792 resultados para Signo


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Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE


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A Semântica e a Lexicografia se interpenetram mutuamente porque a Lexicografia não se limita a recolher as palavras do léxico, mas procura descrever a significação dos vocábulos e seus usos. O lexicógrafo também se ocupa de evolução dos sentidos das palavras para estabelecer a escala das acepções de um signo lexical. Casares conceitua acepção e discute o problema da discriminação das acepções e da sua ordenação no caso de palavras polissêmicas. Outra Questão delicada para o lexicógrafo é o reconhecimento e a identificação correta dos valores metafóricos. O autor usa como exemplo ilustrativo o verbete lat. ordo > esp. orden (port. ordem), signo polissêmico. Traça gráficos da ma-, lha de significações na semântica evolutiva dessa palavra, do étimo original latino ao espanhol moderno. Casares também trata do problema da lematização, ou seja, a decisão técnica de escolher como entrada de um dicionário, uma ou outra forma vocabular, o que envolve controvérsias permanentes em meio aos lexicólogos sobre as lexias (palavras) complexas e como e quando se dá a categorização lexical de um polinómio vocabular. Esse problema é ampliado por causa da tradição caótica de muitas grafias, particularmente no caso de locuções vocabulares. Advoga as vantagens e as virtudes de um dicionário que tivesse um índice de freqüência do uso de cada palavra, ou de cada acepção de um vocábulo.


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Estuda-se aqui a teoria da Lingüística Geral, fundada por Ferdinand de Saussure(FS) como uma teoria não-representacional do signo e da significação, contrária, portanto, àSemântica da palavra isolada e do referente-coisa, que lhe tem sido indevidamente atribuída porcausa da introdução, no CLG, do célebre diagrama do signo-árvore, que não é dele, mas doseditors do livro, Ch. Bally e A. Sechéhaye. Mostra-se que FS é um pioneiro das teorias contextuaisda significação, uma das quais é esboçada no CLG.


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This paper aims to investigate the behavior of the modal verb poder as an auxiliary verb in text written in both two Romance languages, Brazilian Portuguese and Iberian Spanish. This research follows a functionalist language approach, more precisely the Dutch Functional Grammar tradition, based on the modality classification proposed by Hengeveld (2004). This author considers two main criteria: target of evaluation, and semantic domain of evaluation. Considering this classification, we analyze the use of the auxiliary verb poder in a corpus of self-help discourses, which currently enjoy enormous popularity in various parts of the world. Although in Portuguese the auxiliary verb poder is essentially an epistemic modal (cf. Neves 1999-2000) —which, according to the Hengeveld (2004), corresponds to the event-oriented epistemic modality—. However, our analysis show that, given the essentially optimistic nature of the discourse analyzed, the self-help discourse, the previously mentioned modal verb (poder) behaves predominantly as a participant-oriented facultative modal. This result demonstrates the importance of considering the context of occurrence of the verb poder in order to evaluate the effects of meaning associated with its use.


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This essay aims to analyze the book Engano geográfico Marília Garcia, published in 2012. It is a long narrative poem that recounts a trip through Spanish and French landscapes, and which allows to question various shifts of the poetic voice. One of them, marked by the duplicity between geographic and poetic journey which I could characterize as a be­ 76 Revista semestral do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras – UFES tween-place given by the sign of waiting. A second, through a dialogical instance that allows a process of depoetization of the language with its permeability to other voices. Finally, through the presence of several pronouns “I”, “he”, “she”, “you”, without explicit textual reference, and that would indicate a kind of closeness of the loving attention.


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In this study we analyze some somatic idioms of Italian and Portuguese languages, in order to investigate the proportion in which their metaphors are the same, similar or different in both languages. This research was based on Lakoff and Johnson’s (2002 [1980]) studies about conceptual metaphor, as well as on studies about phraseologisms and idiomatic expressions developed by some authors as Zuluaga (1980), Tagnin (1989), Tonfoni and Turbinati (1995), Corpas Pastor (1996) and Xatara (1998). Through the analysis, we conclude that much of the studied expressions are structurally, semantically, and metaphorically identical or similar in both languages. These results have allowed us to make some considerations on Italian and Portuguese somatic idioms.


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The objective of this paper is to reflect on the theoretical and methodological status of oral and written data as a source for investigating linguistic change phenomena. The per - spective we adopt here distances itself from a compartmentalized conception of oral and writ - ten texts writing since it is more closely associated with the writers’ relationship with historically and socially established practices of orality and literacy. We conducted an assessment of some of the specialized literature in order to gather arguments to defend the coexistence of written and oral enunciations, understood not as a form of interference, but as a constitutive blend, which, given its hybrid nature, enables the occurrence of the vernacular data, a locus of change also present in written records.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Ce texte aborde l’importance de la recherche liée à l’activité é pilinguistique, entendue comme l’activité propre du langage dans le cadre de l’enseignement de la langue maternelle. Le concept d’activité épilinguistique adopté ici est celui de la Théorie des opérations prédicatives et énonciatives élaborée parle linguiste français Antoine Culioli. Dans le but de délimiter l’objet de la recherche et de présenter un modèle d’activité applicable en salle de classe, nous avons choisi d’étudier la conjonction de coordination et d’opposition mas (mais, en français), comprise comme un marqueur lexico - grammatical. L’exercice a été proposé à une classe de septième année (la 5 ème du système français) du collège d’État Dr. Joaquim Batista, dans la ville de Jaboticabal, au Brésil. Dans le cadre de ce travail sur l’activité épilingui stique, les apprenants ont eu l’opportunité d’observer les divers contextes d’occurrence de ce marqueur, mais aussi de comprendre que les mots ne sont pas dotés d’une signification statique. En outre, ce travail a permis aux apprenants de construire leur propre connaissance et d’élaborer une grammaire plus opérationnelle et pertinente.


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The aim of this paper is to show a cognitive semantic investigation on the idea of expectation, defined as a mental construct which organizes the thinking and works as specific motivation in the process of communication. Expectation is an idea that may be created in the speaker's or in the listener's mind. It may be verbalized or not. Its semantic information may not be realized in real life, bringing frustration to communication. This study of expectation suggested that it is useful to have a theory to explain what other approaches left over. The working methodology focused in the gathering of data related to the phenomenon and the procedures to explain them inside a cognitive approach. The utterances are directly dependent of how the mind words. Therefore, studying speech we can have an access to people's mind. The idea of expectation may be interpreted under different traditional semantic labels. However, there are some peculiarities that can be explained only by a cognitive approach to language. We find words and phrases in the languages which reveal the presence of an expectation, such as "I think that...", "there has been an expectation about..." All answers are expected to fulfill an expectation. This investigation brought evidence that the mental expectation is essential to the act of communication. Therefore, the study of expectation in languages and in people's mind is important for the researches on cognitive semantics.


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The world we have been living in has adopted competition as the way for surviving in it, especially due to the capitalism and consumer habits. In this research speaking English is considered one of these differentiations, i.e., distinguishing individuals a unique people. In addition, it is expected that by using this language, among other things, people could have access to: education, a better job and a higher quality of life. However, the process of learning a foreign language is very complex caused by many features that are involved in it, e.g. the impossibility to dissociate language, culture and society. Moreover, it was contemplated if from this language learning, it would be possible to build social and ideological relations as well as personal identities. The most applicable conclusion of this research is the requisite of making students aware of the process for an effective foreign language learning. As a consequence, the context and social, cultural, and ideological characteristics that are part of the mother tongue society must be taken into consideration in the same way as the foreign language society.


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This article proposes a reflection on a place for epistemological studies about the Bakhtin Circle, as well as it also reflects on the perspectives of Brazilian approaches to that. It also sheds light to the issues concerning the production, the circulation and the reception of works of the Russian Circle in order to understand why, in Brazil, we can speak of Dialogic Discourse Analysis (DDA), affiliating the so-called dialogical philosophy of language to an analytical theory, grounded in the relation between linguistics and cross-linguistics. In order to do that, this paper focuses on the notions of dialogue, ideological sign, subject and exotopia. The hypothesis put forward is that, unlike other Analyzes of Discourses, the theoretical-analytical method of the Circle is dialogical. This is the peculiarity of its proposal.


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This article talks about the relationship between the body and sign, from the ideas of the Bakhtin Circle. The corpus analyzed is the spectacle Body (2000), designed from a disk of the same title (2000), by Arnaldo Antunes (AA). The aim is to reflect on the expressiveness of the body as a sign and the signic body, since the dialogue between the word (the song) and the body in action makes up the human architectural spectacle.


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The term poetic expressiveness refers to the multiple joints of the plan of expression, derived from the expressive value of the linguistic sign (ROSSET: 1970, 135) and its particular role in the field of poetry. The features of meaning, such as projection, elevation and salience, make it possible to consider expressive all poetic statements which constitute particularly dense instances in the formal consolidation of a convergence between the two planes (expression/content), and therefore it stands out from the others due to the high density of structural parallelisms and isomorphisms, which are procedures responsible for the impression that a particular form of content can only be expressed by cutting that same specific form of expression out. These considerations have an immediate impact on the reading, interpretation and practice of translating poems, which is intended to be demonstrated here, through an example of translation of a Phaedrus' fable, written in iambic meter.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)