977 resultados para Pea aphid


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[ES] Mientras la realidad se transforma a gran ritmo, las ideas de ciencia y de conocimiento científico entran en crisis. Esta crisis también se manifiesta en los estudios empresariales: muchos afirman que la Economía de la Empresa no es ciencia, sino un conjunto de conocimientos diversos, débilmente conectados entre sí. Otros se pierden en investigaciones alejadas de la realidad, y un último grupo no consigue remontar un enfoque meramente practicista. Por ello, estimamos que es un buen momento para recordar los fundamentos que sustentan una ciencia: su objeto formal y material y su método. Para ello se realizará una exposición sintética del pensamiento del profesor Soldevilla.


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Changes in the organizational environment over the last three decades have increasingly led to traditional theories being called into question, by stimulating the search for new models suited to the new realities of business economics, generating a crisis or scientific revolution that may result in the appearance of a new paradigm. The positivism-phenomenology duality provokes an “epistemological crisis” in research in management sciences. But the existence of both approaches does not imply the election of one scientific orientation in frontal opposition to the other. From these two conceptions of research procedure, the methods applied can be classed into groups, quantitative and qualitative. The quantitative methodologies places great confidence in the ability of data and measurement to represent opinions or concepts, while qualitative methodologies focus on words and relations to describe a reality or situation. While the diversity of methods contribute to its development and indicates the maturity of an area, the methods must be suitably implemented to obtain significant, valid results. The methodology to be used is not going to depend solely on the type of study or the reality under examination, but also on the stage the research process has reached.


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Códigos JEL: G21, E32, E44


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Aristófanes nasceu em Atenas entre 450 e 445 a.C. e morreu por volta de 388 a.C. Considerado o principal representante da comédia antiga, em suas peças predominavam a sátira política e a social. Suas primeiras comédias foram assinadas sob pseudônimo e somente após ‘Os Acarnianos’ (ou ‘Acarnanos’) tornou-se conhecido. Da sua obra apenas onze peças conservaram-se integralmente. Esta coleção, em dois volumes, contém onze peças. O primeiro volume inclui ‘Os Plutos’ (publicada no ano de 388 a.C.), sua ultima comédia; ‘As Nuvens’ (423 a.C.); ‘As Rãs’ (405 a.C.); ‘Os Cavaleiros’ (424 a.C.); ‘Os Acarnianos’ (425 a.C.) e ‘As Vespas’ (422 a.C.). O segundo volume contém ‘Os Pássaros’ (414 a.C.); ‘A Paz’(421a.C.); ‘A Assembleia das mulheres’ (392 a.C.); ‘As Convocadas’ (411 a.C.) e ‘Lisistrata’ (411 a.C.)


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[ES] Un estudio de Pamplona (España) como una de las ciudades decimonónicas europeas resueltas a resistirse al modelo de gran urbe universal despersonalizada y anómica. Comparación con Vitoria, inmersa en ese proceso.


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Obra classificada por Brunet como "peça rara" e por Pierre Athanase Larouse, no Grand Dictionnaire Universel, como um "diário muito precioso".


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We present the results of the microstratigraphic, phytolith and wood charcoal study of the remains of a 10.5 ka roof. The roof is part of a building excavated at Tell Qarassa (South Syria), assigned to the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B period (PPNB). The Pre-Pottery Neolithic (PPN) period in the Levant coincides with the emergence of farming. This fundamental change in subsistence strategy implied the shift from mobile to settled aggregated life, and from tents and huts to hard buildings. As settled life spread across the Levant, a generalised transition from round to square buildings occurred, that is a trademark of the PPNB period. The study of these buildings is fundamental for the understanding of the ever-stronger reciprocal socio-ecological relationship humans developed with the local environment since the introduction of sedentism and domestication. Descriptions of buildings in PPN archaeological contexts are usually restricted to the macroscopic observation of wooden elements (posts and beams) and mineral components (daub, plaster and stone elements). Reconstructions of microscopic and organic components are frequently based on ethnographic analogy. The direct study of macroscopic and microscopic, organic and mineral, building components performed at Tell Qarassa provides new insights on building conception, maintenance, use and destruction. These elements reflect new emerging paradigms in the relationship between Neolithic societies and the environment. A square building was possibly covered here with a radial roof, providing a glance into a topologic shift in the conception and understanding of volumes, from round-based to square-based geometries. Macroscopic and microscopic roof components indicate buildings were conceived for year-round residence rather than seasonal mobility. This implied performing maintenance and restoration of partially damaged buildings, as well as their adaptation to seasonal variability


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IX,481 p.


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Due to the recent implantation of the Bologna process, the definition of competences in Higher Education is an important matter that deserves special attention and requires a detailed analysis. For that reason, we study the importance given to severa! competences for the professional activity and the degree to which these competences have been achieved through the received education. The answers include also competences observed in two periods of time given by individuals of multiple characteristics. In this context and in order to obtain synthesized results, we propose the use of Multiple Table Factor Analysis. Through this analysis, individuals are described by severa! groups, showing the most important variability factors of the individuals and allowing the analysis of the common structure ofthe different data tables. The obtained results will allow us finding out the existence or absence of a common structure in the answers of the various data tables, knowing which competences have similar answer structure in the groups of variables, as well as characterizing those answers through the individuals.


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Duración (en horas): Más de 50 horas. Destinatario: Estudiante y Docente


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Defeza dos cidadãos Antonio Carlos Ribeiro de Andrada Machado e Silva e Martin Francisco Ribeiro de Andrada Contém as acusações feitas a estes deputados e apresenta a peça de defesa produzida por Saturnino, que, na qualidade de advogado dos réus, refuta a existência dos crimes de sedição e conspiração de que são acusados e defende a liberdade de expressão. Ao fim do trabalho, é apresentada a sentença que os inocenta das acusações.


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En este estudio se han optimizado para su análisis mediante la técnica HRM los cebadores responsables de la amplificación de dos SNPs (rs199456 y rs199457), con los cuales es posible identificar los haplotipos H1 y H2 y los subhaplotipos H2' y H2D de la región 17q21.31 del cromosoma 17. Los genes que se encuentran en esta región, especialmente MAPT, están implicados en enfermedades neurodegenerativas como el Alzehimer, ciertas variantes de retraso mental y dificultades para el aprendizaje. El haplotipo H2 muestra una distribución muy característica, puesto que sólo aparece en poblaciones del continente europeo, especialmente en el sudoeste. Una vez optimizados los cebadores, se han utilizado para identificar los haplotipos de una serie de muestras de ADN de población del norte de Navarra. Con los datos disponibles en la bibliografía, se ha analizado la distribución en Europa de los diferentes haplotipos, encontrándose para H2 una clina latitudinal.


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[ES] La calificación crediticia externa es un elemento clave para el buen fin de las operaciones de titulización. No obstante, las agencias de calificación han sido objeto de una intensa controversia, cuestionándose su fiabilidad y objetividad. En este trabajo abundamos en esta cuestión, analizando la distribución de los ratings otorgados a las emisiones de bonos de titulización llevadas a cabo en España (1993-2011), uno de los países más activos en cuanto al volumen de emisiones, llegaron a ocupar el segundo puesto a nivel europeo y el tercero a nivel mundial. Aportamos evidencia sobre ciertas anomalías entre las que cabe destacar la estructura oligopolística del mercado del rating, la fragilidad desde una perspectiva histórica de las calificaciones otorgadas, y la existencia de patrones no homogéneos en la elección de la agencia de calificación, tanto si se tiene en cuenta la sociedad gestora, como el colateral de respaldo.


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Rating enables the information asymmetry existing in the issuer-investor relationship to be reduced, particularly for issues with a high degree of complexity, as is the case of securitizations. However, there may be a serious conflict of interest between the issuer’s choice and remuneration of the agency and the credit rating awarded, resulting in lower quality and information power of the published rating. In this paper, we propose an explicative model of the number of ratings requested, by analyzing the relevance of the number of ratings to measure the reliability, where multirating is shown to be associated to the quality, size, liquidity and the degree of information asymmetry relating to the issue. Thus, we consider that the regulatory changes that foster the widespread publication of simultaneous ratings could help to alleviate the problem of rating model arbitrage and the crisis of confidence in credit ratings in general and in the securitization issues, in particular.