525 resultados para PSICANÁLISE


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The objective of this work is to answer the question posed in the title, based on the texts of D. W. Winnicott. To this effect we addressed the origins of the concept of transitional object in the author’s work, the chronology of its first appearances, direct references to the topic and a discussion of a clinical case. Winnicott rarely referred to a person as being another person’s transitional object, and when he did so, he situated this experience in the field of pathology, and when referring to it, used such terms as “comforter object”, “fetish object” and “regressive object”. In contrast, the concept of transitional object is linked to an experience indicative of mental health, of transition between fusion and mother-baby separation, and of the personal and symbolic use of objects of the sensory field. Maintaining this conceptual specificity enables us to discriminate nuances in the evolution of the use of material objects by the child, and helps to guide anamnesis, diagnosis and the therapeutic process.


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The present paper is a reflection on the diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and its relations to the process of medicalization as well as the meanings and perspectives apprehended through three case studies of children diagnosed with such disorder in a doctoral research in which the main purpose was to understand the meanings and peculiarities of ADHD symptomatology .We’ve utilized the model of qualitative research, grounded in psychoanalytic perspective, and conducted the psychodiagnosis for three children who were referred for psychological treatment. The survey found that those children had few experiences of both continence and frustration tolerance. It was evidenced how the school uses the logic of medicalization to try solving the problems with their children when it came to the school dimension. The variety of symptomatic manifestations and psychic dynamics presented by the cases that were studied revealed the weaknesses and inconsistencies of the referred diagnosis.


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The reduction of child mortality has been the focus of World Breastfeeding Week campaigns. On the other hand, breastfeeding and weaning are considered by psychoanalysis as key moments in the prophylaxis in mental health. Our goal is to investigate how the emotional aspects involved in breastfeeding have been addressed on the promotional material of Brazilian campaigns from 1999 (year of its creation) to 2010. The method adopted was the categorical content analysis and the results indicate that (1) the emotional benefits of breastfeeding are treated superficially, (2) weaning is depleted of its relational dimension (separation), being presented as a chronological and pragmatic concept, based on the introduction of new foods, (3) the term "mental health" is mentioned only once, without a precise definition. The relationship between breastfeeding and emotional development, besides the prophylaxis of mental health, has not been fully exploited in the analyzed campaigns.


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The use of mythology as a resource in the construction of Freudian thought and contributions relevant to the use of these outbreaks are of relevance to the development of psychoanalytic studies. This is primarily to discuss the design and conceptualization of myth and mythology, the following route through the Freudian and understand the various arguments used by the author to connect the mythology in the construction of psychoanalysis, psychoanalytic thought, trying to highlight the aspects of this connection and opportunities for reflection and understanding of psychoanalytic concepts that the mythological narratives provide.


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The use of mythology as a resource in the construction of Freudian thought and contributions relevant to the use of these outbreaks are of relevance to the development of psychoanalytic studies. This is primarily to discuss the design and conceptualization of myth and mythology, the following route through the Freudian and understand the various arguments used by the author to connect the mythology in the construction of psychoanalysis, psychoanalytic thought, trying to highlight the aspects of this connection and opportunities for reflection and understanding of psychoanalytic concepts that the mythological narratives provide.


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This article has as a purpose to make a theoretical reflection on the experience of helplessness in the recent days. It starts from the Freud’s concept of helplessness, and compares it with analyses and reflections from contemporary authors on models of subjectivation which have risen at the present time. In the first experiences of life helplessness comes out as a result of an incompleteness of the organism, its need to perform exchanges with the world, and the extreme dependency on help from others. On the one hand, the contemporary culture highlights the individualism, which indicates good possibilities for granting desires. On the other hand, it makes bonds and relationships ephemeral and fragile. At the absence of a solid, safe and stable continent for affective and emotional experiences a feeling of helplessness appears. It activates primary defense mechanisms, contributing to the intensification of regressive forms of subjectivation and the decline of the symbolic sphere.


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This article is based on the author's clinical practice in the area of public health, and discusses depression as it is known today. Essentially, the author questions the practice of labeling depression as a psychopathological condition. The author also questions today’s trend of seeing a subject’s suffering as a "malaise," or a “disorder.” The possibility is brought up of understanding it as a "demand for analysis." Finally, the article is meant as a contribution to the ethics of psychoanalysis focused on the subject and the possibilities of psychoanalysis in subjectivating this "malaise."


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This essay to discusses the relationship between psychoanalysis and aesthetic thinking, through the prism of Lacan’s theory on visuality, as perceived by the critic and art historian Hal Foster. In my opinion, this intersection would allow us to enlighten new ways of reading the work of art towards a paradigm of a non-applied psychoanalysis. Therefore, this paper intends to tackle aspects which concern the Lacanian concept of real in order to question some problems that concern the contemporary work of art.


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We tried to analyze in this paper the meaning of silence into the analytical setting, based in Winnicott’s proposal of psychoanalysis and from clinical experience fragments of one the authors. Therefore, we surveyed the meaning of silence in the setting for some psychoanalysts and, afterwards, we made reference mainly to the concepts related to Winnicott’s Theory of the Emotional Maturity, such as holding, handling, the presentation of objects, and those concerning hesitation and transitionality. We further availed ourselves of the concepts of transference and count transference to ponder on the therapeutic dyad into the analytical setting. Our final considerations point to the need to consider silence as an important communication in certain circumstances of the therapeutic work, as well as suggesting that the setting, in this case study, requested hopeful non-invasive approach of the therapist, to allow the appearance of transitional space through which the emotional maturity can be resumed in this patient.


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O ensaio se propõe a refletir sobre o crescente processo de normatização da contemporaneidade, tomando como objeto de estudo os “anormais” e o olhar sobredeterminado da rotulação como dessubjetivação. Buscaremos retirar a carga pejorativa do adjetivo “monstro” e positivá-lo naquilo que sua estética tem de resistência, pela sua singularidade. Por conta de carregar contornos, trejeitos, nuances diferentes do que o olhar está treinado a codificar, muitos sujeitos são discriminados em diagnósticos psiquiátricos, os “bio-diagnósticos”, que certamente produzem efeitos subjetivantes, políticos, sociais e culturais. Esse fenômeno de transformação das diferenças em diagnósticos psiquiátricos é compreendido como medicalização, que é o processo de práticas discursivas de agenciamento de questões políticas, culturais, sociais, etc, em objetos de estudo do campo da medicina. Logo, propomos uma reflexão sobre esse fenômeno em seus aspectos éticos, no sentido de questionar alguns dos efeitos desses procedimentos.


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In this work we propose a reflection on education and, more specifically, on theprocess of teacher’s education. To approach this discussion we assume the necessityof addressing this issue in its complexity. We used the multi-referential approachthat has the perspective to study educational phenomena considering the heterogeneitytypical of educational relationships. We are holding this discussion by identifyingseveral aspects of the formation of teachers from the fields of education andpsychoanalysis. This route allowed us to deepen and clarify some concepts: education,the teaching relationship, the experienced and lived, suggesting perspectives for theprocess of teacher´s education.


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O presente estudo busca estabelecer quais as teorias que sustentam a preparação psicológica em praticantes de tênis de mesa. Para tal foram utilizadas as seguintes abordagens: Histórico do esporte no Brasil e no mundo; Ensino/aprendizagem; Método japonês; Método alemão; Método sueco; O método de iniciação nacional; A prática em si; Formações técnica e física; Aspectos psicológicos no tênis de mesa; Concentração; Ansiedade; Motivação. Com relação a preparação psicológica, esta pesquisa de revisão de literatura foca mostrar quais as teorias que sustentam esta preparação no tênis de mesa, através de uma revisão a cerca dos principais movimentos das psicologias dos séculos XIX e XX: o estruturalismo, a psicologia de William James, o funcionalismo, o behaviorismo, a psicologia dinâmica e a psicanálise. Ao estabelecer as teorias obtém-se o respaldo da preparação psicológica como é vista por pessoas ativas no esporte, proporcionando uma visão geral de dois pontos principais: qual a importância da preparação psicológica dos mesa-tenistas e como essa preparação está no meio esportivo, tanto no Brasil quanto no mundo


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS