473 resultados para Logosauce Contest
Early history -- In Congress -- The great senatorial contest -- The convention and its nominations -- Speeches -- Sketch of the life of Hon. Hannibal Hamlin -- Letters of acceptance.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
After generally discussing models in ecology and economics that combine competition, optimization, and evolution, this article concentrates on models of intraspecific competition. It demonstrates the importance of diversity/inequalities within populations of species and other environments for the sustainability of their populations, given the occurrence of environmental change. This is demonstrated both for scramble (open-access) and contest competition. Implications are drawn for human populations and industrial organization. The possibility is raised that within-industry competition may not always exist between firms in all stages of the development of a new industry. Policy implications are considered. For example, it is argued that policies designed to encourage intense business competition and maximum economic efficiency have the drawback of eventually making industries highly vulnerable to exogenous economic changes.
Magnitudes and patterns of energy expenditure in animal contests are seldom measured, but can be critical for predicting contest dynamics and understanding the evolution of ritualized fighting behaviour. In the sierra dome spider, males compete for sexual access to females and their webs. They show three distinct phases of fighting behaviour, escalating from ritualized noncontact display (phase 1) to cooperative wrestling (phase 2), and finally to unritualized, potentially fatal fighting (phase 3). Using CO2 respirometry, we estimated energetic costs of male-male combat in terms of mean and maximum metabolic rates and the rate of increase in energy expenditure. We also investigated the energetic consequences of age and body mass, and compared fighting metabolism to metabolism during courtship. All three phases involved mean energy expenditures well above resting metabolic rate (3.5 X, 7.4 X and 11.5 X). Both mean and maximum energy expenditure became substantially greater as fights escalated through successive phases. The rates of increase in energy use during phases 2 and 3 were much higher than in phase 1. In addition, age and body mass affected contest energetics. These results are consistent with a basic prediction of evolutionarily stable strategy contest models, that sequences of agonistic behaviours should be organized into phases of escalating energetic costs. Finally, higher energetic costs of escalated fighting compared to courtship provide a rationale for first-male sperm precedence in this spider species. (C) 2004 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We examined the role of conspicuous coloration in male-male contests for two species of Australian dragon lizards, Ctenophortis decresii and C. vadnappa, in which conspicuous coloration has a demonstrated predation cost. We conducted contests in which the overall conspicuousness of male coloration was manipulated using paints that matched the spectral reflectance of the lizards, as well as natural (control) contests. There was little evidence for an influence of colour on contest outcome or aggression levels for either species when all experiments were considered. However, we found a significant effect of trial order and experience on contest outcome and aggression levels (the same pair of males was used for both types of contest), despite a 2-3 week interval between contests. When we examined only the first trial between unfamiliar males, we found that male C. vadnappa that had been painted to appear more conspicuous consistently won. Comparison with the natural trials suggests that the aspect of colour manipulation that was responsible for this result was the 'hue' of the throat: males with yellower throats consistently beat males with bluer throats in both natural and painted trials. The difference in coloration of flank markings also predicted the difference in aggression scores between contestants in the natural trials. These results suggest that although colour is important in opponent assessment and in determining contest outcome in C vadnappa, previous agonistic experience can override the effects of colour and have a long-lasting influence on aggressive behaviour.
Objectives: To examine the natural flow of (a) pre- and post-competition temporal patterns of intensity, frequency and daily mean level (a Composite measure of frequency and intensity) of basic emotions and (b) frequency of reports of competition-related and competition-extraneous concerns across time. Method: The Experience Sampling Method (ESM) was used, which permits the monitoring of the spontaneous flow of daily affective and cognitive experiences in the athletes' habitual environment. Thirty-nine male elite martial artists were assessed on 12 basic emotions and concerns at five random times a day across 1 week before and 3 days after a competition. On the competition day, the participants were assessed 1 h before and immediately after the contest. Results: Different patterns of change were observed for intensity and frequency of emotions and frequency of competition-related and competition-extraneous concerns. Frequency of fear was the most reactive affective component to competition vicinity. Increased frequency of some outcome-contingent negative emotions persisted for three days post-competition. The presence of negative emotions was the lowest in the post-competition days. Conclusions: This study confirms that, for a better understanding of the process of competitive stress, monitoring of both intensity and frequency of a wide range of emotions is needed. This research area may also benefit from analysing possible psychological spill-over between sport, competition and other life domains. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi investigar a trajetória da eleição para diretores no município de Diadema, sendo que o mesmo não é efetivado por Concurso Publico. Pretendeu também investigar os avanços e os possíveis entraves que ocorrem neste processo, considerado democrático. Pais, alunos, comunidade, funcionários e outros são envolvidos de forma participativa no momento da eleição, pois é com o voto dos atores sociais da escola que se elege aquele que irá representar a unidade escolar por três anos ou mais. Será que este processo garante realmente a democracia dentro dos espaços escolares? Essa foi a problemática levantada em nosso trabalho. Para tanto, foi feita uma pesquisa documental, com os documentos oficiais, pautados nas legislações que tratam a respeito do assunto, bem como outros documentos existentes. Também realizamos uma pesquisa de campo, entrevistando diretores eleitos em Diadema para que esses dados levantados nas categorias analisadas dessem respaldo ao corpo teórico do trabalho. Foram usados trabalhos anteriores sobre o tema, associado a autores tais como Vitor Paro (1997), Heloisa Luck (1996), Juan Bordenave (2011), Maria Leila Alves e Décio Saes (2004).
O presente estudo teve como objetivo verificar a percepção de situações de acidentes de trânsito por motoristas infratores; levantar dados sócio-demográficos, fatores de riscos e fatores de proteção de motoristas infratores, como também verificou a percepção de invulnerabilidade destes motoristas infratores. A coleta de dados foi realizada através da aplicação de Escala de Percepção de Invulnerabilidade, questionário sócio-demográfico que visou caracterizar o condutor, e entrevista semi-estruturada com finalidade de conhecer as ações do condutor ao volante. A amostra foi realizada por acessibilidade. Foi adotado como critério de inclusão na amostra motoristas habilitados que acumularam mais de vinte pontos em seu prontuário da Carteira de habilitação. O estudo teve um total de 427 sujeitos, sendo 325 do gênero masculino e 102 do gênero feminino. As infrações mais cometidas foram as gravíssimas para os sujeitos habilitados entre 6 e 15 anos, independente do gênero. Em relação à Escala de Invulnerabilidade, identificou-se que a autopercepção positiva foi superior ao senso de proteção e a crença na invulnerabilidade dos sujeitos. Os sujeitos entrevistados têm em média 38 pontos no prontuário, mas consideram-se motoristas cautelosos, atentos, cuidadosos, preocupados com os outros e que procuram obedecer às leis. Verificou-se que o risco está associado com a idéia de perigo, causar danos a outras pessoas ou comprometer sua segurança. As situações de risco estão associadas ao volume excessivo de veículos, alta velocidade, não obediência às leis de trânsito, veículos mal conservados e falta de sinalização. A percepção de riscos tem muito mais a ver com a singularidade do indivíduo diante de algum evento do que com uma estimativa correta de probabilidades. Constatou-se que os níveis elevados de ameaça sempre apresentam estratégias cognitivas de minimização do risco e do seu impacto. Constatou-se que as infrações de trânsito que ocorrem têm a ver com o contexto social. Investigar sobre as possíveis variáveis psicológicas nesse contexto também é uma tarefa de grande amplitude. Os estudos realizados nessa área da psicologia de trânsito no Brasil podem dar mais um passo em direção à compreensão da complexa rede de relações envolvendo o homem, o trânsito e o ambiente.(AU)
This chapter serves three very important functions within this collection. First, it aims to make the existence of FPDA better known to both gender and language researchers and to the wider community of discourse analysts, by outlining FPDA’s own theoretical and methodological approaches. This involves locating and positioning FPDA in relation, yet in contradistinction to, the fields of discourse analysis to which it is most often compared: Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and, to a lesser extent, Conversation Analysis (CA). Secondly, the chapter serves a vital symbolic function. It aims to contest the authority of the more established theoretical and methodological approaches represented in this collection, which currently dominate the field of discourse analysis. FPDA considers that an established field like gender and language study will only thrive and develop if it is receptive to new ways of thinking, divergent methods of study, and approaches that question and contest received wisdoms or established methods. Thirdly, the chapter aims to introduce some new, experimental and ground-breaking FPDA work, including that by Harold Castañeda-Peña and Laurel Kamada (same volume). I indicate the different ways in which a number of young scholars are imaginatively developing the possibilities of an FPDA approach to their specific gender and language projects.
Purpose – This paper aims to evaluate critically the conventional binary hierarchical representation of the formal/informal economy dualism which reads informal employment as a residual and marginal sphere that has largely negative consequences for economic development and needs to be deterred. Design/methodology/approach – To contest this depiction, the results of 600 household interviews conducted in Ukraine during 2005/2006 on the extent and nature of their informal employment are reported. Findings – Informal employment is revealed to be an extensively used form of work and, through a richer and more textured understanding of the multiple roles that different forms of informal employment play, a form of work that positively contributes to economic and social development, acting both as an important seedbed for enterprise creation and development and as a primary vehicle through which community self-help is delivered in contemporary Ukraine. Research limitations/implications – This survey reveals that depicting informal employment as a hindrance to development and deterring engagement in this sphere results in state authorities destroying the entrepreneurial endeavour and active citizenship that other public policies are seeking to nurture. The paper concludes by addressing how this public policy paradox might start to be resolved. Originality/value – This paper is one of the first to document the role of informal employment in nurturing enterprise creation and development as well as community exchange.
Feedback on performance is a feature of professional training. Much feedback is delivered in post-observation conferences where a ‘trainer’ will discuss the ‘trainee's’ performance with him/her. What transpires in these conferences, however, is ‘hidden from view’ (Heritage and Sefi 1992: 362) and the norms of interaction are largely unexamined in the literature. Even less is known about feedback conducted in groups, yet many teachers training to teach English experience feedback in this way. This article provides a discourse analysis of four extracts from group feedback conferences on a pre-service programme for teachers of English language. Drawing on the concept of ‘legitimate talk’, the analysis shows how topics and speaking rights are established and negotiated and how participants orientate to and contest both the forms of knowledge that emerge and the speaking rights. While the study was not initially designed to support trainers in their professional development, the argument is made that data from linguistic ethnographic studies can be used by research participants and others for these purposes, thus enhancing the relationship between the researcher and the researched.
L'objectif de cette thèse consiste à faire une analyse approfondie des méanismes d'articulation dialectique qui lient la sphère sociale du loisir aux sphères de la production éonomique et de la (re)production domestique. Cette analyse se situe dans le cadre d'une problématique construite en termes de rapports sociaux de sexe. Une revue bibliographique des recherches sur le loisir permet de constater que les trois paradigmes thériques qui ont été traditionnellement employés dans l'éude sociologique de ce `fait social' manifestent un biais androcentrique implicite qui pose d' importants problèmes quand il s'agit d'élargir le champ d'analyse de ce phéomène au-delà du rapport travail salarié-loisir qui constitue l'entrée thématique principale de la majorité des recherches existantes dans ce domaine. Bien qu'il ne soit nullement notre intention de proposer une nouvelle conceptualisation théorique du `loisir', l'attention portée sur les différences de sens subjectif et symbolique que les individus et les groupes sociaux attribuent à leurs pratiques de loisir permet, néanmoins, de constater la nature insatisfaisante des recherches fondées sur une analyse quantitative des caractéristiques sociales des pratiquants et soulève la question de l'ètude sociologique des mécanismes de production-reproduction des identités sociales objectives et subjectives qui s'opèrent `a travers les pratiques de loisir. Afin de répondre à cette question, deux approches méthodologiques distinctes ont été adoptées. Les données statistiques portant sur les pratiques `hors-travail' des femmes sont issues d'une enquête effectuée `a l'aide d'un questionnaire ferméaupr`es d'un échantillon non-repréntatif de 157 mères de famille françaises (actives et inactives). Les données sur les représentations temporelles proviennent d'une série de 30 entretiens semi-directifs approfondis effectués auprès de femmes ayant déjà répondu au questionnaire. Une mise en rapport de ces deux types de données permet l'analyse du rôle de l'articulation entre la `part réelle' et la `part pensée' des rapports sociaux de sexe et la conceptualisation du rapport entre les pratiques et les représentations du loisir en fonction de l'inscription objective et subjective des enquêtées dans la hiérarchie sociale de classe et de sexe. De cette analyse découle une définition de la sphère sociale du loisir en tant qu'espace social contesté où se jouent à la fois les mécanismes de reproduction des systèmes des rapports sociaux à l'identique et les mécanismes de réppropriation et de réinterprétation des normes de sexe de la part des groupes sociaux.
We are interested in the annotation of knowledge which does not necessarily require a consensus. Scholarly debate is an example of such a category of knowledge where disagreement and contest are widespread and desirable, and unlike many Semantic Web approaches, we are interested in the capture and the compilation of these conflicting viewpoints and perspectives. The Scholarly Ontologies project provides the underlying formalism to represent this meta-knowledge, and we will look at ways to lighten the burden of its creation. After having described some particularities of this kind of knowledge, we introduce ClaimSpotter, our approach to support its ‘capture’, based on the elicitation of a number of recommendations which are presented for consideration to our annotators (or analysts), and give some elements of evaluation.
There is a strongly rooted assumption that foreign policy is an executive domain and rarely plays a role in the electoral struggle. Germany is something of an exception and this paper looks at the way foreign policy has provided a site for electoral competition in Germany. Its principal focus is on the two Grand Coalitions with an especial emphasis on the contest between Chancellor Merkel and Foreign Minister Steinmeier to turn foreign policy profile into party advantage. It concludes that this contest was won overwhelmingly by Chancellor Merkel but that in contrast to the first Grand Coalition that foreign policy was not transformative. © 2010 Association for the Study of German Politics.
We investigate the effects of organizational culture and personal values on performance under individual and team contest incentives. We develop a model of regard for others and in-group favoritism that predicts interaction effects between organizational values and personal values in contest games. These predictions are tested in a computerized lab experiment with exogenous control of both organizational values and incentives. In line with our theoretical model we find that prosocial (proself) orientated subjects exert more (less) effort in team contests in the primed prosocial organizational values condition, relative to the neutrally primed baseline condition. Further, when the prosocial organizational values are combined with individual contest incentives, prosocial subjects no longer outperform their proself counterparts. These findings provide a first, affirmative, causal test of person-organization fit theory. They also suggest the importance of a 'triple-fit' between personal preferences, organizational values and incentive mechanisms for prosocially orientated individuals.