986 resultados para T Lymphocytes
The lack of a clear correlation between the levels of antibody to pertussis antigens and protection against disease lends credence to the possibility that cell-mediated immunity provides primary protection against disease. This phase I comparative trial had the aim of comparing the in vitro cellular immune response and anti-pertussis toxin (anti-PT) immunoglobulin G (IgG) titers induced by a cellular pertussis vaccine with low lipopolysaccharide (LPS) content (wP(low) vaccine) with those induced by the conventional whole-cell pertussis (wP) vaccine. A total of 234 infants were vaccinated at 2, 4, and 6 months with the conventional wP vaccine or the wP(low) vaccine. Proliferation of CD3(+) T cells was evaluated by flow cytometry after 6 days of peripheral blood mononuclear cell culture with stimulation with heat-killed Bordetella pertussis or phytohemagglutinin (PHA). CD3(+), CD4(+), CD8(+), and T-cell receptor gamma delta-positive (gamma delta(+)) cells were identified in the gate of blast lymphocytes. Gamma interferon, tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukin-4 (IL-4), and IL-10 levels in super-natants and serum anti-PT IgG levels were determined using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The net percentage of CD3(+) blasts in cultures with B. pertussis in the group vaccinated with wP was higher than that in the group vaccinated with the wP(low) vaccine (medians of 6.2% for the wP vaccine and 3.9% for the wP(low) vaccine; P = 0.029). The frequencies of proliferating CD4(+), CD8(+), and gamma delta(+) cells, cytokine concentrations in supernatants, and the geometric mean titers of anti-PT IgG were similar for the two vaccination groups. There was a significant difference between the T-cell subpopulations for B. pertussis and PHA cultures, with a higher percentage of gamma delta(+) cells in the B. pertussis cultures (P < 0.001). The overall data did suggest that wP vaccination resulted in modestly better specific CD3(+) cell proliferation, and gamma delta(+) cell expansions were similar with the two vaccines.
Host responses following exposure to Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB) are complex and can significantly affect clinical outcome. These responses, which are largely mediated by complex immune mechanisms involving peripheral blood cells (PBCs) such as T-lymphocytes, NK cells and monocyte-derived macrophages, have not been fully characterized. We hypothesize that different clinical outcome following TB exposure will be uniquely reflected in host gene expression profiles, and expression profiling of PBCs can be used to discriminate between different TB infectious outcomes. In this study, microarray analysis was performed on PBCs from three TB groups (BCG-vaccinated, latent TB infection, and active TB infection) and a control healthy group. Supervised learning algorithms were used to identify signature genomic responses that differentiate among group samples. Gene Set Enrichment Analysis was used to determine sets of genes that were co-regulated. Multivariate permutation analysis (p < 0.01) gave 645 genes differentially expressed among the four groups, with both distinct and common patterns of gene expression observed for each group. A 127-probeset, representing 77 known genes, capable of accurately classifying samples into their respective groups was identified. In addition, 13 insulin-sensitive genes were found to be differentially regulated in all three TB infected groups, underscoring the functional association between insulin signaling pathway and TB infection. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
The dibenzylbutyrolactone lignan (-)-hinokinin (HK) was obtained by partial synthesis from (-)-cubebin, isolated from the dry seeds of the pepper, Piper cubeba. In view of the trypanocidal activity of HK and its potential as a lead compound for drug development, evaluation of its possible genotoxic activity is required. We have tested HK for possible genotoxicity and evaluated the compound`s effect on the activity of the clastogens doxorubicin (DXR) and methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) in the micronucleus (MN) assay with Chinese hamster lung fibroblast V79 cells. HK alone did not induce MN, at concentrations up to 128 mu M. In combined treatments, HK reduced the frequency of MN induced by MMS. With respect to DXR, HK exerted a protective effect at lower concentrations, but at higher concentrations it potentiated DXR clastogenicity. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The flavonoid quercetin and its derivative rutin were investigated for genotoxicity/antigenotoxicity activity in human hepatoma HepG2 cells using the comet assay. The extract cytotoxicity was evaluated using the trypan blue exclusion dye method with quercetin and rutin concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 200.0 mu g/mL of culture medium. Three minor non-cytotoxic concentrations were chosen to evaluate the genotoxicity and antigenotoxicity of the flavonoids (0.1, 1.0 and 5.0 mu g/mL) through comet assay. The cultures were treated with three different concentrations of rutin or quercetin (genotoxicity) or their association with Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) or doxorubicin (DXR) (antigenotoxicity test) in three protocols: pretreatment, simultaneous treatment and post-treatment. The cell cultures were also treated with 1% DMSO (control group), AFB1, MMS and DXR (positive-control). Statistical analyses were performed using ANOVA and Dunnett`s test (p <= 0.05). Quercetin at concentrations higher than 10.0 mu g/mL or rutin higher than 50.0 mu g/mL exhibited a cytotoxic effect on the cells, showing that quercetin is more cytotoxic than rutin. Furthermore, neither compound was able to induce genotoxicity in the concentrations evaluated. On the other hand, both flavonoids reduced DNA damage induced by AFB1, MMS and DXR in all treatment protocols. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Aim of the study was to find out whether consumption of quercetin (QC), an abundant flavonoid in the human diet, protects against DNA damage caused by exposure to organic mercury. Therefore, rats were treated orally with methylmercury (MeHg) and the flavonoid with doses that reflect the human exposure. The animals received MeHg (30 mu g/kg/bw/day), QC (0.5-50 mg/kg/bw/day), or combinations of both over 45 days. Subsequently, the glutathione levels (GSH) and the activities of glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and catalase (CAT) were determined, and DNA damage was measured in hepatocytes and peripheral leukocytes in single cell gel electrophoresis assays. MeHg decreased the concentration of GSH and the activity of GPx by 17 and 12%, respectively and caused DNA damage to liver and blood cells, while with QC no such effects were seen. When the flavonoid was given in combination with MeHg, the intermediate and the highest concentrations (5.0 and 50.0 mg/kg/bw/day) were found to cause DNA protection; DNA migration was reduced by 54 and 65% in the hepatocytes and by 27 and 36% in the leukocytes; furthermore, the reduction in GSH and GPx levels caused by MeHg treatment was restored. In summary, our results indicate that consumption of QC-rich foods may protect Hg-exposed humans against the adverse health effects of the metal.
Control of the acute phase of Trypanosoma cruzi infection is critically dependent on cytokine-mediated macrophage activation to intracellular killing, natural killer (NK) cells, CD4(+) T cells, CD8(+) T cells and B cells. Cell-mediated immunity in T. cruzi infection is also modulated by cytokines, but in addition to parasite-specific responses, autoimmunity can be also triggered. Importantly, cytokines may also play a role in the cell-mediated immunity of infected subjects. Here we studied the role of cytokines in the regulation of innate and adaptive immunity during the acute phase of T. cruzi infection in Wistar rats. Melatonin is an effective regulator of the immune system. Macrophages and T lymphocytes, which have melatonin receptors, are target cells for the immunomodulatory function of melatonin. In this paper melatonin was orally given via two protocols: prior to and concomitant with infection. Both treatments were highly effective against T. cruzi with enhanced action for the concomitant treatment. The data suggest an up-regulation of the TH-1 immune response as all analyzed parameters, interleukin (IL)-4, IL-10, transforming growth factor-beta 1 and splenocyte proliferation, displayed reduced levels as compared with the untreated counterparts. However, the direct effects of melatonin on immune cells have not been fully investigated during T. cruzi infection. We conclude that in light of the current results, melatonin exerted important therapeutic benefits through its immune regulatory effects.
It is well recognized that zinc is an essential trace element for all organisms, influencing growth and affecting the development and integrity of the immune system. It is also well known that the protective response against Trypanosoma cruzi depends on both innate and acquired immunity and for the control of the parasite load and host survival, the participation of special cells such natural killer (NK), T and B lymphocytes and macrophages are required. So the aims of this study were to evaluate the effects of zinc supplementation on the host`s immune response infected with T cruzi. Our data point in the direction that zinc supplementation triggered enhanced thymocyte and splenocyte proliferation as compared to unsupplied group of animals. It is also important to emphasize that interleukin-12 (IL-12) participates in the resistance to several intracellular pathogens including T cruzi. Our findings demonstrate an enhanced production of IL-12 during the acute phase of infection in zinc-supplied groups. So we conclude that zinc supplementation leads to an effective host`s immune response by up-modulating the host`s immune response, thus contributing in the reduction of blood parasites and the harmful pathogenic effects of the experimental Chagas` disease. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
DHEA, a steroid hormone synthesized from cholesterol by cells of the adrenal cortex, plays an essential role in enhancing the host`s resistance to different experimental infections. Receptors for this hormone can be found in distinct immune cells (especially macrophages) that are known to be the first line defense against Trypanosoma cruzi infection. These cells operate through an indirect pathway releasing nitric oxide (NO) and cytokines such TNF-alpha and IL-12 which in turn trigger an enhancement of natural killer cells and lymphocytes which finally secrete pro and anti-inflammatory cytokines. The effects of pre- and post-infection DHEA treatment on production of IL-12, TNF alpha and NO were evaluated. T. cruzi infected macrophages post treated with DHEA displayed enhanced concentrations of TNF-alpha, IL-12 and NO. Probably, the mechanisms that induced the production of cytokines by infected cells are more efficient when the immune system has been stimulated first by parasite invasion, suggesting that the protective role of DHEA is greater when administered post infection. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Prolactin: Does it exert an up-modulation of the immune response in Trypanosoma cruzi-infected rats?
During the course of infection by Trypanosma cruzi, the host immune system is involved in distinct, complex interactions with the endocrine system, and prolactin (PRL) is one of several hormones involved in immunoregulation. Although intensive studies attempting to understand the mechanisms that underlie Chagas` disease have been undertaken, there are still some pieces missing from this complex puzzle. Because data are scarce concerning the role of PRL involvement in Chagas` disease and taking into account the existence of crosstalk between neuroendocrine hormones and the immune system, the current study evaluates a possible up-regulation of the cellular immune response triggered by PRL in T. cruzi-infected rats and the role of PRL in reversing immunosuppression caused by the parasitic infection. The data shown herein demonstrate that PRL induces the proliferation of T lymphocytes, coupled with an activation of macrophages and the production of nitric oxide (NO), leading to a reduction in the number of blood trypomastigotes during the peak of parasitemia. During the acute phase of T. cruzi infection, an enhancement of both CD3+CD4+ and CD3+CD8+ T cell populations were observed in infected groups, with the highest numbers of these T cell subsets found in the infected group treated with PRL Because NO is a signaling molecule involved in a number of cellular interactions with components of the immune system and the neuroendocrine system, PRL can be considered an alternative hormone able to up-regulate the host`s immune system, consequently lowering the pathological effects of a T. cruzi infection. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Protease-activated receptor 1 (PAR-1) is a G-protein-coupled receptor that is overexpressed in solid tumors, being associated with several pro-tumoral responses including primary growth, invasion, metastasis and angiogenesis. Expression of PAR-1 in human leukemic cell lines is reported but the status of its expression in human leukemic patients is currently unknown. In this study we evaluated the expression pattern of PAR-1 in patients with the four main types of leukemia - chronic lymphocytic leukemia subtype B (B-CLL), acute lymphoblastic leukemia subtype B (B-ALL), acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). Flow cytometry analyses show that lymphocytes from B-CLL patients express this receptor at similar levels to healthy individuals. On the other hand, it was observed a significant increase in PAR-1 expression in B-ALL lymphocytes as compared to B-CLL and healthy donors. Flow cytometric and real-time PCR demonstrated a significant increase in PAR-1 expression in granulocytes from CML patients in blast phase (CML-BP) but not in chronic phase (CML-CP) as compared to healthy donors. Finally, a significant increase in PAR-1 expression has been also observed in blasts from AML (subtypes M4 and M5) patients, as compared to monocytes or granulocytes from healthy donors. We conclude that PAR-1 might play an important biological role in aggressive leukemias and might offer additional strategies for the development of new therapies. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Uranium is a natural radioactive metallic element; its effect on the organism is cumulative, and chronic exposure to this element can induce carcinogenesis. Three cities of the Amazon region-Monte Alegre, Prainha, and Alenquer-in North Brazil, are located in one of the largest uranium mineralization areas of the world. Radon is a radioactive gas, part of uranium decay series and readily diffuses through rock. In Monte Alegre, most of the houses are built of rocks removed from the Earth`s crust in the forest, where the uranium reserves lie. The objective of the present work is to determine the presence or absence of genotoxicity and risk of carcinogenesis induced by natural exposure to uranium and radon in the populations of these three cities. The frequency of micronuclei (MN) and chromosomal aberrations (CA) showed no statistically significant differences between the control population and the three study populations (P > 0.05). MN was also analyzed using the fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) technique, with a centromere-specific probe. No clastogenic and/or aneugenic effects were found in the populations. Using FISH analysis, other carcinogenesis biomarkers were analyzed, but neither the presence of the IGH/BCL2 translocation nor an amplification of the MYC gene and 22q21 region was detected. Clastogenicity and DNA damage were also not found in the populations analyzed using the alkaline comet assay. The mitotic index showed no cytotoxicity in the analyzed individuals` lymphocytes. Once we do not have data concerning radiation doses from other sources, such as cosmic rays, potassium, thorium, or anthropogenic sources, it is hard to determine if uranium emissions in this geographic region where our study population lives are too low to cause significant DNA damage. Regardless, genetic analyses suggest that the radiation in our study area is not high enough to induce DNA alterations or to interfere with mitotic apparatus formation. It is also possible that damages caused by radiation doses undergo cellular repair.
Ruthenium compounds in general are well suited for medicinal applications. They have been investigated as immunosuppressants, nitric oxide scavengers, antimicrobial agents, and antimalarials. The aim of this study is to evaluate the immunomodulatory activity of cis-(dichloro) tetraammineruthenium(III) chloride (cis-[RuCl(2)(NH(3))(4)]Cl) on human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). The cytotoxic studies performed here revealed that the ruthenium( III) complex presents a cytotoxic activity towards normal human PBMC, only at very high concentration. Results also showed that cis-[ RuCl(2)(NH(3))(4)] Cl presents a dual role on PBMC stimulating proliferation and interleukin-2 (IL-2) production at low concentration and inducing cytotoxicity, inability to proliferate, and inhibiting IL-2 production at high concentration. The noncytotoxic activity of cis-[RuCl(2)(NH(3))(4)] Cl at low concentration towards PBMC, which correlates with the small number of annexin V positive cells and also the absence of DNA fragmentation, suggest that this compound does not induce apoptosis on PBMC. For the first time, we show that, at low concentration (10-100 mu g L(-1)), the cis-[ RuCl(2)(NH(3))(4)] Cl compound induces peripheral blood lymphocytes proliferation and also stimulates them to IL-2 production. These results open a new potential applicability of ruthenium(III) complexes as a possible immune regulatory compound acting as immune suppressor at high concentration and as immune stimulator at low concentration.
Gonadal steroids exert an important influence on the host immune response during infection. Changes resulting from the absence or replacement of gonadal hormones may represent a distinct evolution of a particular parasite. Taking into account the greater susceptibility of males to parasites, the magnitude of the immune response seems to depend on the interaction of many hormones that will act synergistically with other immune cells. The aims of this research were to evaluate the effects of the luck of male sex hormones due to orchiectomy, and the influence of oral administration of melatonin on the immune response of male Wistar rats infected with the Y strain of Trypanosoma cruzi. The percentage of CD3(+) CD4(+) and CD3(+) CD8(+) lymphocyte T cell subsets were evaluated using flow cytometry and the measurement of IL-2 and IL-12. For all parameters examined, a synergistic action of melatonin and orchiectomy on the host`s immune response was observed, promoting an effective response against the parasite during the acute phase of infection. These results offer insight into other possibilities for possibly controlling T. cruzi proliferation through melatonin therapy and also the stimulatory effects on host`s immune response triggered by the absence of male gonadal steroids during the acute phase of infection.
To evaluate an antigen delivery system in which exogenous antigen can target the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I pathway, a single human papillomavirus (HPV) 16 E7 cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) epitope and a single HIV gp160 CTL epitope were separately fused to the C-terminus or bovine papillomavirus 1 (BPV1) L1 sequence to form hybrid BPV1L1 VLPs. Mice immunized with these hybrid VLPs mounted strong CTL responses against the relevant target cells in the absence of any adjuvants. In addition, the CTL responses induced by immunization with BPV1L1/HPV16E7CTL VLPs protected mice against challenge with E7-transformed tumor cells. Furthermore, a high titer-specific antibody response against BPV1L1 VLPs was also induced, and this antiserum could inhibit papillomavirus-induced agglutination of mouse erythrocytes, suggesting that the antibody may recognize conformational determinates relevant to virus neutralization. These data demonstrate that hybrid BPV1L1 VLPs can be used as carriers to target antigenic epitopes to both the MHC class I and class II pathways, providing a promising strategy for the design of vaccines to prevent virus infection, with the potential to elicit therapeutic virus-specific CTL responses. (C) 1998 Academic Press.
The role of individual viral proteins in the immune response to bluetongue virus (BTV) is not clearly understood. To investigate the contributions of the outer capsid proteins, VP2 and VP5, and possible interactions between them, these proteins were expressed from recombinant vaccinia viruses either as individual proteins or together in double recombinants, or with the core protein VP7 in a triple recombinant. Comparison of the immunogenicity of the vaccinia expressed proteins with BTV expressed proteins was carried out by inoculation of rabbits and sheep. Each of the recombinants was capable of stimulating an anti-BTV antibody response, although there was a wide range in the level of response between animals and species. Vaccinia-expressed VP2 was poorly immunogenic, particularly in rabbits. VP5, on the whole, stimulated higher ELISA titers in rabbits and sheep and in some animals in both species was able to stimulate virus neutralizing antibodies. When the protective efficacy of VP2 and VP5 was tested in sheep, vaccinia-expressed VP2, VP5 and VP2 + VP5 were protective, with the most consistent protection being in groups immunized with both proteins. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.