931 resultados para Siglos IV-V


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Trägerband: Inc. qu. 576; Inc. oct. 358; Vorbesitzer: Dominikanerkloster Frankfurt am Main


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The geographical, physical and biological aspects of the submarine canyons of the continental shelf off the coast of southern California have been described in earlier parts of this volume. Isopods were collected in 10 of the 15 canyons. Many benthic species were obtained since the specimens were obtained with a Campbell grab bottom sampler operated from the Hancock Foundation research vessel Velero IV.


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Durante las tres últimas décadas, numerosos/as arqueólogos/as han discutido extensamente sobre el ritual funerario original de las poblaciones del sur ibérico entre los siglos ix y vi a.c., esto es, cremación o inhumación. Este debate está además conectado con la existencia o no de complejidad social antes de la llegada fenicia, con la aparición de una élite “orientalizada” y con la adopción de nuevos objetos y prácticas por las poblaciones locales. En este artículo hago uso del concepto deleuziano de “desterritorialización” y lo asocio con el de “frontera” desarrollado por anzaldúa para interpretar la sociedad del sur ibérico. Para ello, analizo la evidencia funeraria indígena y cuestiono la división estricta entre cremación e inhumación en la región; así como examino la profundidad y significado de los cambios funerarios en las comunidades locales.


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El presente trabajo pretende analizar cuáles eran las características climáticas que se sucedían en Madrid y su Tierra a lo largo del año, fundamentalmente entre los siglos XIV y XVI. Se intentará comprobar, dentro de las limitaciones que impone la documentación de la época, si en aquel tiempo se daba también un clima mediterráneo, o no, y si este ha variado mucho desde entonces. Igualmente se podrá comprobar algo que tal vez podría, aunque no debería, sorprendernos: el hombre medieval tenía muy claros muchos conceptos meteorológicos y climatológicos, aunque siempre aprehendidos con una finalidad práctica, para aplicarlos en su vida cotidiana tan cercana y dependiente de la naturaleza.


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La ciudad ofrecía en la Baja Edad Media claras oportunidades para aquellos nobles que supieran situarse en el complejo juego de la política urbana y sus diversas instancias de poder. Para ello siempre se hace necesario contar con los apoyos sociales y físicos adecuados. La dinámica de enfrentamientos entre el Arzobispo de Santiago y el concello compostelano presenta un ejemplo inmejorable para valorar en su justa medida la inserción de la nobleza territorial en las relaciones de poder. Para abordar este caso se analizará la participación en la vida pública –también las revueltas urbanas– de la Casa de Moscoso tanto a través de su larga trayectoria de enfrentamientos con la Iglesia como mediante el estudio de su patrimonio urbano, incluyendo aquellos elementos relacionados con la creación de una memoria específica del linaje dentro de la ciudad.


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We report calculations of energy levels and radiative rates (A-values) for transitions in Cr-like Co IV and Ni V. The quasi-relativistic Hartree-Fock (QRHF) code is adopted for calculating the data although grasp (general-purpose relativistic atomic structure package) and flexible atomic code (fac) have also been employed for comparison purposes. No radiative rates are available in the literature to compare with our results, but our calculated energies are in close agreement with those compiled by NIST for a majority of the levels. However, there are discrepancies for a few levels of up to 3%. The A-values are listed for all significantly contributing E1, E2 and M1 transitions, and the corresponding lifetimes reported, although unfortunately no previous theoretical or experimental results exist to compare with our data.


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Este estudio es un ensayo clínico controlado que comparae el efecto analgésico de dos drogas en dos grupos de pacientes. El universo son los pacientes sometidos a cirugía traumatológica electiva. La muestra estuvo conformada por 100 pacientes distribuidos en dos grupos de 50 cada uno, asignados al azar siguiendo criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Previo consentimiento informado, se procedió a inducción de anestesia conductiva y por vía espinal siguiendo normas preestablecidas. Al grupo 1 se administró junto con el anestésico elegido 100 mcg de buprenorfina, al grupo 2 se administró dipirona IV, el momento que el paciente llegó a la sala de recuperación. Cuando los pacientes alcanzaron una escala de Bromage 0 por ciento fueron dados de alta de recuperación, procediendo a la evaluación del dolor durante las primeras 24 horas de postoperatorio, aplicando una escala predeterminada. Las tendencias muestran que un mayor porcentaje de pacientes del grupo buprenorfina tiene una analgesia de mejor calidad, de mayor tiempo y de costo razonable con relación al grupo dipirona IV. La seguridad en el uso de opioides por la vía espinal, se refleja en la adecuada estabilidad de la hemodinamia. En ambos grupos no se identificaron mayores complicaciones gracias a la estrecha vigilancia y oportuna intervención. Las complicaciones postoperatorias presente estan dentro de lo esperado y fueron resueltas adecuadamente. La morbilidad fue baja y la mortalidad nula


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La presente publicación es una continuación histórica de la evolución de nuestras instituciones a 200 años de independencia. En esta ocasión el grupo de investigaciones jurídicas optó por socializar algunos avances de su investigación: El bicentenario constitucional colombiano, 1810-2010, para permitir ahondar de forma crítica en el pasado de nuestra historia institucional. Esta mirada en perspectiva, al año de 2010, nos permite reflexionar sobre lo que hemos sido como país durante los últimos 200 años, además, proyectar ideas de lo que seremos en el futuro y ofrecer un relato académico de lo que significó para nosotros el período iniciado en 1810. Esto es de gran importancia si consideramos que de allí surgieron varios de los principales valores y defectos de nuestro sistema constitucional actual. Con los documentos anteriores pudimos observar que no fue solamente el azar el que definió los destinos de la revolución de 1810. El incidente estaba planeado desde la víspera, aprovechando la visita del comisario regio don Antonio Villavicencio, nacido en Quito. La revuelta terminó en cabildo abierto para formar una Junta de Gobierno en donde se comenzaron a forjar los destinos de nuestras instituciones. Desde entonces hemos conocido muchas constituciones y muchos gobiernos, no todos ellos democráticos, pero casi todos ellos han respetado y fortalecido los designios de don Camilo Torres cuando proclamó el Memorial de agravios contra el dominio colonial, así como los deseos de don Antonio Nariño, al traducir la Declaración de derechos del hombre para nuestra tierra.


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Many works deal with the study of Greek epigrams. These texts gather precious historical, religious and epigraphic content whose analysis has been addressed from a literary point of view. The degree of dependence of Hellenistic epigrams of earlier period epigrams are of great interest, as shown by recent and numerous papers on this matter (Harder et al . 1998; 2002; 2006; 2012; Bing and Bruss 2007; Baumbach et al. 2010). Another major line of research is focused on the origin of epigrams and their relation to elegy (Gentilli 1968; Passa 1998b) or to hexametric poetry and the oral-formulaic language inherited from Homeric tradition (di Tillio 1969; Moranti 1971, 1972; Gentili and Giannini 1977). Furthermore, other authors, such as Day (2010), have pointed out the significance of the performative and ritual nature of epigrams. Likewise, this field of study has undergone a renewal because of new papyrological findings enriching the existing epigram collection corpora. Compared to all these works, monographs and studies dedicated to the analysis of the language of the verse inscriptions are fewer. Many of them explore the linguistic differences between literary epigrams and those epigrams preserved by epigraphic means, as well as the degree of intervention of later tradition on such texts (Tiberi 1996, del Barrio Vega 2008; Kaczko 2009). The first exclusively linguistic reviews were published by the end of the 19th century (Wagner 1883; Fengler 1892), however, they are descriptive analyses lacking from an independent methodology. Kock(1910) was the first researcher who systematized and suggested a linguistic hypothesis and upheld the use of epichoric dialects by poets. His theory was supported by adepts such as Kretschmer (1913; 1915) although some discordant voices appeared soon, such as Buck (1923) who denied the existence of a linguistic standard and endorsed the importance of the Ionic model over the epichoric one. Traditionally, Greek language manuals point out the significance of the Ionic model and accept the adaptation of Homeric language to epichoric dialect. The study of verse inscription language was not systematically resumed until Mickey's publications (1981a; 1981b). According to this researcher, epigraphic poetry consists of a tempered version of the epichoric dialect where the dialect-characteristic features are avoided. Following the same line but with some differences, Alonso Déniz and Nieto Izquierdo (2009) conclude that the most distinctive features of Argolic are not avoided, at least at the metrical inscriptions from Argolid...


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Using both human and murine cell lines, we show that malignant cells are able to invade through basement membrane and also secrete elevated amounts of collagenase IV, an enzyme implicated in the degradation of basement membranes. Using serine proteinase inhibitors and antibodies to plasminogen activators as well as a newly described collagenase inhibitor we demonstrate that a protease cascade leads to the activation of an enzyme(s) that cleaves collagen IV. Inhibition at each step reduces the invasion of the tumor cells through reconstituted basement membrane in vitro. Treatment with a collagenase inhibitor reduced the incidence of lung lesions in mice given i.v. injections of malignant melanoma cells.


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Oxovanadium(1V) porphyrins appended with crown ether (benzo-15-crown-5) at the 5 (mono), the 5 and 10115 (cis/trans bis), the 5, 10, and 15 (tris), and the 5, 10, 15, and 20 (tetrakis) positions have been synthesized. The cation complexation behavior of these cavity-bearing porphyrins has been studied by using optical aborption and ESR spectral methods. The cations K+, Cs+, NH4+, and Ba2+, which require two crown ether cavities for complexation, induce dimerization of the porphyrins. The cation-induced dimerization constants for a representative tetrasubstituted porphyrin vary as K+ > Ba2+ > Cs+ - NH4+, and the relative stabilities of the dimers are dependent on the type of the substitution, tetrakis > tris > cis bis. ESR spectra recorded at a sample temperature of 77 K have low-field components attributed to Ah& = f 2 transitions, providing further evidence for the existence of dimers in solutions. The eclipsed sandwich dimers have V-V distances in the range 4.70 A. The relative distributions of oxovanadium crown porphyrins in terms of monomeric and dimeric forms rest on the geometric dispositions of the crown ether appendages.


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Gelatin graft copolymers of different compositions were tested for microbial susceptibility in a synthetic medium with pure cultures of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus subtilis, and Serratia marcescens. The percent weight losses were recorded over 6 weeks of incubation period in nitrogen-free and nitrogen-rich media. The relationship between [log(rate)] during the first week of the test period and composition of the grafted samples showed a linear behavior. There was no difference in the aggressivity of these bacterial strains. Nitrogen analysis data and pH measurements of the media seem to reinforce our earlier observations. Soil burial tests also indicate degradation of polymer samples under natural weathering conditions. This article also summarizes the salient features of our series of investigations.


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L-Arginine ascorbate, C6HIsN40+.C6H706, a 1"1 crystalline complex between the amino acid arginineand the vitamin ascorbic acid, crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P21 with two formula units in a cell of dimensions a = 5.060 (8), b = 9.977 (9), c = 15.330 (13) A, fl = 97.5 (2) °. The structure was solved by the symbolic addition procedure and refined to an R of 0.067 for 1501 photographically observed reflec- tions. The conformation of the arginine molecule in the structure is different from any observed so far. The present structure provides the first description of the ascorbate anion unaffected by the geometrical constraints and disturbances imposed by the requirements of metal coordination. The lactone group and the deprotonated enediol group in the anion are planar and the side chain assumes a conformation which appears to be sterically the most favourable. In the crystals, the arginine molecules and the ascorbate anions aggregate separately into alternating layers. The molecules in the arginine layer are held together by interactions involving a-amino and ~t-carboxylate groups, a situation analogous to that found in proteins. The two layers of unlike molecules are interconnected primarily through the interactions of the side-chain guanidyl group of arginine with the ascorbate ion. These involve a specific ion-pair interaction accompanied by two convergent hydrogen bonds and another pair of nearly parallel hydrogen bonds.


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Copper(II) complexes of quaternised poly(4-vinylpyridine) (PVP) of different degrees of quaternisation and copper content have been prepared by crosslinking the polymer with 1,2-dibromoethane in the presence of Cu2+ ion as template. The stability constant of the PVP---Cu(II) complexes is found to increase with the degree of crosslinking quaternisation of the resin, but the rate at which Cu2+ is adsorbed by the resin decreases. An optimum combination of both stability and rate can be achieved with a moderate degree (31%) of crosslinking. A kinetic study reveals that quaternisation increases significantly the catalytic activity of the complex for the oxidation of S2O2−3 by O2 compared with PVP----Cu(II) without quaternisation, but it deactivates the complex for the oxidation of both S3O2−6 and S4O2−6. The batch reactor oxidation kinetics at pH 2.16, where the rate is observed to be maximum, is well explained by the Langmuir—Hinshelwood model assuming the coordination of both O2 and thioanion to Cu(II) as a precursor to the oxidation reaction.


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The insertion of phenyl isocyanate into titanium isopropoxide leads to the formation of a dimeric complex [Ti(O ' Pr)(2)(mu-O ' Pr){C6H5N(O ' Pr)CO}](2) (1) which has been structurally characterized. Reaction of titanium isopropoxide with two and more than 2 equiv. of phenyl isocyanate is complicated by competitive, reversible insertion between the titanium carbamate and titanium isopropoxide. The ligand formed by insertion of phenyl isocyanate into the titanium carbamate has been structurally characterized in its protonated form C6H5N{C(O ' Pr)O}C(O)N(H)C6H5 (3aH). Insertion into the carbamate is kinetically favored whereas insertion into isopropoxide gives the thermodynamically favored product. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.