799 resultados para Reformulated gasoline


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With the legislative demands increasing on recreational vehicles and utility engined applications, the two-stroke engine is facing increasing pressure to meet these requirements. One method of achieving the required reduction is via the introduction of a catalytic converter. The catalytic converter not only has to deal with the characteristically higher CO and HC concentration, but also any oil which is added to lubricate the engine. In a conventional two-stroke engine with a total loss lubrication system, the oil is either scavenged straight out the exhaust port or is entrained, involved in combustion and is later exhausted. This oil can have a significant effect on the performance of the catalyst.
To investigate the oiling effect, three catalytic converters were aged using a 400cm₃ DI two-stroke engine. A finite level of oil was added to the inlet air of the engine to lubricate the internal workings. The oil flow rate is independent of the engine speed and load.

Three catalysts were aged for 50 hours, experiencing a constant space velocity and set engine conditions. The engine was fueled on petrol and later on propane to eliminate the effects, if any, of petrol additives on catalyst deactivation. The oiling rate was varied to investigated deactivation from oil contamination. Post-mortem analysis was performed on the three catalysts. This consisted of a controlled light-off test performed on a catalyst rig, during which period, temperatures were measured and recorded towere aged for 50 hours, experiencing a constant space velocity and set engine conditions. The engine was fueled on petrol and later on propane to eliminate the effects, if any, of petrol additives on catalyst deactivation. The oiling rate was varied to investigated deactivation from oil contamination. Post-mortem analysis was performed on the three catalysts. This consisted of a controlled light-off test performed on a catalyst rig, during which period, temperatures were measured and recorded to find out where deactivation of each catalyst was occurring. The recorded results were all analyzed and these showed that from the measured light-off temperatures the aged catalysts behaved similarly. However the pattern in the light-off was significantly different when the engine was fueled by propane as opposed to gasoline.


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This paper is concerned with the analysis of the stability of delayed recurrent neural networks. In contrast to the widely used Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional approach, a new method is developed within the integral quadratic constraints framework. To achieve this, several lemmas are first given to propose integral quadratic separators to characterize the original delayed neural network. With these, the network is then reformulated as a special form of feedback-interconnected system by choosing proper integral quadratic constraints. Finally, new stability criteria are established based on the proposed approach. Numerical examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the new approach.


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An automated solar reactor system was designed and built to carry out catalytic pyrolysis of scrap rubber tires at 550°C. To maximize solar energy concentration, a two degrees-of-freedom automated sun tracking system was developed and implemented. Both the azimuth and zenith angles were controlled via feedback from six photo-resistors positioned on a Fresnel lens. The pyrolysis of rubber tires was tested with the presence of two types of acidic catalysts, H-beta and H-USY. Additionally, a photoactive TiO<inf>2</inf> catalyst was used and the products were compared in terms of gas yields and composition. The catalysts were characterized by BET analysis and the pyrolysis gases and liquids were analyzed using GC-MS. The oil and gas yields were relatively high with the highest gas yield reaching 32.8% with H-beta catalyst while TiO<inf>2</inf> gave the same results as thermal pyrolysis without any catalyst. In the presence of zeolites, the dominant gasoline-like components in the gas were propene and cyclobutene. The TiO<inf>2</inf> and non-catalytic experiments produced a gas containing gasoline-like products of mainly isoprene (76.4% and 88.4% respectively). As for the liquids they were composed of numerous components spread over a wide distribution of C<inf>10</inf> to C<inf>29</inf> hydrocarbons of naphthalene and cyclohexane/ene derivatives.


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This article outlines the case for peace and conflict researchers to formulate a research covenant to better shape their ethical obligations and responsibilities. This is an urgent necessity given that ethical debates have in some proponents become emotive and are not conducted in an ethical manner. In coming to this assessment, the article reviews trends in the research ethics literature and draws out some of the generic issues addressed in a review of the personal reflexivity that an assortment of individual peace and conflict researchers have engaged in when recounting their fieldwork experiences. These generic issues are reformulated in an attempt to codify appropriate ethical practice in peace and conflict research, and they go towards determining the contents of the research covenant. It is suggested that the research covenant is a more ethical way to debate the ethics of peace and conflict research.


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Este trabalho debruça-se sobre as práticas de Ensino de Geometria no 3º ciclo do Ensino Básico tendo como principal foco de investigação as práticas de ensino da professora investigadora. O estudo empírico foi realizado em três turmas de 9º ano, da professora investigadora, de Abril a Junho de 2005, numa Escola da região de Trás-os-Montes (designada por Escola A). O trabalho realizado pela professora investigadora com alunos dessas turmas (no 7º em 2002/03, no 8º ano em 2003/04 e no 9º ano até Abril de 2005) constituiu o contexto precursor do estudo. O planeamento, desenvolvimento e reflexão sobre as práticas desenvolvidas foram realizados de forma colaborativa entre a professora investigadora e a critical friend, professora de Matemática a leccionar Matemática a turmas de 9º ano, numa outra Escola, da mesma região de Trás-os-Montes (designada por Escola B). A gestão curricular orientada por pressupostos legais em vigor e por resultados da investigação em Educação e Didáctica da Matemática foi realizada considerando o conhecimento informal e tácito de cada aluno; visou maximizar a aprendizagem matemática de todos os alunos em cada turma mas tendo a preocupação subjacente de proporcionar experiências de aprendizagem diversificadas de forma a favorecer todo o tipo de estilos de aprendizagem. O problema de investigação foi formulado a partir da seguinte questão: Como articular os esforços realizados e desenvolvidos pelo professor na sala de aula, de forma coerente e exequível, para promover aprendizagens significativas nos alunos, nomeadamente no domínio da Geometria? Face ao problema de investigação foram abordadas e estudadas as questões de investigação seguintes: 1. Quais são as características da experiência matemática proporcionada e qual é a sua relação com o que os alunos aprenderam? 2. Quais as características da avaliação implementada enquanto processo regulador das aprendizagens? 3. Qual a relação entre as tarefas de aprendizagem planificadas e as experiências de aprendizagem matemática proporcionadas? 4. Qual o papel das conferências com a critical friend (no desenvolvimento das experiências matemáticas proporcionadas) na gestão curricular? Este trabalho seguiu uma metodologia de investigação de natureza qualitativa baseado num estudo de caso, com uma vertente de investigação-acção, a partir de uma abordagem curricular em Geometria no 3º ciclo do Ensino Básico: a da professora investigadora. A observação participante e uma grande diversidade de documentos recolhidos (tarefas iniciais e reformuladas, cópias de relatórios, diários de bordo, transcrições das gravações áudio das conferências, etc.) constituíram as principais fontes de dados. Também foram considerados dados provenientes de instrumentos mais quantitativos, como de testes e de questionários. A análise de dados tomou como base a unidade de tempo de meio bloco de aulas (45 minutos) e as fases didácticas de realização de tarefas numa escala de investigação meso de forma a respeitar o trabalho na sala de aula e a sua complexidade. A triangulação de diversas fontes de dados permitiu apresentar: i) a experiência matemática proporcionada a partir das tarefas implementadas e os diferentes papéis assumidos pelo professor, pelos pequenos grupos de alunos ou pelo grupo turma; ii) as práticas avaliativas onde foram evidenciadas as diferentes formas de avaliação formativa e o feedback distribuído; iii) o envolvimento induzido e promovido nos alunos relativamente à sua aprendizagem matemática; iv) o papel crucial da critical friend na abordagem curricular em foco. A partir dos testes de competências e do questionário acerca do ensino, da avaliação e do modo de estudar dos alunos (QEAME) foi possível identificar os ganhos e o impacte desta abordagem curricular no desenvolvimento dos três tipos de constelações de competências e as percepções dos alunos relativamente à mediação realizada pela professora investigadora relativamente ao ensino, aprendizagem e métodos de estudo, respectivamente; a Listagem Dinâmica de Perguntas permitiu aumentar a consciência acerca dos itens trabalhados em sala de aula. A principal conclusão deste estudo é de que é possível implementar um currículo que desenvolva e favoreça a aquisição e desenvolvimento de competências na Geometria (desde as mais elementares até às de nível superior – nas diferentes constelações de reprodução, de conexão e de reflexão) onde o trabalho colaborativo entre os professores é fundamental na gestão e desenvolvimento curriculares. Como implicações para a investigação educacional em matemática surge a necessidade de se fomentar estudos investigacionais descritivos e holísticos em salas de aulas normais sobre as opções e razões das práticas de ensino, das actividades de aprendizagem e das diferentes formas de avaliação.


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Current and past research has brought up new views related to the optimization of neural networks. For a fixed structure, second order methods are seen as the most promising. From previous works we have shown how second order methods are of easy applicability to a neural network. Namely, we have proved how the Levenberg-Marquard possesses not only better convergence but how it can assure the convergence to a local minima. However, as any gradient-based method, the results obtained depend on the startup point. In this work, a reformulated Evolutionary algorithm - the Bacterial Programming for Levenberg-Marquardt is proposed, as an heuristic which can be used to determine the most suitable starting points, therefore achieving, in most cases, the global optimum.


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This is a thought-provoking contribution on the space of ontological vulnerability as the awareness of being existentially exposed. This space, conceptualised as a space of ‘the middle’ (as opposed, emphatically, to ‘the centre’) offers an opportunity to think away from the sterile debate on eco/anthropocentricity and from such limiting hierarchies as animal/human, human/environmental, natural/artificial. This new, vulnerable position of the middle allows the reconfiguration of ecological processes, and more specifically the position of environmental law in relation to them. Environmental law now finds itself amidst a new, moving, ‘open ecology’ of social, biological and ecological processes. This is a new, radical conceptualisation of what the author has called ‘critical environmental law,’ based upon an epistemology of observation and an ontology of being part of this open ecology. Environmental law, in this light, is simultaneously reformulated as an invitation to disciplinary and ontological openness and yet a call to remain immanent within existing legal structures. This finds expression in four critical environmental positions that set the stage for the further elaboration of a critical environmental law.


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In a liberalized electricity market, the Transmission System Operator (TSO) plays a crucial role in power system operation. Among many other tasks, TSO detects congestion situations and allocates the payments of electricity transmission. This paper presents a software tool for congestion management and transmission price determination in electricity markets. The congestion management is based on a reformulated Optimal Power Flow (OPF), whose main goal is to obtain a feasible solution for the re-dispatch minimizing the changes in the dispatch proposed by the market operator. The transmission price computation considers the physical impact caused by the market agents in the transmission network. The final tariff includes existing system costs and also costs due to the initial congestion situation and losses costs. The paper includes a case study for the IEEE 30 bus power system.


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Congestion management of transmission power systems has achieve high relevance in competitive environments, which require an adequate approach both in technical and economic terms. This paper proposes a new methodology for congestion management and transmission tariff determination in deregulated electricity markets. The congestion management methodology is based on a reformulated optimal power flow, whose main goal is to obtain a feasible solution for the re-dispatch minimizing the changes in the transactions resulting from market operation. The proposed transmission tariffs consider the physical impact caused by each market agents in the transmission network. The final tariff considers existing system costs and also costs due to the initial congestion situation and losses. This paper includes a case study for the 118 bus IEEE test case.


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Mathematical Program with Complementarity Constraints (MPCC) finds applica- tion in many fields. As the complementarity constraints fail the standard Linear In- dependence Constraint Qualification (LICQ) or the Mangasarian-Fromovitz constraint qualification (MFCQ), at any feasible point, the nonlinear programming theory may not be directly applied to MPCC. However, the MPCC can be reformulated as NLP problem and solved by nonlinear programming techniques. One of them, the Inexact Restoration (IR) approach, performs two independent phases in each iteration - the feasibility and the optimality phases. This work presents two versions of an IR algorithm to solve MPCC. In the feasibility phase two strategies were implemented, depending on the constraints features. One gives more importance to the complementarity constraints, while the other considers the priority of equality and inequality constraints neglecting the complementarity ones. The optimality phase uses the same approach for both algorithm versions. The algorithms were implemented in MATLAB and the test problems are from MACMPEC collection.


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Solving systems of nonlinear equations is a very important task since the problems emerge mostly through the mathematical modelling of real problems that arise naturally in many branches of engineering and in the physical sciences. The problem can be naturally reformulated as a global optimization problem. In this paper, we show that a self-adaptive combination of a metaheuristic with a classical local search method is able to converge to some difficult problems that are not solved by Newton-type methods.


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Relatório de estágio apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Empreendedorismo e Internacionalização, sob orientação de Doutora Ana Azevedo.


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Evolução, ato ou efeito de evoluir, sequência de transformações, desenvolvimento progressivo. Se tudo à nossa volta se transforma, a indústria tem de acompanhar esse sistema evolutivo, tornando assim imprescindível alterar ou melhorar processos de produção quando estes não se enquadram com a realidade, ou porque o mercado se altera, ou porque as necessidades mudam, ou por simplesmente ser mais rentável. Sendo a Galp Energia uma empresa que se encontra sempre na vanguarda da evolução tecnológica, encontra no Departamento de Engenharia Química do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto um aliado na procura do melhor modo de valorizar os seus produtos. A Refinaria de Matosinhos tem atualmente duas correntes de gasolina leve e uma de refinado que apresentam grande potencialidade de valorização. Parte destas correntes incorporam atualmente a pool de nafta química da refinaria que é vendida à Repsol Polímeros. O desafio que é proposto baseia-se em valorizar essas correntes através da sua isomerização aumentando o seu RON podendo então ter como fim a pool de gasolinas. Tirando partido da tecnologia disponível para este efeito são apresentados quatro cenários de possíveis soluções. Sendo os dois primeiros excluídos por violarem restrições impostas, o terceiro e quarto cenários foram analisados de um ponto de vista económico. O terceiro cenário conduz a gasolina leve da Fábrica de Aromáticos para a pool de gasolinas sem qualquer tratamento e a gasolina leve da Fábrica de Combustíveis continua a integrar a pool de nafta química. O refinado da Fábrica de Aromáticos será enviado para um splitter, sendo a corrente de topo destinada à pool de nafta química e a corrente de fundo enviada a um reator de isomerização, Isomalk-4SM, passando previamente por uma torre de argila de forma a assegurar que a restrição em teor de olefinas no reator não é violada. O efluente, com RON maior, integrará igualmente a pool de gasolinas. No quarto cenário a corrente de refinado da Fábrica de Aromáticos não sofre qualquer tratamento, continuando a alimentar a unidade de solventes, a gasolina leve da Fábrica de Aromáticos irá diretamente para a pool de gasolinas e a gasolina leve da Fábrica de Combustíveis passará pelo Isomalk-2SM para aumentar o índice de octanos garantido assim ter condições de integrar a pool de gasolinas. Dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia Química Isomerização de Gasolina Leve O terceiro cenário apresenta um aumento de 4 576 773 € anuais nas receitas e o quarto alcança 11 333 982 € anuais. O investimento inicial total do terceiro cenário é de 28 821 608 € quando o quarto cenário carece de um investimento inicial de apenas 18 028 349 €. Quanto aos custos associados à implementação da unidade estes demonstram-se elevados, o terceiro cenário apresenta um custo de 23 133 429 € enquanto o do quarto cenário é de 13 998 797 €. O quarto cenário apresenta-se assim como a solução mais rentável para o objetivo desta dissertação.


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The present report has the goal of enunciating and exposing some of the main judicial subjects that were developed during the period of internship, coming forth in the form of answers to questions properly reformulated as not to injure the confidentiality of data available while in the process of making said report, they deal with different branches of the law, although with a special focus on the field of Insurance Law. It being an academic piece, it was of the utmost importance to focus more sharply on a specific theme, in casu, medical-civil responsibility, causing the interest in this matter due to the curricular internship and a case law research on the subject. The last chapter of this paper focuses mainly on the problematic of seizure by insurance intermediary’s commissions, credits from occupational accidents and illnesses and Retirement and Education Savings Plans (PPR/Es), this being one problematic with which I dealt directly in the early stages of the internship.


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Potential risks of a secondary formation of polychlorinated dibenzodioxins/furans (PCDD/Fs) were assessed for two cordierite-based, wall-through diesel particulate filters (DPFs) for which soot combustion was either catalyzed with an iron- or a copper-based fuel additive. A heavy duty diesel engine was used as test platform, applying the eight-stage ISO 8178/4 C1 cycle. DPF applications neither affected the engine performance, nor did they increase NO, NO2, CO, and CO2 emissions. The latter is a metric for fuel consumption. THC emissions decreased by about 40% when deploying DPFs. PCDD/F emissions, with a focus on tetra- to octachlorinated congeners, were compared under standard and worst case conditions (enhanced chlorine uptake). The iron-catalyzed DPF neither increased PCDD/F emissions, nor did it change the congener pattern, even when traces of chlorine became available. In case of copper, PCDD/F emissions increased by up to 3 orders of magnitude from 22 to 200 to 12 700 pg I-TEQ/L with fuels of &lt; 2, 14, and 110 microg/g chlorine, respectively. Mainly lower chlorinated DD/Fs were formed. Based on these substantial effects on PCDD/F emissions, the copper-catalyzed DPF system was not approved for workplace applications, whereas the iron system fulfilled all the specifications of the Swiss procedures for DPF approval (VERT).