628 resultados para Student engagement and collaboration


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These narrated slides explain the roles, responsibilites and practicalities in administering drugs. Although it has been developed with student nurses and midwives in mind it will be of use to students of all health care professions.


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Speaker: Patrick McSweeney Organiser: Time: 15/10/2014 11:00-11:45 Location: B32/3077 Abstract Having started at Southampton in 2005 I have seen quite a few changes to the way courses are taught and studied. I will reflect on some of the interesting changes I have observed and suggest their causes. As a practical example I will talk about codestrom, a peer feedback tool for learning programming. We have found that this teaching method has improved the student experience and reduced the work load for the module team. Together we will discuss how this and other recent developments can enable other teaching innovations which benefit staff as well as students. Hopefully the new class of PhD students will be able to contribute from the point of view of having recently been undergraduate students here and else where.


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Esta investigación pretende ofrecer un marco conceptual y analizar la relación entre el síndrome de burnout y el engagement desde el modelo de demandas y recursos de Demerouti, Bakker, Janssen, & Schaufeli (2001) en un grupo de enfermeras de urgencias del hospital universitario Méderi, sede Barrios Unidos (Bogotá). Para esto se realizará un estudio descriptivo correlacional donde se aplicarán: la versión argentina de Cosentino y Castro (2008) Escala de Deseabilidad Social de Crowne y Marlowe diseñada en 1960 (EDSCM), adaptada para medir la necesidad de los sujetos de obtener aprobación respondiendo de un modo culturalmente aceptable y apropiado; lo cual podría alterar los resultados de las demás pruebas. El Maslach Burnout Inventory – Human Services Survey (MBI- HSS) para medir el síndrome de burnout, el L’Utrecht Work Engagement Scala para medir el engagement y tomando en cuenta el caso Colombiano, se aplicará el cuestionario de condiciones intralaborales forma B, establecido por el Ministerio de la protección social para medir las demandas y recursos laborales. Para el análisis de resultados se utilizaron estadísticos descriptivos y correlaciónales entre las variables. Se aplico SPSS para el análisis de descriptivos y correlación de Spearman entre las diferentes variables.. El análisis teórico se fundamento en el modelo Demandas - recursos de Demelouti, Bakker, Nachreiner y Shaufeli (2001).


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En este estudio se pretende demostrar la relación existente entre los clientes y las organizaciones saludables, siendo estas aquellas que tienen impactos positivos en sus grupos de interés “stakeholders”. Para llegar a encontrar dicha relación, se revisaron varios conceptos claves, como el bienestar que ha sido definido como “la valoración que hacemos de las circunstancias y el funcionamiento dentro de la sociedad” (Blanco y Diaz, 2005, p. 583). Durante el estudio se presentan diferentes variables que pueden ayudar a identificar si los clientes perciben bienestar o no de parte de alguna compañía, algo que no se puede llegar a considerar como una generalidad si se tiene en cuenta las diferencias que pueden existir entre los diferentes sectores económicos y las diferentes culturas, sin embargo se hallaron algunas variables más aterrizadas al común denominador de los consumidores, que son: calidad del producto/servicio, respuesta ante las quejas, recuperación del servicio y valor percibido por los clientes.


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El presente trabajo pretende mostrar algunos avances en el término “engagement”, y como puede ser implementado en las organizaciones, teniendo en cuenta los diferentes factores que intervienen, para que los trabajadores se sientan “engaged” dentro de la organización. Además busca relacionar las diferentes habilidades y tipos de liderazgo que los altos mandos utilizan con sus empleados y como éste afecta la productividad de los trabajadores en las organizaciones. Para esto, se realizó una investigación de las clases de liderazgo y los comportamientos de los altos mandos, que pueden afectar positiva y negativamente el vínculo y sentido de pertenencia que tienen los trabajadores con la empresa en la que trabajan. Considerando importante las habilidades del liderazgo transformacional, para lograr desarrollar algún grado de engagement en los trabajadores, lo cual genera a su vez, un alza en la productividad de sus resultados dentro de la organización.


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Traditionally, school efficiency has been measured as a function of educational production. In the last two decades, however, studies in the economics of education have indicated that more is required to improve school efficiency: researchers must explore how significant changes in school organization affect the performance of at-risk students. In this paper we introduce Henry Levin’s adoption of the X-efficiency approach to education and we describe the efficient and cost-effective characteristics of one Learning Communities Project School that significantly improved its student outcomes and enrollment numbers and reduced its absenteeism rate to zero. The organizational change that facilitated these improvements defined specific issues to address. Students’ school success became the focus of the school project, which also offered specific incentives, selected teachers, involved parents and community members in decisions, and used the most efficient technologies and methods. This case analysis reveals new two elements—family training and community involvement—that were not explicit parts of Levin’s adaptation. The case of the Antonio Machado Public School should attract the attention of both social scientists and policy makers


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This paper shows how instructors can use the problem‐based learning method to introduce producer theory and market structure in intermediate microeconomics courses. The paper proposes a framework where different decision problems are presented to students, who are asked to imagine that they are the managers of a firm who need to solve a problem in a particular business setting. In this setting, the instructors’ role is to provide both guidance to facilitate student learning and content knowledge on a just‐in‐time basis


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O presente projecto teve como objectivo a realização de uma intervenção, junto de uma turma onde está inserida uma aluna considerada com Necessidades Educativas Especiais, com um diagnóstico de Perturbação por Hiperactividade e Défice de Atenção. No nosso caso, esta intervenção teve lugar numa turma de 1º ciclo constituída por uma diversidade de anos de escolaridade, sendo assim um grupo-turma bastante heterogéneo tanto a nível de aprendizagens como faixas etárias. Esta escola pertence a um agrupamento situado no Norte Alentejano. Tendo em conta que a intervenção necessita de ser adequada, fundamentada e reflectida ao longo de todo o processo, optou-se pela metodologia de investigaçãoacção. Para a recolha e análise de dados preferimos as seguintes técnicas: pesquisa documental, entrevista semi-directiva, observação naturalista e sociometria. Pretendemos, com a nossa intervenção, criar um trabalho de cooperação e colaboração na turma em questão, para que se alcance uma situação de inclusão educativa, em que os alunos aprendem todos e com todos, alcançando assim o sucesso educativo. O nosso trabalho de intervenção, ao basear-nos em práticas de educação inclusivas, permitiu-nos alcançar os objectivos nele propostos.


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This article reflects on key methodological issues emerging from children and young people's involvement in data analysis processes. We outline a pragmatic framework illustrating different approaches to engaging children, using two case studies of children's experiences of participating in data analysis. The article highlights methods of engagement and important issues such as the balance of power between adults and children, training, support, ethical considerations, time and resources. We argue that involving children in data analysis processes can have several benefits, including enabling a greater understanding of children's perspectives and helping to prioritise children's agendas in policy and practice. (C) 2007 The Author(s). Journal compilation (C) 2007 National Children's Bureau.


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Social interaction and understanding in autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) are key areas of concern to practitioners and researchers alike. However, there is a relative lack of information about the skills and competencies of children and young people with ASD who access ordinary community facilities including mainstream education. In particular, contributions by parents and their children have been under-utilized. Using two structured questionnaires, 19 children with ASD reported difficulties with social skills including social engagement and temper management and also reported difficulties with social competence, affecting both friendships and peer relationships. Parents rated the children's social skill and competence as significantly worse than did the children themselves, but there was considerable agreement about the areas that were problematic. Using an informal measure to highlight their children's difficulties, parents raised issues relating to conversation skills, social emotional reciprocity and peer relationships. The implications for assessment and intervention are discussed.


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Despite the increasing use of groupware technologies in education, there is little evidence of their impact, especially within an enquiry-based learning (EBL) context. In this paper, we examine the use of a commercial standard Group Intelligence software called GroupSystems®ThinkTank. To date, ThinkTank has been adopted mainly in the USA and supports teams in generating ideas, categorising, prioritising, voting and multi-criteria decision-making and automatically generates a report at the end of each session. The software was used by students carrying out an EBL project, set by employers, for a full academic year. The criteria for assessing the impact of ThinkTank on student learning were those of creativity, participation, productivity, engagement and understanding. Data was collected throughout the year using a combination of interviews and questionnaires, and written feedback from employers. The overall findings show an increase in levels of productivity and creativity, evidence of a deeper understanding of their work but some variation in attitudes towards participation in the early stages of the project.


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Bangladesh has experienced the largest mass poisoning of a population in history owing to contamination of groundwater with naturally occurring inorganic arsenic. Prolonged drinking of such water risks development of diseases and therefore has implications for children's cognitive and psychological development. This study examines the effect of arsenic contamination of tubewells, the primary source of drinking water at home, on the learning outcome of school-going children in rural Bangladesh using recent nationally representative data on secondary school children. We unambiguously find a negative and statistically significant correlation between mathematics scores and arsenic-contaminated drinking tubewells at home, net of the child's socio-economic status, parental background and school specific unobserved correlates of learning. Similar correlations are found for an alternative measure of student achievement and subjective well-being (i.e. self-reported measure of life satisfaction), of the student. We conclude by discussing the policy implication of our findings in the context of the current debate over the adverse effect of arsenic poisoning on children.


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There has been an increased amount of scholarly interest lately in T.S. Eliot's unfinished sequence, Coriolan (1932)—interest drawn from its Shakespearian allusiveness, and from analysis of this writing's particularly rebarbative, jarring poetic. Although, however, the two parts of the sequence published by Eliot are acknowledged as being his nearest approach to poetic commentary upon contemporary political ideas, little criticism exists establishing the hinterland of the political thought, with which Eliot was most familiar, as editor of the Criterion. Coriolan emerges at a time when the lure of fascism pulled hardest at Eliot's sensibility. This article reviews the full political context provided by Eliot's journal, as well as considering the connections between that political engagement and the readings of Shakespeare he was also promulgating through this forum, in order to provide a more complex sense than hitherto of the diverse pressures underlying the unsettled nature of the existing Coriolan poems.


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Regenerative cardiovascular medicine is the frontline of 21st-century health care. Cell therapy trials using bone marrow progenitor cells documented that the approach is feasible, safe and potentially beneficial in patients with ischemic disease. However, cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation strategies should aim to conserve the pristine healing capacity of a healthy organism as well as reactivate it under disease conditions. This requires an increased understanding of stem cell microenvironment and trafficking mechanisms. Engagement and disengagement of stem cells of the osteoblastic niche is a dynamic process, finely tuned to allow low amounts of cells move out of the bone marrow and into the circulation on a regular basis. The balance is altered under stress situations, like tissue injury or ischemia, leading to remarkably increased cell egression. Individual populations of circulating progenitor cells could give rise to mature tissue cells (e.g. endothelial cells or cardiomyocytes), while the majority may differentiate to leukocytes, affecting the environment of homing sites in a paracrine way, e.g. promoting endothelial survival, proliferation and function, as well as attenuating or enhancing inflammation. This review focuses on the dynamics of the stem cell niche in healthy and disease conditions and on therapeutic means to direct stem cell/progenitor cell mobilization and recruitment into improved tissue repair.