990 resultados para Philadelphian Society (London, England)
by Lucien Wolf
Preparing teachers to effectively teach culturally diverse students, teacher educators advocate for the use of cross-cultural field experiences, including international study abroad programs. This paper reports on a qualitative case study of two pre-service teachers’ intercultural development during a semester-long teacher education study abroad program in London, England. Findings indicate that international experiences provide a catalyst to move pre-service teachers forward in their intercultural development. Implications include the need for multicultural teacher educators to take a developmental approach to pre-service teacher education informed by theories of intercultural development and cultural learning developed within intercultural communications.
1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an das Californian Hotel Fresno, 20.07.1947; 1 Brief von Franz Calvelli-Adorno an Max Horkheimer, 1948; 1 Brief von der Cambridge Univerity Press London an Max Horkheimer, 09.06.1940; 1 Brief vonMax Horkheimer an C.E. De Camp, 09.12.1940; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Hadley Cantril, 09.01.1939; 5 Briefe zwischen William Charles Carlé und Max Horkheimer, 1939-1944; 1 Brief von Rose Carter an Max Horkheimer, 20.04.1940; 3 Briefe zwischen der Central Westchester Human Society, White Plains, NY und Max Horkheimer, 1939; 1 Brief von Frank F. Charles an Max Horkheimer, 16.03.1939; 7 Briefe zwischen der Charity Organisation Society London und Max Horkheimer, 1936-1938; 1 Brief von Christa Christian an Max Horkheimer, 12.11.1937; 4 Briefe zwischen Ada Citroen-Kater und Max Horkheimer, 1940; 7 Briefe zwsichen Fenny van Leer und Max Horkheimer, 1940; 3 Briefe zwischen Leo Löwenthal an Frieda Fromm-Reichmann, 1940, 13.11.1940; 1 Brief von Leo Löwenthal an David Reissner, 05.09.1940; 21 Briefe zwischen dem City Club of New York und Max Horkheimer, 1938-1940; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an das City College of New York, 20.11.1940; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Charles Upson Clark, 04.06.1938; 2 Briefe zwischen Morris R. Cohen und Max Horkheimer, 16.02.1939, 24.03.1941; 7 Briefe zwischen Alfred E. Cohn und Max Horkheimer, 1939-1941; 1 Brief und 1 Entwurf von Max Horkheimer an Else Cohnstaedt, März 1941; 1 Brief von dem College of the Pacific California an Max Horkheimer, 01.03.1949; 10 Briefe zwischen Gerhard Colm und Max Horkheimer, 1935-1939; 1 Brief von Gerhard Colm an Georg Rusche, 19.09.1938;
Jewish Historical Society of England
Recent advances in radiometric dating result in significant improvements in the geological timescale and provide better insight into the timing of various processes and evolutions within the Earth's system. However, no radiometric ages are contained within the Givetian. Consequently, the absolute ages of the Givetian Stage boundaries, as well as the stage's duration, remain poorly constrained. As an alternative, the analysis of sedimentary cycles allows for the estimation of the duration of this stage. We examined the high-resolution magnetic susceptibility signals of four Givetian outcrops in the Givet area for a possible astronomical imprint, to fully understand the rates of evolutionary and environmental change. All four sections are firmly correlated and wavelet analyses of the magnetic susceptibility signals reveal the imprint of astronomical eccentricity forcing. The highly stable 405 kyr cycles constrain the duration of the Givetian Stage at 4.35±0.45 Myr, which is in good agreement with the International Chronostratigraphic Chart (5.0 Myr). The studied sections also exhibit an imprint of obliquity, suggesting a climatic teleconnection between low and high latitudes. The corresponding microfacies curves demonstrate similar astronomical imprint, and thereby indicate that the observed 10**5 year-scale cyclicity is the result of climatic and environmental change.
Benthic foraminiferal faunas from three bathyal sequences provide a proxy record of oceanographic changes through the mid-Pleistocene transition (MPT) on either side of the Subtropical Front (STF), east of New Zealand. Canonical correspondence analyses show that factors related to water depth, latitude and climate cycles were more significant than oceanographic factors in determining changes in faunal assemblage composition over the last 1 Ma. Even so, mid-Pleistocene faunal changes are recognizable and can be linked to inferred palaeoceanographic causes. North of the largely stationary STF the faunas were less variable than to the south, perhaps reflecting the less extreme glacial-interglacial fluctuations in the overlying Subtropical Surface Water. Prior to Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 21 and after MIS 15, the northern faunas had fairly constant composition, but during most of the MPT faunal composition fluctuated in response to climate-related food-supply variations. Faunal changes through the MPT suggest increasing food supply and decreasing dissolved bottom oxygen. South of the STF, beneath Subantarctic Surface Water, mid-Pleistocene faunas exhibited strong glacial-interglacial fluctuations, inferred to be due to higher interglacial nutrient supply and lower oxygen levels. The most dramatic faunal change in the south occurred at the end of the MPT (MIS 17- 12). with an acme of Abditodentrix pseudothalmanni, possibly reflecting higher carbon flux and lower bottom oxygen. This study suggests that the mid-Pleistocene decline and extinction of a group of elongate, cylindrical deep-sea foraminifera may have been related to decreased bottom oxygen concentrations as aresult of slower deep-water currents.
Abstract: Ocean Drilling Program Sites 1001A (Caribbean Sea) and 1050C (western North Atlantic) display obliquity and precession cycles throughout polarity zone C27 of the late Danian stage (earliest Cenozoic time). Sliding-window spectra analysis and direct cycle counting on downhole logs and high-resolution Fe variations at both sites yield the equivalent of 35-36 obliquity cycles. This cycle-tuned duration for polarity chron C27 of 1.45 Ma (applying a modern mean obliquity period of 40.4 ka) is consistent with trends from astronomical tuning of early Danian polarity chron C29 and 40Ar/39Ar age calibration of the Campanian-Maastrichtian magnetic polarity time scale. The cycle-tuned Danian stage (sensu Berggren et al. 1995, in SEPM Special Publications, 54, 129-212) spans 3.65 Ma (65.5-61.85 Ma). Spreading rates on a reference South Atlantic synthetic profile display progressive slowing during the Maastrichtian to Danian stages, then remained relatively constant through late Palaeocene and early Eocene time.
The coastal deposits of Bonaire, Leeward Antilles, are among the most studied archives for extreme-wave events (EWEs) in the Caribbean. Here we present more than 400 electron spin resonance (ESR) and radiocarbon data on coarse-clast deposits from Bonaire's eastern and western coasts. The chronological data are compared to the occurrence and age of fine-grained extreme-wave deposits detected in lagoons and floodplains. Both approaches are aimed at the identification of EWEs, the differentiation between extraordinary storms and tsunamis, improving reconstructions of the coastal evolution, and establishing a geochronological framework for the events. Although the combination of different methods and archives contributes to a better understanding of the interplay of coastal and archive-related processes, insufficient separation, superimposition or burying of coarse-clast deposits and restricted dating accuracy limit the use of both fine-grained and coarse-clast geoarchives to unravel decadal- to centennial-scale events. At several locations, distinct landforms are attributed to different coastal flooding events interpreted to be of tsunamigenic origin. Coastal landforms on the western coast have significantly been influenced by (sub)-recent hurricanes, indicating that formation of the coarse-clast deposits on the eastern coast is likely to be related to past events of higher energy.