877 resultados para Hyper-redundant manipulators


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Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää ja varmistaa uuden pakkauskoneen riittävä käyttövarmuus. Käyttövarmuuden selvittämistä varten tutustuttiin käyttövarmuuden käsitteisiin jatunnuslukuihin, sekä selvitettiin kunnossapidon merkitystä käyttövarmuuteen. Pakkauskoneen käyttövarmuutta analysoitiin vikapuumallin avulla. Analysointia varten laadittu vikapuumalli koostuu 391 perustapahtumasta ja yhteensä 629 tapahtumasta. Käyttövarmuusanalyysi suoritettiin kvalitatiivisesti ja kvantitatiivisesti. Analysointi painottuu kuitenkin kvantitatiiviseen simulointiin. Käyttövarmuusanalysoinnin apuna käytettiin simulointiohjelmaa. Käyttövarmuusvaatimukseksi asetettiin 99 % käytettävyys vuoden käyttöjakson aikana. Vikapuuanalyysin tuloksena saatiin arvio pakkauskoneen kokonaiskäytettävyydestä. Kokonaiskäytettävyydeksi muodostui 96,44 %, joka ei täytä käyttövarmuusvaatimusta. Yksittäisistä komponenttityypeistä epäluotettavimpia olivat liimalaitteiston ja paineilmajärjestelmän komponentit. Analysointityökalun avulla voitiin osoittaa käyttövarmuutta parantavien osatekijöiden vaikutukset saatuun kokonaiskäytettävyyteen. Käyttövarmuuteen voitiin vaikuttaa kunnossapidon avulla, lyhentämällä korjausaikaa ja varmentamalla komponentteja. Esitettyjen keinojen avulla käytettävyyttä on mahdollista nostaa n. 2,18 prosenttiyksikköä. Toimenpidesuositukset esitettiin saatujen tulosten ja työssä havainnoitujen asioiden perusteella. Käytettävyyden parantamiseksi ja varmistamiseksi suositetaan oikeanlaisia kunnossapitotoimenpiteitä, tehokkaan vikadiagnostiikan rakentamista sekä antureiden varmentamista. Käyttökunnonvalvonta suositetaan suoritettavaksi määräaikaistarkastuksina. Käyttökuntoa on aloitettava seuraamaan pidemmällä aikavälillä tapahtuvina häiriöraportointeina. Lisäksi tulevaisuudessa on vaadittava käyttövarmuustakuut toimittajilta laitehankintojen yhteydessä.


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Aquest text és un recull de procediments per inserir els blocs d'AutoCAD de forma més eficient, en la resolució de problemes prèviament tipificats: la PRIMERA PART descriu protocols d'actuació que l'usuari haurà d'aplicar manualment, mentre que la SEGONA PART ofereix rutines programades en AutoLISP i VisualLISP que l'eximiran d'aquesta obligació.Si ho deixéssim aquí, però, podria semblar que els mateixos mètodes manuals presentats en primer lloc són després els que AutoLISP automatitza; per això convé aclarir que la problemàtica de la PRIMERA PART, tot i que pròxima a la de la SEGONA, és diferent i reprodueix el contingut d'una monografia (BLOCS I GEOMETRIA: 5 EXERCICIS COMENTATS) que forma part del material de suport a l'assignatura ELEMENTS DE CAD, impartida per l'autor en l'ETS d'Enginyeria de Telecomunicació de Barcelona i que té per objecte cobrir el buit bibliogràfic que es detectava en el vessant geomètric de la inserció de blocs, a diferència del que s'ocupa de l'estructura de dades més adient en cada context (incrustació de dibuixos amb INSERT versus vinculació mitjançant REFX), més profusament tractat, proposant una sistematització tipològica dels casos on l'escala és funció lineal d'una distància.La SEGONA PART va més enllà i amplia el repertori d'AutoCAD amb les ordres GINSERT, RATREDIT, INSERTOK, INS2D, INS3D, BLOQUEOK, DESCOMPOK, DEF-TRANSF, APL-TRANSF-V i APL-TRANSF-N, de les quals INS2D i INS3D (INSERTOK és una versió simplificada de INS2D, per a blocs sense atributs) són l'aportació més innovadora i que més lluny porta les potencialitats de la inserció de blocs: resumint-ho en una frase, es tracta d’aconseguir que la inserció d’un bloc (que pot ser l’original, un bloc constituït per una inserció de l’original o un de constituït per la inserció del precedent) s’encabeixi en un marc prèviament establert, a semblança de les ordres ESCALA o GIRA, que mitjançant l'opció Referencia apliquen als objectes seleccionats la transformació d'escalat o de rotació necessària per tal que un element de referència assoleixi una determinada grandària o posició. Tot i que, per identificar amb encert el nucli del problema, serà inevitable introduir una reflexió: quan s’ha tingut la precaució de referir un bloc 2D a un quadrat unitari ortogonal, inserir-lo de manera que s’adapti a qualsevol marc rectangular establert en el dibuix és immediat, però ja no ho és tant concatenar insercions de manera que, a més d’una combinació simple de escalat, gir i translació, l’operació dugui implícita una transformació de cisallament. Perquè és clar que si inserim el bloc girat i convertim la inserció en un bloc que al seu torn tornem a inserir, ara però amb escalat no uniforme, el transformat del quadrat de referència primitiu serà un paral·lelogram, però el problema és: dibuixat un marc romboïdal concret, ¿quin gir caldrà donar a la primera inserció, i quin gir i factors d’escala caldrà aplicar a la segona perquè el quadrat de referència s’adapti al marc? El problema es complica si, a més, volem aprofitar el resultat de la primera inserció per a d’altres paral·lelograms, organitzant un sistema no redundant de insercions intermèdies. Doncs bé: INS2D i INS3D donen satisfacció a aquestes qüestions (la segona ja no contempla l'encaix en un paral·lelogram, sinó en un paral·lelepípede) i són aplicables a blocs proveïts d’atributs, no només de tipus convencional (els continguts en el pla de base del bloc, únics de funcionament garantit amb l’ordre INSERT), sinó també dels situats i orientats lliurement.


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Immune responses have the important function of host defense and protection against pathogens. However, the immune response also causes inflammation and host tissue injury, termed immunopathology. For example, hepatitis B and C virus infection in humans cause immunopathological sequel with destruction of liver cells by the host's own immune response. Similarly, after infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) in mice, the adaptive immune response causes liver cell damage, choriomeningitis and destruction of lymphoid organ architecture. The immunopathological sequel during LCMV infection has been attributed to cytotoxic CD8(+) T cells. However, we now show that during LCMV infection CD4(+) T cells selectively induced the destruction of splenic marginal zone and caused liver cell damage with elevated serum alanin-transferase (ALT) levels. The destruction of the splenic marginal zone by CD4(+) T cells included the reduction of marginal zone B cells, marginal zone macrophages and marginal zone metallophilic macrophages. Functionally, this resulted in an impaired production of neutralizing antibodies against LCMV. Furthermore, CD4(+) T cells reduced B cells with an IgM(high)IgD(low) phenotype (transitional stage 1 and 2, marginal zone B cells), whereas other B cell subtypes such as follicular type 1 and 2 and germinal center/memory B cells were not affected. Adoptive transfer of CD4(+) T cells lacking different important effector cytokines and cytolytic pathways such as IFNγ, TNFα, perforin and Fas-FasL interaction did reveal that these cytolytic pathways are redundant in the induction of immunopathological sequel in spleen. In conclusion, our results define an important role of CD4(+) T cells in the induction of immunopathology in liver and spleen. This includes the CD4(+) T cell mediated destruction of the splenic marginal zone with consecutively impaired protective neutralizing antibody responses.


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The improvement of the dynamics of flexible manipulators like log cranes often requires advanced control methods. This thesis discusses the vibration problems in the cranes used in commercial forestry machines. Two control methods, adaptive filtering and semi-active damping, are presented. The adaptive filter uses a part of the lowest natural frequency of the crane as a filtering frequency. The payload estimation algorithm, filtering of control signal and algorithm for calculation of the lowest natural frequency of the crane are presented. The semi-active damping method is basedon pressure feedback. The pressure vibration, scaled with suitable gain, is added to the control signal of the valve of the lift cylinder to suppress vibrations. The adaptive filter cuts off high frequency impulses coming from the operatorand semi-active damping suppresses the crane?s oscillation, which is often caused by some external disturbance. In field tests performed on the crane, a correctly tuned (25 % tuning) adaptive filter reduced pressure vibration by 14-17 % and semi-active damping correspondingly by 21-43%. Applying of these methods require auxiliary transducers, installed in specific points in the crane, and electronically controlled directional control valves.


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Background: Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are critical components for host pathogen recognition and variants in genes participating in this response influence susceptibility to infections. Recently, TLR1 gene polymorphisms have been found correlated with whole blood hyper-inflammatory responses to pathogen-associated molecules and associated with sepsis-associated multiorgan dysfunction and acute lung injury (ALI). We examined the association of common variants of TLR1 gene with sepsis-derived complications in an independent study and with serum levels for four inflammatory biomarker among septic patients. Methodology/Principal Findings: Seven tagging single nucleotide polymorphisms of the TLR1 gene were genotyped in samples from a prospective multicenter case-only study of patients with severe sepsis admitted into a network of intensive care units followed for disease severity. Interleukin (IL)-1 b, IL-6, IL-10, and C-reactive protein (CRP) serum levels were measured at study entry, at 48 h and at 7th day. Alleles -7202G and 248Ser, and the 248Ser-602Ile haplotype were associated with circulatory dysfunction among severe septic patients (0.001<=p <= 0.022), and with reduced IL-10 (0.012<= p <=0.047) and elevated CRP (0.011<= p <=0.036) serum levels during the first week of sepsis development. Additionally, the -7202GG genotype was found to be associated with hospital mortality (p =0.017) and ALI (p =0.050) in a combined analysis with European Americans, suggesting common risk effects among studies Conclusions/Significance: These results partially replicate and extend previous findings, supporting that variants of TLR1 gene are determinants of severe complications during sepsis.


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[spa] Esta comunicación investiga la manipulación de resultados en las pymes españolas en el período 2000-2008. Se trabaja con dos muestras de empresas (solventes e insolventes) y el proceso seguido ha consistido en recoger datos contables de los cinco años previos antes del concurso de acreedores y emparejarlas con otras de similares características en el año de la declaración. A partir de estas muestras se han aplicado los modelos que más frecuentemente se utilizan para estudiar la manipulación, los basados en variables de devengo y en ingresos. Los resultados ponen de relieve lo poco adecuados que resultan en general por los bajos resultados obtenidos y la superioridad de los basados en ingresos sobre los basados en el devengo. El siguiente paso ha consistido en aplicar indicadores de posible manipulación y reestimar los modelos antes citados de acuerdo con estas variables. Los resultados no han sido mejores y la aplicación del mejor modelo para detectar a las empresas que probablemente podían ser manipuladoras, reafirman su poca capacidad explicativa.


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[spa] Esta comunicación investiga la manipulación de resultados en las pymes españolas en el período 2000-2008. Se trabaja con dos muestras de empresas (solventes e insolventes) y el proceso seguido ha consistido en recoger datos contables de los cinco años previos antes del concurso de acreedores y emparejarlas con otras de similares características en el año de la declaración. A partir de estas muestras se han aplicado los modelos que más frecuentemente se utilizan para estudiar la manipulación, los basados en variables de devengo y en ingresos. Los resultados ponen de relieve lo poco adecuados que resultan en general por los bajos resultados obtenidos y la superioridad de los basados en ingresos sobre los basados en el devengo. El siguiente paso ha consistido en aplicar indicadores de posible manipulación y reestimar los modelos antes citados de acuerdo con estas variables. Los resultados no han sido mejores y la aplicación del mejor modelo para detectar a las empresas que probablemente podían ser manipuladoras, reafirman su poca capacidad explicativa.


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Diplomityö tarkastelee säikeistettyä ohjelmointia rinnakkaisohjelmoinnin ylemmällä hierarkiatasolla tarkastellen erityisesti hypersäikeistysteknologiaa. Työssä tarkastellaan hypersäikeistyksen hyviä ja huonoja puolia sekä sen vaikutuksia rinnakkaisalgoritmeihin. Työn tavoitteena oli ymmärtää Intel Pentium 4 prosessorin hypersäikeistyksen toteutus ja mahdollistaa sen hyödyntäminen, missä se tuo suorituskyvyllistä etua. Työssä kerättiin ja analysoitiin suorituskykytietoa ajamalla suuri joukko suorituskykytestejä eri olosuhteissa (muistin käsittely, kääntäjän asetukset, ympäristömuuttujat...). Työssä tarkasteltiin kahdentyyppisiä algoritmeja: matriisioperaatioita ja lajittelua. Näissä sovelluksissa on säännöllinen muistinkäyttökuvio, mikä on kaksiteräinen miekka. Se on etu aritmeettis-loogisissa prosessoinnissa, mutta toisaalta huonontaa muistin suorituskykyä. Syynä siihen on nykyaikaisten prosessorien erittäin hyvä raaka suorituskyky säännöllistä dataa käsiteltäessä, mutta muistiarkkitehtuuria rajoittaa välimuistien koko ja useat puskurit. Kun ongelman koko ylittää tietyn rajan, todellinen suorituskyky voi pudota murto-osaan huippusuorituskyvystä.


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Työn tavoitteena oli muodostaa virtuaaliprototyyppi fuusioreaktorin huollossa käytettävästä IVP-robotista. Työssä mallinnettiin robotin mekaniikka joustavana sekä toimilaitteiden ja käyttöjen dynaamiset ominaisuudet valmistajien esitietojen ja mitoitustietojen perusteella. Käyttöjen ja mekaniikan mallit yhdistettiin ADAMS-ohjelmistossa. Mekaanisten joustojen mallinnuksessa sekä verifioinnissa käytettiin apuna ANSYS –ohjelmistoa. Virtuaaliprototyypin toimivuudesta varmistuttiin vertaamalla sitä robotin suunnittelutietoihin ja fyysiseen prototyyppiin. Robotin ohjauksessa käytettävän P-säätäjän vaikutusta tutkittiin eri vahvistuksen arvoilla sekä verrattiin mekaanisia vasteita fyysisen prototyypin dynaamisiin testeihin. Esimerkkinä robotin käyttäytymisestä todellisessa tilanteessa simuloitiin sen ajoa reaktoriin. Toteutetun simulointimallin todettiin vastaavan rakenteeltaan sekä siinä esiintyvien voimien osalta suunnitelmien mukaista konstruktiota. Käytetyillä parametreilla se toteutti hyvin robotille asetetut nopeusvaatimukset.


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We annually monitored the abundance and size structure of herbivorous sea urchin populations (Paracentrotus lividus and Arbacia lixula) inside and outside a marine reserve in the Northwestern Mediterranean on two distinct habitats (boulders and vertical walls) over a period of 20 years, with the aim of analyzing changes at different temporal scales in relation to biotic and abiotic drivers. P. lividus exhibited significant variability in density over time on boulder bottoms but not on vertical walls, and temporal trends were not significantly different between the protection levels. Differences in densities were caused primarily by variance in recruitment, which was less pronounced inside the MPA and was correlated with adult density, indicating density-dependent recruitment under high predation pressure, as well as some positive feedback mechanisms that may facilitate higher urchin abundances despite higher predator abundance. Populations within the reserve were less variable in abundance and did not exhibit the hyper-abundances observed outside the reserve, suggesting that predation effects maybe more subtle than simply lowering the numbers of urchins in reserves. A. lixula densities were an order of magnitude lower than P. lividus densities and varied within sites and over time on boulder bottoms but did not differ between protection levels. In December 2008, an exceptionally violent storm reduced sea urchin densities drastically (by 50% to 80%) on boulder substrates, resulting in the lowest values observed over the entire study period, which remained at that level for at least two years (up to the present). Our results also showed great variability in the biological and physical processes acting at different temporal scales. This study highlights the need for appropriate temporal scales for studies to fully understand ecosystem functioning, the concepts of which are fundamental to successful conservation and management.


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Di-(2-ethylhexyl)phtalate (DEHP) is a plasticizer with endocrine disrupting properties found ubiquitously in the environment and altering reproduction in rodents. Here we investigated the impact of prenatal exposure to DEHP on spermatogenesis and DNA sperm methylation in two distinct, selected, and sequenced mice strains. FVB/N and C57BL/6J mice were orally exposed to 300 mg/kg/day of DEHP from gestation day 9 to 19. Prenatal DEHP exposure significantly decreased spermatogenesis in C57BL/6J (fold-change = 0.6, p-value = 8.7*10-4), but not in FVB/N (fold-change = 1, p-value = 0.9). The number of differentially methylated regions (DMRs) by DEHP-exposure across the entire genome showed increased hyper- and decreased hypo-methylation in C57BL/6J compared to FVB/N. At the promoter level, three important subsets of genes were massively affected. Promoters of vomeronasal and olfactory receptors coding genes globally followed the same trend, more pronounced in the C57BL/6J strain, of being hyper-methylated in DEHP related conditions. In contrast, a large set of micro-RNAs were hypo-methylated, with a trend more pronounced in the FVB/N strain. We additionally analyze both the presence of functional genetic variations within genes that were associated with the detected DMRs and that could be involved in spermatogenesis, and DMRs related with the DEHP exposure that affected both strains in an opposite manner. The major finding in this study indicates that prenatal exposure to DEHP can decrease spermatogenesis in a strain-dependent manner and affects sperm DNA methylation in promoters of large sets of genes putatively involved in both sperm chemotaxis and post-transcriptional regulatory mechanisms.


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The cuticle is an essential diffusion barrier on aerial surfaces of land plants whose structural component is the polyester cutin. The PERMEABLE CUTICLE1/ABCG32 (PEC1) transporter is involved in plant cuticle formation in Arabidopsis. The gpat6 pec1 and gpat4 gapt8 pec1 double and triple mutants are characterized. Their PEC1-specific contributions to aliphatic cutin composition and cuticle formation during plant development are revealed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. The composition of cutin changes during rosette leaf expansion in Arabidopsis. C16:0 monomers are in higher abundance in expanding than in fully expanded leaves. The atypical cutin monomer C18:2 dicarboxylic acid is more prominent in fully expanded leaves. Findings point to differences in the regulation of several pathways of cutin precursor synthesis. PEC1 plays an essential role during expansion of the rosette leaf cuticle. The reduction of C16 monomers in the pec1 mutant during leaf expansion is unlikely to cause permeability of the leaf cuticle because the gpat6 mutant with even fewer C16:0 monomers forms a functional rosette leaf cuticle at all stages of development. PEC1/ABCG32 transport activity affects cutin composition and cuticle structure in a specific and non-redundant fashion.


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Adoptive cell transfer using engineered T cells is emerging as a promising treatment for metastatic melanoma. Such an approach allows one to introduce T cell receptor (TCR) modifications that, while maintaining the specificity for the targeted antigen, can enhance the binding and kinetic parameters for the interaction with peptides (p) bound to major histocompatibility complexes (MHC). Using the well-characterized 2C TCR/SIYR/H-2K(b) structure as a model system, we demonstrated that a binding free energy decomposition based on the MM-GBSA approach provides a detailed and reliable description of the TCR/pMHC interactions at the structural and thermodynamic levels. Starting from this result, we developed a new structure-based approach, to rationally design new TCR sequences, and applied it to the BC1 TCR targeting the HLA-A2 restricted NY-ESO-1157-165 cancer-testis epitope. Fifty-four percent of the designed sequence replacements exhibited improved pMHC binding as compared to the native TCR, with up to 150-fold increase in affinity, while preserving specificity. Genetically engineered CD8(+) T cells expressing these modified TCRs showed an improved functional activity compared to those expressing BC1 TCR. We measured maximum levels of activities for TCRs within the upper limit of natural affinity, K D = ∼1 - 5 μM. Beyond the affinity threshold at K D < 1 μM we observed an attenuation in cellular function, in line with the "half-life" model of T cell activation. Our computer-aided protein-engineering approach requires the 3D-structure of the TCR-pMHC complex of interest, which can be obtained from X-ray crystallography. We have also developed a homology modeling-based approach, TCRep 3D, to obtain accurate structural models of any TCR-pMHC complexes when experimental data is not available. Since the accuracy of the models depends on the prediction of the TCR orientation over pMHC, we have complemented the approach with a simplified rigid method to predict this orientation and successfully assessed it using all non-redundant TCR-pMHC crystal structures available. These methods potentially extend the use of our TCR engineering method to entire TCR repertoires for which no X-ray structure is available. We have also performed a steered molecular dynamics study of the unbinding of the TCR-pMHC complex to get a better understanding of how TCRs interact with pMHCs. This entire rational TCR design pipeline is now being used to produce rationally optimized TCRs for adoptive cell therapies of stage IV melanoma.


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Sixty-eight 10Be terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide (TCN) surface exposure ages are presented to define the timing of alluvial fan and strath terrace formation in the hyper-arid San Juan region of the Argentine Precordillera. This region is tectonically active, and numerous fault scarps traverse Quaternary landforms. The three study sites, Marquesado strath complex, Loma Negra alluvial fan and Carpintería strath complex reveal a history of alluvial fan and strath terrace development over the past w225 ka. The Marquesado complex Q3m surface dates to w17 3 ka, whereas the Loma Negra Q1ln, Q2ln, Q3ln, Q4ln, and Q5ln surfaces date to w24 3 ka, w48 2 ka, w65 13 ka, w105 21 ka, and w181 29 ka, respectively. The Carpintería complex comprises eight surfaces that have been dated and include the Q1c (w23 3 ka), Q2c (w5 5 ka), Q3ac (w25 12 ka), Q3bc (w29 15 ka), Q4c (w61 12 ka), Q5c (w98 18 ka), Q6c (w93 18 ka), and Q7c (w212 37 ka). 10Be TCN depth profile data for the Loma Negra alluvial fan complex and Carpintería strath terrace complex, as well as OSL ages on some Carpintería deposits, aid in refining surface ages for comparison with local and global climate proxies, and additionally offer insights into inheritance and erosion rate values for TCNs (w10 104 10Be atoms/g of SiO2 and w5 m Ma 1, respectively). Comparison with other alluvial fan studies in the region show that less dynamic and older preserved surfaces occur in the Carpintería and Loma Negra areas with only younger alluvial fan surfaces preserved both to the north and south. These data in combination with that of other studies illustrate broad regional agreement between alluvial fan and strath terrace ages, which suggests that climate is the dominant forcing agent in the timing of terrace formation in this region.


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All plants are typically confronted to simultaneous biotic and abiotic stress throughout their life cycle. Low inorganic phosphate (Pi) is the most common nutrient deficiency limiting plant growth in natural and agricultural ecosystems while insect herbivory accounts for major losses in plant productivity and impacts on ecological and evolutionary changes in plant populations. Here we report that plants experiencing Pi deficiency induce the jasmonic acid (JA) pathway and enhance their defence against insect herbivory. The phol mutant is impaired in the translocation of Pi from roots to shoots and shows the typical symptoms associated with Pi deficiency, including high anthocyanin and poor shoot growth. These phol shoot phenotypes were significantly attenuated by blocking the JA biosynthesis or signalling pathways. Wounded phol leaves hyper-accumulated JA in comparison to wild type, leading to increased resistance against the generalist herbivore Spodoptera littoralis. Pi deficiency also triggered enhanced resistance to herbivory in wild-type Arabidopsis as well as tomato and tobacco, revealing that the link between Pi deficiency and JA-mediated herbivory resistance is conserved in a diversity of plants, including crops. We performed a phol suppressor screen to identify new components involved in the adaptation of plants to Pi deficiency. We report that the THO RNA TRANSCRIPTION AND EXPORT (THO/TREX) complex is a crucial component involved in modulating the Pi- deficiency response. Knockout mutants of at least three members of the THO/TREX complex, including TEX1, HPR1, and TH06, can suppress the phol shoot phenotype. Grafting experiments showed that loss of function of TEX1 only in the root was sufficient to suppress the reduced shoot growth phenotype of phol while maintaining low Pi contents. This indicates that TEX1 is involved in a long distance root-to-shoot signalling component of the Pi-deficiency response. We identified a small MYB-like transcription factor, RAD LIKE 3 (RL3), as a potential downstream target of the THO/TREX complex. RL3 expression is induced in phol mutants but attenuated in phol-7 texl-4 double mutants. Identical to knockout mutants of the THO/TREX complex, rl3 mutants can suppress the phol shoot phenotypes. Interestingly, RL3 is induced during Pi deficiency and is described in the literature as likely being mobile. It is therefore a promising new candidate involved in the root-to-shoot Pi-deficiency signalling response. Finally, we report that PHOl and its homologue PH01:H3 are involved in the co-regulation of Pi and zinc (Zn) homeostasis. PH01;H3 is up-regulated in response to Zn deficiency and, like PHOl, is expressed in the root vascular cylinder and localizes to the Golgi when expressed transiently in tobacco cells. The phol;h3 mutant accumulates more Pi as compared to wild-type when grown in Zn-deficient medium, but this increase is abolished in the phol phol;h3 double mutant. These results suggest that PH01;H3 restricts the PHOl-mediated root-to-shoot Pi transfer in responsé to Zn deficiency. Résumé Au cours de leur cycle de vie, toutes les plantes sont généralement confrontées à divers stress biotiques et abiotiques. La carence nutritionnelle la plus fréquente, limitant la croissance des plantes dans les écosystèmes naturels et agricoles, est la faible teneur en phosphate inorganique (Pi). Au niveau des stress biotiques, les insectes herbivores sont responsables de pertes majeures de rendement et ont un impact considérable sur les changements écologiques et évolutifs dans les populations des plantes. Au cours de ce travail, nous avons mis en évidence que les plantes en situation de carence en Pi induisent la voie de l'acide jasmonique (JA) et augmentent leur défense contre les insectes herbivores. Le mutant phol est déficient dans le transport du phosphate des racines aux feuilles et démontre les symptômes typiques associés à la carence, tels que la forte concentration en anthocyane et une faible croissance foliaire. Ces phénotypes du mutant phol sont significativement atténués lors d'un blocage de la voie de la biosynthèse ou des voies de signalisation du JA. La blessure des feuilles induit une hyper-accumulation de JA chez phol, résultant en une augmentation de la résistance contre l'herbivore généraliste Spodoptera littoralis. Outre Arabidopsis, la carence en Pi induit une résistance accrue aux insectes herbivores aussi chez la tomate et le tabac. Cette découverte révèle que le lien entre la carence en Pi et la résistance aux insectes herbivores via le JA est conservé dans différentes espèces végétales, y compris les plantes de grandes cultures. Nous avons effectué un crible du suppresseur de phol afin d'identifier de nouveaux acteurs impliqués dans l'adaptation de la plante à la carence en Pi. Nous rapportons que le complexe nommé THO RNA TRANSCRIPTION AND EXPORT (THO/TREX) est un élément crucial participant à la réponse des feuilles à la carence en Pi. Les mutations d'au moins trois des membres que composent le complexe THO/TREX, incluant TEX1, HPR1 et 77/06, peuvent supprimer le phénotype de phol. Des expériences de greffes ont montré que la perte de fonction de TEX1, seulement dans la racine, est suffisante pour supprimer le phénotype de la croissance réduite des parties aériennes observé chez le mutant phol, tout en maintenant de faibles teneurs en Pi foliaire. Ceci indique que TEX1 est impliqué dans la signalisation longue distance entre les racines et les parties aériennes. Nous avons identifié un petit facteur de transcription proche de la famille des MYB, RAD LIKE 3 (RL3), comme une cible potentielle en aval du complexe THO / TREX. L'expression du gène RL3 est induite dans le mutant phol mais atténuée dans le double mutant phol-7 texl-4. Exactement comme les plantes mutées d'un des membres du complexe THO/TREX, le mutant rl3 peut supprimer le phénotype foliaire de phol. RL3 est induit au cours d'une carence en Pi et est décrit dans la littérature comme étant potentiellement mobile. Par conséquent, il serait un nouveau candidat potentiellement impliqué dans la réponse longue distance entre les racines et les parties aériennes lors d'un déficit en Pi. Enfin, nous reportons que PHOl et son homologue PHOl: H3 sont impliqués dans la co- régulation de l'homéostasie du Pi et du zinc (Zn). PHOl; H3 est sur-exprimé en réponse au déficit en Zn et, comme PHOl, est exprimé dans les tissus vasculaires des racines et se localise dans l'appareil de Golgi lorsqu'il est exprimé de manière transitoire dans des cellules de tabac. Le mutant phol; h3 accumule plus de Pi par rapport aux plantes sauvages lorsqu'il est cultivé sur un milieu déficient en Zn, mais cette augmentation en Pi est abolie dans le double mutant phol phol; h3. Ces résultats suggèrent qu'en réponse à une carence en Zn, PHOl; H3 limite l'action de PHOl et diminue le transfert du Pi des racines aux parties aériennes.