1000 resultados para Lomba do Pinheiro


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O pinhal constitui o tipo de floresta mais representado em Portugal, ocupando 35.5% da área florestada. Este estudo foi efectuado em pinhais e sistemas circundantes, tendo por objectivo identificar a fauna de Orthoptera, e avaliar quais os impactes ecológicos das espécies encontradas, isto é quais delas poderão constituir pragas, e quais deverão ser protegidas. Recolheram-se 60 espécies de Orthoptera, em pinhais distribuídos por seis regiões de Portugal Continental, das quais 24 pertencem à sub-ordem Ensifera e 36 à sub-ordem Caelifera, representando cerca de 50% das espécies anteriormente encontradas. Foi registado pela primeira vez em Portugal a presença de nove espécies de órtopteros, uma das quais nova para a ciência Uromenus (Steropleurus) anapaulae (G. H. Schmidt, 2002). Procedeu-se à comparação da biodiversidade de Orthoptera nos locais estudados, utilizando-se os índices de Shannon, Brillouin e Simpson. Verificou-se que os valores mais elevados, para a biodiversidade de Orthoptera, foram encontrados nos locais que apresentavam uma considerável diversidade da paisagem e diversidade de habitats, como é o caso do Parque Natural do Alvão, enquanto que os menores valores foram registados na Mata Nacional de Leiria e na Herdade da Ferraria, onde existe grande homogeneidade de habitats, constituídos quase exclusivamente por plantações de Pinus pinaster. Investigou-se qual a importância dos Orthoptera, como predadores da processionária do pinheiro Thaumetopoea pityocampa, um dos fitófagos mais importantes na região Mediterrânica, causador tanto de prejuízos económicos em pinhais como de reacções alérgicas ao Homem e outros mamíferos. Registou-se pela primeira vez, que os gafanhotos da família Tettigonidea predam sobre lagartas e imagos de T. pityocampa, além de consumirem as posturas. Em alguns pinhais verificou-se existir uma relação inversamente proporcional entre o número de tetigonídeos, e o nível de ataque do fitófago. Não se confirmou, no entanto, uma possível utilização da feromona sexual de T. pityocampa como cairomona, pelos tetigonídeos. Entre os ortópteros potencialmente causadores de pragas salienta-se a sub-espécie Locusta migratoria cinerascens, que apresenta uma distribuição circum -mediterrânica. Procedeu-se à criação laboratorial e ao estudo comparativo da bio-ecologia desta subespécie e de L. m. migratorioides, que causa prejuízos devastadores em regiões tropicais. Ambas são morfologicamente semelhantes mas ocorrem em fases diferentes, respectivamente solitária e gregária. Quantificaram-se os parâmetros reprodutivos de fêmeas virgens e copuladas das duas sub-espécies, e de fêmeas híbridas, tendo-se registado taxas de fertilidade superiores para L. m. migratorioides, denotando a sua adaptação a densidades populacionais elevadas. Obteve-se ainda, por reprodução partenogenética, 13 gerações consecutivas de fêmeas, facto que se regista pela primeira vez. Compararam-se as principais componentes das substâncias semioquímicas emitidas por fêmeas, machos e ninfas de último instar para as duas sub-espécies de L. migratoria estudadas, tendo-se verificado que existem algumas diferenças relativamente às fêmeas. Analisaram-se as respostas olfactivas a algumas das principais substâncias, nomeadamente guaiacol, veratrol, anisol, acetofenona, benzaldeído e extracto de folhas verdes, através de testes de electroantenografia, tendo-se concluído que a sub-espécie L. m. migratorioides reagiu mais intensamente às substâncias acetofenona, guaiacol e veratrol do que a sub-espécie L. m.cinerascens.


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This paper is concerned with Hipparion from Ribatejo, Portugal, and with the stratigraphy of the Neogene series of this region. The first two chapters are an introduction and an historical review. Paleontological study includes both a revision of the specimens accounted by ROMAN (1907) and the description of new material. Two forms were recognized, an early H. cf. primigenium, lower Vallesian in age, NM 9 mammal unit (from Archino, Vila Nova da Rainha, Aveiras de Cima), and a more advanced H. primigenium cf. melendezi. Upper Vallesian, NM 10 (possibly lowermost Turolian, NM 11) (at Azambujeira and Marmeleira). A synthesis of Middle and Upper Miocene from Ribatejo is also presented. Levels with H. p. cf. melendezi are somewhat older than «Upper Pontian», as it was previously acknowledged, they attain at the best the lowermost Turolian (approximately corresponding to «Upper Pontian»). Even higher levels may be Turolian in age, though they are not yet accurately dated. Almost all the localities are shown (tableau 11) according to its stratigraphical position; age, correspondance to mammal units from NM 5 to NM 10 (and may be also from NM 11 to NM 12), and correlation with marine formations near Lisbon are also taken in account. The stratigraphical position of localities such as Póvoa de Santarém, Quinta do Marmelal, Pero Filho, Azambujeira (lower levels), and Fonte do Pinheiro was revised; the stratigraphical position of Marmeleira was ascertained. The localities so far known correspond to NM 5 (?), NM 6, NM 8, NM 9, NM 10 and possibly to NM II and NM 12. A new interpretation (M. T. ANTUNES) of localities with oysters from Ribatejo allows a better correlation with vertebrate localities. Relationships with Serravallian transgression seem well established. Only two localities, Vila Nova da Rainha and Foz do Alviela, may possibly be correlated to V-b division of Lisbon (Langhian) with «Hispanotherium fauna». All the other localities are younger than Serravallian oyster beds. Undirect correlation shows that NM 6 localities are somewhat younger than the apogee ef Serravallian transgression (corresponding approximately to Blow's N 11 to N 13 zones based on planctonic foraminifera).


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This paper is concerned with Hipparion from Ribatejo, Portugal, and with the stratigraphy of the Neogene series of this region. The first two chapters are an introduction and an historical review. Paleontological study includes both a revision of the specimens accounted by ROMAN (1907) and the description of new material. Two forms were recognized, an early H. cf. primigenium, lower Vallesian in age, NM 9 mammal unit (from Archino, Vila Nova da Rainha, Aveiras de Cima), and a more advanced H. primigenium cf. melendezi. Upper Vallesian, NM 10 (possibly lowermost Turolian, NM 11) (at Azambujeira and Marmeleira). A synthesis of Middle and Upper Miocene from Ribatejo is also presented. Levels with H. p. cf. melendezi are somewhat older than «Upper Pontian», as it was previously acknowledged, they attain at the best the lowermost Turolian (approximately corresponding to «Upper Pontian»). Even higher levels may be Turolian in age, though they are not yet accurately dated. Almost all the localities are shown (tableau 11) according to its stratigraphical position; age, correspondance to mammal units from NM 5 to NM 10 (and may be also from NM 11 to NM 12), and correlation with marine formations near Lisbon are also taken in account. The stratigraphical position of localities such as Póvoa de Santarém, Quinta do Marmelal, Pero Filho, Azambujeira (lower levels), and Fonte do Pinheiro was revised; the stratigraphical position of Marmeleira was ascertained. The localities so far known correspond to NM 5 (?), NM 6, NM 8, NM 9, NM 10 and possibly to NM II and NM 12. A new interpretation (M. T. ANTUNES) of localities with oysters from Ribatejo allows a better correlation with vertebrate localities. Relationships with Serravallian transgression seem well established. Only two localities, Vila Nova da Rainha and Foz do Alviela, may possibly be correlated to V-b division of Lisbon (Langhian) with «Hispanotherium fauna». All the other localities are younger than Serravallian oyster beds. Undirect correlation shows that NM 6 localities are somewhat younger than the apogee ef Serravallian transgression (corresponding approximately to Blow's N 11 to N 13 zones based on planctonic foraminifera).


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Mestrado em Contabilidade e Gestão das Instituições Financeiras


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The palynological study of sediments from lower levels of Lousã basin (Lomba do Alveite Arkoses), is presented. The palynological association includes several species of Appendicisporites and Cicatricosisporites, Costatoperforosporites sp., Ischyosporites teixeirae, Pattelasporites tavaredensis, Echinatisporis sp., Spheripollenites perinatus, Tricolpopollenites sp. and Retitricolpites maximus. The presence of the last two forms; and the absence of Normapolles, suggest an ante-Cenomanian, most probably Albian age for the assemblage. From these results, the begining of the infilling of the Lousã basin, is, at least in part, synchronous with the deposition of the «Grés Grosseiro Inferior» from the Occidental portuguese Basin. The presence of Lower Cretaceous Basin, is shown for the first time.


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Actualmente, continuamos sem conhecer, com exactidão, o diagnóstico da situação portuguesa, em termos de quantitativos e de caracterização da produção de resíduos hospitalares (RH), essencialmente no que se refere à produção de RH dos grupos I e II, já que estes quantitativos são muitas vezes determinados por estimativas mal estruturadas, o que os torna pouco fiáveis. Esta falta de informação dificulta a opção por estratégias eficientes de gestão de RH. Com este trabalho pretende-se dar a conhecer a evolução temporal dos aspectos inerentes à gestão de RH nos dois centros de saúde do Concelho do Barreiro (Centro de Saúde do Barreiro e Centro de Saúde da Quinta da Lomba), determinar um conjunto de indicadores de produção de RH, por grupo I, II, III e IV, em função de determinados indicadores de prestação de serviços (i.e. número de consultas de especialidade, número de utentes e número de funcionários) e avaliar a sua, eventual, reprodutibilidade. Com base neste objectivo foi realizada a análise dos dados estatísticos referentes aos anos 2005 e 2006. Para 2007 realizaram-se 3 campanhas de amostragem (Março, Julho e Outubro), por forma a quantificar os RH (grupos I, II, III e IV) produzidos nas consultas e tratamentos das diferentes especialidades daquelas unidades prestadoras de cuidados de saúde (UPCS). Para estas campanhas foram seleccionadas duas Unidades de Saúde (Lavradio e Quinta da Lomba) e uma Extensão (Coina), uma vez que estas reúnem todos os tipos de especialidades, bem como diferentes tipos de utentes (meio urbano vs meio rural). A partir dos dados obtidos nestas campanhas foram encontrados indicadores de produção para cada grupo de RH, para o total e para cada especialidade (por funcionário para os grupos I+II e por utente para os grupos I+II, III e IV). Com a realização deste trabalho pode-se concluir que a produção dos RH depende do número e tipo de especialidades da UPCS, do número de consultas e, com grande expressão, da triagem efectuada. Pode-se também verificar que a maior produção de RH dos grupos I+II é proveniente, essencialmente, dos serviços administrativos e de apoio, mas também, das consultas médicas de Medicina Geral e Familiar, Saúde Infantil, Dermatologia, entre outros (entre 78-81%). No que respeita aos resíduos perigosos, a maioria tem origem nos cuidados de enfermagem, essencialmente na Sala de Tratamentos. Os resultados dos tratamentos estatísticos efectuados permitem concluir que os indicadores obtidos não são reprodutíveis, uma vez que para tal seria necessário um número de amostras superior ao admitido. Contudo, poderão servir de base de comparação para o preenchimento do Sistema Integrado de Registo Electrónico de Resíduos (SIRER) nas unidades de saúde estudadas e constituir um bom referencial para futuros trabalhos de investigação de doutoramento para os quais os meios materiais e o tempo disponível permitirão colmatar algumas das limitações identificadas na realização deste trabalho


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Mestrado em Educação e Intervenção Social - Desenvolvimento Comunitário e Educação de Adultos


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Rehabilitation is very important for in the results of treatment in individuals with multiple sclerosis. Rehabilitation processes occur through gradual changes. These changes integrate intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms of the individual, promoting adaptations to the needs and activities of daily living according to individual goals. Recommendations for exercise in multiple sclerosis: these recommendations apply only to patients with EDSS less than 7; moderate intensity aerobic exercise for a total of 20 to 30 minutes, twice or three times for week; the resistance training with low or moderate intensity is well tolerated by patients with MS; associated with these exercises were recommended flexibility exercises of moderate intensity, as well as strengthening exercises. The aim of this study is to examine the implications of the program of self-regulation in the perception of illness and mental health (psychological well-being domain) in multiple sclerosis patients.


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Background: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease of the central nervous system that affects more often young adults in the prime of his career and personal development, with no cure and unknown causes. The most common signs and symptoms are fatigue, muscle weakness, changes in sensation, ataxia, changes in balance, gait difficulties, memory difficulties, cognitive impairment and difficulties in problem solving MS is a relatively common neurological disorder in which various impairments and disabilities impact strongly on function and daily life activities. Purpose: The aim of this study is to examine the implications of an Intervention Program of Physical Activity (IPPA) in quality of life in MS patients, six months after the intervention.


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Fungi are essential to the survival of our global ecology, but they might pose a significant threat to the health of occupants when they grow in our buildings. The exposure to fungi in homes is a significant risk factor for a number of respiratory symptoms. Well-known illnesses caused by fungi include allergy and hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Environmental monitoring for fungi and their disease agents are important aspects of exposure assessment, but few guidelines exist for interpreting their health impacts. This book answers the questions: How does one detect and measure the presence of indoor fungi? What is an acceptable level of indoor fungi? How do we relate this information to human health problems?


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This paper presents the Genetic Algorithms (GA) as an efficient solution for the Okumura-Hata prediction model tuning on railways communications. A method for modelling the propagation model tuning parameters was presented. The algorithm tuning and validation were based on real networks measurements carried out on four different propagation scenarios and several performance indicators were used. It was shown that the proposed GA is able to produce significant improvements over the original model. The algorithm developed is currently been used on real GSM-R network planning process for an enhanced resources usage.


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Mestrado em Ensino Precoce do Inglês


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The ART-WiSe (Architecture for Real-Time communications in Wireless Sensor Networks) framework aims at the design of new communication architectures and mechanisms for time-sensitive Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). We adopted a two-tiered architecture where an overlay Wireless Local Area Network (Tier 2) serves as a backbone for a WSN (Tier 1), relying on existing standard communication protocols and commercial-off-the-shell (COTS) technologies – IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee for Tier 1 and IEEE 802.11 for Tier 2. In this line, a test-bed application is being developed for assessing, validating and demonstrating the ART-WiSe architecture. A pursuit-evasion application was chosen since it fulfils a number of requirements, namely it is feasible and appealing and imposes some stress to the architecture in terms of timeliness. To develop the testbed based on the previously referred technologies, an implementation of the IEEE 8021.5.4/ZigBee protocols is being carried out, since there is no open source available to the community. This paper highlights some relevant aspects of the ART-WiSe architecture, provides some intuition on the protocol stack implementation and presents a general view over the envisaged test-bed application.


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OBJECTIVE To analyze the effect of air pollution and temperature on mortality due to cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. METHODS We evaluated the isolated and synergistic effects of temperature and particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter < 10 µm (PM10) on the mortality of individuals > 40 years old due to cardiovascular disease and that of individuals > 60 years old due to respiratory diseases in Sao Paulo, SP, Southeastern Brazil, between 1998 and 2008. Three methodologies were used to evaluate the isolated association: time-series analysis using Poisson regression model, bidirectional case-crossover analysis matched by period, and case-crossover analysis matched by the confounding factor, i.e., average temperature or pollutant concentration. The graphical representation of the response surface, generated by the interaction term between these factors added to the Poisson regression model, was interpreted to evaluate the synergistic effect of the risk factors. RESULTS No differences were observed between the results of the case-crossover and time-series analyses. The percentage change in the relative risk of cardiovascular and respiratory mortality was 0.85% (0.45;1.25) and 1.60% (0.74;2.46), respectively, due to an increase of 10 μg/m3 in the PM10 concentration. The pattern of correlation of the temperature with cardiovascular mortality was U-shaped and that with respiratory mortality was J-shaped, indicating an increased relative risk at high temperatures. The values for the interaction term indicated a higher relative risk for cardiovascular and respiratory mortalities at low temperatures and high temperatures, respectively, when the pollution levels reached approximately 60 μg/m3. CONCLUSIONS The positive association standardized in the Poisson regression model for pollutant concentration is not confounded by temperature, and the effect of temperature is not confounded by the pollutant levels in the time-series analysis. The simultaneous exposure to different levels of environmental factors can create synergistic effects that are as disturbing as those caused by extreme concentrations.