983 resultados para Peritoneal Effusions
Endometriosis is a common multifocal gynecologic disease that manifests during the reproductive years, often causing chronic pelvic pain and infertility. It may occur as invasive peritoneal fibrotic nodules and adhesions or as ovarian cysts with hemorrhagic content. Although findings at physical examination may be suggestive, imaging is necessary for definitive diagnosis, patient counseling, and treatment planning. The imaging techniques that are most useful for preoperative disease mapping are transvaginal ultrasonography (US) after bowel preparation, and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. Initial transvaginal US is a reliable technique for detecting rectosigmoid endometriotic lesions. MR imaging is indicated as a complementary examination in complex cases of endometriosis with extensive adhesions and ureteral involvement. Peritoneal endometriotic implants are typically hypoechoic on transvaginal US images and demonstrate low signal intensity on T2-weighted MR images. Endometriotic implants most commonly are found in retrocervical and rectosigmoid sites, followed by the vagina, bladder, and ureters. Cysts with low-level internal echoes and echogenic peripheral foci at transvaginal US are suggestive of endometriomas. MR imaging has high specificity for identifying endometriomas, which are characterized by high signal intensity on T1-weighted images and low signal intensity on T2-weighted images. Correlation of the radiologic imaging features of endometriotic lesions with their laparoscopic appearances may help improve individual proficiency in the radiologic diagnosis of endometriosis. Supplemental material available at http:// radiographics.rsna.org/lookup/suppl/doi: 10.1148/rg.314105193/-/DC1. (C) RSNA, 2011 radiographics.rsna.org
Background and objective: Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is known to increase vascular permeability and promote angiogenesis. It is expressed in most types of pleural effusions. However, the exact role of VEGF in the development of pleural effusions has yet to be determined. The anti-VEGF mAb, bevacizumab, has been used in the treatment of cancer to reduce local angiogenesis and tumour progression. This study describes the acute effects of VEGF blockade on the expression of inflammatory cytokines and pleural fluid accumulation. Methods: One hundred and twelve New Zealand rabbits received intrapleural injections of either talc or silver nitrate. In each group, half the animals received an intravenous injection of bevacizumab, 30 min before the intrapleural agent was administered. Five animals from each subgroup were sacrificed 1, 2, 3, 4 or 7 days after the procedure. Twelve rabbits were used to evaluate vascular permeability using Evans`s blue dye. Pleural fluid volume and cytokines were quantified. Results: Animals pretreated with anti-VEGF antibody showed significant reductions in pleural fluid volumes after talc or silver nitrate injection. IL-8 levels, vascular permeability and macroscopic pleural adhesion scores were also reduced in the groups that received bevacizumab. Conclusions: This study showed that bevacizumab interferes in the acute phase of pleural inflammation induced by silver nitrate or talc, reinforcing the role of VEGF as a key mediator in the production of pleural effusions. The results also suggest that bevacizumab should probably be avoided in patients requiring pleurodesis.
Background: The intrapleural instillation of a sclerosing agent produces an inflammatory process frequently followed by pain. The treatment can include the use of analgesics or anti-inflammatory drugs. Previously, it was demonstrated (experimental studies) that corticoids and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac) reduce the inflammation and fibrosis produced by talc but not by transforming growth factor-P or silver nitrate. The objective of this study was to determine whether parecoxib (COX-2 inhibitor) affects pleurodesis induced by talc or silver nitrate. Methods: 140 rabbits received intrapleural. injection (2 mL) of 400 mg/kg of talc or 0.5% silver nitrate. A subgroup of 70 animals received additional daily intramuscular parecoxib (1 mg/kg). They were sacrificed at 4, 24, 48, 72 h or 7, 14, or 28 days after the procedure. The pleural fluid was quantified; biochemical examinations (glucose, lactic dehydrogenase, and proteins) and immunologic dosages (interleukin-8, vascular endothelial growth factor, and transforming growth factor-beta(1)) were analyzed in pleural fluid and blood. Finally, macro- and microscopic pleura and lung studies were performed. Results: Evaluation after 28 days demonstrated that parecoxib reduced pleural and pulmonary inflammation but not pleural adhesions. The changes were observed precociously (72 h) and were more evident after silver nitrate injection. Conclusion: Systemic parecoxib injection does not interfere with talc or silver nitrate pleurodesis. These results suggest that use of COX-2 inhibitors can be considered and depending of the results of other studies, recommended in human pleurodesis. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Object The aim of this study is to access the efficacy of the omental bursa (lesser sac) as a receptacle of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and to use it as an alternative to the ventriculoatrial or ventriculopleural shunts when the peritoneum reduces or loses its CSF absorption capacity. Methods Three patients with hydrocephalus presented with malfunctioning of ventriculoperitoneal shunts, secondary to peritoneal blockage caused by previous episodes of shunt infections in two and peritonitis in one patient. All patients underwent previous shunt revisions due to ventriculitis and shunt obstruction ranging from three to eight times. In order to keep the peritoneal cavity as the main receptacle of CSF absorption site, the distal catheter was inserted in the omental bursa, through the foramen of Winslow, jointly by a pediatric surgeon. We denominated this new technique of CSF diversion as ventriculoomental bursa (VOB) shunting. The children have been followed at least for 1 year (range 12 to 28 months) with no recurrence of shunt. Conclusions VOB shunting may be considered an acceptable technique to CSF shunting when the anterior peritoneum loses or decreases its CSF absorption capacity.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness and safety of silver nitrate pleurodesis (SNP) in patients with recurrent malignant pleural effusion (RMPE) when performed in an outpatient setting. Prospective study including patients with RMPE recruited in a tertiary university-based hospital from February 2008 to June 2009. Elected patients underwent pleural catheter insertion (Day 1) followed by 0.5% SNP (Day 2), and on 7th day the drain was removed. All procedures were performed in an outpatient facility. Pleurodesis was considered successful when no additional pleural procedure was necessary by the 30th day. Complications were registered and graded according to the CTCAE3.0. Quality of life was evaluated before and 30 days after SNP. A total of 68 patients (54 female, 14 male, mean age: 57.3 years) were included. In addition, 7 had bilateral pleural effusions; therefore, 75 hemithoraces were drained. Also, 5 were excluded, and 70 hemithoraces (63 patients) underwent SNP. During the period of 30 days postpleurodesis, 8 deaths not related to the procedure occurred, and we lost contact with 10 patients who were followed elsewhere. At the 30th day, 48 hemithoraces (45 patients) were reevaluated, and 2 recurrences observed. The most frequent complication was pain-graded as 3 or more in 7 patients; infection occurred in 2 patients. Physical and environmental aspects of quality of life improved significantly after pleurodesis. In this study, SNP could be performed safely in an outpatient setting, with pain the most frequent complication. Recurrences occurred in 4% of the patients.
Objective: We subjected mice to acute cold stress and studied the effect on phagocytosis by peritoneal macrophages mediated by 3 types of phagocytic receptors: Fc gamma, complement receptors 3 (CR3) and mannose and beta-glucan receptors. Methods: Mice were subjected to a cold stress condition (4 C for 4 h), and then peritoneal macrophages were harvested and phagocytosis assays performed in vitro. Results: We found a striking difference between resting and lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-activated macrophages (by intraperitoneal injection of LPS 4 days before the stress experiment): for resting macrophages cold stress caused a decrease in phagocytosis mediated by Fc gamma or mannose receptors, while for activated macrophages we observed an increase in phagocytosis by the 3 types of receptors. These effects were associated with an increase in plasma concentrations of corticosterone and catecholamines following the cold stress. In order to verify whether these hormone changes could account for the observed effects on phagocytosis, we performed in vitro assays by incubating macrophages harvested from nonstressed animals with these hormones for 4 h at 37 degrees C and measuring their phagocytic capacity. The following experiments were done: (a) with resting (nonactivated) macrophages; (b) with macrophages previously activated in vitro by incubation with LPS; (c) with macrophages previously activated in vivo by intraperitoneal injection of mice with LPS, 4 days before harvesting the cells. We found that for resting macrophages, corticosterone decreased phagocytosis mediated by Fc gamma and mannose and beta-glucan receptors, but catecholamines had no effect. For macrophages activated either in vivo or in vitro, catecholamines caused an increase in phagocytosis (excluding mannose receptors) while corticosterone had no effect. Conclusion: The above findings suggest that stress can regulate phagocytosis in different ways, depending on the kind of phagocytic receptor involved, the level of stress hormones and the physiological state of the macrophages. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel
Background and Aims: Stress can alter many aspects of the immune response, and many studies have been conducted on the effects of stress on inflammatory processes, but little is known about its influence on the resolution of inflammation in tissue homeostasis, which includes the clearance of apoptotic cells by macrophages in a non-phlogistic way. In the present study, we investigated the effect of acute cold stress on the phagocytosis of apoptotic cells by macrophages. Methods: Mice were submitted to acute cold stress (4 degrees C for 4 h) and the capacity of peritoneal macrophages to phagocyte apoptotic thymocytes and to secrete anti-inflammatory cytokines was evaluated. Plasma corticosterone and catecholamine levels were investigated to assess their effect on the phagocytic capacity of macrophages in vitro. Results: We showed that acute cold stress decreases phagocytosis of apoptotic cells at the inflammatory site by lipopolysaccharide-activated macrophages but did not affect resting macrophages. The inhibitory effect on phagocytosis is accompanied by a reduced level of TGF-beta and higher IL-10 secretion. After stress, plasma concentrations of corticosterone increased 6-fold, epinephrine 2-fold and norepinephrine 1.7-fold compared to control mice. In vitro experiments showed that the decrease in phagocytosis after stress could be attributed, at least in part, to the effects of corticosterone; epinephrine and norepinephrine had no effect. Conclusions: The current study shows that acute cold stress decreases phagocytosis of apoptotic cells from an inflammatory environment by macrophages, and this inhibition is mediated by the intracellular glucocorticoid receptor. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel
A shift in the activation of pulmonary macrophages characterized by an increase of IL-1, INF-alpha and IL-6 production has been induced in mice infected with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. It is still unclear whether a functional shift in the resident alveolar macrophage population would be responsible for these observations due to the expression of cell surface molecules. We investigated pulmonary macrophages by flow cytometry from mice treated with P. brasiliensis derivatives by intratracheal route. In vivo labeling with the dye PKH26GL was applied to characterize newly recruited pulmonary macrophages from the bloodstream. Pulmonary macrophages from mice inflamed with P. brasiliensis derivatives showed a high expression of the surface antigens CD11b/CD18 and CD23 among several cellular markers. The expression of these markers indicated a pattern of activation of a subpopulation characterized as CD11b(+) or CD23(+), which was modulated in vitro by IFN-gamma and IL-4. Analysis of monocytes labelled with PKH26GL demonstrated that CD11b(+) cells did infiltrate the lung exhibiting a proinflammatoni pattern of activation, whereas CD23(+) cells were considered to be resident in the lung. These findings may contribute to better understand the pathology of lung inflammation caused by P. brasiliensis infection. (C) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
A mononuclear phagocyte derived from B1b cells (B1CDP) has been described. As these cells migrate from the peritoneal cavity to non-specific inflammatory lesion sites and are highly phagocytic via Fc and mannose receptors, their microbicidal ability of these cells was investigated using the Coxiella burnetii cell infection model in vitro. In this report, the pattern of infection and C burnetii phase II survival in B1CDP phagosomes was compared with the pattern of infection of peritoneal macrophages from Xid mice (PM phi) and bone marrow derived macrophages (BMM phi). Infection was assessed by determining the large parasitophorous vacuole formation, the relative focus forming units and the quantification of DAPI (4`,6-diamino-2-phenylindole) fluorescence images acquired by confocal microscopy. When compared to macrophages, B1CDP are more permissive to the bacterial infection and less effective to kill them. Further, results suggest that IL-10 secreted by B1 cells are involved in their susceptibility to infection by C burnetti, since B1CDP from IL-10 KO mice are more competent to control C. burnetii infection than cells from wild type mice. These data contribute further to characterize B1CDP as a novel mononuclear phagocyte. (C) 2008 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
The NO donor trans-[Ru(NO)(NH(3))(4)(py)](BF(4))(3).H(2)O (py = pyridine) was loaded into poly-lactic-co-glycolic acid (PLGA) microparticles using the double emulsification technique. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and dynamic light scattering revealed that the particles are spherical in shape, have a diameter of 1600 nm, and have low tendency to aggregate. The entrapment efficiency was 25%. SEM analysis of the melanoma cell B16-F10 in the presence of the microparticles containing the complex trans-[Ru(NO)(NH(3))(4)(py)](BF(4))(3).H(2)O (pyMP) showed that the microparticles were adhered to the cell surface after 2 h of incubation. The complex with concentrations lower than 1 x 10(-4) M did not show toxicity in B16-F 10 murine cells. The complex in solution is toxic at higher concentrations (> 1 x 10(-3) M), with cell death attributed to NO release following the reduction of the complex. pyMP is not cytotoxic due to the lower bioavailability and availability of the entrapped complex to the medium and its reducing agents. However, pyMP is phototoxic upon light irradiation. The phototoxicity strongly suggests that cell death is due to NO release from trans-[Ru(NO)(NH(3))(4)(py)](3+). This work shows that pyMP can serve as a model for a drug delivery system carrying the NO donor trans-[Ru(NO)(NH(3))(4)(py)](BF(4))(3).H(2)O, which can release NO locally at the tumor cell by radiation with light only. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Background: Despite the extensive published data regarding the use of drains in surgery, it is still controversial. Most bariatric surgeons use drains as routinely. However, drains have sometimes have been shown to be unhelpful and even to increase the anastomotic leak rates. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the peritoneal inflammatory response in the presence of a drain left in place until the seventh postoperative day after bariatric surgery. Methods: All patients who underwent open Roux-en-Y gastric bypass from February 2007 to August 2008 were prospectively evaluated. A 24F Blake drain was left in place for 7 days. The peritoneal effluent from the drain was collected for the determination of cytokine levels and for microbiologic analysis. Results: A total of 107 obese patients were studied. A marked increase in the levels of tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-1 beta was observed by the seventh postoperative day, even in patients without any abdominal complications. Bacterial contamination of the peritoneal effluent was also demonstrated. Conclusion: The results of our study have shown that at 7 days after surgery, a marked peritoneal inflammatory response and bacterial contamination are present. These findings could have resulted from the use of the drain for 7 postoperative days. (Surg Obes Relat Dis 2010;6:648-652.) (C) 2010 American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. All rights reserved.
Objective: To evaluate the determinants of total plasma homocysteine levels and their relations with nutritional parameters, inflammatory status, and traditional risk factors for cardiovascular disease in renal failure patients on dialysis treatment. Design: The study was conducted on 70 clinically stable patients, 50 of them on hemodialysis (70% men; 55.3 +/- 14.5 years) and 20 on peritoneal dialysis (50% men; 62 +/- 13.7 years). Patients were analyzed in terms of biochemical parameters (serum lipids, creatinine, homocysteine [Hcy], creatine-kinase [Ck], folic acid, and vitamin B(12)), anthropometric data, markers of inflammatory status (tumor necrosis factor-alpha, C-reactive protein, interleukin-6), and adapted subjective global assessment. Results: The total prevalence of hyperhomocysteinemia (>15 mu mol/L) was 85.7%. Plasma folic acid and plasma vitamin B(12) were within the normal range. Multiple regression analysis (r(2) - 0.20) revealed that the determinants of total Hcy were type of dialysis, creatinine, Ck, folic acid, and total cholesterol. Hcy was positively correlated with albumin and creatinine and negatively correlated with total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, folic acid, and vitamin B(12). Conclusions: The determinants of total Hcy in the study sample were type of dialysis, creatinine, Ck, folic acid, and total cholesterol. Evidently, the small sample size might have had an effect on the statistical analyses and further studies are needed. However, Hcy in patients on dialysis treatment may not have the same effect as observed in the general population. In this respect, the association between malnutrition and inflammation may be a confounding factor in the determination of the true relationship between Hcy, nutritional status, and cardiovascular risk factors in this group. (C) 2011 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.
Sepsis is a systemic inflammatory response resulting from the inability of the host to contain the infection locally. Previously, we demonstrated that during severe sepsis there is a marked failure of neutrophil migration to the infection site, which contributes to dissemination of infection, resulting in high mortality. IL-17 plays an important role in neutrophil recruitment. Herein, we investigated the role of IL-17R signaling in polymicrobial sepsis induced by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP). It was observed that IL-17R-deficient mice, subjected to CLP-induced non-severe sepsis, show reduced neutrophil recruitment into the peritoneal cavity, spread of infection, and increased systemic inflammatory response as compared with C57BL/6 littermates. As a consequence, the mice showed an increased mortality rate. The ability of IL-17 to induce neutrophil migration was demonstrated in vivo and in vitro. Beside its role in neutrophil recruitment to the infection focus, IL-17 enhanced the microbicidal activity of the migrating neutrophils by a mechanism dependent on NO. Therefore, IL-17 plays a critical role in host protection during polymicrobial sepsis. The Journal of Immunology, 2009, 182: 7846-7854.
Sepsis is still a major cause of mortality in the intensive critical care unit and results from an overwhelming immune response to the infection. TNF signaling pathway plays a central role in the activation of innate immunity in response to pathogens. Using a model of polymicrobial sepsis by i.p. injection of cecal microflora, we demonstrate a critical role of TNFR1 and R2 activation in the deregulated immune responses and death associated with sepsis. A large and persistent production of TNF was found in wild-type (B6) mice. TNFR1/R2-deficient mice, compared with B6 mice, survive lethal polymicrobial infection with enhanced neutrophil recruitment and bacterial clearance in the peritoneal cavity. Absence of TNFR signaling leads to a decreased local and systemic inflammatory response with diminished organ injury. Furthermore, using TNFR1/R2-deficient mice, TNF was found to be responsible for a decrease in CXCR2 expression, explaining reduced neutrophil extravasation and migration to the infectious site, and in neutrophil apoptosis. In line with the clinical experience, administration of Enbrel, a TNF-neutralizing protein, induced however only a partial protection in B6 mice, with no improvement of clinical settings, suggesting that future TNF immunomodulatory strategies should target TNFR1 and R2. In conclusion, the present data suggest that the endogenous TNFR1/R2 signaling pathway in polymicrobial sepsis reduces neutrophil recruitment contributing to mortality and as opposed to pan-TNF blockade is an important therapeutic target for the treatment of polymicrobial sepsis. The Journal of Immunology, 2009, 182: 7855-7864.
Neutrophil migration is responsible for tissue damage observed in inflammatory diseases and is also implicated in inflammatory nociception. The use of lectins has been demonstrated to be effective in different activities including anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and in cancer therapy. In this study, we addressed the potential use of a lectin from Canavalia grandiflora seeds (ConGF) to control neutrophil migration and inflammatory hypernociception. Pretreatment of the animals intravenously (15 min before) with ConGF inhibited neutrophil migration to the peritoneal cavity in a dose-dependent fashion confirmed by an inhibition of rolling and adhesion of leukocytes by intravital microscopy. Another set of experiments showed that pretreatment of the animals with ConGF inhibited the mechanical hypernociception in mice induced by the i.pl. injection of carrageenan or formalin. This anti-nociceptive effect correlated with an effective blockade of neutrophil influx, as assessed by the hind paw tissue myeloperoxidase levels. Furthermore, ConGF had important inhibitory effects on the mouse carrageenan-induced paw edema. In addition, animals treated with ConGF showed inhibition of cytokines release. In conclusion, we demonstrated that the lectin ConGF inhibits neutrophil migration and mechanical inflammatory hypernociception.