936 resultados para Hostage negotiations


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The negotiations between the EU and the US over the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) have generated a lot of discussion about investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS). This discussion provided the inspiration for this thesis, with the TTIP in the background, setting the scene. In this thesis I study the nature of ISDS and the principle of transparency within investor-state arbitration. I aim to determine whether the use of ISDS is restricted to international arbitration and whether ISDS can be considered to constitute a system or regime. Furthermore, I consider whether the introduction of the UNCITRAL Rules on Transparency in Treaty-based Investor-State Arbitration (2014, the UNCITRAL Transparency Rules) changes investor-state arbitration in relation to transparency. To achieve this, I examine ISDS provisions in several different international investment agreements (IIAs) and evaluate the ways in which transparency is incorporated into investment law. Moreover, I compare the provisions on transparency and confidentiality in institutional arbitration rules with the UNCITRAL Transparency Rules. I have formed several conclusions, including that the ISDS provisions may contain methods other than international arbitration and that ISDS does not constitute a system. Furthermore, the UNCITRAL Transparency Rules do change – theoretically, at least – investor-state arbitration to become more transparent. Whether the UNCITRAL Transparency Rules will make investor-state arbitration fully transparent depends on the actions of the contracting state parties when negotiating new IIAs and whether they choose to incorporate the UNCITRAL Transparency Rules in the IIAs already concluded.


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Today’s international business in highly related to crossing national, cultural and linguistic borders making communication and linguistic skills a vital part of the trade. The purpose of the study is to understand the role of linguistic skills in trust creation in international business relationships. Subobjectives are to discuss the importance of linguistic skills in international business context, to evaluate the strategic value of trust in business relationships and to analyze the extent to which linguistic skills affect trust formation. The scope is restricted to business-to-business markets. The theoretical background consists of different theories and previous studies related to trust and linguistic skills. Based on the theory a new LTS-framework is created to demonstrate a process model of linguistic skills affecting trust creation in international B2B relationships. This study is qualitative using interviews as a data collection method. Altogether eleven interviews were conducted between October 2014 and February 2015. All of the interviewees worked for organizations operating in the field of international business in B2B markets, spoke multiple languages and had a lot of experience in sales and negotiations. This study confirms that linguistic skills are an important part of international business. In many organizations English is used as lingua franca. However, there are several benefits of speaking the mother tongue of the customer. It makes people feel more relaxed and it makes the relationship more intimate and allows to continue developing it at a more personal level. From the strategic point of view trust creates competitive advantage to a company adding strategic value to the business. The data also supported the view that linguistic skills definitely impact the trust formation process. Quickness and easiness could be stated as the main benefits. It was seen that trust forms faster because both parties understand each other better and they become more open about information sharing within a shorter period of time. These findings and the importance of linguistic skills in trust creation should be acknowledged by organizations, especially regarding the human resource management. Boundary spanners are in key positions so special attention should be put into hiring and educating employees which then take care of company’s relationships. Eventually, these benefits are economical and affect to the profitability of the organization


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This study discusses the formation phase of Chinese-Finnish joint ventures in China. The purpose of this thesis is to create best practices for Finnish software companies in forming a joint venture with a local Chinese company in China. Therefore, the main research question, in what are the best practices for forming Sino-Finnish joint ventures in China for Finnish software firms, is examined through four different themes within the joint venture formation phase; the motives, the partner se-lection, the choice of a joint venture type and joint venture negotiations. The theoretical background of the study consists of literature relating to the establishment process of Sino-Western joint ventures in China. The empirical research conducted for this study is based on the expert interviews. The empirical data was gathered via nine semi-structured interviews with both Chinese and Finnish experts in software and technology industry, who have experience or knowledge in establishing Sino-Finnish joint ventures in China. Thematic analysis was used to cat-egorize and interpret the interview data. In addition, a thematic network was built to act as a basis of the analysis. According to the main findings, the main motives for Finnish software companies to establish a joint venture in China are lack of skills or experience, little resources to enter on their own, and China’s large market. The main motives for Chinese companies are to gain new technology or man-agerial skills, and expand internationally. The intellectual property rights (IPR) have recently im-proved a lot in China, but the Finnish companies’ knowledge on IPR is inadequate. The Finnish software companies should conduct a market and industry research in order to understand their po-sition in the market and to find a suitable location and potential joint venture partners. It is essential to define partner selection criteria and partner attributes. In addition, it is important to build the joint venture around complementary motives and a win-win situation between the joint venture partners. The Finnish companies should be prepared that the joint venture negotiations will be challenging and they will take a long time. The challenges can be overcome by gaining understanding about the Chinese culture and business environment. The findings of this study enhance understanding of the joint venture formation phase in China. This study provides guidelines for Finnish software companies to establish a joint venture in China. In addition, this study brings new insights to the Sino-Western joint venture literature with its soft-ware industry context. Future research is, however, necessary in order to gain an understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of a joint venture as an entry mode into China for Finnish soft-ware companies.


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Tämän Pro-gradu tutkielman tavoitteena on tutkia, miten pienyrityksen arvo määrittyy yrityskauppatilanteessa. Tämän lisäksi tutkimus pyrkii selvittämään millaisia erityispiirteitä pienyrityksen arvonmääritykseen liittyy ja miten eri arvonmääritysmenetelmät soveltuvat pienyrityksen arvonmääritykseen. Empiirinen tutkimus koostuu kolmesta yrityskauppaan ja arvonmääritykseen keskittyneen asiantuntijan haastattelusta. Haastattelujen avulla on tarkoitus lisätä ymmärrystä pienyritysten arvonmäärityksestä, sen erityispiirteistä, soveltuvista arvonmääritysmenetelmistä sekä siitä, miten lopullinen arvo muodostuu. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että pienyrityksen arvon määrittäminen on vaativa prosessi, jossa on otettava huomioon monia erityisiä piirteitä. Yhtä oikeaa arvonmääritysmenetelmää ei ole vaan useita eri menetelmiä käytetään rinnakkain luotettavan arvon muodostamiseksi. Tärkeimpänä huomioitavana piirteenä esille nousi yrityksen tulevaisuuden ennustamisen hankaluus, minkä takia tulevaisuudelle ei anneta paljoa painoarvoa pienyrityksen arvonmäärityksessä. Tämä vaikuttaa olennaisesti käytettäviin arvonmääritysmenetelmiin ja niiden luotettavuuteen. Rahoitusteoreettisesti oikeaoppisin arvonmääritysmenetelmä, vapaan kassavirran malli, ei tulosten perusteella ole soveltuvin malli kaikkien pienyritysten kohdalla. Syynä tähän on, että suuri osa yrityksen arvosta muodostuu tulevaisuuden kassavirroista, joita pienyrityksen kohdalla on haasteellista ennustaa. Kaikki asiantuntijat käyttivät jokaisen pienyrityksen arvonmäärityksen yhteydessä markkinapohjaisia kertoimia, mutta tämänkin mallin käytön yhteydessä on omat haasteensa ja vaatii arvonmäärittäjältä syvällistä osaamista yrityksen toimialasta. Arvonmäärityksen lisäksi pienyrityksen toiminnan luonne lisää omat erityispiirteet, jotka huomioidaan arvoa laskevina riskitekijöinä. Pienyrityksen toiminta kiteytyy usein yrittäjän osaamiseen, joka koetaan suurena riskinä yrityskaupassa ja täten lopullista arvoa laskevana tekijänä. Voidaankin todeta, että pienyrityksen kohdalla arvonmääritys luo pohjan sekä raja-arvot ostettavasta yrityksestä maksettavalle hinnalle, mutta lopullinen kauppahinta muodostuu neuvottelujen lopputuloksena.


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In this research retail negotiations are explored through the question: What characteristics are distinctive to negotiating in Finnish grocery retail trade? To shed light on the research question I interviewed experienced retail negotiators and mapped out the most important characteristics of the retail negotiations. I described through examples the most prominent challenges negotiators face in their negotiations and elaborated what kind of tools the experienced negotiators use to overcome those challenges. The research results add up to a groundwork frame for retail negotiations with which further research can be more easily directed to any area of interest in the Finnish grocery retail negotiations. The framework can give ideas or frames for further research, or function as a general guideline of factors to consider when negotiating in Finnish retail field. The results were divided into 3 sections: Characteristics, Challenges and Tools. Different negotiation models help negotiators and researchers understand negotiation dynamics. This research adds to that pool by focusing on elements essential to consider specifically in the context of Finnish retail. Finland offered an exceptionally interesting setting to study negotiation, as grocery retail trade in Finland is highly centralized. Especially for those interested understanding a centralized setting such as Finland’s retail field, the framework presented in this research might provide a valuable spectrum of essential negotiation elements. Learning is a lifelong process, but that path can be evened by tuning in on what others have learned during their own endeavors in similar situations. Seasoned negotiators have many stories to tell about negotiating that can be drawn upon and by doing so, we can avoid having to spend time learning the same insights twice. This research drew on narrative, case-research and interviewing to find out how seasoned negotiators in the field of Finnish retail experienced negotiation, what challenges negotiations pose and what tools can be used to overcome them


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Contient : 1 Lettre du « card[inal] DE RICHELIEU,... à monsieur de Bethune,... De Paris, du XXVIe febvrier 1625 » ; 2 « Memoire envoié à monsieur de Bethune par monsieur le cardinal de Richelieu, suivant l'ordre du roy » ; 3 Lettre du « cardinal DE RICHELIEU,... à monsieur de Bethune,... De Pontoise, ce XXIIe octobre 1626 » ; 4 Lettre de « LOUIS [XIII]... à monseigneur de Bethunes,... Escrit à St Germain en Laye, le XXIIme octobre 1626 » ; 5 Lettre de « PIERRE, cardinal DE BERULLE,... à monsieur de Bethune,... A Paris, le 28 septembre 1627 » ; 6 Lettre du « cardinal DE RICHELIEU,... à monsieur de Bethune,... De Longjumeau, ce XXIIIIe septembre 1627 » ; 7 Lettre du « cardinal DE RICHELIEU,... à monsieur de Bethune,... A Blois, ce 1er octobre 1627 » ; 8 « Memoire important », démontrant la nécessité de demander des secours au clergé pour terminer la guerre contre les Rochellois et les Anglais. « Du 24 7bre 1627 » ; 9 « Articles envoyez de la court pour obtenir la subvention du clergé, an l'an mil 627 » ; 10 Lettre sur les affaires de Rome et de l'Italie. « De Rome, ce 7 may 1626 ». Copie ; 11 Lettre au cardinal de Richelieu, relative à une censure de la Sorbonne qu'il avait laissé publier. « De Rome, ce 8 may 1626 » ; 12 Lettre au cardinal de Richelieu, relative à l'entreprise contre La Rochelle. « De Rome, ce 12 aoust 1626 ». Copie ; 13 « Copie de la proposition faicte par les Espagnolz à l'infante veufve de Mantoue pour parvenir à l'accomodement des affaires du Montferrat. Du 14 juing 1628 ». En espagnol ; 14 « Capitolatione proposita dal Sr di Botru sopra le coze del Monferrato ». En italien ; 15 Lettre de « CHARLES, duc DE MANTOUE,... à monseigneur de Bethune,... A Mantoue, ce 4 d'octobre 1628 » ; 16 Lettre de « CHARLES, duc DE MANTOUE,... à monseigneur de Bethune,... Mantoue, ce 8 de novembre 1628 » ; 17 Lettre de « CHARLES, duc DE MANTOUE,... à monseigneur de Bethune,... A Mantoue, ce 22e novembre 1628 » ; 18 Lettre de « CHARLES, duc DE MANTOUE,... à monseigneur de Bethune,... A Mantoue, ce 7 de desembre 1628 » ; 19 Lettre de CHARLES, duc DE MANTOUE, à M. de Béthune. « Ce 27 decembre, à six heures de nuit » ; 20 Lettre de « CHARLES, duc DE MANTOUE », à M. de Béthune. « A Mantoue, ce 27 de desembre 1628 » ; 21-22 Deux lettres de « CHARLES, duc DE MANTOUE,... à monseigneur de Bethune,... Mantoue, 23 de janvier 1629 » ; 23 Lettre de « CHARLES, duc DE MANTOUE », à M. de Béthune. « Mantoue, 7 de febvrier 1629 » ; 24 Lettre de « CHARLES, duc DE MANTOUE,... à monseigneur le comte de Bethune,... A Mantoue, 28 febvrier 1629 » ; 25 Lettre, avec chiffre et déchiffrement, de « LOUIS [XIII]... à monseigneur de Bethune,... Escrit au camp de Set Chatte, le dernier jour de juing 1629 » ; 26 « Declaratio EDMUNDI RICHERII super editione libelli sui de ecclesiastica et politica potestate... anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo vigesimo nono, die Veneris septima mensis decembris ». En latin ; 27 Procès-verbal de la comparution d'Edmond Richer devant le Châtelet de Paris. « Le vendredy apres midy, septiesme jour de decembre, l'an mil six cens vingt neuf » ; 28 Attestation d'«ARMAND, card[inal] DE RICHELIEU », relative à la déclaration d'Edmond Richer. « Datum Parisiis, XIIII° kalendas januarii, anno Domini millesimo sexentesimo vigesimo nono ». En latin ; 29 Lettre du « cardinal DE RICHELIEU,... à monseigneur de Bethune,... De St Charte, ce 2e juillet 1629 » ; 30 Lettre du « cardinal DE RICHELIEU,... à monseigneur de Bethune,... De Montpellier, ce XXe juillet 1629 » ; 31 Instructions au nonce de la part du roi Louis XIII ; 32 Lettre de « C[LAUDE LE] BOUTHILLIER,... à monseigneur de Bethune,... Au camp de St Chatte, le premier juillet 1629 » ; 33 Lettre du « cardinal DE RICHELIEU,... à monseigneur de Bethune,... A Fontainebleau, ce 18e septembre 1629 » ; 34 « Copie de la lettre de la main du roy [LOUIS XIII] au pape » Urbain VIII ; 35 « Copie de la lettre de la main du roy [LOUIS XIII] à M. le cardinal Barberin,... Escrit au camp de Ledignan, le 28 juing 1629 » ; 36 « Copie de la lettre escrite à Mr le cardinal Barbarin » ; 37 Lettre de « C[LAUDE LE] BOUTHILLIER,... à monseigneur de Bethune,... A Fontainebleau, ce 18 septembre 1629 » ; 38-39 « Copies de lettres du roy [LOUIS XIII] à nostre St pere [Urbain VIII] et à M. le cardinal Barbarin » ; 40-41 « Copies de lettres de la reyne mere [MARIE DE MEDICIS] à nostre St pere [Urbain VIII] et à monsieur le cardinal Barbarin » ; 42 Lettre de « LOUIS [XIII]... à monseigneur de Betune,... Escrit à Fontainebleau, ce 18me septembre 1629 » ; 43 Lettre de « MARIE [DE MEDICIS]... à monseigneur de Betune,... A Fontainebleau, le XVIIIe septembre 1629 » ; 44 Lettre du « cardinal BARBERINO,... à Mr de Bethune,... Monte Cavallo, 18 agosto 1629 ». En italien ; 45 « Derniere Copie de la letre du pape [URBAIN VIII] au roy [Louis XIII]... Datum in nostro palatio Quirinali, hac die XVII augusti 1629 ». En latin ; 46 « Coppie de la response de l'empereur [FERDINAND II] au roy [Louis XIII], sur l'office passé par son resident, le XXVIIe decembre 1628... Die quinta februarii 1629 ». En latin ; 47 « Escriture sur le passage du roy [Louis XIII] à Suse... 16 febbraro 1629 ». En italien ; 48 Dépêche, avec chiffre et déchiffrement, relative à l'intention du roi Louis XIII de s'unir avec le pape et la république de Venise pour défendre les intérêts du duc de Mantoue ; 49 « Projet de traité du 3 mars 1629 », avec chiffre et déchiffrement ; 50 Lettre de « LOUIS [XIII]... à monseigneur de Bethune,... Escrit au camp de Chaumont, le VIIe jour de mars 1629 » ; 51 Relation du « succes de Suse et des passages... Du VIIe mars 1629, au camp de Chaumont » ; 52 « Extraict des articles acordez entre le roy [Louis XIII et Charles-Emmanuel, duc] de Savoie,... Le XIe mars 1629 » ; 53 Relation de l'entrevue de Louis XIII et du duc de Savoie. « Du VIe jour d'avril 1629, à Suse » ; 54 Mémoire relatif aux affaires du roi pendant son séjour à Suze. « Du XXIe apvril 1629, au camp de Suze » ; 55 « Articles de paix entre les deux couronnes [de France et d'Angleterre], accordées par messrs les ambassadeurs de Venize Zorzi Zorzi et Louis Contarini,... Faict à Suse, le 24e jour d'apvril mil six cens vingt neuf » ; 56 « Letre de l'ampereur [FERDINAND II] à son residant à Venise... Datum Viennae, 7 junii, anno 1629 ». En latin. Copie ; 57 « Decret de l'ampereur [FERDINAND II] contre le duc de Mantoue », Charles de Nevers. En latin. Copie ; 58 « Divers partis à proposer par M. le marechal de Crequi, pour l'accommodement de Mantoue et Montferat. Du 9e octobre 1629 » ; 59 Lettre de « LOUIS [XIII]... à monseigneur de Bethune,... Escrit à Fontainebleau, ce XIIIe octobre 1629 » ; 60 « Copie de la lettre du Pere [GUILLAUME] LAMORMAIN escrite au Pere Suffran,... Viennae, 24 novembris 1629 ». En latin ; 61 « Coppie d'une lettre escripte par [CHARLES DE NEVERS], duc de mantoue, à monseigneur le mareschal de Crequy,... Di Mantova, li 13 decembre 1629 ». En italien ; 62 « Copia di lettera dell' imperatore FERDINANDO [II] al papa Urbano [VIII]... Datum Viennae, 24 decembris 1629 ». En latin ; 63 Lettre, avec chiffre et déchiffrement, de « LOUIS [XIII]... à monseigneur de Bethune,... Escrit à Oulx, le IIIe jour de mars 1629 » ; 64 Lettre de « C[LAUDE LE] BOUTHILLIER,... à monseigneur de Bethune,... A Paris, ce 18e janvier 1630 » ; 65 Lettre du « cardinal DE RICHELIEU,... à monseigneur de Bethune,... De Lion, ce 28 janvier 1630 » ; 66 Lettre du « cardinal DE RICHELIEU,... à monseigneur de Bethune,... D'Ambrun, ce XIIIIe febvrier 1630 » ; 67 « Proposizioni di capitoli per far la pace, date dal signore cardinale di RICHELIEU, 18 febbraio 1630 ». En italien ; 68 « Risposte fatte alle proposizioni del cardinale Richelieu. In Alessandria, 26 febbraio 1630 ». En italien ; 69 Lettre du « cardinal DE RICHELIEU,... à monseigneur de Bethune,... De Suze, ce 6e mars 1630 » ; 70 « Memoire de Mr le cardinal DE RICHELIEU pour traiter avec le pape Urbain VIII » ; 71 Lettre du « cardinal DE RICHELIEU,... à monseigneur de Bethune,... Du camp de Pignerol, le 27e mars 1630 » ; 72 « Relation des negotiations [de la France] avec le duc de Savoye, jusques au siege de Pignerol » ; 73 Mémoire, avec chiffre et déchiffrement, sur les négociations relatives à la restitution de Pignerol ; 74 « Propositions de Mr le cardinal DE RICHELIEU sur la paix d'Italie, avec les responses sur icelles » ; 75 « Memoire presenté au roy [Louis XIII] par le nonce », touchant les difficultés des négociations ; 76 Lettre du « cardinal DE RICHELIEU,... à monseigneur de Bethune,... Du camp de Pignerol, ce 16e apvril 1630 » ; 77 « Propositions [du cardinal DE RICHELIEU] pour la paix d'Italie... Du 28e janvier » ; 78 « Memoire de M. [le duc] DE SAVOYE », pour servir d'instruction à son ambassadeur relativement aux conditions de paix ; 79 « Propositions du nunce de Turin sur les affaire[s] du Montferat et Mantouan ». En italien ; 80 « Scrittura formata in Turino dal Sre duca DI SAVOIA et non accettata dal Sre cardinale di Richelieu ». En italien ; 81 « Responce au memoire de M. [le duc] de Savoye ». En italien ; 82 « Capitulationi del marchese SPINOLA, mandate anche a Mantua ». En italien ; 83 « Memoire », avec chiffre et déchiffrement, « touchant la suspension d'armes proposée par M. [le duc] de Savoye » ; 84 « Suspancion proposée par PENEIROLE, nunce du pape ». En italien ; 85 « Escript pour porter les choses à l'acommodement de Savoie et Gennes » ; 86 Lettre adressée au cardinal de Richelieu, relative à un livre qu'il avait donné à examiner ; 87 « Copia de gli articoli tra il re cristianissimo e il re cattolico ». En italien ; 88 « Santance de l'ampereur [FERDINAND II] contre [Charles de Nevers], duc de Mantoue... Die vigesima mensis martii, anno Domini 1628 ». En latin ; 89 « Responce du duc DE MANTOUE au general des convantuels... Di Mantova ». En italien. Copie ; 90 Lettre du « cardinal DE RICHELIEU,... à monseigneur de Bethune,... De St Germain, ce 26 novembre 1630 » ; 91 Don de « vingt un mil livres tournois de rente annuelle » fait par RICHELIEU à l'Académie royale, établie rue Vieille du Temple. Copie


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This research responds to a pervasive call for our educational institutions to provide students with literacy skills, and teachers with the instructional supports necessary to facilitate this skill acquisition. Questions were posed to gain information concerning the efficacy ofteaching literacy strategies to students with learning difficulties, the impact of this training on their volunteer tutors, and the influence of this experience on these tutors' ensuing instructional practice as teacher candidates in a preservice education program. Study #1 compared a nontreatment group of students with literacy difficulties who participated in the program and found that program participants were superior at reading letter patterns and at comprehending the elements of story grammar. Concurrently, the second study explored the experiences of 19 volunteer tutors and uncovered that they acquired instructional skills as they established a knowledge base in teaching reading and writing, and they affirmed personal goals to become future teachers. Study #3 tracked 6 volunteer tutors into their pre-service year and identified their constructions, and beliefs about literacy instruction. These teacher candidates discussed how they had intended to teach reading and writing strategies based on their position that effective teaching ofthese skills in the primary grades is integral to academic success. The teacher candidates emphasized the need to build rapport with students, and the need to exercise flexibility in lesson plan delivery while including activities to meet emotional and developmental requirements of students. The teacher candidates entered their pre-service education with an initial cognition set based on the limited teaching context of tutoring. This foundational ii perception represented their prior knowledge of literacy instruction, a perception that appeared untenable once they were immersed in a regular instructional setting. This disparity provoked some of the teacher candidates to denounce their teacher mentors for not consistently employing literacy strategies and individualized instruction. This critical perspective could have been a demonstration of cognitive dissonance. In the end, when the teacher candidates began to look toward the future and how they would manage the demands of an inclusive classroom, they recognized the differences in the contexts. With an appreciation for the need for balance between prior and present knowledge, the teacher candidates remained committed to implementing their tutoring strategies in future teaching positions. This document highlights the need for teacher candidates with instructional experience prior to teacher education, to engage in cognitive negotiations to assimilate newly acquired pedagogies into existing pedagogies.


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This qualitative phenomenological investigation explored six female Master of Education students' critical understandings of their identity and role negotiations, and their perceptions of environmental conditions that facilitated or impeded their identity explorations and negotiations within the institution. The interweaving of Feminist and Women's Development theories enabled the data to be examined under different, yet complementary, lenses. The data collection strategies included: four to five in-depth semistructured interviews, three take-home activities (involving identity mapping, object and metaphor identification, and strategy development), and the compilation of extensive interview notes as well as researcher reflections. The combination of a constant comparative method and a voice-centered method were used in tandem to analyze the data. Together they uncovered five emergent themes: (a) intricate understandings of key terms; (b) life-long learning and transformative pathways; (c) gender issues; (d) challenges, tensions, and possibilities; as well as (e) personal, professional, and educational implications. The findings underscored the possibility for both a singular static identity and dynamic multifaceted identities to exist in tandem, and the emergence of natural or logical identity intersections, as well as disjointed or colliding identity intersections. Ultimately, it is the continuous negotiation of internal and external spheres that contributes to the complexity and multidimensionality of graduate students' identities.


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It was the purpose of this study to investigate attitudes toward leadership development education of one client group served by the ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. The survey, answered by 175 participants, attempted to answer the following questions: (a) What is a common definition of leadership?, (b) What leadership concepts are important to leadership development education? and, (c) What are client attitudes toward leadership development education? A descriptive research approach was used and the data were analyzed according to a model developed by Colaizzi. Concept maps were developed under the broad areas of: (a) Developing leader qualities; (b) Past experiences that developed leadership skills that worked on the jOb; (c) Leadership skills developed from present day positions; and (d) How leadership skills may be developed in future situations. A description of the dynamics of leadership development was written and the essential dynamics of leadership skill development in one volunteer organization was described. This study supports the linkages perspective of leadership within voluntary organizations developed by Vandenberg, Thullen and Fear (1987). The linkages perspective consists of three major components: perception, property and process. As a perception, leadership is the set of beliefs each group member holds regarding the behaviours and qualities characteristic of effective leaders. As a property, leadership represents the qualities attributed by group members to persons perceived as effectively (or potentially) influencing the goal achievement process. As a process, leadership involves the use of non-coercive influence to facilitate group accomplishment of valued goals. Leadership concepts important for development in a leadership development education program related to personal, organizational and societal development. The top five concepts in terms of rank order are communicating effectively, forming and working with groups, working creatively (tie), developing followers, managing meetings, directing projects or activities, understanding financial matters, managing negotiations (tie), developing resources and understanding and developing oneself (tie). Several recommendations are relevant for extension personnel as educators. Theoretical concepts on leadership need to be shared to extension practitioners involved in leadership development. currently used teaching materials for leadership development should be evaluated to see if they include concepts from preferrred theoretical leadership perceptions.


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The Falkland Islands War of 1982 was fought over competing claims to sovereignty over a group of islands off the east coast of South America. The dispute was between Argentina and the United Kingdom. Argentina claims the islands under rights to Spanish succession, the fact that they lie off the Argentine coast line and that in 1833 Great Britain took the islands illegally and by force. The United Kingdom claims the islands primarily through prescription--the fact that they have governed the islands in a peaceful, continuous and public manner since 1833. The British also hold that the population living on the islands, roughly eighteen hundred British descendants, should be able to decide their own future. The United Kingdom also lays claim to the islands through rights of discovery and settlement, although this claim has always been challenged by Spain who until 1811 governed the islands. Both claims have legal support, and the final decision if there will ever be one is difficult to predict. Sadly today the ultimate test of sovereignty does not come through international law but remains in the idea that "He is sovereign who can defend his sovereignty." The years preceding the Argentine invasion of 1982 witnessed many diplomatic exchanges between The United Kingdom and Argentina over the future of the islands. During this time the British sent signals to Argentina that ii implied a decline in British resolve to hold the islands and demonstrated that military action did more to further the talks along than did actual negotiations. The Argentine military junta read these signals and decided that they could take the islands in a quick military invasion and that the United Kingdom would consider the act as a fait accompli and would not protest the invasion. The British in response to this claimed that they never signaled to Argentina that a military solution was acceptable to them and launched a Royal Navy task force to liberate the islands. Both governments responded to an international crisis with means that were designed both to resolve the international crisis and increase the domestic popularity of the government. British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was facing an all-time low in popularity for post-War Prime Ministers while Argentine President General Galtieri needed to gain mass popular support so he could remain a viable President after he was scheduled to lose command of the army and a seat on the military junta that ran the country. The military war for the Falklands is indicative of the nature of modern warfare between Third World countries. It shows that the gap in military capabilities between Third and First World countries is narrowing significantly. Modern warfare between a First and Third World country is no longer a 'walk over' for the First World country.


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The Falkland Islands War of 1982 was fought over competing claims to sovereignty over a group of islands off the east coast of South America. The dispute was between Argentina and the United Kingdom. Argentina claims the islands under rights to Spanish succession, the fact that they lie off the Argentine coast line and that in 1833 Great Britain took the islands illegally and by force. The United Kingdom claims the islands primarily through prescription--the fact that they have governed the islands in a peaceful, continuous and public manner since 1833. The British also hold that the population living on the islands, roughly eighteen hundred British descendants, should be able to decide their own future. The United Kingdom also lays claim to the islands through rights of discovery and settlement, although this claim has always been challenged by Spain who until 1811 governed the islands. Both claims have legal support, and the final decision if there will ever be one is difficult to predict. Sadly today the ultimate test of sovereignty does not come through international law but remains in the idea that "He is sovereign who can defend his sovereignty." The years preceding the Argentine invasion of 1982 witnessed many diplomatic exchanges between The United Kingdom and Argentina over the future of the islands. During this time the British sent signals to Argentina that ii implied a decline in British resolve to hold the islands and demonstrated that military action did more to further the talks along than did actual negotiations. The Argentine military junta read these signals and decided that they could take the islands in a quick military invasion and that the United Kingdom would consider the act as a fait accompli and would not protest the invasion. The British in response to this claimed that they never signaled to Argentina that a military solution was acceptable to them and launched a Royal Navy task force to liberate the islands. Both governments responded to an international crisis with means that were designed both to resolve the international crisis and increase the domestic popularity of the government. British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was facing an all-time low in popularity for post-War Prime Ministers while Argentine President General Galtieri needed to gain mass popular support so he could remain a viable President after he was scheduled to lose command of the army and a seat on the military junta that ran the country. The military war for the Falklands is indicative of the nature of modern warfare between Third World countries. It shows that the gap in military capabilities between Third and First World countries is narrowing significantly. Modern warfare between a First and Third World country is no longer a 'walk over' for the First World country.


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Ontario Editorial Bureau (O.E.B.)


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This qualitative study>addresses the question of how Ontario elementary school principals negotiate their varied work roles, through interviews with and observations of 6 principals. Using inductive data analysis, principals' negotiations were divided into 5 categories: negotiating priorities, negotiating the process, negotiating constraints, negotiating the roles of others, and negotiating the self. These principals worked within these categories simultaneously, emphasizing some more than others, dependent on the circumstances. For these principals, the time they spent with people in the school and the resulting relationships that enabled them to build were a first priority, and a large part of how each principal chose to negotiate the demands of their role arose from their personality and their personal values.


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A quarterly tithing ticket from the British Methodist Episcopal Church, signed by Walter Hawkins, Minister, issued on August 16, 1874. This ticket was in the possession of the Richard Bell Family of St. Catharines.Minister Walter Hawkins was Superintendent of the Conference for the British Methodist Episcopal Church (Brant Co.) This excerpt from the Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online describes his role in reestablishing the BMEC in Canada following a period of reunion with the African Methodist Episcopal Church, an initiative spearheaded by Richard Randolph Disney, a free-born black American Methodist preacher. "By the end of the 1870s the BMEC had 56 congregations with about 3,100 members, the bulk of the latter being in the Danish West Indies and British Guiana. Because mission work outside Canada had overtaxed the church's financial resources, in 1880 Disney began negotiations towards reunion with the AMEC. The reunion was effected that year, and it was overwhelmingly ratified at a BMEC convention held at Hamilton in June 1881. A referendum showed that although a majority in Ontario was opposed, 86 per cent of the membership was in favour. Disney was accepted as an AMEC bishop and was assigned to its Tenth Episcopal District, a region embracing his former territory as well as some of the AMEC churches in Canada which had not joined the BMEC. Reunification appeared to have been a triumph for Disney, but trouble soon occurred. A majority of the Ontario churches and preachers, led by the Reverend Walter Hawkins of Chatham, sought to re-establish the BMEC, fearing the loss of their distinctive identity and perhaps feeling that the Caribbean groups had exercised too much influence on the reunification question. In 1886 this group held an ecclesiastical council at Chatham, at which it was claimed that Disney had defected to the AMEC. At a subsequent general conference that year the BMEC was reconstituted. The conference deposed Disney, agreeing to "erase his name and ignore his authority, and cancel his official relationship as bishop." The conference minutes also refer to a court case instigated by Disney which reached the High Court of Chancery in Britain, but records of this case have not been located. The reconstituted BMEC elected Hawkins as its general superintendent, avoiding the title of bishop for several years." Source: Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online. Government of Canada.


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A semi-weekly paper that was published from 1801 to 1817. It was previously called the Independent chronicle and the universal advertiser, and was later the Independent chronicle and Boston patriot (Semiweekly). Publishers were Abijah Adams and Ebenezer Rhoades. Topics of interest in this issue include: Page 1: report of Independence Day celebration including multiple toasts to the military; Page 2: report of South Carolina militia marching home; report of U.S. schooner Alligator being lost to a tornado in Port Royal; report of 10,000 militia and 2,000 regular Army troops to be used in defense of the District of Columbia and vicinity; report U.S. is to try to raise 100,000 militia for defense; news of British deserters providing information to the U.S.; report of skirmishes along the U.S. coast; statement from U.S. Navy Capt. David Porter stating he had taken possession of Sir Henry Martin's Island; report of British troops burning a militia barracks in Lewiston, N.Y.; 4 accounts of the battle of Chippewa and the taking of Fort Erie; statement from Maj. Gen. Brown in praise of his troops in the battle of Chippewa; copy of General Brown's orders to attack at Fort Erie; essay arguing against U.S. citizens boarding enemy ships; report of peace treaty rumours; Page 3: account of Capt. Porter's capture and subsequent escape from the British; list of American prisoners held on the British ship Nymph; report of British cargo ship captured by U.S. war ship; Proclamation from James Madison pardoning military deserters if they return to military service; announcement to officers and soldiers in the military offering reward for the return of military deserters; Page 4: 2 reward advertisements for return of military deserters;