991 resultados para Generation capacity adequacy
Doctoral Programme in Telecommunication - MAP-tele
Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Química e Biológica
Degree of Doctor of Philosophy of Structural/Civil Engineering
We propose a novel hanging spherical drop system for anchoring arrays of droplets of cell suspension based on the use of biomimetic superhydrophobic flat substrates, with controlled positional adhesion and minimum contact with a solid substrate. By facing down the platform, it was possible to generate independent spheroid bodies in a high throughput manner, in order to mimic in vivo tumour models on the lab-on-chip scale. To validate this system for drug screening purposes, the toxicity of the anti-cancer drug doxorubicin in cell spheroids was tested and compared to cells in 2D culture. The advantages presented by this platform, such as feasibility of the system and the ability to control the size uniformity of the spheroid, emphasize its potential to be used as a new low cost toolbox for high-throughput drug screening and in cell or tissue engineering.
ABSTRACT Objective To assess cardiorespiratory capacity through subjective and objective tests in older adults diagnosed with major depression (MDD), Alzheimer disease (AD) and healthy older adults. Methods Fifty seven subjects (72 ± 7.9 years) were divided into three groups: MDD (n = 20), AD (n = 17) and Healthy (n = 20). The subjects answered Hamilton Scale (HAM-D), Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), Veterans Specific Activity Questionnaire (VSAQ) and 2-minute Step test. Results MDD and AD showed lower scores than healthy group for Nomogram VSAQ (p < 0.001) and 2-minute Step (p = 0.009; p = 0.008, respectively). Adjusted for age and educational level, no differences among groups were observed for Step (MDD, p = 0.097; AD, p = 0.102). AD group did not present differences to healthy group for Step, when adjusting for MMSE (p = 0.261). Conclusions Despite the lower cardiorespiratory fitness of elderly patients with DM and DA have been found in both evaluations, the results should be viewed with caution, since the tests showed low correlation and different risk classifications of functional loss. In addition, age, level educational and cognitive performance are variables that can influence the performance objective evaluation.
PURPOSE: To compare peak exercise oxygen consumption (VO2peak) of healthy individuals with asymptomatic individuals with probable heart disease. METHODS: Ninety-eight men were evaluated. They were divided into two groups: 1) 39 healthy individuals (group N) with an age range of 50±4.6 years; and 2) 59 asymptomatic individuals with signs of atherosclerotic and/or hypertensive heart disease (group C) with an age range of 51.9±10.4 years. In regard to age, height, body surface area, percentage of fat, lean body mass, and daily physical activity, both groups were statistically similar. Environmental conditions during the ergometric test were also controlled. RESULTS: Maximal aerobic power (watts), VO2peak, maximal heart rate, and maximal pulmonary ventilation were lower in group C (p<0.01) than in group N; weight, however, was lower in group N (p=0.031) than in group C. Differences in the respiratory gas exchange index, heart rate at rest, and the maximal double product of the two groups were not statistically significant. CONCLUSION: Signs of probable heart disease, even though asymptomatic, may reduce the functional capacity, perhaps due to the lower maximal cardiac output and/or muscle metabolic changes.
Polysaccharides and oligosaccharides can improve quality and enhance nutritional value of final food products due to their technological and nutritional features ranging from their capacity to improve texture to their effect as dietary fibers. For this reason, they are among the most studied ingredients in the food industry. The use of natural polysaccharides and oligosaccharides as food additives has been a reality since the food industry understood their potential technological and nutritional applications. Currently, the replacement of traditional ingredients and/or the synergy between traditional ingredients and polysaccharides and oligosaccharides are perceived as promising approaches by the food industry. Traditionally, polysaccharides have been used as thickening, emulsifying, and stabilizing agents, however, at this moment polysaccharides and oligosaccharides claim health and nutritional advantages, thus opening a new market of nutritional and functional foods. Indeed, their use as nutritional food ingredients enabled the food industry to develop a countless number of applications, e.g., fat replacers, prebiotics, dietary fiber, and antiulcer agents. Based on this, among the scientific community and food industry, in the last years many research studies and commercial products showed the possibility of using either new or already used sources (though with changed properties) of polysaccharides for the production of food additives with new and enhanced properties. The increasing interest in such products is clearly illustrated by the market figures and consumption trends. As an example, the sole market of hydrocolloids is estimated to reach $7 billion in 2018. Moreover, oligosaccharides can be found in more than 500 food products resulting in a significant daily consumption. A recent study from the Transparency Market Research on Prebiotic Ingredients Market reported that prebiotics' demand was worth $2.3 billion in 2012 and it is estimated to reach $4.5 billion in 2018, growing at a compound annual growth rate of 11.4% between 2012 and 2018. The entrance of this new generation of food additives in the market, often claiming health and nutritional benefits, imposes an impartial analysis by the legal authorities regarding the accomplishment of requirements that have been established for introducing novel ingredients/food, including new poly- and oligosaccharides. This chapter deals with the potential use of polysaccharides and oligosaccharides as food additives, as well as alternative sources of these compounds and their possible applications in food products. Moreover, the regulation process to introduce novel polysaccharides and oligosaccharides in the market as food additives and to assign them health claims is discussed.
Dissertação de mestrado em Bioquímica Aplicada (área de especialização em Biotecnologia)
La utilización de energía eólica es un hecho cada vez más común en nuestro mundo como respuesta a mitigar el creciente aumento de demanda de energía, los aumentos constantes de precio, la escasez de combustibles fósiles y los impactos del cambio climático, los que son cada día más evidentes.Consecuentemente, el interés por la participación de esta nueva forma de generación de energía en sistema eléctrico de potencia ha aumentado considerablemente en los últimos años. La incorporación de generación de origen eólico en el sistema eléctrico de potencia requiere de un análisis detallado del sistema eléctrico en su conjunto, considerando la interacción entre parques y unidades de generación eólica, plantas de generación convencional y el sistema eléctrico de potencia. La integración de generación de origen renovable en el sistema eléctrico de potencia convencional presenta nuevos desafíos los que pueden ser atribuidos a características propias de este tipo de generación, por ejemplo la fluctuación de energía debido a la naturaleza variable del viento, la naturaleza distribuida de la generación eólica y las características constructivas y método de conexión de los distintos modelos de turbinas eólicas al sistema.La finalidad de este proyecto de investigación consiste en investigar el impacto sobre un mercado de sistema eléctrico competitivo causado por el agregado de generación de origen eolico. Como punto de partida se pretende realizar modelos de plantas de generacion eolica para luego incorporarlos a los modelos de sistemas eléctricos y realizar estudios de de despacho económico, flujo de cargas, análisis transitorio y estudios dinámicos del sistema.
La provincia de Córdoba participa con aproximadamente el 23 por ciento del área total sembrada anualmente con alfalfa en nuestro país y, en los últimos años, se ha incrementado levemente, en contraste con las provincias de Buenos Aires, Santa Fe y Entre Ríos, donde ha decrecido. La inoculación de este cultivo con cepas del género Sinorhizobium ha permitido mejorar su rendimiento en los suelos de la región semiárida. La utilización para la siembra de semillas preinoculadas con microorganismos de origen extranjero, cuya eficiencia y adaptación a las condiciones locales no siempre se conocen, y con escasa capacidad de competencia ante las cepas naturalizadas, trae como consecuencia un bajo establecimiento de la nodulación y por consiguiente una escasa reposición del nitrógeno removido del suelo. Aún cuando la inoculación está relativamente difundida, en la actualidad no se ha determinado la proporción relativa de nitrógeno fijado por las cepas introducidas respecto de las nativas o naturalizadas, ni la competencia que se genera en el suelo por la ocupación de los sitios potenciales para la formación de nódulos. Nuestra hipótesis de trabajo es: "la inoculación con cepas de Sinorhizobium meliloti debidamente caracterizadas y eficientes en la fijación del nitrógeno atmosférico mejorará el rendimiento de alfalfa en la región centro-sur de Córdoba". Los objetivos de este estudio son caracterizar fenotípica y genotípica el aislamiento Sinorhizobium meliloti 3DOh13 y evaluar su eficiencia simbiótica en el cultivo de alfalfa, mediante ensayos de infectividad, eficiencia y competencia con cepas nativas. La evaluación de la infectividad de la cepa comprende estudios de cinética de la nodulación, número total de nódulos y ubicación de los mismos en experiencias donde las plantas crecen en condiciones de invernáculo sobre un soporte de tierra:arena:perlita (2:1:1). Se realizarán ensayos de competitividad, coinoculando semillas con la cepa DOh13 y otras nativas, en bolsas plásticas con medio mineral en los que se desafiarán los distintos aislamientos. Se inoculan las plantas con sólo dos aislamientos y los nódulos de la raíz principal serán extraídos a fin de aislar los microorganismos ocupantes, los que serán diferenciados por marca de resistencia a antibioticos. La eficiencia en la fijación de nitrógeno será cuantificada por las técnicas de reducción del acetileno en el nódulo y, en caso de ser necesario, se usará el método de Kjeldahl (N total) para la raíz, tejido aéreo o planta entera. La caracterización genotípica de S. meliloti 3DOh13 incluirá métodos de fingerprint de ADN por técnicas de PCR y secuenciamiento del ADNr 16S. Esta investigación permitirá obtener información precisa sobre la respuesta de alfalfa a la inoculación con la cepa de referencia. El producto que se espera obtener es un nuevo inoculante, formulado con una cepa efectiva en la fijación de nitrógeno, debidamente caracterizada y con probada capacidad de adaptación a los suelos de la región
The objective of this dissertation is to investigate the effect wind energy has on the Electricity Supply Industry in Ireland. Wind power generation is a source of renewable energy that is in abundant supply in Ireland and is fast becoming a resource that Ireland is depending on as a diverse and secure of supply of energy. However, wind is an intermittent resource and coupled with a variable demand, there are integration issues with balancing demand and supply effectively. To maintain a secure supply of electricity to customers, it is necessary that wind power has an operational reserve to ensure appropriate backup for situations where there is low wind but high demand. This dissertation examines the affect of this integration by comparing wind generation to that of conventional generation in the national grid. This is done to ascertain the cost benefits of wind power generation against a scenario with no wind generation. Then, the analysis examines to see if wind power can meet the pillars of sustainability. This entails looking at wind in a practical scenario to observe how it meets these pillars under the criteria of environmental responsibility, displacement of conventional fuel, cost competitiveness and security of supply.
The nutritional composition o f orange roughy (collected from the Northeast Atlantic near the Rockall Trough) was studied on a seasonal basis. In addition samples were aged and stability assessed. Protein levels (16.68-16.21% w/w) were found to be slightly higher than those recorded for the N ew Zealand species o f orange roughy and compared favourably with protein values for fish muscle in general. Statistically results show a significant seasonal variation with no variation from fish to fish or in the location within the fish. Lipid content (3.6-4.5% w/w) was found to be much lower than that recorded for New Zealand. As with protein statistically results show a significant seasonal variation and no variation from fish to fish or in the location within the fish. Moisture levels (77.3_79.6%w/w) compared favourably with values obtained from other studies. Again statistically results show a significant seasonal variation with no variation from fish to fish or within the fish. Iodine values (74.63-79.54) indicate the likely presence o f a high level o f mono unsaturated fatty acids. Statistically results show no significant seasonal variation and no sample variation or variation within fish. Thin layer chromatography o f the extracted fat showed the major type to be wax esters with a much lower amount o f triglycerides and smaller amounts of polar lipids, free sterols and free fatty acids. Total fatty acid composition was found to be very similar to that recorded from other studies and showed that most o f the oils extracted from the fish muscle contained a high percentage o f mono unsaturates namely 16:1,18:1, 20:1 and 22:1 (85.63 - 91.14% ) with 16:1 present in the smallest amounts and 18:1 the major one. The only saturated fatty M.Sc. in Biochemistry III Nutritional Composition, Quality and Spoilage Capacity of Specific Deep Sea Fish acids present in significant quantities were 14:0, 16:0 and 18:0, the total varied from a seasonal average high o f 4.05 % to an average low o f 2.27%. The polyunsaturated fatty acids linoleic and arachidonic acid were present in small quantities varying in total from 0.89% to 1.50%. Docosapentaenoic acid (D P A ) was found only in trace quantities in spring, autumn and winter samples and undetected in summer. Levels o f Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA ) and Docosahexaenoic acid (D H A ) were also found in very low percentages and varied on a seasonal basis with average values ranging from 0.41% in summer to 1.03 % in autumn for EPA and from 1.44 % in summer to3.20 % in autumn for D H A . Again statistically results show a significant seasonal variation with no variation from fish to fish or location within the fish. Levels o f freshness were measured using the Thiobarbituric acid (T B A ), Total volatile base nitrogen (T V B -N ) and Trimethylamine (T M A ) techniques. The quality o f the fish upon arrival was excellent and well below legal/acceptable lim its.T V B -N values ranged from 6.88-8.91 mg/lOOg and T M A values from 4.82-6.46 mg/lOOg Values for T B A ranged from 0.18-0.35 mg Malonaldehyde/kg fish. The summer values were higher than the other seasons. Seasonal variation was significant for all methods with no variation from fish to fish or within the fish. Fish aged at +4°C in air did not exceed the T V B N lim it o f 35mg/100g until day 6 whereas the T V B N lim it was extended to 8 days for fish aged at +4°C in vacuum. However the T M A lim it o f 12mg/100g was reached on day 4 for fish stored at +4°C in air and on day 5 for vacuum packed samples stored at +4°C . Fish stored at -5°C in air and vacuum packed did not reach the T V B N lim it until day 61 but the T M A limit was reached on day 24 for fish stored at -5°C in air and was extended to 31 days for vacuum packed fish stored at-5°C. Prolonged storage at -18°C caused some deterioration o f the frozen fish muscle. Upon thawing the shelf life o f fish stored for 12 months was much shorter than that stored for 6 M.Sc. in Biochemistry IV Nutritional Composition, Quality and Spoilage Capacity of Specific Deep Sea Fish months. This in turn deteriorated faster than fresh fish held at refridgeration temperature in air. Orange roughy were found to be a good source of protein with moisture levels similar to that o f other fish. They were o f medium fat content but have a very poor content o f the essential omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. Orange roughy can be stored at -18°C but its subsequent refridgerated shelf life will be shorter than that o f unfrozen orange roughy stored at refridgeration temperature. Orange roughy are a very important part o f the ecosystem. Their composition is less nutritionally beneficial than more readily available fish for human consumption and therefore should not be fished at all
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Informatik, Diss., 2011
Background: When performing the Valsalva maneuver (VM), adults and preadolescents produce the same expiratory resistance values. Objective: To analyze heart rate (HR) in preadolescents performing VM, and propose a new method for selecting expiratory resistance. Method: The maximal expiratory pressure (MEP) was measured in 45 sedentary children aged 9-12 years who subsequently performed VM for 20 s using an expiratory pressure of 60%, 70%, or 80% of MEP. HR was measured before, during, and after VM. These procedures were repeated 30 days later, and the data collected in the sessions (E1, E2) were analyzed and compared in periods before, during (0-10 and 10-20 s), and after VM using nonparametric tests. Results: All 45 participants adequately performed VM in E1 and E2 at 60% of MEP. However, only 38 (84.4%) and 25 (55.5%) of the participants performed the maneuver at 70% and 80% of MEP, respectively. The HR delta measured during 0-10 s and 10-20 s significantly increased as the expiratory effort increased, indicating an effective cardiac autonomic response during VM. However, our findings suggest the VM should not be performed at these intensities. Conclusion: HR increased with all effort intensities tested during VM. However, 60% of MEP was the only level of expiratory resistance that all participants could use to perform VM. Therefore, 60% of MEP may be the optimal expiratory resistance that should be used in clinical practice.