906 resultados para Real estate business -- Management -- Automation
Este estudo teve como objetivo principal analisar a relao entre a Liderana Transformacional, a Converso do Conhecimento e a Eficcia Organizacional. Foram considerados como pressupostos tericos conceitos consolidados sobre os temas desta relao, alm de recentes pesquisas j realizadas em outros pases e contextos organizacionais. Com base nisto identificou-se potencial estudo de um modelo que relacionasse estes trs conceitos. Para tal considera-se que as organizaes que buscam atingir Vantagem Competitiva e incorporam a Knowledge-Based View possam conquistar diferenciao frente a seus concorrentes. Nesse contexto o conhecimento ganha maior destaque e papel protagonista nestas organizaes. Dessa forma criar conhecimento atravs de seus colaboradores, passa a ser um dos desafios dessas organizaes ao passo que sugere melhoria de seus indicadores Econmicos, Sociais, Sistmicos e Polticos, o que se define por Eficcia Organizacional. Portanto os modos de converso do conhecimento nas organizaes, demonstram relevncia, uma vez que se cria e se converte conhecimentos atravs da interao entre o conhecimento existente de seus colaboradores. Essa converso do conhecimento ou modelo SECI possui quatro modos que so a Socializao, Externalizao, Combinao e Internalizao. Nessa perspectiva a liderana nas organizaes apresenta-se como um elemento capaz de influenciar seus colaboradores, propiciando maior dinmica ao modelo SECI de converso do conhecimento. Se identifica ento na liderana do tipo Transformacional, caractersticas que possam influenciar colaboradores e entende-se que esta relao entre a Liderana Transformacional e a Converso do Conhecimento possa ter influncia positiva nos indicadores da Eficcia Organizacional. Dessa forma esta pesquisa buscou analisar um modelo que explorasse essa relao entre a liderana do tipo Transformacional, a Converso do Conhecimento (SECI) e a Eficcia Organizacional. Esta pesquisa teve o carter quantitativo com coleta de dados atravs do mtodo survey, obtendo um total de 230 respondentes vlidos de diferentes organizaes. O instrumento de coleta de dados foi composto por afirmativas relativas ao modelo de relao pesquisado com um total de 44 itens. O perfil de respondentes concentrou-se entre 30 e 39 anos de idade, com a predominncia de organizaes privadas e de departamentos de TI/Telecom, Docncia e Recursos Humanos respectivamente. O tratamento dos dados foi atravs da Anlise Fatorial Exploratria e Modelagem de Equaes Estruturais via Partial Least Square Path Modeling (PLS-PM). Como resultado da anlise desta pesquisa, as hipteses puderam ser confirmadas, concluindo que a Liderana Transformacional apresenta influncia positiva nos modos de Converso do Conhecimento e que; a Converso do Conhecimento influencia positivamente na Eficcia Organizacional. Ainda, concluiu-se que a percepo entre os respondentes no apresenta resultado diferente sobre o modelo desta pesquisa entre quem possui ou no funo de liderana.
"Contains the complete series of 34 booklets which constitute the Farm land division of 'Real estate appraising' (with essentials of farm management and agricultural engineering). In binding, the sectional title pages and student answer pages have been deleted."
"A quarterly review of banking, commercial paper, credit, collection, real estate and other important decisions"
Este estudo teve como objetivo principal analisar a relao entre a Liderana Transformacional, a Converso do Conhecimento e a Eficcia Organizacional. Foram considerados como pressupostos tericos conceitos consolidados sobre os temas desta relao, alm de recentes pesquisas j realizadas em outros pases e contextos organizacionais. Com base nisto identificou-se potencial estudo de um modelo que relacionasse estes trs conceitos. Para tal considera-se que as organizaes que buscam atingir Vantagem Competitiva e incorporam a Knowledge-Based View possam conquistar diferenciao frente a seus concorrentes. Nesse contexto o conhecimento ganha maior destaque e papel protagonista nestas organizaes. Dessa forma criar conhecimento atravs de seus colaboradores, passa a ser um dos desafios dessas organizaes ao passo que sugere melhoria de seus indicadores Econmicos, Sociais, Sistmicos e Polticos, o que se define por Eficcia Organizacional. Portanto os modos de converso do conhecimento nas organizaes, demonstram relevncia, uma vez que se cria e se converte conhecimentos atravs da interao entre o conhecimento existente de seus colaboradores. Essa converso do conhecimento ou modelo SECI possui quatro modos que so a Socializao, Externalizao, Combinao e Internalizao. Nessa perspectiva a liderana nas organizaes apresenta-se como um elemento capaz de influenciar seus colaboradores, propiciando maior dinmica ao modelo SECI de converso do conhecimento. Se identifica ento na liderana do tipo Transformacional, caractersticas que possam influenciar colaboradores e entende-se que esta relao entre a Liderana Transformacional e a Converso do Conhecimento possa ter influncia positiva nos indicadores da Eficcia Organizacional. Dessa forma esta pesquisa buscou analisar um modelo que explorasse essa relao entre a liderana do tipo Transformacional, a Converso do Conhecimento (SECI) e a Eficcia Organizacional. Esta pesquisa teve o carter quantitativo com coleta de dados atravs do mtodo survey, obtendo um total de 230 respondentes vlidos de diferentes organizaes. O instrumento de coleta de dados foi composto por afirmativas relativas ao modelo de relao pesquisado com um total de 44 itens. O perfil de respondentes concentrou-se entre 30 e 39 anos de idade, com a predominncia de organizaes privadas e de departamentos de TI/Telecom, Docncia e Recursos Humanos respectivamente. O tratamento dos dados foi atravs da Anlise Fatorial Exploratria e Modelagem de Equaes Estruturais via Partial Least Square Path Modeling (PLS-PM). Como resultado da anlise desta pesquisa, as hipteses puderam ser confirmadas, concluindo que a Liderana Transformacional apresenta influncia positiva nos modos de Converso do Conhecimento e que; a Converso do Conhecimento influencia positivamente na Eficcia Organizacional. Ainda, concluiu-se que a percepo entre os respondentes no apresenta resultado diferente sobre o modelo desta pesquisa entre quem possui ou no funo de liderana.
Most research on stock prices is based on the present value model or the more general consumption-based model. When applied to real economic data, both of them are found unable to account for both the stock price level and its volatility. Three essays here attempt to both build a more realistic model, and to check whether there is still room for bubbles in explaining fluctuations in stock prices. In the second chapter, several innovations are simultaneously incorporated into the traditional present value model in order to produce more accurate model-based fundamental prices. These innovations comprise replacing with broad dividends the more narrow traditional dividends that are more commonly used, a nonlinear artificial neural network (ANN) forecasting procedure for these broad dividends instead of the more common linear forecasting models for narrow traditional dividends, and a stochastic discount rate in place of the constant discount rate. Empirical results show that the model described above predicts fundamental prices better, compared with alternative models using linear forecasting process, narrow dividends, or a constant discount factor. Nonetheless, actual prices are still largely detached from fundamental prices. The bubblelike deviations are found to coincide with business cycles. The third chapter examines possible cointegration of stock prices with fundamentals and non-fundamentals. The output gap is introduced to form the nonfundamental part of stock prices. I use a trivariate Vector Autoregression (TVAR) model and a single equation model to run cointegration tests between these three variables. Neither of the cointegration tests shows strong evidence of explosive behavior in the DJIA and S&P 500 data. Then, I applied a sup augmented Dickey-Fuller test to check for the existence of periodically collapsing bubbles in stock prices. Such bubbles are found in S&P data during the late 1990s. Employing econometric tests from the third chapter, I continue in the fourth chapter to examine whether bubbles exist in stock prices of conventional economic sectors on the New York Stock Exchange. The old economy as a whole is not found to have bubbles. But, periodically collapsing bubbles are found in Material and Telecommunication Services sectors, and the Real Estate industry group.
Lodging asset management has emerged as one of the most important areas of strategic hotel management. Increasingly, lodging companies are soliciting the services of asset management firms or developing internal asset management competencies. This article synthesizes and discusses the essential components of dynamic lodging asset management. The article provides a detail background on asset management and its importance and explains the role of lodging asset managers and their working relationships with ownership and operators. The article also discusses the competencies and skills of asset managers.
Since the 1970s various industry studies have indicated that the vacation ownership industry has enjoyed unprecedented growth in unit sales, resort growth, and the number of owners (American Resort Devleopment Association [ARDA], 2007; ARDA, 2009a; ARDA, 2009b). However, due to the recent economic downturn these growth metrics are no longer obtainable. This external impact has caused developers to retrench and therefore reflect upon their existing product and service offerings, financial metrics, and consumer markets (ARDA, 2010a; ARDA 2010b). The crux of these findings indicates that the industry has shifted to maintaining and enhancing product and service offerings as a reaction to changing economic conditions. The findings reported in the body of this manuscript represent product and service preferences as collected from a random data pull of their existing ownership base. The study also revealed current preferences of timeshare owners with relation to services provided and products/amenities offered. Management implications and limitations of the current study are discussed.
This study identified and examined the concerns of hotel general managers regarding ethics in the hospitality industry. Thirty-five managers were interviewed during and immediately following the economic recession to determine which ethical issues in the hotel industry and at their own properties concerned them the most. Results showed that more people and organizations attempted to renegotiate hotel rates, which actions, in turn, led to some lapses in ethical behavior. Managers said that because of the economic downturn, they felt pressure from both private owners and corporate headquarters. They also said a lack of work ethic, low motivation, and low pay caused many workers to underperform in ways that raised ethical issues. Managers also mentioned diversity issues and theft by both guests and employees as ethical issues of concern, and shared stories about their experiences.
Estimating the required rate of return for hotel properties is a daunting task because a lodging property is considered a hybrid between a real estate asset, and a revenue-generating enterprise affiliated with a hotel brand. Computing the expected rate of return for a hotel becomes even more complicated when a third party foreign investor/entrepreneur is the one performing the computation for an investment hotel in an emerging country. This clinical case illustrates the challenges surrounding the estimation of a projects cost of equity in the multinational hotel industry. The results reveal that estimating cost of equity in emerging markets for hotel investments continues to be a conundrum. Future investors should make multiple adjustments and use several models when making their capital investment decisions.
Most research on stock prices is based on the present value model or the more general consumption-based model. When applied to real economic data, both of them are found unable to account for both the stock price level and its volatility. Three essays here attempt to both build a more realistic model, and to check whether there is still room for bubbles in explaining fluctuations in stock prices. In the second chapter, several innovations are simultaneously incorporated into the traditional present value model in order to produce more accurate model-based fundamental prices. These innovations comprise replacing with broad dividends the more narrow traditional dividends that are more commonly used, a nonlinear artificial neural network (ANN) forecasting procedure for these broad dividends instead of the more common linear forecasting models for narrow traditional dividends, and a stochastic discount rate in place of the constant discount rate. Empirical results show that the model described above predicts fundamental prices better, compared with alternative models using linear forecasting process, narrow dividends, or a constant discount factor. Nonetheless, actual prices are still largely detached from fundamental prices. The bubble-like deviations are found to coincide with business cycles. The third chapter examines possible cointegration of stock prices with fundamentals and non-fundamentals. The output gap is introduced to form the non-fundamental part of stock prices. I use a trivariate Vector Autoregression (TVAR) model and a single equation model to run cointegration tests between these three variables. Neither of the cointegration tests shows strong evidence of explosive behavior in the DJIA and S&P 500 data. Then, I applied a sup augmented Dickey-Fuller test to check for the existence of periodically collapsing bubbles in stock prices. Such bubbles are found in S&P data during the late 1990s. Employing econometric tests from the third chapter, I continue in the fourth chapter to examine whether bubbles exist in stock prices of conventional economic sectors on the New York Stock Exchange. The old economy as a whole is not found to have bubbles. But, periodically collapsing bubbles are found in Material and Telecommunication Services sectors, and the Real Estate industry group.
Research in human computer interaction (HCI) covers both technological and human behavioural concerns. As a consequence, the contributions made in HCI research tend to be aware to either engineering or the social sciences. In HCI the purpose of practical research contributions is to reveal unknown insights about human behaviour and its relationship to technology. Practical research methods normally used in HCI include formal experiments, field experiments, field studies, interviews, focus groups, surveys, usability tests, case studies, diary studies, ethnography, contextual inquiry, experience sampling, and automated data collection. In this paper, we report on our experience using the evaluation methods focus groups, surveys and interviews and how we adopted these methods to develop artefacts: either interfaces design or information and technological systems. Four projects are examples of the different methods application to gather information about users wants, habits, practices, concerns and preferences. The goal was to build an understanding of the attitudes and satisfaction of the people who might interact with a technological artefact or information system. Conversely, we intended to design for information systems and technological applications, to promote resilience in organisations (a set of routines that allow to recover from obstacles) and users experiences. Organisations can here also be viewed within a system approach, which means that the system perturbations even failures could be characterized and improved. The term resilience has been applied to everything from the real estate, to the economy, sports, events, business, psychology, and more. In this study, we highlight that resilience is also made up of a number of different skills and abilities (self-awareness, creating meaning from other experiences, self-efficacy, optimism, and building strong relationships) that are a few foundational ingredients, which people should use along with the process of enhancing an organisations resilience. Resilience enhances knowledge of resources available to people confronting existing problems.
El siguiente documento tiene como finalidad ensearle al lector cmo una de las constructoras lderes del sector en Colombia, Constructora Colpatria, se ha visto involucrada en la toma de ciertas decisiones estratgicas, las cuales han llevado a la compaa a conseguir una diversificacin en diferentes reas de negocio y un proceso de internacionalizacin en pases como Mxico y Per. La principal razn de estos cambios que ha tenido la Constructora Colpatria, es bsicamente un problema que surge hace un poco ms de 20 aos. Hacia la dcada de los 90 se present una crisis financiera que tuvo su origen en el mercado hipotecario, desde ese entonces, el sector construccin se ha visto involucrado en un fenmeno que es comnmente conocido como burbuja inmobiliaria, este trmino se refiere a la subida injustificada y exagerada de los precios de los inmuebles o de los bienes races muy por encima del precio real de venta. En el contexto de estrategia, el proyecto se va a encaminar por el lado de las decisiones y el manejo que se le ha dado por parte de la empresa a la problemtica que ha presentado el sector construccin a lo largo de los ltimos aos. Por medio de diferentes mtodos de investigacin, que sern explicados ms adelante, se quiere evaluar y conocer como esta empresa ha logrado conseguir un alto nivel de competitividad y cmo se ha posicionado en los primeros puestos en el sector construccin en Colombia.
The aim of this paper is to analyze the process of knowledge creation when developing high technology products in projects having various innovation degrees. The main contribution to the literature is the systematization of an approach to analyze knowledge creation during the product innovation process. Three innovation projects developed by a company specialized in industrial automation systems were investigated using case studies. The knowledge creation processes, which took place in these three projects, were analyzed comparatively. As a distinctive result of this paper, the main features of the knowledge creation processes influenced by a degree of technological innovation are identified.
Among the numerous problems that are common to the Latin-American metropolises, such as the deep socio-spatial segregation, the impressive territorial fragmentation and the real estate valorisation that overvalues some territories, whilst it depreciates others, we have chosen to focus on the management of the metropolitan regions. That question clearly indicates that due to the great current changes of the economical restructuring - a process that strengthened the capitalist logic of social development - the traditional form of thinking urban planning has found its limits. Consequently, this issue of metropolitan management shows the need to look for new ways of metropolitan administration that can answer to the The main metropolitan regions of South America: Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo and Santiago form our references to characterize the recent changes from a territorial point of view on the one hand; and relative to the new determinations of the metropolis on the other hand. This leads us to discuss the challenges that metropolitan management face in a scenario of governability fragmentation.
In recent years, domestic business-to-business barter has become institutionalized as an alternative marketing exchange system in Australia, and elsewhere. This article reports the findings of a survey of 164 members of Australia's largest trade exchange, Bartercard There are few, if any, published empirical studies on this topic. This study is exploratory. Most firms surveyed are small firms in the services sectors. Although Bartercard has an extensive membership, trading within the system is limited with most members trading less than once per week and with barter transactions contributing less than 5% of their annual gross sales. The main benefits of membership include new customers and increased sales and networking opportunities. The main limitations include the limited functionality of the trade dollar limited trading opportunities, and practical trading difficulties. In selling, there appears to be no differential between the cash and trade prices, whereas trade dollars are discounted in purchasing. Participants acknowledge that business-to-business barter will remain and grow regardless of cyclical macroeconomic changes. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Inc.