uma região selecionada desse município, a partir do referencial da análise de implantação, utilizando-se como fonte de dados documentos da gestão e entrevistas semiestruturadas com informantes-chave da gestão municipal 2005-2008. A análise temática evidenciou que o projeto de regionalização idealizado no início da gestão não foi efetivamente implementado. Dentre os fatores que interferiram nesse insucesso, destacam-se: a) a Secretaria Municipal de Saúde (SMS), além de seu caráter centralizador, manteve estruturas político-administrativas independentes para a gestão da atenção básica e da assistência hospitalar; b) a SMS não assumiu a gestão, de fato, de ambulatórios e hospitais estaduais; c) o poder institucional e a resistência dos hospitais em se integrar ao sistema de saúde. Discute-se, ainda, a necessidade de avançar na descentralização intramunicipal do SUS e buscar novas estratégias para a construção de pactos que consigam superar as resistências e articular instituições historicamente consolidadas, visando uma regionalização cooperativa e solidária.
We compared four strategies for inviting 91,456 women aged 50-69 years to one of six clinics for mammography screening and 40,142 men aged 60-79 years to one of 10 clinics for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening. The strategies were invitation to the clinic nearest to the client and invitation to the clinic nearest to the client's area of residence defined by census small area, postcode and local government area. For each strategy we calculated the expected demand at each clinic and the travel distances for clients. We found that when women were allocated to mammography clinics on the basis of the local government area instead of their individual address, expected demand at one clinic increased by 60%, and 19% of clients were invited to attend a more remote clinic, entailing 99,000 km of additional travel. Similar results were obtained for men allocated to AAA clinics by their postcode of residence instead of their individual address: 55% difference in expected demand, 13% to a more remote clinic and 60,000 km of extra travel. Allocation on the basis of small areas did not show such great differences, except for travel distance, which was about 5% higher for each clinic type. We recommend that allocation of clients to screening clinics be made according to residential address, that assessment of the location of clinics be based on distances between residences and nearest clinic, but that planning new locations for clinics be aided with spatial analysis tools using small area demographic and social data. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.
Information and communications technologies hold a prominent place in the cultural imagination of many people living outside the Australian metropolis, especially recent émigrés. A vision of a wired pastoral conjures up the possibilities of city work, connections and pleasures accompanying the flight to the country. Such aspirations have given a twist to one of the great topos of Australian post-invasion communications history, communications ameliorating the perceived isolation in the bush. This article examines important changes to rural telecommunications in the 1990s coinciding with post-metro dreaming and digital convergence, namely the rise of local telecommunications. Neo-Foucauldian accounts of citizenship hold some promise for explaining the criss-cross of tangled lines of flight in regional communications in the twenty-first century: emergent subjectivities, utopian digital modes of becoming, new politics of infrastructure, reconfigured relationships among state, market and citizen.
O objetivo deste artigo ?? expor e explicar um momento espec??fico da evolu????o pol??tico institucional brasileira. S??o explorados os conflitos que est??o na origem da escolha e a implementa????o de uma nova ordem pol??tico-administrativa no p??s-1930. S??o examinadas as origens, a concep????o e os objetivos que guiaram a inven????o de um aparelho burocr??tico que, juntamente com o interventor federal, n??o s?? controlou as elites pol??ticas regionais, mas tamb??m contribuiu para a organiza????o do poder do Estado em bases nacionais, cooperando para viabilizar a capacidade estatal: os Departamentos Administrativos. Analiso o contexto pol??tico, os antecedentes legais e as inova????es institucionais do decreto-lei n?? 1202/39, a fim de responder a duas quest??es bem espec??ficas: por que e com que objetivo essa lei sobre a administra????o dos estados e dos munic??pios foi criada durante o Estado Novo?
It approaches the growth of the city of Colatina-ES, the county seat that has urban economy and urban population, and territory with most of the rural area. Rural areas, however, contribute little to the city s economy and are largely environmentally degraded, idle and waiting for recovery. The objective is to understand the growth of the city of Colatina, and the factors and consequences of this growth. Land division projects, investments and interventions in urban and rural areas were collected for the analysis. As a median-sized city characterized by central and regional polarity, but outside of the main investments in the state, Colatina seeks to take advantage of its situation of commercial warehouse city and road junction to stay alive in the regional economy. The citys economy is based on trade and services, but seeks to attract investment to the industry and logistics. The expansion of the city since the early formation follows the road system, which creates a dispersed spatiality. The characteristics of the urban growth of Colatina are the result of economic development strategies, interests in the property market and a government that abstains from urban control. These factors lead a sprawl urbanization that presents itself costly and not sustainable for urban and rural areas because it creates segregation, higher infrastructure costs, low-density and monofunctional urban spaces, pollution, and worsening of environmental depletion. The challenges for sustainable growth of the city of Colatina depends on a municipal and regional planning, which qualifies and diversifies its urban areas, avoids unnecessary expansion of the urban perimeter, retrieves its environmental degraded areas and leverages the agricultural activities in a productive and less aggressive way to the environment
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyse the development of environmental management practices by Portuguese local entities and their determining factors. Design/methodology/approach – The data were collected by sending a postal questionnaire. In order to measure the degree of development of environmental management practices, an index of environmental management practices (EMPI) was developed, which reflects the extent to which a set of 16 environmental management practices have been implemented by the entities included in the sample. In total, four variables are considered in this study as possible factors that drive the development of environmental management practices by local entities: type of entity; size; proactive environmental strategy; and Local Agenda 21. Findings – Results indicate the degree of development of environmental management practices in Portuguese local entities is low. Additionally, entity size, the adoption of proactive environmental strategies and the implementation of Local Agenda 21 are explaining factors of the degree of development of such practices. Originality/value – The paper adds to the international research on environmental management in the public sector by providing empirical data from a country, Portugal, where empirical evidence is still relatively limited.
Esta dissertação pretende estudar e demonstrar a importância da reorganização territorial ao nível do poder local, analisando em particular a fusão dos municípios de Aveiro e de Ílhavo. O principal objectivo deste trabalho reside em medir as implicações da reorganização territorial por via da fusão de municípios, o que é conseguido através do estudo da evolução histórica das várias reformas administrativas ocorridas em Portugal, com especial ênfase o século XIX devido ao seu enorme ímpeto reformista, bem como da análise de um caso muito específico de dois municípios vizinhos, que partilhando uma mesma realidade espacial e natural (Ria de Aveiro), já foram, em determinada época, um só município. Procurar-se-ão aferir quais os aspectos determinantes na tomada de decisão relativamente a esta temática, bem como avaliar os principais obstáculos e benefícios da sua concretização.