988 resultados para Stranius, Leo
Lubricant is responsible for reducing the wear on the friction protect the metal against oxidation, corrosion and dissipates excess heat, making it essential for the balance of a mechanical system, consequently prolonging the useful life of such a system. The origin of lubricating oils is usually mineral being extracted from the petroleum. But the search for a new source of production of lubricants and fuels it is necessary to meet future demands and reduce the possible environmental damage. For this reason, looking alternative means to produce certain products derived from petroleum, such as biodiesel, for example. Returning to the realm of lubricants, also one realizes this need for new raw materials for their production. Vegetable oil is a renewable resource and biodegradable, and its use entails advantages in environmental, social and economic. The development of this project aims to characterize the carnauba oil as a lubricant plant, or biolubricant. To analyze the oil carnauba tests as checking density, flash point, fire point, viscosity, viscosity, acid number, pH, copper corrosion, thermal conductivity and thermal resistivity were developed. In addition, for conducting the wear on the friction and the gradient of the system temperature, the analysis equipment is designed for wear on the friction. Based on these results, it is observed that the oil carnauba show good correlation to its application as biolubricant
In the petroleum industry, water is always present in the reservoir formation together with petroleum and natural gas and this fact provokes the production of water with petroleum, resulting in a great environmental impact. Several methods can be applied for treatment of oily waters, such as: gravitational vases, granulated media filtration systems, flotation process, centrifugation process and the use of hydrocyclones, which can also be used in a combined way. However, the flotation process has showed a great efficiency as compared with other methods, because these methods do not remove great part of the emulsified oil. In this work was investigated the use of surfactants derived from vegetable oils, OSS and OGS, as collectors, using the flotation process in a glass column with a porous plate filter in its base for the input of the gaseous steam. For this purpose, oil/water emulsions were prepared using mechanical stirring, with concentrations around 300 ppm. The air flow rate was set at 700 cm3/min and the porous plate filter used for the generation of the air bubbles has pore size varying from 16 to 40 Pm. The column operated at constant volume (1500mL). A new methodology has been developed to collect the samples, where, instead of collecting the water phase, it was collected the oil phase removed by the process in the top of the flotation column. It has been observed that it is necessary to find an optimum surfactant concentration to achieve enhanced removal efficiency. Being for OSS 1.275 mmol/L and for OGS 0.840 mmol/L, with removal efficiencies of 93% and 99%, respectively, using synthetic solutions. For the produced water, the removal in these concentrations was 75% for OSS and 65% for OGS. It is possible to remove oil from water in a flotation process using surfactants of high HLB, fact that is against the own definition of HLB (Hydrophile-Lipophile Balance). The interfacial tension is an important factor in the oil removal process using a flotation process, because it has direct interference in the coalescence of the oil drops. The spreading of the oil of the air bubble should be considered in the process, and for the optimum surfactant concentrations it reached a maximum value. The removal kinetics for the flotation process using surfactants in the optimum concentration has been adjusted according to a first order model, for synthetic water as for the produced water.
The petroleum industry, in consequence of an intense activity of exploration and production, is responsible by great part of the generation of residues, which are considered toxic and pollutants to the environment. Among these, the oil sludge is found produced during the production, transportation and refine phases. This work had the purpose to develop a process to recovery the oil present in oil sludge, in order to use the recovered oil as fuel or return it to the refining plant. From the preliminary tests, were identified the most important independent variables, like: temperature, contact time, solvents and acid volumes. Initially, a series of parameters to characterize the oil sludge was determined to characterize its. A special extractor was projected to work with oily waste. Two experimental designs were applied: fractional factorial and Doehlert. The tests were carried out in batch process to the conditions of the experimental designs applied. The efficiency obtained in the oil extraction process was 70%, in average. Oil sludge is composed of 36,2% of oil, 16,8% of ash, 40% of water and 7% of volatile constituents. However, the statistical analysis showed that the quadratic model was not well fitted to the process with a relative low determination coefficient (60,6%). This occurred due to the complexity of the oil sludge. To obtain a model able to represent the experiments, the mathematical model was used, the so called artificial neural networks (RNA), which was generated, initially, with 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 neurons in the hidden layer, 64 experimental results and 10000 presentations (interactions). Lesser dispersions were verified between the experimental and calculated values using 4 neurons, regarding the proportion of experimental points and estimated parameters. The analysis of the average deviations of the test divided by the respective training showed up that 2150 presentations resulted in the best value parameters. For the new model, the determination coefficient was 87,5%, which is quite satisfactory for the studied system
The production of biodiesel has become an important and attractive process for the production of alternative fuels. This work presents a study of the biodiesel production from coconut oil (Cocos nucifera L.), by two routes: direct transesterification using NaOH as catalyst and esterification (with H2SO4) followed by basic transesterification. The reactor was built in pirex with 1L of capacity and was equipped with a jacket coupled with a thermostatic bath to temperature control, a mecanical stirring is also present in the reactor. The analysis of oil composition was carried out by gas chromatography and esters compounds were identified. The parameters of molar ratio oil/alcohol, reaction time and temperature were studied and their influence on the conversion products was evaluated using experimental planning (23). The molar ratio was the most significant variable by the statistical planning analysis. Conversions up to 85.3% where achived in the esterification/transesterification, with molar ratio 1:6 at 60ºC and 90 minutes of reaction. For the direct transesterification, route conversions up 87.4% eas obtained using 1:6.5 molar ratio at 80ºC and 60 minutes of reaction. The Coconut oil was characterized by their physic chemical properties and key constituents of the oil. The lauric acid was the main constituint and the oil showed high acidity. The biodiesel produced was characterized by its main physicochemical properties, indicating satisfactory results when compared to standard values of National Petroleum Agency. The work was supplemented with a preliminary assessment of the reaction kinetic
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objetivou-se avaliar a produção de fitomassa, teor e produtividade do óleo essencial de Baccharis dracuculifolia DC., em função de doses de adubo orgânico, e foram utilizadas mudas produzidas por semente, e mantidas sob sombrite pelo período de 84 dias até serem transplantadas para o campo, no espaçamento de 1,0 x 1,0 m, com irrigação por gotejamento. O delineamento estatístico utilizado foi em blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições, e as doses de composto orgânico foram: 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 e 50 t ha-1. Foi realizada uma colheita, aos 150 dias após o transplante das mudas. O óleo essencial foi extraído por hidrodestilação e analisado em cromatógrafo a gás acoplado a espectrômetro de massas (Shimadzu, QP-5000). Todos os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância pelo teste F seguido da análise de regressão e o teste Tukey para os dados: massa seca útil da parte aérea, teor e produtividade do óleo essencial. Para as variáveis massa seca total e massa seca útil da parte aérea, as dosagens estudadas influenciaram as plantas, que apresentaram os melhores resultados na dose 50 t ha-1. Para teor de óleo não houve influência significativa para as dosagens estudadas, porém a dose 30 t ha-1 apresentou o melhor resultado. Entretanto para a produtividade do óleo essencial, as dosagens estudadas influenciaram as plantas, que na dosagem 30 t ha-1 obtiveram os melhores resultados.
The extraction with pressurized fluids has become an attractive process for the extraction of essential oils, mainly due the specific characteristics of the fluids near the critical region. This work presents results of the extraction process of the essential oil of Cymbopogon winterianus J. with CO2 under high pressures. The effect of the following variables was evaluated: solvent flow rate (from 0.37 to 1.5 g CO2/min), pressure (66.7 and 75 bar) and temperature (8, 10, 15, 20 and 25 ºC) on the extraction kinetics and the total yield of the process, as well as in the solubility and composition of the C. winterianus essential oil. The experimental apparatus consisted of an extractor of fixed bed and the dynamic method was adopted for the calculation of the oil solubility. Extractions were also accomplished by conventional techniques (steam and organic solvent extraction). The determination and identification of extract composition were done by gas chromatography coupled with a mass spectrometer (GC-MS). The extract composition varied in function of the studied operational conditions and also related to the used extraction method. The main components obtained in the CO2 extraction were elemol, geraniol, citronellol and citronellal. For the steam extraction were the citronellal, citronellol and geraniol and for the organic solvent extraction were the azulene and the hexadecane. The most yield values (2.76%) and oil solubility (2.49x10-2 g oil/ g CO2) were obtained through the CO2 extraction in the operational conditions of T = 10°C, P = 66.7 bar and solvent flow rate 0.85 g CO2/min
This work aims to use a different hydrodynamic condition applied to a new design of mixer-settler on treating wastewater produced by petroleum industry, called MDIF (Misturador-Decantador à Inversão de Fases/ Mixer-Settler based on Phase Inversion MSPI). The use of this different hydrodynamic behaviour is possible due to vertical disposition of the device and the principle of Phase Inversion that controls the MDIF, providing the generation (creation) of a cascade of drops, into an organic layer, that works as micro-decanters, thus making possible the formation of a bed of non-coalesced drops, called Bed Formation . The use of this new hydrodynamics condition allows to increase the residence time of the oil carrier drops, into an organic layer, and the device can treat a greater volume of wastewater. In view of to get this condition it is necessary to operate at high throughput (58,6 m3.m-2.h-1). By results, the condition of Bed Formation is the best one to be used when MSPI operates with throughput up to 58,6 m3.m-2.h-1. The results using the condition of Bed Formation show that increasing the height of the bed of non-coalesced drops and/or decreasing the volumetric ratio (O/A) an increase of the separation efficiency is detected
The crude glycerine is a raw material that can be used in a wide variety of products. Even with all the impurities inherent in the process of being obtained, the crude glycerin is already in a marketable product. However, the market is much more favorable to the commercialization of purified glycerine. The glycerin is a byproduct gotten from the process of transesterification of waste oils and fats in the production of biodiesel. More recently, the deployment of the new Federal Law of Brazil, related to the implementation of energy resources, forces, from 2008, the increase of 2% biodiesel in diesel common with prospects for 5% (B5). Therefore, it is indispensable that new routes of purification as well as new markets are developed. The objective of this work was to purify, through ion exchange, the crude glycerin, obtained from the reaction of transesterification of cottonseed oil. The cottonseed oil was characterized as the fatty acid composition and physical-chemical properties. The process of ion exchange was conducted in batch. In this process were used strong cation, low anion resins and a mixed resin used to de-ionize water. The purified glycerin was characterized as the content of metals. Tests were performed with activated charcoal adsorption, and for this, it was made tests of time contact with coal as well as quantity of coal used. The time of activation, the amount of the activation solution, the contact time of the glycerol solution in resins, the amount and type of resin applied were evaluated. Considering the analysis made with activated charcoal, when the glycerin solution was treated using the resins individually it was observed that in the conditions for treatment with 10 g of resin, 5 hours of contact with each resin and 50 mL of glycerin solution, its conductivity decreased to a cationic resin, increased to the anionic resin and had a variable value with respect to resin mixed. In the treatment in series, there was a constant decrease in the conductivity of the solution of glycerin. Considering two types of treatment, in series and individually, the content of glycerol in glycerin pre-purified solution with the different resins varied from 12,46 to 29.51% (diluted solution). In analysis performed without the use of activated charcoal, the behavior of the conductivity of the solution of glycerin were similar to results for treatment with activated charcoal, both in series as individually. The solution of glycerin pre-purified had a glycerol content varying from 8.3 to 25.7% (diluted solution). In relation to pH, it had a behavior in accordance with the expected: acid for the glycerin solution treated with cationic resin, basic when the glycerin solution was treated with the anionic resin and neutral when treated with the mixed resin, independent of the kind of procedure used (with or without coal, resins individually or in series). In relation to the color of the glycerin pre-purified solution, the resin that showed the best result was the anionic (colorless), however this does not mean that the solution is more in pure glycerol. The chromatographic analysis of the solutions obtained after the passage through the resins indicated that the treatment was effective by the presence of only one component (glycerol), not considering the solvent of the analysis
Petroleum can be associated or not with natural gas, but in both cases water is always present in its formation. The presence of water causes several problems, such as the difficulty of removing the petroleum from the reservoir rock and the formation of waterin-oil and oil-in-water emulsions. The produced water causes environmental problems, which should be solved to reduce the effect of petroleum industry in the environment. The main objective of this work is to remove simultaneously from the produced water the dispersed petroleum and dissolved metals. The process is made possible through the use of anionic surfactants that with its hydrophilic heads interacts with ionized metals and with its lipophilic tails interacts with the oil. The studied metals were: calcium, magnesium, barium, and cadmium. The surfactants used in this research were derived from: soy oil, sunflower oil, coconut oil, and a soap obtained from a mixture of 5wt.% coconut oil and 95wt.% animal fat. It was used a sample of produced water from Terminal de São Sebastião, São Paulo. As the concentration of the studied metals in produced water presented values close to 300 mg/L, it was decided to use this concentration as reference for the development of this research. Molecular absorption and atomic absorption spectroscopy were used to determine petroleum and metals concentrations in the water sample, respectively. A constant pressure filtration system was used to promote the separation of solid and liquid phases. To represent the behavior of the studied systems it was developed an equilibrium model and a mathematical one. The obtained results showed that all used surfactants presented similar behavior with relation to metals extraction, being selected the surfactant derived from soy oil for this purpose. The values of the partition coefficients between the solid and liquid phases " D " for the studied metals varied from 0.2 to 1.1, while the coefficients for equilibrium model " K " varied from 0.0002 and 0.0009. The removal percentile for oil with all metals associated was near 100%, showing the efficiency of the process
Nowadays, the growing environmental worry leads research the focus the application of alternative materials from renewable resources on the industrial process. The most common vegetable oil extractant using around the world is the hexane, a petroleum derived, toxic and flammable. Based on this fact, the goal of this work was to test vegetable oil extractions from sunflower seeds cultivated on the Rio Grande do Norte State using two extraction process, the mechanical expelling and solvent extraction, this one using hexane and ethanol as a alternative solvent. The solvent extractions were carried out in the Soxhlet extractor in three different extraction times (4, 6, and 8 hours). The effect of solvent and extraction time was evaluated. The mechanical extraction was carried out in a expeller and the sunflower oil obtained was characterized by its physical-chemical properties and compared with sunflower refinery oil. Furthermore this work also explored the pyrolysis reaction carried out by thermogravimetry measurement as alternative route to obtain biofuel. For this purpose the oil samples were heated to ambient temperature until 900°C in heating rate of 5, 10, 20ºC min-1 with the objective evaluated the kinetics parameters such activation energy and isoconversion. The TG/DTG curves show the thermal profile decomposition of triglycerides. The curves also showed that antioxidant presents on the refinery oil not influence on the thermal stability of sunflower oil. The total yield of the extraction s process with hexane and ethanol solvent were compared, and the results indicated that the extraction with ethanol were more efficient. The pyrolysis reaction results indicated that the use of unpurified oil required less energy to obtain the bio-oil
Thermal methods made heavy oil production possible in fields where primary recovery failed. Throughout the years steam injection became one of the most important alternatives to increase heavy oil recovery. There are many types of steam injection, and one of them is the cyclic steam injection, which has been used with success in several countries, including Brazil. The process involves three phases: firstly, steam is injected, inside of the producing well; secondly, the well is closed (soak period); and finally, the well is put back into production. These steps constitute one cycle. The cycle is repeated several times until economical production limit is reached. Usually, independent of reservoir type, as the number of cycles increases the cyclic injection turns less efficient. This work aims to analyze rock and reservoir property influence in the cyclic steam injection. The objective was to study the ideal number of cycles and, consequently, process optimization. Simulations were realized using the STARS simulator from the CMG group based in a proposed reservoir model. It was observed that the reservoir thickness was the most important parameter in the process performance, whilst soaking time influence was not significant
The oil industry has several segments that can impact the environment. Among these, produced water which has been highlight in the environmental problem because of the great volume generated and its toxic composition. Those waters are the major source of waste in the oil industry. The composition of the produced water is strongly dependent on the production field. A good example is the wastewater produced on a Petrobras operating unit of Rio Grande do Norte and Ceará (UO-RNCE). A single effluent treatment station (ETS) of this unit receives effluent from 48 wells (onshore and offshore), which leads a large fluctuations in the water quality that can become a complicating factor for future treatment processes. The present work aims to realize a diagnosis of a sample of produced water from the OU - RNCE in compliance to certain physical and physico-chemical parameters (chloride concentration, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, pH, TOG (oil & grease), nitrate concentration, turbidity, salinity and temperature). The analysis of the effluent is accomplished by means of a MP TROLL 9500 Multiparameter probe, a TOG/TPH Infracal from Wilks Enterprise Corp. - Model HATR - T (TOG) and a MD-31 condutivimeter of Digimed. Results were analyzed by univariated and multivariated analysis (principal component analysis) associated statistical control charts. The multivariate analysis showed a negative correlation between dissolved oxygen and turbidity (-0.55) and positive correlations between salinity and chloride (1), conductivity, chloride and salinity (0.70). Multivariated analysis showed there are seven principal components which can explain the variability of the parameters. The variables, salinity, conductivity and chloride were the most important variables, with, higher sampling variance. Statistical control charts have helped to establish a general trend between the physical and chemical evaluated parameters
The underground reservoirs of fuel retailing system represent an environmental threat, because once in bad conservation, these tanks allow fuel leakage and infiltration. For soil contaminated with fuel, such as diesel oil, the present study introduces the microemulsion systems used by the method of washing. In tests carried out in column with a sample of sandy soil artificially contaminated and previously characterized as to its void level to porosity, to permeability which is an important parameter concerning the study of the method of washing. While microemulsions were characterized for their viscosity and wettability, a variation of active matter was also done departing from the original formulation. The hydraulic diffusivity of the microemulsion was studied so as the injection of such fluid in a soil with sandy characteristics. The results of the extractions revealed the excellent performance of these systems which get to remove around 95% of diesel fuel. This proves the efficiency of the microemulsion in the process of removal of diesel fuel from the soil with the advantage of being a system easily obtainable and less aggressive to the environment when compared to organic solvents.
The treatment of oil produced water and its implications are continually under investigation and several questions are related to this subject. In the Northeast Region Brazil, the onshore reservoirs are, in its majority, mature oil fields with high production of water. As this oil produced water has high levels of oil, it cannot be directly discarded into the environment because it represents a risk for contamination of soil, water, and groundwater, or even may cause harm to living bodies. Currently, polyelectrolytes that promote the coalescence of the oil droplets are used to remove the dispersed oil phase, enhancing the effectiveness of the flotation process. The non-biodegradability and high cost of polyelectrolytes are limiting factors for its application. On this context, it is necessary to develop studies for the search of more environmentally friendly products to apply in the flotation process. In this work it is proposed the modeling of the flotation process, in a glass column, using surfactants derived from vegetal oils to replace the polyelectrolytes, as well as to obtain a model that represents the experimental data. In addition, it was made a comparative study between the models described in the literature and the one developed in this research. The obtained results showed that the developed model presented high correlation coefficients when fitting the experimental data (R2 > 0.98), thus proving its efficiency in modeling the experimental data.