972 resultados para GENETIC-ANALYSIS
Two calves were presented with a congenital mass in the rostral mandibular gingiva. In both cases the masses relapsed after surgical removal. Histologically, the two masses were composed of irregularly arranged vascular cavities, embedded in loosely arranged stroma and alcian-blue PAS positive ground substance. Radiologically, a destruction of the alveolar cavity was recognized in both cases, which was in case 1 histologically compatible with bone resorption and remodeling associated with the infiltration of abundant granulation tissue. A literature survey revealed that no consistent criteria for a correct classification for vascular tumours exists, resulting in the fact that comparable lesions were named differently in the past. We therefore propose to classify such lesions as congential vascular malformation until distinct morphological, immunohistochemical and molecular genetic analysis criteria will exist.
Adult neurogenesis has been linked to several cognitive functions and neurological disorders. Description of adult neurogenesis in a model organism like Drosophila could facilitate the genetic study of normal and abnormal neurogenesis in the adult brain. So far, formation of new neurons has not been detected in adult fly brains and hence has been thought to be absent in Drosophila. Here, we used an improved lineage-labeling method to show that, surprisingly, adult neurogenesis occurs in the medulla cortex of the Drosophila optic lobes. We also find that acute brain damage to this region stimulates adult neurogenesis. Finally, we identify a factor induced by acute damage, which is sufficient to specifically activate the proliferation of a cell type with adult neuroblast characteristics. Our results reveal unexpected plasticity in the adult Drosophila brain and describe a unique model for the genetic analysis of adult neurogenesis, plasticity, and brain regeneration.
OBJECTIVE To study clinical, morphological and molecular characteristics in a Swiss family with autosomal dominant familial neurohypophyseal diabetes insipidus (adFNDI). PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS A 15-month-old girl presenting with symptoms of polydipsia and polyuria was investigated by water deprivation test. Evaluation of the family revealed three further family members with symptomatic vasopressin-deficient diabetes insipidus. T1-weighted magnetic resonance images of the posterior pituitary were taken in two affected adult family members and molecular genetic analysis was performed in all affected individuals. RESULTS The water deprivation test in the 15-month-old child confirmed the diagnosis of vasopressin-deficient diabetes insipidus and the pedigree was consistent with autosomal dominant inheritance. The characteristic bright spot of the normal vasopressin-containing neurophypophysis was absent in both adults with adFNDI. Direct sequence analysis revealed a new deletion (177-179DeltaCGC) in exon 2 of the AVP-NP II gene in all affected individuals. At the amino acid level, this deletion eliminates cysteine 59 (C59Delta) and substitutes alanine 60 by tryptophan (A60W) in the AVP-NP II precursor; interestingly, the remainder of the reading frame remains unchanged. According to the three-dimensional structure of neurophysin, C59 is involved in a disulphide bond with C65. CONCLUSIONS Deletion of C59 and substitution of A60W in the AVP-NP II precursor is predicted to disrupt one of the seven disulphide bridges required for correct folding of the neurophysin moiety and thus disturb the function of neurophysin as the vasopressin transport protein. These data are in line with the clinical and morphological findings in the reported family with adFNDI.
Rosette-forming glioneuronal tumor (RGNT) is a recently introduced, indolent neoplasm composed of diminutive circular aggregates of neurocytic-like cells on a noninfiltrative astrocytic background, typically located in the cerebellar midline The traded concept of RGNT being derived from site-specific periventricular precursors may be questioned in the face of extracerebellar examples as well as ones occurring in combination with other representatives of the glioneuronal family. We describe a hitherto not documented example of asymptomatic RGNT discovered during autopsy of a 74-year-old male. Located in the tuberal vermis, this lesion of 6 mm diameter consisted of several microscopic nests of what were felt to represent nascent stages of RGNT, all of them centered on the internal granular layer, and ranging from mucoid dehiscences thereof to fully evolved - if small - tumor foci. Molecular genetic analysis revealed a missense mutation in Exon 20 of the PIK3CA gene involving an A→G transition at Nucleotide 3140. On the other hand, neither codeletion of chromosomes 1p/19q nor pathogenic mutations of IDH1/2 were detected. By analogy with in situ paradigms in other organs, we propose that this tumor is likely to have arisen from the internal granular layer, rather than the plate of the 4th ventricle. A suggestive departure from the wholesale argument of "undifferentiated precursors", this finding also indirectly indicates that a subset of non-classical RGNTs - in particular extracerebellar examples, whose origin cannot be mechanistically accounted for by either of the above structures - may possibly reflect an instance of phenotypic convergence, rather than a lineage-restricted entity.
Deficiency of coagulation factor XIII (FXIII) belongs to the rare bleeding disorders and its incidence is higher in populations with consanguineous marriages. The aims of this study were to characterize patients and relatives from seven families with suspected FXIII deficiency from Pakistan and to identify the underlying mutations. As a first indicator of FXIII deficiency, a 5M urea clot solubility test was used. Plasma FXIII A- and B-subunit antigen levels were determined by ELISA. FXIII activity was measured with an incorporation assay. Sequencing of all exons and intron/exon boundaries of F13A was performed, and a novel splice site defect was confirmed by RT-PCR analysis. Genetic analysis revealed six different mutations in the F13A gene. Two splice site mutations were detected, a novel c.1460+1G>A mutation in the first nucleotide of intron 11 and a previously reported c.2045G>A mutation in the last nucleotide of exon 14. Neither of them was expressed at protein level. A novel nonsense mutation in exon 4, c.567T>A, p.Cys188X, was identified, leading in homozygous form to severe FXIII deficiency. Two novel missense mutations were found in exons 8 and 9, c.1040C>A, p.Ala346Asp and c.1126T>C, p.Trp375Arg, and a previously reported missense mutation in exon 10, c.1241C>T, p.Ser413Leu. All patients homozygous for these missense mutations presented with severe FXIII deficiency. We have analysed a cohort of 27 individuals and reported four novel mutations leading to congenital FXIII deficiency.
Genetic analysis is a powerful method for analyzing the function of specific genes in development. I sought to identify novel genes in the mouse using a genetic analysis relying on the expression pattern and phenotype of mutated genes. To this end, I have conducted a gene trap screen using the vector $\rm SA\beta geo,$ a promoterless DNA construct that encodes a fusion protein with lacZ and neomycin resistance activities. Productive integration and expression of the $\beta$geo protein in embryonic stem (ES) cells requires integration into an active transcription unit. The endogenous regulatory elements direct reporter gene expression which reflects the expression of the endogenous gene. Of eight mouse lines generated from gene trap ES cell clones, four showed differential regulation of $\beta$geo activity during embryogenesis. These four were analyzed in more detail.^ Three of the lines RNA 1, RNA2 and RNA 3 had similar expression patterns, within subsets of cells in sites of embryonic hematopoiesis. Cloning of the trapped genes revealed that all three integrations had occurred within 45S rRNA precursor transcription units. These results imply that there exists in these cells some mechanism responsible for the efficient production of the $\beta$geo protein from an RNA polymerase I transcript that is not present in most of the cells in the embryo.^ The fourth line, GT-2, showed widespread, dynamic expression. Many of the sites of expression were important classic embryonic induction systems. Cloning of the sequences fused to the $5\sp\prime$ end of the $\beta$geo sequence revealed that the trapped gene contained significant sequence homology with a previously identified human sequence HumORF5. An open reading frame of this sequence is homologous to a group of eukaryotic proteins that are members of the RNA helicase superfamily I.^ Analysis of the gene trap lines suggests that potentially novel developmental mechanisms have been uncovered. In the case of RNA 1, 2 and 3, the differential production of ribosomal RNAs may be required for differentiation or function of the $\beta$geo positive hematopoietic cells. In the GT-2 line, a previously unsuspected temporal and spatial regulation of a putative RNA helicase implies a role for this activity during specific aspects of mouse development. ^
Objective. Essential hypertension affects 25% of the US adult population and is a leading contributor to morbidity and mortality. Because BP is a multifactorial phenotype that resists simple genetic analysis, intermediate phenotypes within the complex network of BP regulatory systems may be more accessible to genetic dissection. The Renin-Angiotensin System (RAS) is known to influence intermediate and long-term blood pressure regulation through alterations in vascular tone and renal sodium and fluid resorption. This dissertation examines associations between renin (REN), angiotensinogen (AGT), angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) and angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1) gene variation and interindividual differences in plasma hormone levels, renal hemodynamics, and BP homeostasis.^ Methods. A total of 150 unrelated men and 150 unrelated women, between 20.0 and 49.9 years of age and free of acute or chronic illness except for a history of hypertension (11 men and 7 women, all off medications), were studied after one week on a controlled sodium diet. RAS plasma hormone levels, renal hemodynamics and BP were determined prior to and during angiotensin II (Ang II) infusion. Individuals were genotyped by PCR for a variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) polymorphism in REN, and for the following restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP): AGT M235T, ACE I/D, and AT1 A1166C. Associations between clinical measurements and allelic variation were examined using multiple linear regression statistical models.^ Results. Women homozygous for the AT1 1166C allele demonstrated higher intracellular levels of sodium (p = 0.044). Men homozygous for the AGT T235 allele demonstrated a blunted decrement in renal plasma flow in response to Ang II infusion (p = 0.0002). There were no significant associations between RAS gene variation and interindividual variation in RAS plasma hormone levels or BP.^ Conclusions. Rather than identifying new BP controlling genes or alleles, the study paradigm employed in this thesis (i.e., measured genes, controlled environments and interventions) may provide mechanistic insight into how candidate genes affect BP homeostasis. ^
BACKGROUND P450 aromatase (CYP19A1) is essential for the biosynthesis of estrogens from androgen precursors. Mutations in the coding region of CYP19A1 lead to autosomal recessive aromatase deficiency. To date over 20 subjects have been reported with aromatase deficiency which may manifest during fetal life with maternal virilization and virilization of the external genitalia of a female fetus due to low aromatase activity in the steroid metabolizing fetal-placental unit and thus high androgen levels. During infancy, girls often have ovarian cysts and thereafter fail to enter puberty showing signs of variable degree of androgen excess. Moreover, impact on growth, skeletal maturation and other metabolic parameters is seen in both sexes. OBJECTIVE AND HYPOTHESIS We found a novel homozygous CYP19A1 mutation in a 46,XX girl who was born at term to consanguineous parents. Although the mother did not virilize during pregnancy, the baby was found to have a complex genital anomaly at birth (enlarged genital tubercle, fusion of labioscrotal folds) with elevated androgens at birth, normalizing thereafter. Presence of 46,XX karyotype and female internal genital organs (uterus, vagina) together with biochemical findings and follow-up showing regression of clitoral hypertrophy, as well as elevated FSH suggested aromatase deficiency. Interestingly, her older brother presented with mild hypospadias and bilateral cryptorchidism and was found to carry the same homozygous CYP19A1 mutation. To confirm the clinical diagnosis, genetic, functional and computational studies were performed. METHODS AND RESULTS Genetic analysis revealed a homozygous R192H mutation in the CYP19A1 gene. This novel mutation was characterized for its enzymatic activity (Km, Vmax) in a cell model and found to have markedly reduced catalytic activity when compared to wild-type aromatase; thus explaining the phenotype. Computational studies suggest that R192H disrupts the substrate access channel in CYP19A1 that may affect binding of substrates and exit of catalytic products. CONCLUSION R192H is a novel CYP19A1 mutation which causes a severe phenotype of aromatase deficiency in a 46,XX newborn and maybe hypospadias and cryptorchidism in a 46,XY, but no maternal androgen excess during pregnancy.
A population-genetic analysis is performed of a two-locus two-allele model, in which the primary locus has a major effect on a quantitative trait that is under frequency-dependent disruptive selection caused by intraspecific competition for a continuum of resources. The modifier locus determines the degree of dominance at the trait level. We establish the conditions when a modifier allele can invade and when it becomes fixed if sufficiently frequent. In general, these are not equivalent because an unstable internal equilibrium may exist and the condition for successful invasion of the modifier is more restrictive than that for eventual fixation from already high frequency. However, successful invasion implies global fixation, i.e., fixation from any initial condition. Modifiers of large effect can become fixed, and also invade, in a wider parameter range than modifiers of small effect. We also study modifiers with a direct, frequency-independent deleterious fitness effect. We show that they can invade if they induce a sufficiently high level of dominance and if disruptive selection on the ecological trait is strong enough. For deleterious modifiers, successful invasion no longer implies global fixation because they can become stuck at an intermediate frequency due to a stable internal equilibrium. Although the conditions for invasion and for fixation if sufficiently frequent are independent of the linkage relation between the two loci, the rate of spread depends strongly on it. The present study provides further support to the view that evolution of dominance may be an efficient mechanism to remove unfit heterozygotes that are maintained by balancing selection. It also demonstrates that an invasion analysis of mutants of very small effect is insufficient to obtain a full understanding of the evolutionary dynamics under frequency-dependent selection.
Small non-protein-coding RNA (ncRNA) molecules have been recognized recently as major contributors to regulatory networks in controlling gene expression in a highly efficient manner. While the list of validated ncRNAs that regulate crucial cellular processes grows steadily, not a single ncRNA has been identified that directly interacts and regulates the ribosome during protein biosynthesis (with the notable exceptions of 7SL RNA and tmRNA). All of the recently discovered regulatory ncRNAs that act on translation (e.g. microRNAs, siRNAs or antisense RNAs) target the mRNA rather than the ribosome. This is unexpected, given the central position the ribosome plays during gene expression. To investigate whether such a class of regulatory ncRNAs does exist we performed genomic screens for small ribosome-associated RNAs in various model organisms of all three domains [1,2]. Here we focus on the functional characterisation of an 18 nucleotide long ncRNA candidate derived from an open reading frame (ORF) of an annotated S. cerevisiae gene, which encodes a tRNA methyltransferase. Yeast cells lacking this tRNA methyltransferase showed clear growth defects in high salt containing media. Genetic analysis showed that the absence of the mRNA-derived ncRNA rather than the absence of the tRNA methyltransferase activity is responsible for the observed phenotype. Since we performed a screen for small ribosome-associated RNAs we examined the regulatory potential of the synthetic 18mer during translation in vitro and in vivo. Metabolic labeling experiments in the presence of the synthetic 18mer RNA revealed an inhibitory potential on the global protein biosynthesis rate. In vitro translation and northern blot analysis further strengthen the hypothesis, that this RNA is a ribosome-associated regulatory ncRNA. Our studies in pro- and eukaryotic model organisms reveal the ribosome as a novel target for small regulatory ncRNAs in all domains of life. Ribosome-bound ncRNAs are capable of fine tuning translation and might represent a so far largely unexplored class of regulatory ncRNAs.
UNLABELLED We report on our patient (case 2) who experienced a first acute episode of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) at the age of 19 years during her first pregnancy in 1976 which ended in a spontaneous abortion in the 30th gestational week. Treatment with red blood cell concentrates was implemented and splenectomy was performed. After having suffered from several TTP episodes in 1977, possibly mitigated by acetylsalicylic acid therapy, an interruption and sterilization were performed in 1980 in her second pregnancy thereby avoiding another disease flare-up. Her elder sister (case 1) had been diagnosed with TTP in 1974, also during her first pregnancy. She died in 1977 during her second pregnancy from a second acute TTP episode. DIAGNOSIS In 2013 a severe ADAMTS13 deficiency of <10% without detectable ADAMTS13 inhibitor was repeatedly found. Investigation of the ADAMTS13 gene showed that the severe ADAMTS13 deficiency was caused by compound heterozygous ADAMTS13 mutations: a premature stop codon in exon 2 (p.Q44X), and a missense mutation in exon 24 (p.R1060W) associated with low but measurable ADAMTS13 activity. CONCLUSION Genetic analysis of the ADAMTS13 gene is important in TTP patients of all ages if an ADAMTS13 inhibitor has been excluded.
BACKGROUND/AIM To investigate the underlying pathomechanism in a 33-year-old female Caucasian patient presenting with chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia (CPEO) plus symptoms. METHODS Histochemical analysis of skeletal muscle and biochemical measurements of individual oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) complexes. Genetic analysis of mitochondrial DNA in various tissues with subsequent investigation of single muscle fibres for correlation of mutational load. RESULTS The patient's skeletal muscle showed 20% of cytochrome c oxidase-negative fibres and 8% ragged-red fibres. Genetic analysis of the mitochondrial DNA revealed a novel point mutation in the mitochondrial tRNA(Ile) (MTTI) gene at position m.4282G>A. The heteroplasmy was determined in blood, buccal cells and muscle by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) combined with a last fluorescent cycle. The total mutational load was 38% in skeletal muscle, but was not detectable in blood or buccal cells of the patient. The phenotype segregated with the mutational load as determined by analysis of single cytochrome c oxidase-negative/positive fibres by laser capture microdissection and subsequent LFC-RFLP. CONCLUSIONS We describe a novel MTTI transition mutation at nucleotide position m.4282G>A associated with a CPEO plus phenotype. The novel variant at position m.4282G>A disrupts the middle bond of the D-stem of the tRNA(Ile) and is highly conserved. The conservation and phenotype-genotype segregation strongly suggest pathogenicity and is in good agreement with the MTTI gene being frequently associated with CPEO. This novel variant broadens the spectrum of MTTI mutations causing CPEO.
BACKGROUND Rare diseases in livestock animals are traditionally poorly diagnosed. Other than clinical description and pathological examination, the underlying causes have, for the most part, remained unknown. A single case of congenital skin fragility in cattle was observed, necropsy, histological and ultrastructural examinations were carried out and whole genome sequencing was utilized to identify the causative mutation. RESULTS A single purebred female Charolais calf with severe skin lesions was delivered full-term and died spontaneously after birth. The clinical and pathological findings exactly matched the gross description given by previous reports on epitheliogenesis imperfecta and epidermolysis bullosa (EB) in cattle. Histological and ultrastructural changes were consistent with EB junctionalis (EBJ). Genetic analysis revealed a previously unpublished ITGB4 loss-of-function mutation; the affected calf was homozygous for a 4.4 kb deletion involving exons 17 to 22, and the dam carried a single copy of the deletion indicating recessive inheritance. The homozygous mutant genotype did not occur in healthy controls of various breeds but some heterozygous carriers were found among Charolais cattle belonging to the affected herd. The mutant allele was absent in a representative sample of unrelated sires of the German Charolais population. CONCLUSION This is the first time in which a recessively inherited ITGB4 associated EBJ has been reported in cattle. The identification of heterozygous carriers is of importance in avoiding the transmission of this defect in future. Current DNA sequencing methods offer a powerful tool for understanding the genetic background of rare diseases in domestic animals having a reference genome sequence available.
The molecular analysis of genes influencing human height has been notoriously difficult. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) for height in humans based on tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of samples so far revealed ∼200 loci for human height explaining only 20% of the heritability. In domestic animals isolated populations with a greatly reduced genetic heterogeneity facilitate a more efficient analysis of complex traits. We performed a genome-wide association study on 1,077 Franches-Montagnes (FM) horses using ∼40,000 SNPs. Our study revealed two QTL for height at withers on chromosomes 3 and 9. The association signal on chromosome 3 is close to the LCORL/NCAPG genes. The association signal on chromosome 9 is close to the ZFAT gene. Both loci have already been shown to influence height in humans. Interestingly, there are very large intergenic regions at the association signals. The two detected QTL together explain ∼18.2% of the heritable variation of height in horses. However, another large fraction of the variance for height in horses results from ECA 1 (11.0%), although the association analysis did not reveal significantly associated SNPs on this chromosome. The QTL region on ECA 3 associated with height at withers was also significantly associated with wither height, conformation of legs, ventral border of mandible, correctness of gaits, and expression of the head. The region on ECA 9 associated with height at withers was also associated with wither height, length of croup and length of back. In addition to these two QTL regions on ECA 3 and ECA 9 we detected another QTL on ECA 6 for correctness of gaits. Our study highlights the value of domestic animal populations for the genetic analysis of complex traits.
A heterozygous mutation (c.643C>A; p.Q215X) in the monocarboxylate transporter 12-encoding gene MCT12 (also known as SLC16A12) that mediates creatine transport was recently identified as the cause of a syndrome with juvenile cataracts, microcornea, and glucosuria in a single family. Whereas the MCT12 mutation cosegregated with the eye phenotype, poor correlation with the glucosuria phenotype did not support a pathogenic role of the mutation in the kidney. Here, we examined MCT12 in the kidney and found that it resides on basolateral membranes of proximal tubules. Patients with MCT12 mutation exhibited reduced plasma levels and increased fractional excretion of guanidinoacetate, but normal creatine levels, suggesting that MCT12 may function as a guanidinoacetate transporter in vivo. However, functional studies in Xenopus oocytes revealed that MCT12 transports creatine but not its precursor, guanidinoacetate. Genetic analysis revealed a separate, undescribed heterozygous mutation (c.265G>A; p.A89T) in the sodium/glucose cotransporter 2-encoding gene SGLT2 (also known as SLC5A2) in the family that segregated with the renal glucosuria phenotype. When overexpressed in HEK293 cells, the mutant SGLT2 transporter did not efficiently translocate to the plasma membrane, and displayed greatly reduced transport activity. In summary, our data indicate that MCT12 functions as a basolateral exit pathway for creatine in the proximal tubule. Heterozygous mutation of MCT12 affects systemic levels and renal handling of guanidinoacetate, possibly through an indirect mechanism. Furthermore, our data reveal a digenic syndrome in the index family, with simultaneous MCT12 and SGLT2 mutation. Thus, glucosuria is not part of the MCT12 mutation syndrome.