879 resultados para Sustainable Community Development


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La región del Pacífico colombiano se ha identificado de varias maneras, dentro de las cuales el subdesarrollo ha sido la más representativa, para ello, el crecimiento económico se caracterizó como la respuesta, pero con el tiempo las poblaciones afrodescendientes han comenzado a ver grandes ventajas en el desarrollo comunitario para su economía. El presente trabajo de investigación busca exponer las visiones de desarrollo económico ejecutadas por el gobierno y el de las poblaciones afrodescendientes en el bajo Atrato. Planteado a través de un enfoque cualitativo y del análisis de fuentes secundarias, esta investigación se presenta como una posibilidad para la academia, al dar un paso más en el análisis de las visiones económicas de la población afrodescendiente ubicada en el bajo Atrato.


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El departamento de Desarrollo Local del Ayuntamiento de Guía de Isora, en Tenerife, ha realizado un inventario de los caminos históricos del municipio con el fin de recuperarlos y hacerlos accesible a los ciudadanos. Los caminos se han recogido con la ayuda de señores/as mayores del municipio que han transitado por los mismos, en muchas ocasiones diariamente, hace más de 30-40 años. El inventario realizado está disponible actualmente a través de la página del Ayuntamiento, http://www.guiadeisora.org/, mediante la descarga de ficheros PDF. Para mejorar la gestión de los caminos, así como para mejorar la divulgación de la información relacionada con las rutas (seguridad, impactos humanos, señalización, puntos de interés y elementos descriptivos.), el ayuntamiento desarrolla un Geoportal basado en la IDE. El modelo de datos espaciales atiende a dos usos. Por un lado, el de portal informativo para ciudadanos y turistas y por otro lado, el de herramienta interna del propio ayuntamiento para la gestión de los caminos históricos (renovación, limpieza, homologación, etc.). En este segundo uso se tiene en cuenta múltiples criterios entre los que destaca por ejemplo, si el camino pasa por un espacio natural protegido o las relaciones de propiedad existentes (catastro). Para obtener una mejor idea del estado actual de las rutas históricas es imprescindible contar con información amplia y detallada sobre el estado actual de los caminos incluyendo los (I) impactos medioambientales existentes, la (II) seguridad que afecta al senderista, los (III) puntos de interés y la señalización que se encuentra en el camino. Con este fin, se tiene previsto organizar un concurso fotográfico junto con talleres de geotagging gratuitos para ciudadanos. Se prevé premiar fotos digitales relacionadas con estos 4 aspectos. El sistema permite la carga directa de estas fotos a una capa en la base de datos extrayendo la información Exif de las mismas. Esta información se visualizará directamente en el portal o a través de informes PDF que se generan de manera automática por el aplicativo. Dichos informes pueden ser entregados directamente a entidades que se encargan de la limpieza de los caminos o también sirven para la homologación de los mismos


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The paper focuses on the question of local development and applies the local territorial systems model to the urban area of Manresa (Barcelona). The concept of local development is discussed first, as well as the change in place's position within the network derived from metropolitan expansion processes. The role of Manresa's social agents and its development policies are explained, to stress the relevance of the position of places in the network and, foremost, of the role and capability of local actors in putting into value theirs milieu's resources


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If we want to evaluate the degree of local development that High-Speed Train (HST) provides in a city it is fundamental to observe the capacity of the actors of territory of organizing themselves to make use of their endogenous resources. Through the elaboration of a new methodology, the study of the process of development of three medium-sized cities with HST, Lérida (Spain), Avignon (France) and Novara (Italy), is suggested. As conclusion certain characteristic problems of intermediate city are shown in the execution of its local project, basically the existence of a troublesome multiscalar relationship and of a weak network of local actors. The fragility of this urban context is owed to the lack of correct processes of internal and external governance


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Ao ter como base geral de pesquisa – A Europa diante do fenómeno migratório - a procura de uma nova Humanização – o objectivo deste trabalho consistiu na análise de algumas formas de manifestação e do impacto deste fenómeno nas sociedades democráticas inseridas nesse espaço. A consciência que as migrações têm seguido a história do mundo e as civilizações e que a sua análise permite avaliar o destino de seres humanos que partem em busca de soluções para as suas vidas. A convicção que a configuração das migrações tem um amplo significado social, cultural e económico e que uma política de imigração fechada, repressiva ou redutora do seu verdadeiro significado pode dividir a Humanidade. O receio que gera a continuidade de uma visão unilateral do Mundo e o esquecimento das condições existenciais difíceis de alguns países de emigração. A renúncia de alguns em escutar um discurso carecido de autenticidade e em apoiar um diálogo comprometido com alguns pressupostos ideológicos pouco claros. O desejo de participar na denúncia da propagação de atitudes facilitadoras dos sentimentos racistas e xenófobos. O repúdio pelo desnorteamento ontológico traduzido pela defesa de certas atitudes persecutórias infringidas aos imigrantes clandestinos. A adopção de uma política basicamente norteada pelo controlo das fronteiras e pela exploração económica dos imigrantes. A indignação pelo esquecimento ou negligência na vigilância e aplicação dos direitos fundamentais, em concreto, o direito ao uso da liberdade, a uma vida familiar normal, situações que lesam muitos. Foram, em suma, as razões que motivaram o trabalho. Porque, igualmente o exercício da cidadania e a inserção num espaço mundial em transformação requerem a actualização da leitura das relações dos homens entre eles e com as formas espaciais; porque o papel dos imigrantes na economia contemporânea é sentido como algo fundamental, e também a importância do seu lugar na estratégia de um desenvolvimento sustentável deve ser demonstrada e respeitada, desejou-se partilhar com outros a oportunidade de defender a participação colectiva sob princípios e premissas mais humanistas, e considerados fundamentais, para a construção de uma política de imigração digna, mais abrangente e indutora de pontes abertas e não de áreas amuralhadas.


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Tem sido difícil alcançar posições consensuais na definição da importância do papel da animação sociocultural e do seu contributo para o desenvolvimento de toda uma comunidade, através das suas práticas e metodologias específicas. A cooperação, entre bibliotecas escolares e municipais, tem sido pouco explorada, estudada e até valorizada. Os problemas de desenvolvimento de práticas de animação dentro destas bibliotecas é uma questão que merece toda a atenção em proveito do aumento da coadjuvação ativa entre estas instituições documentais, onde urge cada vez mais não só o trabalho de tratamento documental, mas também o trabalho para os utilizadores numa ótica de desenvolvimento de atividades e projetos de diversos tipos de animação, em contextos específicos onde estes espaços se inserem. Este trabalho de investigação sobre práticas de animação do livro e da biblioteca numa perspetiva de cooperação entre bibliotecas escolares e municipais incide no estudo de caso de três bibliotecas escolares e uma biblioteca municipal, no Município de Câmara de Lobos, ilha da Madeira, local onde a mestranda desempenhou, no passado, funções de animadora sociocultural como licenciada na área, tendo desenvolvido, através de metodologias e práticas de animação, competências sociais, culturais e educativas, nos espaços bibliotecários e seus respetivos utilizadores. Assim, com esta investigação, pretende-se apurar se existem práticas de cooperação desenvolvidas nas bibliotecas em estudo e qualificá-las; recolher informação pertinente relativa à investigação levada a cabo e obter opiniões sobre o papel dos profissionais de animação de bibliotecas; conhecer o impacto do trabalho desenvolvido pela investigadora no passado, nestes espaços de biblioteca. A metodologia de investigação consistiu na realização de entrevistas orais semiestruturadas e na análise dos planos de atividades e relatórios anuais das bibliotecas de objeto de estudo. As principais conclusões/resultados verificam-se no sentido amplo da cooperação entre bibliotecas municipais e escolares, baseadas basicamente, na existência das práticas de animação, deixando estas muito ainda por desenvolver e explorar nos espaços em estudo.


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Whilst the title of this essay suggests more than one “new museology”, it was rather a licence poétique to emphasize the two major theoretical movements that have evolved in the second half of the 20th Century[1]. As a result of the place(s)/contexts where they originated, and for clarity purposes, they have been labelled in this essay as the “Latin new museology” and the “Anglo-Saxon new museology”; however they both identify themselves by just the name of “New Museology”. Even though they both shared similar ideas on participation and inclusion, the language barriers were probably the cause for many ideas not to be fully shared by both groups. The “Latin New museology” was the outcome of a specific context that started in the 1960s (de Varine 1996); being a product of the “Second Museum Revolution”(1970s)[2], it provided new perceptions of heritage, such as “common heritage”. In 1972 ICOM organized the Santiago Round Table, which advocated for museums to engage with the communities they serve, assigning them a role of “problem solvers” within the community (Primo 1999:66). These ideas lead to the concept of the Integral Museum. The Quebec Declaration in 1984 declared that a museum’s aim should be community development and not only “the preservation of past civilisations’ material artefacts”, followed by the Oaxtepec Declaration that claimed for the relationship between territory-heritage-community to be indissoluble (Primo 1999: 69). Finally, in 1992, the Caracas Declaration argued for the museum to “take the responsibility as a social manager reflecting the community’s interests”(Primo 1999: 71). [1] There have been at least three different applications of the term ( Peter van Mensch cited in Mason: 23) [2] According to Santos Primo, this Second Museum Revolution was the result of the Santiago Round Table in Chile, 1972, and furthered by the 1st New Museology International Workshop (Quebec, 1984), Oaxtepec Meeting (Mexico, 1984) and the Caracas Meeting (Venezuela, 1992) (Santos Primo : 63-64)


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“I’m all lost in the supermarket. I can no longer shop happily. I came in here for the special offer. A guaranteed personality”. The song by The Clash, released in 1979, “Lost in the Supermarket” describes the protagonist struggle to deal with an increasingly commercialized society and the depersonalization of the world around him. The song speaks about alienation and the feelings of disillusionment and lack of identity that come through modern society. There are different ways which one can decrease those feelings and promote knowledge, self-awareness and understanding. The museum, when used with all its potential, is one of the ways. But how to do that? That is the question museum professionals ask themselves. This paper analyses how the traditional museum can use the new museology concepts, and the challenges of this approach, to become a vehicle for community development and empowerment, diminishing the feelings sang by The Clash.


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This paper proposes a look at museums from the perspective of sociomuseology, an area of research and practice under development in countries such as Portugal, Brazil and Spain. Sociomuseology was born from the Latin new museology tradition and is closely connected with the International Movement for a New Museology (MINOM/ICOM). The Lusofona University in Lisbon offers MA and PhD programmes in Sociomuseology. The University supports a research centre in Sociomuseology and publishes the journals Cadernos de Sociomuseologia, in Portuguese, and Sociomuseology, in English (for more information see http://tercud.ulusofona.pt.). Sociomuseology concerns the study of the social role of museums and of the continuous changes in society that frame their trajectories. The practice of sociomuseologists is based on their work with the different dimensions of social and community development from ecomuseums to networking and other ways of organizing social action in the 21st century in which heritage plays a strategic role.


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We tested the general predictions of increased use of nest boxes and positive trends in local populations of Common Goldeneye (Bucephala clangula) and Bufflehead (Bucephala albeola) following the large-scale provision of nest boxes in a study area of central Alberta over a 16-year period. Nest boxes were rapidly occupied, primarily by Common Goldeneye and Bufflehead, but also by European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris). After 5 years of deployment, occupancy of large boxes by Common Goldeneye was 82% to 90% and occupancy of small boxes by Bufflehead was 37% to 58%. Based on a single-stage cluster design, experimental closure of nest boxes resulted in significant reductions in numbers of broods and brood sizes produced by Common Goldeneye and Bufflehead. Occurrence and densities of Common Goldeneye and Bufflehead increased significantly across years following nest box deployment at the local scale, but not at the larger regional scale. Provision of nest boxes may represent a viable strategy for increasing breeding populations of these two waterfowl species on landscapes where large trees and natural cavities are uncommon but wetland density is high.


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By the turn of the twenty-first century, UNDP had embraced a new form of funding based on ‘cost-sharing’, with this source accounting for 51 per cent of the organisation’s total expenditure worldwide in 2000. Unlike the traditional donor - recipient relationship so common with development projects, the new cost-sharing modality has created a situation whereby UNDP local offices become ‘subcontractors’ and agencies of the recipient countries become ‘clients’. This paper explores this transition in the context of Brazil, focusing on how the new modality may have compromised UNDP’s ability to promote Sustainable Human Development, as established in its mandate. The great enthusiasm for this modality within the UN system and its potential application to other developing countries increase the importance of a systematic assessment of its impact and developmental consequences.


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The Representative Soil Sampling Scheme of England and Wales has recorded information on the soil of agricultural land in England and Wales since 1969. It is a valuable source of information about the soil in the context of monitoring for sustainable agricultural development. Changes in soil nutrient status and pH were examined over the period 1971-2001. Several methods of statistical analysis were applied to data from the surveys during this period. The main focus here is on the data for 1971, 1981, 1991 and 2001. The results of examining change over time in general show that levels of potassium in the soil have increased, those of magnesium have remained fairly constant, those of phosphorus have declined and pH has changed little. Future sampling needs have been assessed in the context of monitoring, to determine the mean at a given level of confidence and tolerable error and to detect change in the mean over time at these same levels over periods of 5 and 10 years. The results of a non-hierarchical multivariate classification suggest that England and Wales could be stratified to optimize future sampling and analysis. To monitor soil quality and health more generally than for agriculture, more of the country should be sampled and a wider range of properties recorded.


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This paper contributes to a growing body of literature that critically examines how mining companies are embracing community development challenges in developing countries, drawing on experiences from Ghana. Despite receiving considerable praise from the donor and industry communities, the actions being taken by Ghana's major mining companies to foster community development are facilitating few improvements in the rural regions where activities take place. Companies are generally implementing community development programmes that are incapable of alleviating rural hardship and are coordinating destructive displacement exercises. The analysis serves as a stark reminder that mining companies are not charities and engage with African countries strictly for commercial purposes.


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1. Intra-specific variation in plant defence traits has been shown to profoundly affect herbivore community structure. Here we describe two experiments designed to test whether similar effects occur at higher trophic levels, by studying pea aphid–natural enemy interactions in a disused pasture in southern England. 2. In the first experiment, the numbers and identity of natural enemies attacking different monoclonal pea aphid colonies were recorded in a series of assays throughout the period of pea aphid activity. 3. In the summer assay, there was a significant effect of clone on the numbers of aphidophagous hoverfly larvae and the total number of non-hoverfly natural enemies recruited. Clone also appeared to influence the attack rate suffered by the primary predator in the system, the hoverfly Episyrphus balteatus, by Diplazon laetatorius, an ichneumonid parasitoid. Colonies were generally driven to extinction by hoverfly attack, resulting in the recording of low numbers of parasitoids and entomopathogens, suggesting intense intra-guild predation. 4. To further examine the influence of clonal variation on the recruitment of natural enemies, a second experiment was performed to monitor the temporal dynamics of community development. Colonies were destructively sampled every other day and the numbers of natural enemies attacking aphid colonies were recorded. These data demonstrated that clonal variation influenced the timing, abundance, and identity of natural enemies attacking aphid colonies. 5. Taken together, these data suggest that clonal variation may have a significant influence on the patterns of interactions between aphids and their natural enemies, and that such effects are likely to affect our understanding of the ecology and biological control of these insect herbivores.


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The People's Republic of China and its 1.3 billion people have experienced a rapid economic growth in the past two decades. China's urbanisation ratio rose from around 20% in the early 1980s to 45% in 2007 [China Urban Research Committee. Green building. Beijing: Chinese Construction Industrial Publish House; 2008. ISBN 978-7-112-09925-2.]. The large volume and rapid speed of building construction rarely have been seen in global development and cause substantial pressure on resources and the environment. Government policy makers and building professionals, including architects, building engineers, project managers and property developers, should play an important role in enhancing the planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance of the building energy efficiency process in forming the sustainable urban development. This paper addresses the emerging issues relating to building energy consumption and building energy efficiency due to the fast urbanisation development in China.