968 resultados para Excited electronic state


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Part I: The mobilities of photo-generated electrons and holes in orthorhombic sulfur are determined by drift mobility techniques. At room temperature electron mobilities between 0.4 cm2/V-sec and 4.8 cm2/V-sec and hole mobilities of about 5.0 cm2/V-sec are reported. The temperature dependence of the electron mobility is attributed to a level of traps whose effective depth is about 0.12 eV. This value is further supported by both the voltage dependence of the space-charge-limited, D.C. photocurrents and the photocurrent versus photon energy measurements.

As the field is increased from 10 kV/cm to 30 kV/cm a second mechanism for electron transport becomes appreciable and eventually dominates. Evidence that this is due to impurity band conduction at an appreciably lower mobility (4.10-4 cm2/V-sec) is presented. No low mobility hole current could be detected. When fields exceeding 30 kV/cm for electron transport and 35 kV/cm for hole transport are applied, avalanche phenomena are observed. The results obtained are consistent with recent energy gap studies in sulfur.

The theory of the transport of photo-generated carriers is modified to include the case of appreciable thermos-regeneration from the traps in one transit time.

Part II: An explicit formula for the electric field E necessary to accelerate an electron to a steady-state velocity v in a polarizable crystal at arbitrary temperature is determined via two methods utilizing Feynman Path Integrals. No approximation is made regarding the magnitude of the velocity or the strength of the field. However, the actual electron-lattice Coulombic interaction is approximated by a distribution of harmonic oscillator potentials. One may be able to find the “best possible” distribution of oscillators using a variational principle, but we have not been able to find the expected criterion. However, our result is relatively insensitive to the actual distribution of oscillators used, and our E-v relationship exhibits the physical behavior expected for the polaron. Threshold fields for ejecting the electron for the polaron state are calculated for several substances using numerical results for a simple oscillator distribution.


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Using track detectors we have measured sputtering yields induced by MeV light ions incident on a uranium containing glass, UO2 and UF4. No deviation from the behavior predicted by the Sigmund theory was detected in the glass or the UO2. The same was true for UF4 bombarded with 4He at 1 MeV and with 16O and 20Ne at 100 keV. In contrast to this, 4.75 MeV 19F(+2) sputters uranium from UF4 with a yield of 5.6 ± 1.0, which is about 3 orders of magnitude larger than expected from the Sigmund theory. The energy dependence of the yield indicates that it is generated by electronic rather than nuclear stopping processes. The yield depends on the charge state of the incident fluorine but not on the target temperature. We have also measured the energy spectrum of the uranium sputtered from the UF4. Ion explosions, thermal spikes, chemical rearrangement and induced desorption are considered as possible explanations for the anomalous yields.


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The Fokker-Planck (FP) equation is used to develop a general method for finding the spectral density for a class of randomly excited first order systems. This class consists of systems satisfying stochastic differential equations of form ẋ + f(x) = m/Ʃ/j = 1 hj(x)nj(t) where f and the hj are piecewise linear functions (not necessarily continuous), and the nj are stationary Gaussian white noise. For such systems, it is shown how the Laplace-transformed FP equation can be solved for the transformed transition probability density. By manipulation of the FP equation and its adjoint, a formula is derived for the transformed autocorrelation function in terms of the transformed transition density. From this, the spectral density is readily obtained. The method generalizes that of Caughey and Dienes, J. Appl. Phys., 32.11.

This method is applied to 4 subclasses: (1) m = 1, h1 = const. (forcing function excitation); (2) m = 1, h1 = f (parametric excitation); (3) m = 2, h1 = const., h2 = f, n1 and n2 correlated; (4) the same, uncorrelated. Many special cases, especially in subclass (1), are worked through to obtain explicit formulas for the spectral density, most of which have not been obtained before. Some results are graphed.

Dealing with parametrically excited first order systems leads to two complications. There is some controversy concerning the form of the FP equation involved (see Gray and Caughey, J. Math. Phys., 44.3); and the conditions which apply at irregular points, where the second order coefficient of the FP equation vanishes, are not obvious but require use of the mathematical theory of diffusion processes developed by Feller and others. These points are discussed in the first chapter, relevant results from various sources being summarized and applied. Also discussed is the steady-state density (the limit of the transition density as t → ∞).


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The three-photon absorption effect (3PA) of two novel symmetrical charge transfer fluorene-based molecules (abbreviated as BASF and BMOSF) has been determined by using a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser pumped with 38 ps pulses at 1064 nm in DMF. The measured 3PA cross-sections are 84 x 10(-78) and 114 x 10(-78) cm(6) s(2), respectively. The geometries and electronic excitations of these two molecules are systematically studied by PM3 and ZINDO/S methods. The relationships between 3PA cross-sections and intramolecular charge transfer are discussed micromechanically. The experimental and theoretical results have shown that the larger intramolecular charge transfer, which was characterized by the charge density difference between the ground state (SO) and the first excited state (S-I), the greater enhancement of the 3PA cross-sections. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Visible upconversion luminescence was observed in Cr3+: Al2O3 crystal under focused femtosecond laser irradiation. The luminescence spectra show that the upconversion luminescence originates from the E-2-(4)A(2) transition of Cr3+. The dependence of the fluorescence intensity of Cr3+ on the pump power reveals that a two-photon absorption process dominates in the conversion of infrared radiation to the visible emission. It is suggested that the simultaneous absorption of two infrared photons produces the population of upper excited states, which leads to the characteristic visible emission from E-2 state of Cr3+.


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Infrared to ultraviolet and visible upconversion luminescence was demonstrated in trivalent cerium doped YAlO3 crystal (Ce3+: YAP) under focused infrared femtosecond laser irradiation. The fluorescence spectra show that the upconverted luminescence comes from the 5d-4f transitions of trivalent cerium ions. The dependence of luminescence intensity of trivalent cerium on infrared pumping power reveals that the conversion of infrared radiation is dominated by three-photon excitation process. It is suggested that the simultaneous absorption of three infrared photons pumps the Ce3+ ion into upper 5d level, which quickly nonradiatively relax to lowest 5d level. Thereafter, the ions radiatively return to the ground states, leading to the characteristic emission of Ce3+. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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The fields of organic electronics and spintronics have the potential to revolutionize the electronics industry. Finding the right materials that can retain their electrical and spin properties when combined is a technological and fundamental challenge. We carry out the study of three archetypal organic molecules in intimate contact with the BiAg2 surface alloy. We show that the BiAg2 alloy is an especially suited substrate due to its inertness as support for molecular films, exhibiting an almost complete absence of substrate-molecular interactions. This is inferred from the persistence of a completely unaltered giant spin-orbit split surface state of the BiAg2 substrate, and from the absence of significant metallic screening of charged molecular levels in the organic layer. Spin-orbit split states in BiAg2 turn out to be far more robust to organic overlayers than previously thought.


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Ferroic-order parameters are useful as state variables in non-volatile information storage media because they show a hysteretic dependence on their electric or magnetic field. Coupling ferroics with quantum-mechanical tunnelling allows a simple and fast readout of the stored information through the influence of ferroic orders on the tunnel current. For example, data in magnetic random-access memories are stored in the relative alignment of two ferromagnetic electrodes separated by a non-magnetic tunnel barrier, and data readout is accomplished by a tunnel current measurement. However, such devices based on tunnel magnetoresistance typically exhibit OFF/ON ratios of less than 4, and require high powers for write operations (>1 × 10(6) A cm(-2)). Here, we report non-volatile memories with OFF/ON ratios as high as 100 and write powers as low as ∼1 × 10(4) A cm(-2) at room temperature by storing data in the electric polarization direction of a ferroelectric tunnel barrier. The junctions show large, stable, reproducible and reliable tunnel electroresistance, with resistance switching occurring at the coercive voltage of ferroelectric switching. These ferroelectric devices emerge as an alternative to other resistive memories, and have the advantage of not being based on voltage-induced migration of matter at the nanoscale, but on a purely electronic mechanism.


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Modeling and numerical analysis of diamond m-i-p+ diode have been performed for static and transient analysis using TCAD Sentaurus platform. The simulation results are compared with experimental measurements. Prediction of transient turn-off characteristics of diamond m-i-p+ diode at high temperature is performed for the first time. It was found that unlike conventional Si diode, peak reverse current in diamond m-i-p+ diode reduces with increasing temperature while on-state voltage drop increases. © 2011 IEEE.


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Ferroic-order parameters are useful as state variables in non-volatile information storage media because they show a hysteretic dependence on their electric or magnetic field. Coupling ferroics with quantum-mechanical tunnelling allows a simple and fast readout of the stored information through the influence of ferroic orders on the tunnel current. For example, data in magnetic random-access memories are stored in the relative alignment of two ferromagnetic electrodes separated by a non-magnetic tunnel barrier, and data readout is accomplished by a tunnel current measurement. However, such devices based on tunnel magnetoresistance typically exhibit OFF/ON ratios of less than 4, and require high powers for write operations (>1 × 10 6 A cm -2). Here, we report non-volatile memories with OFF/ON ratios as high as 100 and write powers as low as ∼1 × 10 4A cm -2 at room temperature by storing data in the electric polarization direction of a ferroelectric tunnel barrier. The junctions show large, stable, reproducible and reliable tunnel electroresistance, with resistance switching occurring at the coercive voltage of ferroelectric switching. These ferroelectric devices emerge as an alternative to other resistive memories, and have the advantage of not being based on voltage-induced migration of matter at the nanoscale, but on a purely electronic mechanism. © 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.


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The mean-lifetimes, τ, of various medium-spin excited states in Pd103 and Cd106,107 have been deduced using the Recoil Distance Doppler Shift technique and the Differential Decay Curve Method. In Cd106, the mean-lifetimes of the Iπ=12+ state at Ex=5418 keV and the Iπ=11- state at Ex=4324 keV have been deduced as 11.4(17)ps and 8.2(7)ps, respectively. The associated β2 deformation within the axially-symmetric deformed rotor model for these states are 0.14(1) and 0.14(1), respectively. The β2 deformation of 0.14(1) for the Iπ=12+ state in Cd106 compares with a predicted β2 value from total Routhian surface (TRS) calculations of 0.17. In addition, the mean-lifetimes of the yrast Iπ=152- states in Pd103 (at Ex=1262 keV) and Cd107 (at Ex=1360 keV) have been deduced to be 31.2(44)ps and 31.4(17)ps, respectively, corresponding to β2 values of 0.16(1) and 0.12(1) assuming axial symmetry. Agreement with TRS calculations are good for Pd103 but deviate for that predicted for Cd107. © 2007 The American Physical Society.


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Two separate experiments using the Differential Decay Curve Method have been performed to extract mean lifetimes of excited states in 106Cd. The medium-spin states of interest were populated by the 98Mo( 12C, 4n) 106Cd reaction performed at the Wright Nuclear Structure Lab., Yale University. From this experiment, two isomeric state mean lifetimes have been deduced. The low-lying states were populated by the 96Mo(13C, 3n)106Cd reaction performed at the Institut für Kernphysik, Universität zu Köln. The mean lifetime of the Iπ = 21 + state was deduced, tentatively, as 16.4(9) ps. This value differs from the previously accepted literature value from Coulomb excitation of 10.43(9) ps.


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Superconductors have a bright future; they are able to carry very high current densities, switch rapidly in electronic circuits, detect extremely small perturbations in magnetic fields, and sustain very high magnetic fields. Of most interest to large-scale electrical engineering applications are the ability to carry large currents and to provide large magnetic fields. There are many projects that use the first property, and these have concentrated on power generation, transmission, and utilization; however, there are relatively few, which are currently exploiting the ability to sustain high magnetic fields. The main reason for this is that high field wound magnets can and have been made from both BSCCO and YBCO, but currently, their cost is much higher than the alternative provided by low-Tc materials such as Nb3Sn and NbTi. An alternative form of the material is the bulk form, which can be magnetized to high fields. This paper explains the mechanism, which allows superconductors to be magnetized without the need for high field magnets to perform magnetization. A finite-element model is presented, which is based on the E-J current law. Results from this model show how magnetization of the superconductor builds up cycle upon cycle when a traveling magnetic wave is induced above the superconductor. © 2011 IEEE.