Overweight and obesity are associated with arterial hypertension. Given the large increase in the obesity prevalence worldwide, the number of obese patients with hypertension is likely to increase substantially in the near future. Overweight and obese patients are exposed to an important metabolic and cardiovascular risk. The understanding of the mechanisms linking obesity to hypertension is important for specific prevention and therapy in this population. There is some evidence that obesity is associated with an increased aldosterone level. To date, 2 mechanisms may explain the interaction of fat tissue with the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, and therefore explain, in part, obesity-related hypertension. First, human adipose tissue produces several components of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, mainly adipose tissue-derived angiotensinogen. Second, increased fatty acid production in the obese patient, especially nonesterified fatty acids, might stimulate aldosterone production, independent of renin. A better understanding of these mechanisms might have implications for the management of hypertension in overweight and obese patients. Because aldosterone also is associated with blood glucose and blood lipids, selective aldosterone blockade may represent a particularly attractive therapeutic strategy in obese patients with a clustering of cardiovascular risk factors.
PURPOSE: Whereas gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain are common in children suffering from the so-called post-diarrheal form (D+) of hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), more serious gastrointestinal complications are rare. We tried to define factors predictive of the severity of gastrointestinal complications post D+ HUS. METHODS: We reviewed the files of all children admitted to our hospital for D+ HUS between 1988 and 2000. We retained those cases with gastrointestinal complications and analyzed the consequences of these complications on the evolution of the children's conditions. RESULTS: Sixty-five children with D+ HUS were admitted to our hospital during this period. Sixteen children developed gastrointestinal complications involving one or more digestive organs: necrosis of the colon or ileum, hemorrhagic colitis, pancreatitis, transient diabetes, hepatic cytolysis and cholestasis, peritonitis and prolapse of the rectum. One child died. CONCLUSION: Gastrointestinal complications of D+ HUS are rare, but they can be lethal, and early surgery may sometimes prove necessary. However, we were not able to demonstrate a correlation between the severity of the gastrointestinal manifestations and the clinical or biological signs accompanying D+ HUS.
Through significant developments and progresses in the last two decades, in vivo localized nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) became a method of choice to probe brain metabolic pathways in a non-invasive way. Beside the measurement of the total concentration of more than 20 metabolites, (1)H MRS can be used to quantify the dynamics of substrate transport across the blood-brain barrier by varying the plasma substrate level. On the other hand, (13)C MRS with the infusion of (13)C-enriched substrates enables the characterization of brain oxidative metabolism and neurotransmission by incorporation of (13)C in the different carbon positions of amino acid neurotransmitters. The quantitative determination of the biochemical reactions involved in these processes requires the use of appropriate metabolic models, whose level of details is strongly related to the amount of data accessible with in vivo MRS. In the present work, we present the different steps involved in the elaboration of a mathematical model of a given brain metabolic process and its application to the experimental data in order to extract quantitative brain metabolic rates. We review the recent advances in the localized measurement of brain glucose transport and compartmentalized brain energy metabolism, and how these reveal mechanistic details on glial support to glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons.
By use of a respiration chamber, 24-hour energy expenditure (EE), diet-induced thermogenesis (DIT), and basal and sleeping EE were measured in 20 young rural Gambian men during the "hungry" season (weight, 60.8 +/- 1.4 kg) and in a group of 16 European men matched for body composition (weight, 66.9 +/- 1.9 kg). The 24-h EE was lower in Gambian than in European men (2047 +/- 46 vs 2635 +/- 74 kcal/d, p less than 0.001, respectively). Basal EE and sleeping EE were also lower in Gambian than in European men (1.05 +/- 0.02 vs 1.25 +/- 0.02 kcal/min and 1.0 +/- 0.02 vs 1.18 +/- 0.02 kcal/min, p less than 0.01, respectively). DIT was blunted in Gambian compared with European men (6.3 +/- 0.6% vs 12.1 +/- 0.5%, p less than 0.001 respectively). The net efficiency of walking was greater in Gambian than in European men (23.2 +/- 0.3% vs 20.1 +/- 0.4%, p less than 0.001, respectively). A low basal and sleeping EE, a reduced DIT, and a high work efficiency are important energy-sparing mechanisms in Gambian men, which allow them to cope with a marginal level of dietary intake during the hungry season.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the outcomes of vitreoretinal surgery after choroidal tumor biopsy. DESIGN: Retrospective, single-center, consecutive case series. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 739 consecutive patients undergoing choroidal tumor biopsy. METHODS: All subjects who underwent transretinal or transscleral choroidal tumor biopsy for diagnostic or prognostic purposes between May 1993 and May 2013 were identified in our database. We then reviewed patients who subsequently required secondary vitreoretinal surgery for complications arising from such biopsies. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Reason for vitreoretinal surgery, association with biopsy procedure, best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA; logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution [logMAR]), intraocular or extrascleral tumor dissemination, resolution of vitreous hemorrhage, reattachment of the retina with a single vitreoretinal procedure, number of additional vitrectomies undertaken, and number of enucleations. RESULTS: A total of 20 of 739 eyes (2.7%) underwent vitreoretinal surgery for complications arising from choroidal tumor biopsy. The tumors consisted of choroidal melanoma in all 20 eyes. The reasons for the secondary surgery included persistent vitreous hemorrhage in 1.9% (14/739), rhegmatogenous retinal detachment in 0.7% (5/739), and endophthalmitis in 0.14% (1/739). Median BCVA improved from 2.0 logMAR (mean, 1.92 logMAR; range, 0.8-2.7 logMAR) before vitrectomy to 0.72 logMAR (mean, 0.88 logMAR; range, -0.14 to 2.7 logMAR) after vitrectomy and 0.76 logMAR (mean, 1.14 logMAR; range, 0.1-3.0 logMAR) at the final visit (P < 0.0001, t test). Permanent resolution of vitreous hemorrhage was achieved in 6 of 14 patients, and reattachment of the retina was achieved in 2 of 5 patients after the first vitrectomy. A median of 1 (mean, 1.5; range, 1-3) additional vitrectomy was performed. Enucleation was necessary in 3 of 20 eyes (15%). There were no cases of intraocular invasion or extrascleral extension after vitrectomy. CONCLUSIONS: Vitrectomy for complications of choroidal tumor biopsy is rare. Such corrective surgery is complex and is best undertaken by specialized ocular oncologists or vitreoretinal surgeons with experience in managing this problem.
The metabolic equivalent (MET) is a widely used physiological concept that represents a simple procedure for expressing energy cost of physical activities as multiples of resting metabolic rate (RMR). The value equating 1 MET (3.5 ml O2 x kg(-1) x min(-1) or 1 kcal x kg(-1) x h(-1)) was first derived from the resting O2 consumption (VO2) of one person, a 70-kg, 40-yr-old man. Given the extensive use of MET levels to quantify physical activity level or work output, we investigated the adequacy of this scientific convention. Subjects consisted of 642 women and 127 men, 18-74 yr of age, 35-186 kg in weight, who were weight stable and healthy, albeit obese in some cases. RMR was measured by indirect calorimetry using a ventilated hood system, and the energy cost of walking on a treadmill at 5.6 km/h was measured in a subsample of 49 men and 49 women (26-45 kg/m2; 29-47 yr). Average VO2 and energy cost corresponding with rest (2.6 +/- 0.4 ml O2 x kg(-1) x min(-1) and 0.84 +/- 0.16 kcal x kg(-1) x h(-1), respectively) were significantly lower than the commonly accepted 1-MET values of 3.5 ml O2 x kg(-1) x min(-1) and 1 kcal x kg(-1) x h(-1), respectively. Body composition (fat mass and fat-free mass) accounted for 62% of the variance in resting VO2 compared with age, which accounted for only 14%. For a large heterogeneous sample, the 1-MET value of 3.5 ml O2 x kg(-1) x min(-1) overestimates the actual resting VO2 value on average by 35%, and the 1-MET of 1 kcal/h overestimates resting energy expenditure by 20%. Using measured or predicted RMR (ml O2 x kg(-1) x min(-1) or kcal x kg(-1) x h(-1)) as a correction factor can appropriately adjust for individual differences when estimating the energy cost of moderate intensity walking (5.6 km/h).
Postabsorptive resting metabolic rate (RMR), measured by indirect calorimetry, and the effect of iv propranolol administration were studied in 12 nonseptic patients with severe head injury by means of indirect calorimetry. Before propranolol RMR was moderately increased (126 +/- 10.4% of predicted values) whereas urinary excretion of catecholamines was markedly elevated (p less than .01 vs. normal values). RMR was significantly correlated with both resting heart rate (HR) (r = .72, p less than .01) and 24-h urinary N excretion (r = .85, p less than .001). The administration of iv propranolol (0.1 mg/kg) produced a rapid decrease in HR (-10 +/- 4%, p less than .001) and in RMR (-6.1 +/- 2.3%, p less than .001). Further administration of propranolol produced no additional reduction in either HR or RMR. We conclude that severely head-injured patients are moderately hypermetabolic in resting and postabsorptive conditions, and that acute iv propranolol administration induces a reduction of about one quarter of the resting hypermetabolism.
We report five cases where fluvoxamine (FLVX) was added to maintenance treatment with methadone (MTD) in addict patients with affective disorders. In view of the implication of FLVX in several metabolic drug interactions, MTD plasma levels were measured before and after treatment with FLVX. A slight increase (approximately 20% of the MTD plasma level/dose ratio) occurred in two cases. In the remaining three patients, the interaction was more pronounced (40-100% increase of the MTD plasma level/dose ratio), with clinical manifestations of opiate withdrawal after stopping FLVX therapy in one case. Caution is needed when starting or stopping treatment with FLVX in patients receiving maintenance treatment with methadone.
L'utilisation de faisceaux de protons accélérés dans le traitement des mélanomes de l'uvée a été utilisée pour la première fois en Suisse (et par ailleurs en Europe) en 1984. Depuis, la protonthérapie a constamment évolué avec des logiciels toujours plus performants et précis pour devenir à l'heure actuelle le traitement de référence pour ce type de tumeurs. Ainsi, jusqu'à ce jour, l'Institut Paul Scherrer à Villigen a traité plus de 7000 cas de tumeurs oculaires. Mais la protonthérapie, aussi efficace soit-elle avec un taux de guérison de plus de 98%, comporte malheureusement un certain nom bre d'effets secondaires et indésirables pouvant parfois mener le patient jusqu'à l'énucléation secondai re. De la simple dermatite actinique à l'hémorragie intravitréenne massive, les complications induites sont pour la plupart bien connues et documentées mais leurs prises en charge, notamment sur un organe préalablement irradié diffèrent. Alors que nous avons beaucoup de recul sur la protonthérapie, la gestion de ses complications reste propre à chaque centre de soin et n'est que très peu documentée. Les complications majeures de la protonthérapie qui ont nécessité une prise en charge par le chirurgien vitrorétinien représentent souvent un défi majeur. Bien que rares, puisqu'elles ne représentent que 2% de notre collectif, celles-ci peuvent avoir de lourdes conséquences. Pa r exemple, une hémorragie intravitréenne massive, complication la plus fréquente dans notre série, compromet l'observation de la tumeur au fond d'oeil et empêche le bon suivi oncologique. La chirurgie vitrorétinienne a alors pour mission, de restaurer la transparence des milieux, élément indispensable à l'ophtalmologue pour le suivi clinique, iconographique et radiologique des mélanomes de l'uvée. Secondairement, cette chirurgie permet parfois d'augmenter l'acuité visuelle de l'oeil malade. La chirurgie vitrorétinienne est un précieux atout pour l'oncologue et permet d'éviter une énucléation secondaire. Elle participe ainsi à la prise en charge globale du patient atteint de mélanome de l'uvée.
Fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) is a novel master regulator of metabolic profile. The biological actions of FGF21 are elicited upon its klotho beta (KLB)-facilitated binding to FGF receptor 1 (FGFR1), FGFR2 and FGFR3. We hypothesised that common polymorphisms in the FGF21 signalling pathway may be associated with metabolic risk. At the screening stage, we examined associations between 63 common single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in five genes of this pathway (FGF21, KLB, FGFR1, FGFR2, FGFR3) and four metabolic phenotypes (LDL cholesterol - LDL-C, HDL-cholesterol - HDL-C, triglycerides and body mass index) in 629 individuals from Silesian Hypertension Study (SHS). Replication analyses were performed in 5478 unrelated individuals of the Swiss CoLaus cohort (imputed genotypes) and in 3030 directly genotyped individuals of the German Myocardial Infarction Family Study (GerMIFS). Of 54 SNPs that met quality control criteria after genotyping in SHS, 4 (rs4733946 and rs7012413 in FGFR1; rs2071616 in FGFR2 and rs7670903 in KLB) showed suggestive association with LDL-C (P=0.0006, P=0.0013, P=0.0055, P=0.011, respectively) and 1 (rs2608819 in KLB) was associated with body mass index (P=0.011); all with false discovery rate q<0.5. Of these, only one FGFR2 polymorphism (rs2071616) showed replicated association with LDL-C in both CoLaus (P=0.009) and men from GerMIFS (P=0.017). The direction of allelic effect of rs2071616 upon LDL-C was consistent in all examined populations. These data show that common genetic variations in FGFR2 may be associated with LDL-C in subjects of white European ancestry.
To test the hypothesis that 3,5,3'-triiodothyroacetic acid (Triac) is more active as a TSH suppressor than on peripheral parameters of thyroid hormone action, the following parameters were studied: basal metabolic rate, sleeping energy expenditure (SEE), sex hormone-binding globulin, and cholesterol. In a double blind trial, 14 subjects received during 3 weeks (phase 1) 180 micrograms T4 or 1700 micrograms Triac daily, divided into 3 doses, to suppress thyroidal secretion. The dosage was doubled for the next 3 weeks (phase 2). Under T4 treatment, TSH reached 0.11 mU/L during phase 1 and less than 0.03 mU/L during phase 2. With Triac, a marked TSH inhibition occurred after 1 week (0.17 mU/L), followed by an escape during the following 2 weeks (0.63 mU/L). During phase 2, an almost complete TSH suppression was obtained (0.03 mU/L). Both Triac doses suppressed endogenous thyroid hormone secretion, as evidenced by T4 and rT3 levels. Both substances induced a 2-fold stimulation of sex hormone-binding globulin during phase 2. Serum cholesterol decreased similarly, without affecting the high/low density lipoprotein ratio. T4 increased SEE by 4.1% and 8.5% during phases 1 and 2. Triac failed to induce the expected peripheral metabolic responses of the thyroid hormones, as demonstrated by an unchanged SEE and basal metabolic rate. These results clearly show a preferential action of Triac on TSH suppression.