996 resultados para Legal Nature
[Acte. 1694-01-25. Versailles]
Coherent regulation of landscape as a resource is a major challenge. How can the development interests of some actors (eg cable car operators and property developers) be reconciled with those of others (agriculture, forestry) and with conservation of biodiversity and scenic value? To help understand how the newly introduced Regional Nature Parks (RNPs) can improve the coherence of the regulation regime in Switzerland, we highlight current direct mechanisms for regulation of landscape as a resource (bans, inventories, subsidies) as well as indirect mechanisms (taking place through the regulation of the physical basis of landscapes, eg forest, land, and water planning policies). We show that RNPs are fundamentally innovative because they make it possible to manage and coordinate indirect strategies for appropriate regulation of resources at a landscape scale. In other words, RNPs enable organization of governance of landscape as a resource in a perimeter that is not necessarily restricted to administrative boundaries.
Opinnäytetyöni on monimuototyö, jonka teososa on luonto-ohjelma/dokumenttielokuva The Nature of Rebirth, jonka toteutin yhteistyössä neljän muun opiskelijan kanssa. Toimin toisena käsikirjoittajana, ohjaajana ja tuottajana. Luonto-ohjelman keskeisenä ideana on kertoa luonnosta tavalla, joka korostaa ihmisen ja luonnon suhdetta, vuorovaikutusta sekä yhteenkietoutuneisuutta. Luonto-ohjelman aiheena on Euroopan vanhin metsä Bialowieza Puolassa. Kirjallisessa osiossa tarkastelen ja reflektoin luonto-ohjelman hermeneuttista sisällönluomista moniosaajan (käsikirjoittaja-ohjaaja-tuottajan) näkökulmasta. Hermeneuttisen sisällönluomisen käsite kuvastaa sitä prosessia, jonka kautta mielestäni lopullinen luonto-ohjelma luotiin. Se on työskentelytapa, joka perustuu kaaoksen ja järjestyksen väliseen jännitteeseen ja vuorovaikutukseen. Jännitteen ja vuorovaikutuksen kautta intuitiivisesta ideasta luodaan vaihe vaiheelta lopullista sisältöä. Hermeneuttinen sisällönluominen sopi tuotantoomme, jossa haasteena oli hakea muotoa ja tapaa kertoa Euroopan vanhimmasta metsästä ihmisten kautta. Hermeneuttinen sisällönluominen soveltuu sellaisille tuotannoille, joissa tekijällä on samanaikaisesti limittäin erilaisia pidemmän aikavälin tuotantoja. Rajaan tarkasteluni niihin tuotannon vaiheisiin, joissa hermeneuttinen sisällönluomisen prosessi oli suuressa roolissa joko omassa mielessäni tai työryhmän välisissä dialogeissa ja yhteistyössä. Nämä olivat ikään kuin solmukohtia, jotka piti ratkaista, jotta sisällönluominen olisi voinut taas jatkua. Luonto-ohjelman The Nature of Rebirth tuotannossa solmukohdat painottuivat erityisesti ennakkotuotantovaiheessa käsikirjoituksen luomiseen ja jälkituotantovaiheessa leikkausvaiheeseen. Solmukohtien lisäksi käsittelen luonto-ohjelmamme sisältöä laajemmassa yhteiskunnallisessa ja ohjelmavirran kontekstissa. Lähdekirjallisuutena olen käyttänyt sekä luonto-ohjelmiin että dokumenttielokuviin liittyviä teoksia ja artikkeleita. Lisäksi olen soveltanut monitieteisesti muiden tieteenalojen teorioita ja tutkimuksia, esimerkiksi hermeneuttisen sisällönluomisen viitekehyksessä. Osa tiedoista perustuu luentoihin Stadiassa tai keskusteluihin alan asiantuntijoiden kanssa. Lisäksi kirjallisessa osuudessa tuon esiin omia huomioitani sekä luonto-ohjelman tekijänä että luonto-ohjelmien katsojana.
This article presents the legislative and judicial practice relating to the "autonomous implementation" of EU law in Switzerland. Given that "euro-compatibility" is the central consideration behind this legislative policy, one would expect Swiss authorities to have devised legislative and hermeneutical techniques guaranteeing high fidelity to EU "mother law". That is not the case, however, and as this article shows much is lost in the translation from EU to Swiss Law
The new text of the Swiss penal code, which entered into effect at the beginning of 2007, has many incidences on the practice of the psychiatrists realizing expertises in the penal field or engaged in the application of legal measures imposing a treatment. The most notable consequences of this text are, on the one hand, a new definition of the concept of penal irresponsibility which is not necessarily any more related to a psychiatric diagnosis and, on the other hand, a new definition of legal constraints that justice can take to prevent new punishable acts and which appreciably modifies the place of the psychiatrists in the questions binding psychiatric care and social control.
The right to be treated humanely when detained is universally recognized. Deficiencies in detention conditions and violence, however, subvert this right. When this occurs, proper medico-legal investigations are critical irrespective of the nature of death. Unfortunately, the very context of custody raises serious concerns over the effectiveness and fairness of medico-legal examinations. The aim of this manuscript is to identify and discuss the practical and ethical difficulties encountered in the medico-legal investigation following deaths in custody. Data for this manuscript come from a larger project on Death in Custody that examined the causes of deaths in custody and the conditions under which these deaths should be investigated and prevented. A total of 33 stakeholders from forensic medicine, law, prison administration or national human rights administration were interviewed. Data obtained were analyzed qualitatively. Forensic experts are an essential part of the criminal justice process as they offer evidence for subsequent indictment and eventual punishment of perpetrators. Their independence when investigating a death in custody was deemed critical and lack thereof, problematic. When experts were not independent, concerns arose in relation to conflicts of interest, biased perspectives, and low-quality forensic reports. The solutions to ensure independent forensic investigations of deaths in custody must be structural and simple: setting binding standards of practice rather than detailed procedures and relying on preexisting national practices as opposed to encouraging new practices that are unattainable for countries with limited resources.
Adopting a simplistic view of Coase (1960), most economic analyses of property rightsdisregard both the key advantage that legal property rights (that is, in rem rights) provide torightholders in terms of enhanced enforcement, and the difficulties they pose to acquirers interms of information asymmetry about legal title. Consequently, these analyses tend to overstatethe role of "private ordering" and disregard the two key elements of property law: first, theessential conflict between property (that is, in rem) enforcement and transaction costs; and,second, the institutional solutions created to overcome it, mainly contractual registries capable ofmaking truly impersonal (that is, asset-based) trade viable when previous relevant transactionson the same assets are not verifiable by judges. This paper fills this gap by reinterpreting bothelements within the Coasean framework and thus redrawing the institutional foundations of bothproperty and corporate contracting.