965 resultados para Force-based finite elements
The present thesis is focused on the development of a thorough mathematical modelling and computational solution framework aimed at the numerical simulation of journal and sliding bearing systems operating under a wide range of lubrication regimes (mixed, elastohydrodynamic and full film lubrication regimes) and working conditions (static, quasi-static and transient conditions). The fluid flow effects have been considered in terms of the Isothermal Generalized Equation of the Mechanics of the Viscous Thin Films (Reynolds equation), along with the massconserving p-Ø Elrod-Adams cavitation model that accordingly ensures the so-called JFO complementary boundary conditions for fluid film rupture. The variation of the lubricant rheological properties due to the viscous-pressure (Barus and Roelands equations), viscous-shear-thinning (Eyring and Carreau-Yasuda equations) and density-pressure (Dowson-Higginson equation) relationships have also been taken into account in the overall modelling. Generic models have been derived for the aforementioned bearing components in order to enable their applications in general multibody dynamic systems (MDS), and by including the effects of angular misalignments, superficial geometric defects (form/waviness deviations, EHL deformations, etc.) and axial motion. The bearing exibility (conformal EHL) has been incorporated by means of FEM model reduction (or condensation) techniques. The macroscopic in fluence of the mixedlubrication phenomena have been included into the modelling by the stochastic Patir and Cheng average ow model and the Greenwood-Williamson/Greenwood-Tripp formulations for rough contacts. Furthermore, a deterministic mixed-lubrication model with inter-asperity cavitation has also been proposed for full-scale simulations in the microscopic (roughness) level. According to the extensive mathematical modelling background established, three significant contributions have been accomplished. Firstly, a general numerical solution for the Reynolds lubrication equation with the mass-conserving p - Ø cavitation model has been developed based on the hybridtype Element-Based Finite Volume Method (EbFVM). This new solution scheme allows solving lubrication problems with complex geometries to be discretized by unstructured grids. The numerical method was validated in agreement with several example cases from the literature, and further used in numerical experiments to explore its exibility in coping with irregular meshes for reducing the number of nodes required in the solution of textured sliding bearings. Secondly, novel robust partitioned techniques, namely: Fixed Point Gauss-Seidel Method (PGMF), Point Gauss-Seidel Method with Aitken Acceleration (PGMA) and Interface Quasi-Newton Method with Inverse Jacobian from Least-Squares approximation (IQN-ILS), commonly adopted for solving uid-structure interaction problems have been introduced in the context of tribological simulations, particularly for the coupled calculation of dynamic conformal EHL contacts. The performance of such partitioned methods was evaluated according to simulations of dynamically loaded connecting-rod big-end bearings of both heavy-duty and high-speed engines. Finally, the proposed deterministic mixed-lubrication modelling was applied to investigate the in fluence of the cylinder liner wear after a 100h dynamometer engine test on the hydrodynamic pressure generation and friction of Twin-Land Oil Control Rings.
Las barandillas de seguridad con solicitación dinámica, tipos B y C según UNE-EN 13374, son el conjunto de componentes destinados a la protección colectiva de las personas contra las caídas a un nivel inferior y a retener materiales. Frecuentemente incorporan una red de seguridad. En este artículo se analizan aspectos fundamentales como su diseño, sus requisitos mecánicos y la solución a la problemática que suponen los soportes o puntos duros capaces de producir lesiones al accidentado. Para este fin, se ha estudiado el fenómeno de la caída de un lastre sobre tales redes con distintos modelos numéricos de elementos finitos en régimen dinámico y mediante consideraciones analíticas cinemáticas, obteniendo conclusiones útiles como la forma geométrica necesaria, la escuadría de los perfiles que constituyen el bastidor de la red, y los factores de impacto que sufren los accidentados. Ello permite sugerir mejoras al texto normativo.
Entre otros medios de protección colectiva, en los últimos años se vienen utilizando en España redes verticales de cierre de fachadas, a paño completo entre forjados en fase de estructura, y también para huecos menores como ventanas o puertas, en fases posteriores. Este tipo de protección no cuenta hasta el momento con ningún tipo de regulación oficial, si bien en el grupo de trabajo AEN/CTN81/SC2/GT7 se desarrolla actualmente el borrador de la norma Pr UNE 81651 a tal fin. Desde el Dtº. de Ing. de la Construcción de la Universidad de Alicante, varios miembros del grupo de trabajo han desarrollado, contando con la experiencia en otros sistemas de protección, algunos modelos numéricos con elementos finitos para valorar y cuantificar variables mecánicas asociadas al episodio de una eventual caída de una persona sobre este tipo de redes, caracterizado por una menor energía cinética que para otros tipos de ellas. En el artículo se exponen los resultados obtenidos para ambos tipos de paños, grandes y pequeños, donde se han valorado la separación de anclajes de la red, las aberturas generadas en su perímetro durante la retención, los esfuerzos en anclajes y elementos textiles, el factor de impacto que sufriría el accidentado y la repercusión de la disposición geométrica de la red, al cuadro o al rombo.
In this article, a new methodology is presented to obtain representation models for a priori relation z = u(x1, x2, . . . ,xn) (1), with a known an experimental dataset zi; x1i ; x2i ; x3i ; . . . ; xni i=1;2;...;p· In this methodology, a potential energy is initially defined over each possible model for the relationship (1), what allows the application of the Lagrangian mechanics to the derived system. The solution of the Euler–Lagrange in this system allows obtaining the optimal solution according to the minimal action principle. The defined Lagrangian, corresponds to a continuous medium, where a n-dimensional finite elements model has been applied, so it is possible to get a solution for the problem solving a compatible and determined linear symmetric equation system. The computational implementation of the methodology has resulted in an improvement in the process of get representation models obtained and published previously by the authors.
Los sistemas anticaída se establecen en UNE-EN-363 para evitar o retener caídas de personas sin que las fuerzas de retención causen daños relevantes. Constituyen el último recurso para prevención de caídas tras considerar otras medidas. Este artículo analiza las variables que afectan al comportamiento del sistema: altura de caída, longitud de cuerda de retención, rigidez y amortiguamiento del material de retención, y peso del operario. A tal fin, el fenómeno ha sido simulado con modelos dinámicos de elementos finitos mediante una cuerda elástica y un lastre rígido. Ello permite obtener valores verosímiles de las máximas fuerzas sobre el accidentado y el sistema durante el impacto. Los resultados demuestran el papel fundamental de la proporción entre altura de caída y longitud de cuerda (factor de caída), más determinante que la propia altura de caída. Las elevadas fuerzas máximas obtenidas indican la necesidad de incluir en el modelo absorbedores de energía elastoplásticos, en futuras investigaciones, con el fin de disminuir el impacto a valores razonables.
A utilização de tecnologias de prototipagem em objetos e estruturas do dia-a-dia é cada vez maior. Porém, os componentes que é possível fabricar estão em geral associados a protótipos demonstrativos não funcionais. Para ultrapassar estas limitações têm vindo a ser desenvolvidos novos materiais, procurando a melhoria das suas características mecânicas. A presente dissertação insere-se no projeto Firend®, que se tem vindo a desenvolver numa parceria entre a Academia Militar e outras instituições como o Instituto Superior Técnico e procura avaliar a viabilidade da utilização da técnica de deposição de resina fotopolimerizável por ultra-violeta no fabrico de projéteis para o transporte especial de agentes extintores, procurando caracterizar o desempenho deste material em condições operativas simulativas do disparo real. A pesquisa bibliográfica da presente dissertação baseou-se numa breve introdução aos materiais poliméricos. O trabalho teórico consistiu na modelação numérica através do método dos elementos finitos do ensaio de compressão utilizando o programa Deform® e na respetiva validação do modelo através de comparação dos resultados das simulações com dados experimentais existentes na literatura da especialidade. O trabalho experimental fundamentou-se no fabrico e preparação de provetes através da tecnologia de impressão 3D, na descrição das ferramentas utilizadas e do plano experimental. No final verificou-se a fratura de todos os provetes ensaiados e uma grande dispersão dos resultados, conseguindo-se apenas retirar uma tensão de segurança que não deve ser ultrapassada. De acordo com o estudo realizado o material ensaiado demonstrou-se não ser apropriado para a aplicação pretendida e recomenda-se a avaliação de outros materiais igualmente utilizados pelas técnicas de prototipagem rápida, tais como uma mistura de uma resina polimérica com um outro material com características mecânicas mais adequadas.
In this paper, we present the results of the prediction of the high-pressure adsorption equilibrium of supercritical. gases (Ar, N-2, CH4, and CO2) on various activated carbons (BPL, PCB, and Norit R1 extra) at various temperatures using a density-functional-theory-based finite wall thickness (FWT) model. Pore size distribution results of the carbons are taken from our recent previous work 1,2 using this approach for characterization. To validate the model, isotherms calculated from the density functional theory (DFT) approach are comprehensively verified against those determined by grand canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) simulation, before the theoretical adsorption isotherms of these investigated carbons calculated by the model are compared with the experimental adsorption measurements of the carbons. We illustrate the accuracy and consistency of the FWT model for the prediction of adsorption isotherms of the all investigated gases. The pore network connectivity problem occurring in the examined carbons is also discussed, and on the basis of the success of the predictions assuming a similar pore size distribution for accessible and inaccessible regions, it is suggested that this is largely related to the disordered nature of the carbon.
This paper presents a review of modelling and control of biological nutrient removal (BNR)-activated sludge processes for wastewater treatment using distributed parameter models described by partial differential equations (PDE). Numerical methods for solution to the BNR-activated sludge process dynamics are reviewed and these include method of lines, global orthogonal collocation and orthogonal collocation on finite elements. Fundamental techniques and conceptual advances of the distributed parameter approach to the dynamics and control of activated sludge processes are briefly described. A critical analysis on the advantages of the distributed parameter approach over the conventional modelling strategy in this paper shows that the activated sludge process is more adequately described by the former and the method is recommended for application to the wastewater industry (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
To foster ongoing international cooperation beyond ACES (APEC Cooperation for Earthquake Simulation) on the simulation of solid earth phenomena, agreement was reached to work towards establishment of a frontier international research institute for simulating the solid earth: iSERVO = International Solid Earth Research Virtual Observatory institute (http://www.iservo.edu.au). This paper outlines a key Australian contribution towards the iSERVO institute seed project, this is the construction of: (1) a typical intraplate fault system model using practical fault system data of South Australia (i.e., SA interacting fault model), which includes data management and editing, geometrical modeling and mesh generation; and (2) a finite-element based software tool, which is built on our long-term and ongoing effort to develop the R-minimum strategy based finite-element computational algorithm and software tool for modelling three-dimensional nonlinear frictional contact behavior between multiple deformable bodies with the arbitrarily-shaped contact element strategy. A numerical simulation of the SA fault system is carried out using this software tool to demonstrate its capability and our efforts towards seeding the iSERVO Institute.
Esta pesquisa implica em uma abordagem interdisciplinar, pois analisa a pedagogia de um educador e um teólogo envolvendo assim diferentes áreas do conhecimento, tais como educação e teologia. Este estudo possibilita um aprofundamento dos conhecimentos pedagógicos e teológicos acerca da temática do amor, diálogo e revelação. O objetivo com esta pesquisa é de aprofundar a relação entre teologia e educação e educação e teologia identificando a contribuição de Paulo Freire e Juan Luis Segundo no aprofundamento do tema do amor e do diálogo. Paulo Freire acreditava que o mundo poderia ser transformado através da educação problematizadora dialógica. O diálogo se fundamenta em elementos constitutivos como fé, amor, humildade, confiança e esperança que também fazem parte da teologia cristã. Trabalha-se com a hipótese que Freire fundamentou sua pedagogia na teologia cristã para aprofundar a pedagogia dialógica. No pensamento de Juan Luis Segundo a revelação é um processo pedagógico de aprender a aprender a ser humano. Trabalha-se com a hipótese que Juan Luis Segundo fundamentou sua teologia também na educação. Desta forma há a possibilidade de comparação entre os autores.(AU)
A mathematical model is developed for the general pneumatic tyre. The model will permit the investigations of tyre deformations produced by arbitrary external loading, and will enable estimates to be made of the distributions of applied and reactive forces. The principle of Finite Elements is used to idealise the composite tyre structure, each element consisting of a triangle of double curvature with varying thickness. Large deflections of' the structure are accomodated by the use of an iterative sequence of small incremental steps, each of' which obeys the laws of linear mechanics. The theoretical results are found to compare favourably with the experimental test data obtained from two different types of ttye construction. However, limitations in the discretisation process has prohibited accurate assessments to be made of stress distributions in the regions of high stress gradients ..
We investigate the behaviour of the mutual friction force in finite temperature quantum turbulence in 4He, paying particular attention to the role of quantized vortex reconnections. Through the use of the vortex filament model, we produce three experimentally relevant types of vortex tangles in steady-state conditions, and examine through statistical analysis, how local properties of the tangle influence the mutual friction force. Finally, by monitoring reconnection events, we present evidence to indicate that vortex reconnections are the dominant mechanism for producing areas of high curvature and velocity leading to regions of high mutual friction, particularly for homogeneous and isotropic vortex tangles.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 35J70; Secondary 35J15, 35D05.
This investigation reports the magnetic field effect on natural convection heat transfer in a curved-shape enclosure. The numerical investigation is carried out using the control volume-based-finite element method (CVFEM). The numerical investigations are performed for various values of Hartmann number and Rayleigh number. The obtained results are depicted in terms of streamlines and isotherms which show the significant effects of Hartmann number on the fluid flow and temperature distribution inside the enclosure. Also, it was found that the Nusselt number decreases with an increase in the Hartmann number.
The developed study proposes a new computer modeling efficient and easy to apply in usual project situations to evaluate the interaction between masonry panels and support structure. The proposed model simulates the behavior of the wall exclusively using frame finite elements, thus compounding an equivalent frame. The validation was performed in two ways: firstly, through the analysis of various panels of generic plans, comparing the results obtained from equivalent frame model with the ones from a reference model, which uses shell finite elements in discretization of the walls; and in a second step, comparing with the results of the experimental model of Rosenhaupt. The analyzes considered the linear elastic behavior for materials and consisted basically in the evaluation of vertical displacements and efforts in support beams, and tensions at the base of walls. Was also evaluated, from flat and threedimensional modeling of some walls from a real project, important aspects of the wall-beam interaction, e.g.: the presence of openings of doors and windows, arranged in any position; conditions of support and linking of beams; interference of moorings between walls; and consideration of wind action. The analysis of the achieved results demonstrated the efficiency of the proposed modeling, since they have very similar aspects in the distribution of stresses and efforts, always with intensities slightly larger than those of the reference and experimental models.