997 resultados para Janninck, Conrad, 1650-1723


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O documento em anexo encontra-se na versão pre-print (versão inicial enviada para o editor).


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Human Computer Interaction (HCl) is to interaction between computers and each person. And context-aware (CA) is very important one of HCI composition. In particular, if there are sequential or continuous tasks between users and devices, among users, and among devices etc, it is important to decide the next action using right CA. And to take perfect decision we have to get together all CA into a structure. We define that structure is Context-Aware Matrix (CAM) in this article. However to make exact decision is too hard for some problems like low accuracy, overhead and bad context by attacker etc. Many researcher has been studying to solve these problems. Moreover, still it has weak point HCI using in safety. In this Article, we propose CAM making include best selecting Server in each area. As a result, moving users could be taken the best way.


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In the last ten years, teen noir movies and series — such as Donnie Darko (2001), Brick (2005), or Veronica Mars (2004-2007) — have become increasingly popular among audiences, both in the USA and in Europe, and aroused the curiosity of critics. These teen noir adventures present darker themes and technical features that distinguish them from numerous productions aiming at young adults. Their narrative and aesthetic characteristics reinvent and subvert the tradition of classic noir movies of the forties and fifties, thus generating a sense of novelty. In this article, I focus my attention on Veronica Mars, a famous teen noir series, created by Rob Thomas, to examine: a) the teen noir themes; b) the new profile and role of the private investigator; c) the empowerment of girls/young women; d) razor-sharp dialogues; e) intertextual references to old- school noir movies. In order to do so, resort to the research of specialists in the field of neo noir, such as Mark Conrad, Foster Hirsch, or Roz Kaveney. My main goal is to prove that a new (sub)genre is slowly emerging and revivifying teen cinema.


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Texto publicado no Suplemento "Regresso à Terra" por ocasião do 94º Aniversário do Correio dos Açores.


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[...]. Mother Goose (narradora imaginária dos contos de Charles Perrault) coloca um problema nos versos sobre St. Ives: “quando ia para St. Ives, cruzei-me com um homem acompanhado por sete mulheres. Cada mulher tinha sete sacos e cada saco tinha sete gatas. Cada gata tinha sete gatinhos. Gatinhos, gatas, sacos e mulheres, quantos iam para St. Ives?”. Este problema aparece de forma quase idêntica no antigo papiro egípcio Rhind, datado de 1650 a.C. A resposta é um, dado que todos os outros estavam a afastar-se de St. Ives! Contudo, determinar o tamanho deste grupo passa pela compreensão do princípio da multiplicação, o qual é um princípio básico de contagem e faz parte de um ramo da matemática designado por Análise Combinatória. [...].


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Purpose: To describe and compare the content of instruments that assess environmental factors using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). Methods: A systematic search of PubMed, CINAHL and PEDro databases was conducted using a pre-determined search strategy. The identified instruments were screened independently by two investigators, and meaningful concepts were linked to the most precise ICF category according to published linking rules. Results: Six instruments were included, containing 526 meaningful concepts. Instruments had between 20% and 98% of items linked to categories in Chapter 1. The highest percentage of items from one instrument linked to categories in Chapters 2–5 varied between 9% and 50%. The presence or absence of environmental factors in a specific context is assessed in 3 instruments, while the other 3 assess the intensity of the impact of environmental factors. Discussion: Instruments differ in their content, type of assessment, and have several items linked to the same ICF category. Most instruments primarily assess products and technology (Chapter 1), highlighting the need to deepen the discussion on the theory that supports the measurement of environmental factors. This discussion should be thorough and lead to the development of methodologies and new tools that capture the underlying concepts of the ICF.


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Mestrado em Radiações Aplicadas às Tecnologias da Saúde - Área de especialização: Terapia com Radiações


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This paper explores the management structure of the team-based organization. First it provides a theoretical model of structures and processes of work teams. The structure determines the team’s responsibilities in terms of authority and expertise about specific regulation tasks. The responsiveness of teams to these responsibilities are the processes of teamwork, in terms of three dimensions, indicating to what extent teams indeed use the space provided to them. The research question that this paper addresses is to what extent the position of responsibilities in the team-based organization affect team responsiveness. This is done by two hypotheses. First, the effect of the so-called proximity of regulation tasks is tested. It is expected that the responsibility for tasks positioned higher in the organization (i.e. further from the team) generally has a negative effect on team responsiveness, whereas tasks positioned lower in the organization (i.e. closer to the team) will have a positive effect on the way in which teams respond. Second, the relationship between the number of tasks for which the team is responsible with team responsiveness is tested. Theory suggests that teams being responsible for a larger number of tasks perform better, i.e. show higher responsiveness. These hypotheses are tested by a study of 109 production teams in the automotive industry. The results show that, as the theory predicts, increasing numbers of responsibilities have positive effects on team responsiveness. However, the delegation of expertise to teams seems to be the most important predictor of responsiveness. Also, not all regulation tasks show to have effects on team responsiveness. Most tasks do not show to have any significant effect at all. A number of tasks affects team responsiveness positively, when their responsibility is positioned lower in the organization, but also a number of tasks affects team responsiveness positively when located higher in the organization, i.e. further from the teams in the production. The results indicate that more attention can be paid to the distribution of responsibilities, in particular expertise, to teams. Indeed delegating more expertise improve team responsiveness, however some tasks might be located better at higher organizational levels, indicating that there are limitations to what responsibilities teams can handle.


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Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) is frequently isolated from patients with late complications of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), especially in North America and Europe. However, its isolation from the central nervous system (CNS) has been seldom reported in these countries. MAC infections in AIDS patients in African and Latin American countries are believed to be uncommon. We report the isolation of MAC from cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of 11 AIDS patients out of 1723 (0.63%) seen at "Centro de Referência e Treinamento - AIDS", São Paulo and discuss the significance of its isolation.


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The visual image is a fundamental component of epiphany, stressing its immediacy and vividness, corresponding to the enargeia of the traditional ekphrasis and also playing with cultural and social meanings. Morris Beja in his seminal book Epiphany in the Modern Novel, draws our attention to the distinction made by Joyce between the epiphany originated in a common object, in a discourse or gesture and the one arising in “a memorable phase of the mind itself”. This type materializes in the “dream-epiphany” and in the epiphany based in memory. On the other hand, Robert Langbaum in his study of the epiphanic mode, suggests that the category of “visionary epiphany” could account for the modern effect of an internally glowing vision like Blake’s “The Tyger”, which projects the vitality of a real tyger. The short story, whose length renders it a fitting genre for the use of different types of epiphany, has dealt with the impact of the visual image in this technique, to convey different effects and different aesthetic aims. This paper will present some examples of this occurrence in short stories of authors in whose work epiphany is a fundamental concept and literary technique: Walter Pater, Joseph Conrad, K. Mansfield, Clarice Lispector. Pater’s “imaginary portraits” concentrate on “priviledged moments” of the lives of the characters depicting their impressions through pictorial language; Conrad tries to show “moments of awakening” that can be remembered by the eye; Mansfield suggests that epiphany, the “glimpse”, should replace plot as an internal ordering principle of her impressionist short-stories; in C. Lispector the visualization of some situations is so aggressive that it causes nausea and a radical revelation on the protagonist’s.


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Partiendo de la interrelación existente entre la educación cultural de las personas y el uso que hacen de sus tiempos cotidianos, en el artículo se pone de manifiesto la relevancia que tiene el ocio en el desarrollo humano. Más aún cuando nos referimos a adolescentes y jóvenes que, dada la realidad socio familiar que les ha venido impuesta, ven condicionada la satisfacción de muchas de las necesidades básicas que favorecen una vida de y con calidad, en cuyo logro el derecho al ocio adquiere un protagonismo clave. En este sentido, se presentarán parte de los resultados de un proyecto de investigación, cuyo objetivo principal residía en conocer e interpretar cómo inciden los tiempos escolares en los procesos de socialización adolescente y juvenil, así como en los modos de configurar su tiempo libre. Más en concreto: se analizarán algunos de los datos obtenidos en un cuestionario diseñado ad hoc y aplicado a una muestra de 3.306 alumnos/as de entre 12 y 17 años que cursaban Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) en centros educativos de la geografía española en el curso académico 2010-2011. Conocer la utilización que hace este colectivo de sus tiempos, tiene para nosotros en este artículo una doble finalidad: reflexionar en qué medida las actividades que realizan favorecen la adquisición de aprendizajes de carácter cultural; indagar si existe alguna relación significativa entre la edad, el contexto familiar y las actividades que llevan a cabo.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Conservação e Restauro, Especialização em Ciências da Conservação


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em História Moderna e dos Descobrimentos


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A questão do tempo é tão antiga como a Filosofia. Ela surge já nos pre-socráticos intimamente associada à relação ontológica fundamental Ser/Devir, é retomada dentro da filosofia platônica principalmente no "Timeu" e posteriormente na "Física" de Aristóteles. Agostinho de Hipona e Tomás de Aquino não deixam também de reflectir sobre o tempo, sendo a contribuição do primeiro tão notável que ainda continua a influenciar o pensamento contemporâneo. O espírito da modernidade, sob a influência de Galileu, Descartes e Newton retoma a questão propondo um tempo abstracto, matemático e mecanicista que passou a designar-se por Tempo Absoluto e dominou o pensamento ocidental por cerca de duzentos anos. Porém, este tempo é um tempo reversível totalmente inadequado às ciências da vida que foram surgindo durante o Sec.XIX. A Teoria da Relatividade recusa o Tempo Absoluto e propõe um Tempo Relativo, mas este ainda é reversível. A Biologia e a Sistêmica contemporâneas, além da Mecânica Estatística, insistem numa Flecha do Tempo sem a qual os fenômenos essenciais da ciência de hoje seriam inexplicáveis. É neste quadro de reflexão que a proposta do super-tempo eónico feita pela ontóloga e fenomenôloga Hedwig Conrad-Martius, de Munique, tem o maior interesse.


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Introducção e objetivos: Foi nosso objetivo estudar as tendências da intervencção coronária percutânea entre 2004-2013 e comparar Portugal com outros países europeus. Métodos: Análise dos procedimentos coronários efetuados entre 2004-2013 com base num registo prospetivo, multicêntrico, voluntário, doente a doente --- Registo Nacional de Cardiologia de Intervenc¸ão (RNCI) da Associac¸ão Portuguesa de Intervenc¸ão Cardiovascular da Sociedade Portuguesa de Cardiologia (APIC-SPC) --- e dos dados oficiais publicados pela Direc¸ão Geral de Saúde (DGS). Resultados: Em 2013 realizaram-se 36 810 cateterismos diagnósticos (3529 coronariografias por milhão de habitantes), representando um aumento significativo de 34% relativamente ao ano de 2007 (p < 0,001). As intervenc¸ões coronárias percutâneas (ICP) cresceram 64% desde 2004, atingindo um total de 13 897 procedimentos e uma taxa de 1333 por milhão de habitantes no ano de 2013 (p < 0,001). A angioplastia primária (ICP-P) cresceu 265% (1328 versus 3524) atingindo uma taxa de 338/milhão, o que representou 25% do total de angioplastias efectuadas em 2013. Os stents foram o dispositivo intracoronário mais utilizado, com uma taxa de stents eluidores de fármaco de 73% em 2013. O acesso radial passou de 4,1% em 2004 para 57,9% em 2013 (p < 0,001). Conclusões: A cardiologia de intervenc¸ão mantém uma tendência de crescimento desde 2004 a 2013. Neste ano, a totalidade dos centros de cardiologia de intervenc¸ão portugueses estavam a exportar os dados para o RNCI, destacando-se o aumento relativo da angioplastia primária e o incremento do acesso radial.