824 resultados para Heather Honey
The presence of residues of the major groups of pesticides (organohalogen, organophosphorous, pyrethroids and organonitrogen) in representative samples of honey produced in Bauru (state of São Paulo, Brazil) was investigated from 1999 through2004. A multiresidue method was applied to honey samples to determine 48 pesticides with recoveries ranging from 76 to 95%. The limits of detection found were lower than 10 µg/kg for GC-MS-SIM. The results indicated that most pesticides found in the samples belonged to the organohalogen and organonitrogen groups. Residues of malathion were detected in almost all of the samples in high concentration.
A comparison of the phenolic content of several Chilean honeys showed great variations in flavonoid concentration among the samples analysed. Higher amounts of phenolics are found in honey from dry climates. The antioxidant effect of extracts, using ORAC analysis, did not correlate with the flavonoid content or with the total phenolic concentration.
The flavonoid fraction was purified by a combination of chromatography on Amberlite XAD-2 and preparative silica gel TLC. Morin (3, 5, 7, 2', 4'- pentahydroxyflavone) was the only flavonol found in honey from Brazilian Citrus sp.. The structure of morin was determined on the basis of UV and ¹H and 13C NMR spectral data together with literature references. This is the first report on the isolation of morin from Brazilian Citrus honey.
Thirty three honey samples produced by four Melipona species from different areas of the State of Bahia, were analyzed with the aim to determine their physico-chemical characteristics, contributing to the establishment of standards for quality control. The majority of the average values for physico-chemical parameters fulfilled the quality criteria established by the Brazilian and international Legislations for Apis honey, except for moisture content, which afforded higher values. Concerning the high number of samples wich did not fit the limits for reducing sugars, it is necessary to define minimum values in order to characterize Melipona honeys, as well as criteria for use of diastasic activity.
In this study honey samples produced in the southwest of Bahia were characterized based on physicochemical and mineral (Ca, Mg, Na, K, Mn, Fe and Zn) composition. The metals were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The application of multivariate analysis showed that the honey colors are consequence of the mineral and physicochemical compositions. The darkest honey samples are characterized by higher values of pH and for presenting a strong relationship with Ca and Fe content.
In honey 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furaldehyde (HMF) is one of the most typical products of degradation: it is usually absent in fresh honey, but its concentration tends to rise as a result of heating processes or long-term storage. The validation protocol was performed in terms of detection and quantification limits, precision (by repeatability and intermediate precision), linearity and accuracy (by recovery tests). The method has been tested on 15 honey samples of different ages and geographical origin. HMF correlated highly with the age of the samples has been considered a very important parameter to put these honeys on the market or not and/or to estimate their shelf life.
The honey of Melipona fasciculata is few known in terms of composition, and therefore generally associated with the characteristics of the honey of Apis mellifera. This study contributes to the knowledge of the physico-chemical characteristics of honey of M. fasciculata of the municipalities of Barra do Corda, Jenipapo dos Vieiras, Fernando Falcão, Carolina and Riachão, in cerrado region from Maranhão. The parameters studied were: moisture, pH, acidity, reducing sugars, apparent sucrose, hydroxymethylfurfural, diastase activity, insoluble solids, ash and color. Some of the observed patterns may conform to the established for A. mellifera, but others must be accompanied by a specific legislation.
Honey produced by three stingless bee species (Melipona flavolineata, M. fasciculata and Apis mellifera) from different regions of the Amazon was analyzed by separating phenolic acids and flavonoids using the HPLC technique. Data were subjected to multivariate statistical analysis (PCA, HCA and DA). Results showed the three species of honey samples could be distinguished by phenolic composition. Antioxidant activity of the honeys was determined by studying the capacity of inhibiting radicals using DPPH assay. Honeys with higher phenolic compound contents had greater antioxidant capacity and darker color.
The antioxidant activities and polyphenolic levels of "assa peixe," "cambara," and "morrão de candeia" Brazilian honeys were investigated. Phenolic extracts of 11 honeys were evaluated spectrophotometrically to determine their total phenolic and flavonoid contents, and their antioxidant activities were measured using DPPH, ABTS, and FRAP assays. High-performance liquid chromatography coupled with diode array detection was applied to determine the phenolic composition of the honey extracts. The presence of fourteen phenolic compounds was established (eleven phenolic acids and three flavonoids), as well as HMF and abscisic acid. Principal component analysis was applied to classify the honey samples according to their floral origins.
Tutkielma käsittelee kulttuurin merkitystä spekulatiivisessa fiktiossa eli sitä, miten genre vaikuttaa tekstin kulttuurisidonnaisten kohtien kääntämiseen. Spekulatiivinen fiktio käsitetään usein lähes irralliseksi siitä kulttuurista, jossa se on syntynyt. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on kuitenkin osoittaa, ettei näin ole. Spekulatiivinen fiktio ei ole siis erillinen syntykulttuuristaan, vaan vaikutussuhde on itse asiassa molemminpuolinen: kulttuuri ottaa paitsi vaikutteita, mutta myös sanastoa spekulatiivisesta fiktiosta. Koska spekulatiivinen fiktio on erityisesti Suomessa terminä uudehko, sen määritteleminen on olennainen osa tutkimusta. Spekulatiivisen fiktion yhteneväisyyksiä ja eroavaisuuksia aiempiin genreihin, kuten tieteiskirjallisuuteen ja fantasiakirjallisuuteen, käsitellään tutkimuksen alkuosassa. Spekulatiivisen fiktion määrittelyn yhteydessä referoidaan Heather Urbanskin ’painajaismalleja’, joihin spekulatiivisen fiktion teokset voidaan lajitella sen mukaan, millaisia syntykulttuurinsa pelkoja ja kauhuskenaarioita ne kuvastavat. Jälkimmäinen osa keskittyy kulttuurin merkitykseen spekulatiivisessa fiktiossa ja siihen, miten mahdolliset viittaukset teoksen lähdekulttuurin vaikuttavat käännösten tulkintaan. Tutkimuksen kaunokirjallisina lähdeteksteinä toimivat kolme Johanna Sinisalon suomenkielistä novellia ja niiden englanninkieliset käännökset, sekä Hannu Rajaniemen englanninkielinen romaani The Quantum Thief ja sen suomennos. Molemmat kirjailijat ovat suomenkielisiä, mutta Sinisalo kirjoittaa omalla äidinkielellään suomeksi kun taas Rajaniemi kirjoittaa englanniksi. Tästä syystä kohdeyleisön ja -kulttuurin erot tulevat esille heidän teoksiaan verrattaessa. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella on selvää, että myös spekulatiivisen fiktion kaltaisessa, reaalimaailmasta irrallisessa genressä alkuperäisteoksen lähdekulttuurilla on merkitystä. Jos käännöstä tehtäessä ei oteta huomioon kulttuurisidonnaisia tekijöitä kuten alluusioita ja reaalioita, käännöksen lukija menettää ainakin osan teoksen taustalla olevista merkityksistä ja saattaa jopa hämmentyä epäselvistä viittauksista. Spekulatiivisen fiktion tutkimus on Suomessa vasta alkutekijöissään ja erityisesti suomalaisten kirjoittajien teokset jäävät helposti ulkomaisten, tunnetumpien kirjailijoiden varjoon. Myös spekulatiivisen fiktion ja kulttuurin välinen yhteys ansaitsisi tarkempaa perehtymistä laajemmalla aineistolla.
Cucurbitaceae species depend on pollination by honey bees for fruit production. The overall objective of this work was to evaluate the potential of C. pepo for pollen and nectar production, that could help maintain colonies placed in the field. Plants of pumpkin were cultivated in field, in 1996 and 1997. Before anthesis, male flowers were covered to prevent visits by bees and other insects. After anthesis the flowers were uncovered and the following parameters were evaluated: 1) nectar production; 2) total sugar concentration in the nectar; 3) nectar replacement; and 4) production of pollen and flowers during the crop cycle. Nectar production varied from 18 to 79 µL flower-1 and increased progressively from 7h to 13h. The sugar concentration, measured at 7h, 9h and 11h, did not vary, averaging 50.5% ± 0.5% in 1996 and 40.5% ± 0.6% in 1997. At 13h the concentration decreased to 42% in 1996 and to 35% in 1997. Total daily nectar production was not influenced by removing nectar several times per day, indicating that nectar secretion is not stimulated or inhibited by frequent removal. The number of pollen grains did not differ in the two years, with an average of 43,669 ± 1,382 grains per flower. The peak rate of male and female flowers occurred from 60 to 66 days after planting (DAP) with 34.6 male flowers and 2.2 female flowers per plant, respectively. Cucurbita pepo has a potential for honey and pollen production of about 105 and 160 kg per hectare per season, respectively, which is enough to sustain, at least, five honeybee colonies.
The aim of this work was the identification of geographic zones suitable for the production of honeys in which pollen grains of Escallonia pulverulenta (Ruiz & Pav.) Pers. (Saxifragaceae) can be detected. The analysis of botanical origin of 240 honey samples produced between La Serena and Puerto Mont (the IV and X Administrative Regions of Chile), allowed the detection of pollen grains of E. pulverulenta in 46 Chilean honeys. The geographic distribution of the honeys studied is presented together with their affinities, through factor analysis and frequency tables. The study was based on the presence of E. pulverulenta pollen. Escallonia pulverulenta pollen percentages oscillated between 0.24% and 78.5%. Seventeen of the studied samples were designated as unifloral - i.e. samples showing more than 45% pollen of a determined plant species. Two of these corresponded to E. pulverulenta (corontillo, madroño or barraco) honeys. The remaining unifloral honeys correspond to 8 samples of Lotus uliginosus Schkuhr (birdsfoot trefoil), 2 samples of Aristotelia chilensis (Molina) Stuntz (maqui) and 1 sample of Escallonia rubra (Ruiz & Pav.) Pers. (siete camisas), Eucryphia cordifolia Cav. (ulmo or muemo), Weinmannia trichosperma Cav. (tineo), Rubus ulmifolius Schott (blackberry) and Brassica rapa L. (turnip). Honeys with different percentages of E. pulverulenta pollen - statistically analyzed through correspondence analysis - could be associated and assigned to one of three geographic types, defined on the basis of this analysis. The geographical type areas defined were the Northern Mediterranean Zone (samples from the IV Region), Central Mediterranean Zone (samples from the V to the VIII regions including two samples of unifloral Escallonia pulverulenta honey), and Southern Mediterranean Zone (samples from the IX Region).
Juvenile hormone (JH) exerts pleiotropic functions during insect life cycles. The regulation of JH biosynthesis by neuropeptides and biogenic amines, as well as the transport of JH by specific binding proteins is now well understood. In contrast, comprehending its mode of action on target organs is still hampered by the difficulties in isolating specific receptors. In concert with ecdysteroids, JH orchestrates molting and metamorphosis, and its modulatory function in molting processes has gained it the attribute "status quo" hormone. Whereas the metamorphic role of JH appears to have been widely conserved, its role in reproduction has been subject to many modifications. In many species, JH stimulates vitellogenin synthesis and uptake. In mosquitoes, however, this function has been transferred to ecdysteroids, and JH primes the ecdysteroid response of developing follicles. As reproduction includes a variety of specific behaviors, including migration and diapause, JH has come to function as a master regulator in insect reproduction. The peak of pleiotropy was definitely reached in insects exhibiting facultative polymorphisms. In wing-dimorphic crickets, differential activation of JH esterase determines wing length. The evolution of sociality in Isoptera and Hymenoptera has also extensively relied on JH. In primitively social wasps and bumble bees, JH integrates dominance position with reproductive status. In highly social insects, such as the honey bee, JH has lost its gonadotropic role and now regulates division of labor in the worker caste. Its metamorphic role has been extensively explored in the morphological differentiation of queens and workers, and in the generation of worker polymorphism, such as observed in ants.