994 resultados para SCORING SYSTEMS
The activated sludge comprises a complex microbiological community. The structure (what types of microorganisms are present) and function (what can the organisms do and at what rates) of this community are determined by external physico -chemical features and by the influent to the sewage treatment plant. The external features we can manipulate but rarely the influent. Conventional control and operational strategies optimise activated sludge processes more as a chemical system than as a biological one. While optimising the process in a short time period, these strategies may deteriorate the long-term performance of the process due to their potentially adverse impact on the microbial properties. Through briefly reviewing the evidence available in the literature that plant design and operation affect both the structure and function of the microbial community in activated sludge, we propose to add sludge population optimisation as a new dimension to the control of biological wastewater treatment systems. We stress that optimising the microbial community structure and property should be an explicit aim for the design and operation of a treatment plant. The major limitations to sludge population optimisation revolve around inadequate microbiological data, specifically community structure, function and kinetic data. However, molecular microbiological methods that strive to provide that data are being developed rapidly. The combination of these methods with the conventional approaches for kinetic study is briefly discussed. The most pressing research questions pertaining to sludge population optimisation are outlined. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Computer simulation of dynamical systems involves a phase space which is the finite set of machine arithmetic. Rounding state values of the continuous system to this grid yields a spatially discrete dynamical system, often with different dynamical behaviour. Discretization of an invertible smooth system gives a system with set-valued negative semitrajectories. As the grid is refined, asymptotic behaviour of the semitrajectories follows probabilistic laws which correspond to a set-valued Markov chain, whose transition probabilities can be explicitly calculated. The results are illustrated for two-dimensional dynamical systems obtained by discretization of fractional linear transformations of the unit disc in the complex plane.
We extend a recent construction for an integrable model describing Josephson tunneling between identical BCS systems to the case where the BCS systems have different single particle energy levels. The exact solution of this generalized model is obtained through the Bethe ansatz.
We introduce an integrable model for two coupled BCS systems through a solution of the Yang-Baxter equation associated with the Lie algebra su(4). By employing the algebraic Bethe ansatz, we determine the exact solution for the energy spectrum. An asymptotic analysis is conducted to determine the leading terms in the ground state energy, the gap and some one point correlation functions at zero temperature. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
Due to the socio-economic inhomogeneity of communities in developing countries, the selection of sanitation systems is a complex task. To assist planners and communities in assessing the suitability of alternatives, the decision support system SANEX™ was developed. SANEX™ evaluates alternatives in two steps. First, Conjunctive Elimination, based on 20 mainly technical criteria, is used to screen feasible alternatives. Subsequently, a model derived from Multiattribute Utility Technique (MAUT) uses technical, socio-cultural and institutional criteria to compare the remaining alternatives with regard to their implementability and sustainability. This paper presents the SANEX™ algorithm, examples of its application in practice, and results obtained from field testing.
Within the information systems field, the task of conceptual modeling involves building a representation of selected phenomena in some domain. High-quality conceptual-modeling work is important because it facilitates early detection and correction of system development errors. It also plays an increasingly important role in activities like business process reengineering and documentation of best-practice data and process models in enterprise resource planning systems. Yet little research has been undertaken on many aspects of conceptual modeling. In this paper, we propose a framework to motivate research that addresses the following fundamental question: How can we model the world to better facilitate our developing, implementing, using, and maintaining more valuable information systems? The framework comprises four elements: conceptual-modeling grammars, conceptual-modeling methods, conceptual-modeling scripts, and conceptual-modeling contexts. We provide examples of the types of research that have already been undertaken on each element and illustrate research opportunities that exist.
Composite resin is a widely-used direct tooth coloured restorative material. Photoactivation of the polymerisation reaction can be achieved by visible blue light from a range of light sources, including halogen lamps, metal halide lamps, plasma arc lamps, and Light Emitting Diode (LED) lights. Concerns have been raised that curing lights may induce a temperature rise that could be detrimental to the vitality of the dental pulp during the act of photoactivation. The present study examined heat changes associated with standardised class V restorations on the buccal surface of extracted premolar teeth, using a curing time of 40 seconds. The independent effects of type of light source, resin shade and remaining tooth thickness were assessed using a matrix experimental design. When a conventional halogen lamp, a metal halide lamp and two different LED lights were compared, it was found that both LED lamps elicited minimal thermal changes at the level of the dental pulp, whereas the halogen lamp induced greater changes and the metal halide lamp caused the greatest thermal insult of all the light sources. These thermal changes were influenced by resin shade, with different patterns for LED versus halogen or halide sources. Thermal stress reduced as the remaining thickness of tooth structure between the pulp and the cavity floor increased. From these results, it is concluded that LED lights produce the least thermal insult during photopolymerisation of composite resins.
We generalize the basic concepts of the positive-P and Wigner representations to unstable quantum-optical systems that are based on nonorthogonal quasimodes. This lays the foundation for a quantum description of such systems, such as, for example an unstable cavity laser. We compare both representations by calculating the tunneling times for an unstable resonator optical parametric oscillator.
The suitable use of array antennas in cellular systems results in improvement in the signal-to-interference ratio (StR), This property is the basis for introducing smart or adaptive antenna systems. in general, the SIR depends on the array configuration and is a function of the direction of the desired user and interferers. Here, the SIR performance for linear and circular arrays is analysed and compared.
In this paper necessary and sufficient conditions are given for the metamorphosis of a lambda-fold K-3,K-3-design of order n into a lambda-fold 6-cycle system of order n, by retaining one 6-cycle subgraph from each copy of K-3,K-3, and then rearranging the set of all the remaining edges, three from each K-3,K-3, into further 6-cycles so that the result is a lambda-fold 6-cycle system.
The development of the new TOGA (titration and off-gas analysis) sensor for the detailed study of biological processes in wastewater treatment systems is outlined. The main innovation of the sensor is the amalgamation of titrimetric and off-gas measurement techniques. The resulting measured signals are: hydrogen ion production rate (HPR), oxygen transfer rate (OTR), nitrogen transfer rate (NTR), and carbon dioxide transfer rate (CTR). While OTR and NTR are applicable to aerobic and anoxic conditions, respectively, HPR and CTR are useful signals under all of the conditions found in biological wastewater treatment systems, namely, aerobic, anoxic and anaerobic. The sensor is therefore a powerful tool for studying the key biological processes under all these conditions. A major benefit from the integration of the titrimetric and off-gas analysis methods is that the acid/base buffering systems, in particular the bicarbonate system, are properly accounted for. Experimental data resulting from the TOGA sensor in aerobic, anoxic, and anaerobic conditions demonstrates the strength of the new sensor. In the aerobic environment, carbon oxidation (using acetate as an example carbon source) and nitrification are studied. Both the carbon and ammonia removal rates measured by the sensor compare very well with those obtained from off-line chemical analysis. Further, the aerobic acetate removal process is examined at a fundamental level using the metabolic pathway and stoichiometry established in the literature, whereby the rate of formation of storage products is identified. Under anoxic conditions, the denitrification process is monitored and, again, the measured rate of nitrogen gas transfer (NTR) matches well with the removal of the oxidised nitrogen compounds (measured chemically). In the anaerobic environment, the enhanced biological phosphorus process was investigated. In this case, the measured sensor signals (HPR and CTR) resulting from acetate uptake were used to determine the ratio of the rates of carbon dioxide production by competing groups of microorganisms, which consequently is a measure of the activity of these organisms. The sensor involves the use of expensive equipment such as a mass spectrometer and requires special gases to operate, thus incurring significant capital and operational costs. This makes the sensor more an advanced laboratory tool than an on-line sensor. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Electrical conductivity versus dopant ionic radius studies in zirconia- and ceria-based, solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) electrolyte systems have shown that oxygen-ion conductivity is highest when the host and dopant ions are similar in size [J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 48 (1965) 286; Solid State Ionics 37 (1989) 67; Solid State Ionics 5 (1981) 547]. Under these conditions, it is thought that the conduction paths within the crystal lattice become less distorted [Solid State Ionics 8 (1983) 201]. In this study, binary ZrO2-M2O3 unit cells were expanded, via the partial substitution of Ce+4 for Zr+4 into the lattice, in an attempt to identify new, ternary, zirconia/ceria-based electrolyte systems with enhanced electrical conductivity. The compositions Zr0.75Ce0.08M0.17O1.92 (M = Nd, Sm, Gd, Dy, Ho, Y, Yb, Sc) were prepared using traditional solid state techniques. Bulk phase characterisation and precise lattice parameter measurements were performed with X-ray diffraction techniques. Four-probe DC conductivity measurements between 400 and 900 degreesC showed that the dopant-ion radius influenced electrical conductivity. The conductivity versus dopant-ion radius trends previously observed in zirconia-based, binary systems are clearly apparent in the ternary systems investigated in this study. The addition of ceria was found to have a negative influence on the electrical conductivity over the temperature range 400-900 degreesC. It is suggested that distortion of the oxygen-ion conduction path by the presence of the larger M+3 and Ce+4 species (relative to Zr+4) is the reason for the decreasing electrical conductivity as a function of increasing dopant size and ceria addition, respectively. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The control of the nitrate recirculation flow in a predenitrification system is addressed. An elementary mass balance analysis on the utilisation efficiency of the influent biodegradable COD (bCOD) for nitrate removal indicates that the control problem can be broken down into two parts: maintaining the anoxic zone anoxic (i.e. nitrate is present throughout the anoxic zone) and maximising the usage of influent soluble bCOD for denitrification. Simulation studies using the Simulation Benchmark developed in the European COST program show that both objectives can be achieved by maintaining the nitrate concentration at the outlet of the anoxic zone at around 2 mgN/L. This setpoint appears to be robust towards variations in the influent characteristics and sludge kinetics.