977 resultados para Medicinal herb


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Purpose: To evaluate the comparative efficiency of graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) and hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry (HGAAS) for trace analysis of arsenic (As) in natural herbal products (NHPs). Method: Arsenic analysis in natural herbal products and standard reference material was conducted using atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS), namely, hydride generation AAS (HGAAS) and graphite furnace (GFAAS). The samples were digested with HNO3–H2O2 in a ratio of 4:1 using microwaveassisted acid digestion. The methods were validated with the aid of the standard reference material 1515 Apple Leaves (SRM) from NIST Results: Mean recovery of three different samples of NHPs, using HGAAS and GFAAS, ranged from 89.3 - 91.4 %, and 91.7 - 93.0 %, respectively. The difference between the two methods was insignificant. A (P= 0.5), B (P=0.4) and C (P=0.88) Relative standard deviation (RSD) RSD, i.e., precision was 2.5 - 6.5 % and 2.3 - 6.7 % using HGAAS and GFAAS techniques, respectively. Recovery of arsenic in SRM was 98 and 102 % by GFAAS and HGAAS, respectively. Conclusion: GFAAS demonstrates acceptable levels of precision and accuracy. Both techniques possess comparable accuracy and repeatability. Thus, the two methods are recommended as an alternative approach for trace analysis of arsenic in natural herbal products.


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 This project focused on the synthesis of a range 1,4-disubstituted-1,2,3-triazoles with the applications to the treatment of both prostate cancer and tuberculosis. A variety of compounds were synthesised in excellent yield and purity, with many showing excellent levels of biological activity.


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Varzea forests of the Amazon estuary contain species of importance to riverine communities. For example, the oil extracted from the seeds of crabwood trees is traditionally used to combat various illnesses and as such artisanal extraction processes have been maintained. The objectives of this study were to (1) describe the process involved in artisanal extraction of crabwood oil in the Fazendinha ProtectedArea, in the state ofAmap´a; (2) characterise the processes of knowledge transfer associated with the extraction and use of crabwood oil within a peri-urban riverine community; and (3) discern medicinal uses of the oil.The data were obtained using semistructured interviews with 13 community members involved in crabwood oil extraction and via direct observation.The process of oil extraction is divided into four stages: seed collection; cooking and resting of the seeds; shelling of the seeds and dough preparation; and oil collection. Oil extraction is carried out within the home for personal use, with surplus marketed within the community. More than 90% of the members of the community involved in extraction of crabwood oil highlighted the use of the oil to combat inflammation of the throat. Knowledge transfer occurs via oral transmission and through direct observation.


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Para avaliar a erva medicinal Cymbopogon citratus (capim-limao) no controle de fitopatogenos e de plantas daninhas em feijoeiro, foram instalados experimentos utilizando diferentes subprodutos da planta. O oleo essencial de C. citratus a 10% obtido de folhas inibiu totalmente o crescimento micelial de Fusarium solani f. sp phaseoli, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum e Rhizoctonia solani, ao passo que Sclerotium rolfsii apresentou-se menos sensivel, apesar da substancia reduzir significativamente o diametro medio das colonias do fungo. Tambem o oleo de C. citratus a 10% promoveu inibicao total da germinacao de sementes de Digitaria horizontalis (capim-colchao), Sorghum halepense (capim-massambara), Bidens pilosa (picao-preto), Euphorbia heterophylla (amendoim-bravo, leiteiro) e Raphanus raphanistrum (nabica). O oleo inibiu parcialmente a germinacao de Echinochloa crusgalli (capim-arroz) e nao afetou a germinacao de Portulaca oleracea (beldroega). Em casa de vegetacao, o oleo de folhas a 10% afetou a emergencia do feijoeiro, enquanto o po (folha seca moida) incrementou a emergencia para 97% contra 75% e 88% em solos infestados com R. solani e F. solani, respectivamente. Em condicoes de campo, observou-se reducao da incidencia de F. solani e R. solani nas parcelas tratadas com suspensao aquosa de oleo de C. citratus a 1% e 5% no sulco de plantio e em tratamento de sementes a 0,5%. A analise da producao nao evidenciou diferencas significativas entre os tratamentos. Para verificar o efeito da combinacao do uso de C. citratus e da reducao de doses dos herbicidas, foram ultilizados os herbicidas pos-emergentes fomesafen e fenoxaprop-etil nas doses usadas pelo produtor (0,619 l ia/ha de cada produto) e a 80% destas doses. As especies de plantas daninhas predominantes foram: P. oleracea, Eleusine indica (capim-pe-de-galinha) e Amaranthus deflexus (caruru).


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The synthesis of a new structural class of isoindoline nitroxides (aminoxyls), accessible via the palladium-catalysed Heck reaction, is presented. Reaction of the aryl bromoamine, 5-bromo-1,1,3,3-tetramethylisoindoline (4) or dibromoamine, 5,6-dibromo-1,1,3,3-tetramethylisoindoline (5) or the analogous bromonitroxides 6 and 7 with methyl acrylate gives the acrylate substituted tetramethylisoindoline amines 8 and 10 and nitroxides 12 and 14. Similarly, the reaction of the aryl bromides and dibromides 4–7 with methyl 4-vinylbenzoate gives the carboxystyryl substituted tetramethylisoindoline amines 9 and 11 and the analogous nitroxides 13 and 15. The carboxystyryl tetramethylisoindoline nitroxides demonstrate strongly suppressed fluorescence, which is revealed upon removal of the free radical by reduction or radical coupling.


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The binding interaction of the pesticide Isoprocarb and its degradation product, sodium 2-isopropylphenate, with bovine serum albumin (BSA) was studied by spectrofluorimetry under simulated physiological conditions. Both Isoprocarb and sodium 2-isopropylphenate quenched the intrinsic fluorescence of BSA. This quenching proceeded via a static mechanism. The thermodynamic parameters (ΔH°, ΔS° and ΔG°) obtained from the fluorescence data measured at two different temperatures showed that the binding of Isoprocarb to BSA involved hydrogen bonds and that of sodium 2-isopropylphenate to BSA involved hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions. Synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy of the interaction of BSA with either Isoprocarb or sodium 2-isopropylphenate showed that the molecular structure of the BSA was changed significantly, which is consistent with the known toxicity of the pesticide, i.e., the protein is denatured. The sodium 2-isopropylphenate, was estimated to be about 4–5 times more toxic than its parent, Isoprocarb. Synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy and the resolution of the three-way excitation–emission fluorescence spectra by the PARAFAC method extracted the relative concentration profiles of BSA, Isoprocab and sodium 2-isopropylphenate as a function of the added sodium 2-isopropylphenate. These profiles showed that the degradation product, sodium 2-isopropylphenate, displaced the pesticide in a competitive reaction with the BSA protein.


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A range of novel tetramethyl- and tetraethylisoindolinenitroxides, possessing aryl-linked carboxylic acids, amines, alcohols and phosphonic acids were prepared. Notably, the chemistry established for the aromatic dibromination of the tetramethylisoindolines was not easily transferred to the corresponding tetraethylisoindoline system. Instead, various tetraethylisoindoline analogues were accessed by the oxidation of methyl groups attached to the aromatic ring to give the carboxylic acids. The increased steric bulk of the tetraethyl structures should limit bio-reduction and these compounds may have potential as antioxidants.


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Cell-based therapy is one of the major potential therapeutic strategies for cardiovascular, neuronal and degenerative diseases in recent years. Synthetic biodegradable polymers have been utilized increasingly in pharmaceutical, medical and biomedical engineering. Control of the interaction of living cells and biomaterials surfaces is one of the major goals in the design and development of new polymeric biomaterials in tissue engineering. The aims of this study is to develop a novel bio-mimic polymeric materials which will facilitate the delivery cells, control cell bioactivities and enhance the focal integration of graft cells with host tissues.


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Mesoporous bioactive glass (MBG) is a new class of biomaterials with a well-ordered nanochannel structure, whose in vitro bioactivity is far superior than that of non-mesoporous bioactive glass (BG); the material's in vivo osteogenic properties are, however, yet to be assessed. Porous silk scaffolds have been used for bone tissue engineering, but this material's osteoconductivity is far from optimal. The aims of this study were to incorporate MBG into silk scaffolds in order to improve their osteoconductivity and then to compare the effect of MBG and BG on the in vivo osteogenesis of silk scaffolds. MBG/silk and BG/silk scaffolds with a highly porous structure were prepared by a freeze-drying method. The mechanical strength, in vitro apatite mineralization, silicon ion release and pH stability of the composite scaffolds were assessed. The scaffolds were implanted into calvarial defects in SCID mice and the degree of in vivo osteogenesis was evaluated by microcomputed tomography (μCT), hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) and immunohistochemistry (type I collagen) analyses. The results showed that MBG/silk scaffolds have better physiochemical properties (mechanical strength, in vitro apatite mineralization, Si ion release and pH stability) compared to BG/silk scaffolds. MBG and BG both improved the in vivo osteogenesis of silk scaffolds. μCT and H&E analyses showed that MBG/silk scaffolds induced a slightly higher rate of new bone formation in the defects than did BG/silk scaffolds and immunohistochemical analysis showed greater synthesis of type I collagen in MBG/silk scaffolds compared to BG/silk scaffolds.