926 resultados para Tourism Professionals Indicate Research Needs
Discusses the implications of the economic valuation of natural resources used for tourism and relates this valuation to the concept of total economic valuation. It demonstrates how applications of the concept of total economic valuation can be supportive of the conservation of natural resources used for tourism. Techniques for valuing tourism’s natural resources are then outlined and critically evaluated. Consideration is given to travel cost methods, contingent valuation methods, and hedonic pricing approaches before concentrating on current developments of valuation techniques, such as choice modelling. The general limitations of existing methods are considered and it is argued that more attention should be given to developing guidelines that will identify ‘optimally imperfect methods’. An overall assessment concludes this article.
After introducing the importance of the topic, we examine the economic impacts of wildlife tourism on income and employment as an indicator of the importance of this form of tourism. While such indicators can be important politically and to particular interest groups, they are shown to be an inadequate guide to the economic use and conservation of resources, including wildlife used in tourism. One reason for this (amongst others) is that total economic value must be taken into account in determining economic resource use and this is shown to be quite important in the case of wildlife species. Empirical procedures, such as use of the travel cost method and stated preference methods (for example, contingent valuation) are outlined and the way in which they can be used for determining the optimal economic allocation of land and other resources for wildlife tourism is explained. Economic implications and limitations of some empirical estimates of the importance of wildlife tourism are discussed. This leads on to a consideration of the purpose and usefulness of using economic instruments to manage wildlife tourism.
The project involves rural/regional community pharmacists integrating care for complex needs patients and delivering a range of services, based on a care plan developed collaboratively with the GP and the consumer. The pharmacist will coordinate other services based on the multidisciplinary care plan. This research follows a successful pilot project and offers an opportunity to investigate new health service delivery in rural areas for patients at greater health related risk. Care integration will be compared to usual care, with outcomes relating to medication and health service usage, as well as clinical and quality of life outcomes being compared
Introduction The objective of this study was to analyse the accommodation needs of people with intellectual disability over the age of 18 years in Toowoomba and contiguous shires. In 2004, a group of carers established Toowoomba Intellectual Disability Support Association (TIDSA) to address the issue of the lack of supported accommodation for people with intellectual disability over the age of 18 and the concerns of ageing carers. The Centre for Rural and Remote Area Health (CRRAH) was engaged by TIDSA to ascertain this need and undertook a research project funded by the Queensland Gambling Community Benefit Fund. While data specifically relating to people with intellectual disability and their carers are difficult to obtain, the Australian Bureau of Statistics report that carers of people with a disability are more likely to be female and at least 65 years of age. Projections by the National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling (NATSEM) show that disability rates are increasing and carer rates are decreasing. Thus the problem of appropriate support to the increasing number of ageing carers and those who they care for will be a major challenge to policy makers and is an issue of immediate concern. In general, what was once the norm of accommodating people with intellectual disability in large institutions is now changing to accommodating into community-based residences (Annison, 2000; Young, Ashman, Sigafoos, & Grevell, 2001). However, in Toowoomba and contiguous shires, TIDSA have noted that the availability of suitable accommodation for people with intellectual disability over the age of 18 years is declining with no new options available in an environment of increasing demand. Most effort seemed to be directed towards crisis provision. Method This study employed two phases of data gathering, the first being the distribution of a questionnaire through local service providers and upon individual request to the carers of people with intellectual disability over the age of 18. The questionnaire comprised of Likert-type items intended to measure various aspects of current and future accommodation issues. Most questions were followed with space for free-response comments to provide the opportunity for carers to further clarify and expand on their responses. The second phase comprised semi-structured interviews conducted with ten carers and ten people with intellectual disability who had participated in the Phase One questionnaire. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and subjected to content analysis where major themes were explored. Results Age and gender Carer participants in this study totalled 150. The mean age of these carers was 61.5 years and ranged from 40 – 91 years. Females comprised 78% of the sample (mean age = 61.49; range from 40-91) and 22% were male (mean age = 61.7 range from 43-81). The mean age of people with intellectual disability in our study was 37.2 years ranging from 18 – 79 years with 40% female (mean age = 39.5; range from 19-79) and 60% male (mean age = 35.6; range from 18-59). The average age of carers caring for a person over the age of 18 who is living at home is 61 years. The average age of the carer who cares for a person who is living away from home is 62 years. The overall age range of both these groups of carers is between 40 and 81 years. The oldest group of carers (mean age = 70 years) were those where the person with intellectual disability lives away from home in a large residential facility. Almost one quarter of people with an intellectual disability who currently live at home is cared for by one primary carer and this is almost exclusively a parent.
Documentation of burn sequelae can be a difficult and time-consuming task. To date a reliable and systematic format for recording postburn trauma is lacking. The purpose of this research was two-fold: first, to develop a Modified Inventory of Potential Reconstructive Needs from the original Inventory of Potential Reconstructive Needs to allow methodical documentation of functional and cosmetic burn sequelae in all body surface areas of children with burns and, second, to establish interrater reliability and concurrent validity of the instrument, thus allowing its clinical application. Two raters scored the Modified Inventory of Potential Reconstructive Needs on 41 children with a range of burns types and severity. Excellent interrater reliability was demonstrated for both total (intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.996) and subsection inventory scores. Concurrent validity was also established with total scores showing strong positive correlations (0.73-0.76) with three indicators of burn severity. These findings provide initial support for the tool's clinical applicability, particularly in relation to rehabilitative planning and documentation.
Stress and burnout for health care professionals have received increasing attention in the literature. Significant administrative, societal and political changes have impacted on the role of workers and the responsibilities they are expected to assume. Most writers suggest that social work is a highly stressful occupation, with stress deriving in particular from role conflict between client advocacy and meeting agency needs. This article reviewed the social work literature with two questions in mind: Are social workers subject to greater stress than other health professionals? What factors contribute to stress and burnout among social workers? We found that most of the literature was either anecdotal or compared social worker stress with general population norms rather than with stress levels of workers in comparable professions. Such empirical research as is available suggests that social workers may experience higher levels of stress and resulting burnout than comparable occupational groups. Factors identified as contributing to stress and burnout included the nature of social work practice, especially tension between philosophy and work demands and the organization of the work environment. There was some evidence that supervision and team support are protective factors.
Green Hill Fort, Thursday Islalld was constructed between 1891-1893 to defend the Australian colonies against a feared Russian invasion. It retained an operational role until the 1920.'1 and played a minor role in World /t'ar 2. From 1954 to 1993 the site, but not the facilities, was used as a weather station. More recently it has been home ofthe Ton-es Strait Historical Society and Museum Association museum. It is a major attraction during the tourist season and an important local icon. For archaeologists it has sign~ficance as a relatively intact nineteenth-century military installation. Two 'Centenary of Federation' grants have proVided the impetus to undertake conservation and presentation works involving various task -spec~fic, archaeological activities. At the management level archaeologists play the lead role in the project. The project has demonstrated the value oJarchaeology and tourism joining forces. The danger ofa 'theme park 'presentation has been avoided. Technical accuracy and careful site planning has ensured a high degree ofaccuracy is retained. Provided these qualities can be assured then, it is argued, there is an opportunity for archaeology to be a majOl; long-term beneficiary. But to achieve that, the discipline must move from being entrenched in its academic mould and become Jar more receptive to the broader needs ofthe twentyfirst century.
Like those in other sectors, managers in community-based organisations face an uncertain and challenging future. Research and writing about the community sector (non-government, notjor-profit, or third seclOr) has canvassed a wide range of issues. A selective review of the recent literature reveals the breadth of research interest in the challenges facing community sector managers. While some reflection on the implications for managers of current economic and social policy contexts is crucial for this sector, research effort needs to be focused on understanding how third sector managers construe their current strategic challenges and the strategies they use to address them A small sample ofmanagers working in a regional area in South East Queensland was asked to identify current strategic concerns related to the future viability of their organisations. The key issues raised by managers are compared with the issues raised in the research literature. Results -to date indicate that managers' concerns are reflected in the research literature, but that managers are also concemed about the current trends in social policy towards collaboration, amalgamation, and pannership. Implications of these findings for managers operating in this sector are discussed.
This study discusses distance learning (DL) as a corporate education strategy in the scope of National Policy on Staff Development. The purpose was to identify, along with managers and specialists of National Network of Schools of Government in Brazil (RNEG), demanded competencies for DL professionals acting in continued education to service public. Part of the research is based in official documents and in related capacity-building initiatives of Schools of Government in the last three years. Through questionnaire sent to managers of institutions of RNEG, we identified existing infrastructure, teams profile, actions developed in DL and training needs. The research allowed to map the critical competencies to work in DL programs and to create a proposal from a Competency-Based Training Matrix for school teams in order to leverage continuing education programs to public servants in three spheres of government. The results revealed the key technological, pedagogical, management and communication skills, as well as the critical activities and content to be included in the training plans. It was found that 88% of institutions have already implemented or are in the process of implementing DL, and the other 12% are deficient in qualified staff to make regulations on hiring personnel or in technology fluency. This corroborates the importance and the contribution of Competency-Based Training Matrix for RNEG