695 resultados para European higher education area


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This paper analyses the reforms in employment conditions at German public universities from the 1990s to the 2000s, considering how these impact on practical equal opportunities between women and men. It concludes that while the so called "new governance" in universities would have offered opportunities to integrate positive measures to increase female participation in research and teaching, these opportunities were missed in most German states.


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A comparative examination of the role of higher education in promoting democratic values and practice in a changing world. The book examines case studies of regions facing specific challenges arsing form conflict or disadvantage, the role of universities as anchor institutions, strategies for inclusion and the role of new technologies.


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his chapter considers the EU’s socio-economic constitution under the lens of humaneness. It argues that the EU’s unique socio-economic constitution demands equilibrium of socio-economic integration instead of widening the gap between economic integration at EU levels and social integration at national levels. While the EU lacks the legislative competences to achieve this equilibrium, the constitutional principle still prevails. Indeed, the EU competences reflect its own values as well as the socio-economic constitutions of its constituent Member States. These frequently do not allow for total state-governance of social spheres such as working life, education, care or other social services. Instead, societal actors are given scope to (co-)govern these spheres at national levels. Accordingly, the apparent tension between the EU’s socio-economic values and principles and its limited competences in the social policy field can be resolved through a dynamic interpretation of the EU Treaties towards a “constitution of social governance”. This interpretation reads the Treaties as authorising governance by societal actors. The chapter connects the idea of humanness to the ideals of social governance at EU level and proposes two options for practical application of the concept. These are rules for trans-national labour markets based on European collective labour agreements and a European higher education sector developed by agreements between universities.


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The use of museum collections as a path to learning for university students is fast becoming a new pedagogy for higher education. Despite a strong tradition of using lectures as a way of delivering the curriculum, the positive benefits of ‘active’ and ‘experiential learning’ are being recognised in universities at both a strategic level and in daily teaching practice. As museum artefacts, specimens and art works are used to evoke, provoke, and challenge students’ engagement with their subject, so transformational learning can take place. This unique book presents the first comprehensive exploration of ‘object-based learning’ as a pedagogy for higher education in a broad context. An international group of authors offer a spectrum of approaches at work in higher education today. They explore contemporary principles and practice of object-based learning in higher education, demonstrating the value of using collections in this context and considering the relationship between academic discipline and object-based learning as a teaching strategy.


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This toolkit was collated by social work academics at Queen’s University Belfast (QUB), United Kingdom in collaboration with social work educators nationally and internationally who are committed to the internationalisation of the social work curriculum. The information and examples contained in this document offer a practical guide for the development and evaluation of international opportunities for students and academics. The resources were designed with diverse educational settings in mind for the enhancement of social work learning and teaching.


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In this paper we give an overview of current investigations into the incorporation of cutting edge technologies within the Higher Education teaching domain. In particular, the role of audio is discussed through a number of case studies. The paper then concludes with a discussion of the authors' plans to incorporate audio and video content as supplementary course material for a technical undergraduate module


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This study describes research on a postgraduate blended learning programme within the Department of Education at the University of Aveiro in Portugal. It is based on a multi-philosophical paradigm and examines students‟ satisfaction levels through the application of Herzberg‟s Motivation and Hygiene Theory. The main question being addressed in this research is: “Can the Motivation and Hygiene Theory be adopted as a means to measure student satisfaction with their blended learning environment?” Embedded within this research question are four fundamental questions which set the scene for the development of this research study and are explored in greater detail in Chapters 4 and 5 respectively: 1. What are the factors responsible for bringing about learning satisfaction with their b-Learning course? 2. What are the factors responsible for bringing about learning dissatisfaction with their b-Learning course? 3. Can these factors be represented as Motivation and Hygiene factors? 4. Will this method of measuring learning satisfaction lead to a set of guidelines that could be considered as a framework for the development of b-Learning courses? The results indicate that the Motivation and Hygiene Theory or an adapted version such as the Enricher and Enabler Theory proposed in this study could be considered as a plausible means of analysing an institution‟s b-Learning processes. The opportunity to carry out future research is evident and can be varied depending on the research objectives in mind. Examples where further exploration would be beneficial lay within the application of this theory to the wider sector; the use of larger samples, focusing on the teachers, as well as the learners and the application of Web 2.0 technologies as means of gathering information. The results of this research will be of great significance to those areas of education that are interested in locating quick and efficient means by which to evaluate their b-Learning and to no lesser extent e-Learning environments.


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O processo de convergência europeu da educação superior, mais conhecido por Processo de Bolonha, tem promovido mudanças profundas ao nível do Ensino Superior (ES). Entre as várias diretrizes propostas, destaca-se a necessidade de se usarem Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TIC), no sentido de promover uma participação mais ativa, participativa e autónoma dos estudantes nos processos de aprendizagem. No entanto, a escassez de estudos abrangentes não permite a construção de uma visão fundamentada do uso de Tecnologias da Comunicação (TC) ao nível do ES. Surge assim a necessidade de se identificar e caracterizar o uso de TC, numa tentativa de construir uma imagem atual sobre quais as TC que são usadas, em que contextos, com que finalidades e como é que o seu uso é percecionado pelos estudantes. A tese aqui apresentada tem, assim, como objetivo principal procurar contribuir para uma compreensão mais alargada do uso de TC no Ensino Superior Público Português (ESPP), partindo das perceções dos estudantes e dando especial enfoque ao estudo da influência do género na perceção e avaliação do uso dessas tecnologias para suporte à aprendizagem. Para a prossecução dos objetivos propostos e, tendo presente a questão de investigação, desenvolveu-se um estudo nacional de cariz descritivo e exploratório, tendo os dados sido recolhidos e tratados com recurso a métodos quantitativos e, posteriormente, interpretados de forma mais qualitativa. A recolha de dados decorreu entre 27 de outubro de 2010 e 11 fevereiro de 2011, período em que esteve disponível para participação um questionário online dirigido a todos os estudantes do ESPP. Durante este período foram levadas a cabo diversas ações de divulgação que visaram, sobretudo, fomentar uma participação elevada neste estudo, o que se traduziu num total de 2.207 respostas validadas. Apesar das limitações identificadas, considera-se que as conclusões deste estudo são significativas sobre as características da realidade atual sobre o uso de TC por parte dos estudantes do ESPP, no sentido em que existiu uma elevada participação no questionário, a maioria das IESPP estão representadas, bem como se identificam muitas semelhanças entre os participantes e o universo em estudo. Os resultados alcançados permitem, assim, conhecer as TC usadas pelos estudantes e identificar diferenças de género na perceção desse uso, com especial evidência na perceção das atitudes, benefícios e problemas, bem como nas atividades e competências para o uso de TC. Conclui-se, ainda, que os alunos reveem utilidade nas TC que utilizam, exprimem grande concordância em relação aos benefícios e têm uma perceção positiva face aos impactos associados ao uso dessas TC.


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Este trabalho de investigação teve como principais objetivos, por um lado, procurar as relações existentes entre a Instituição Ensino Superior de Design (IES-D) e as empresas, por outro, configurar um modelo que permitisse criar uma plataforma de inovação para o desenvolvimento de novos produtos na IES-D num contexto globalizado. Nos últimos anos, o setor “ensino superior” na Europa e em várias partes do mundo passou por grandes mudanças, o que acentuou o ambiente competitivo entre as IES, incluindo as de Design. Neste âmbito, procurou-se demonstrar o novo posicionamento estratégico da IES-D perante o mercado, e quais as ações a desenvolver que possibilitam alcançar uma vantagem competitiva sustentável. Primeiro, considerou-se fundamental identificar a importância do design perante o ensino, a situação mundial e a mudança da cultura económica. Depois, assinalaram-se as iniciativas de promoção do design e as políticas de inovação europeias. E por fim, reuniram-se os aspetos que obrigam as IES-D a assumir novos papéis de interação com o mercado. Por análise comparativa internacional procedeu-se à seleção de uma amostra de dezoito (18) IES-D – dez europeias, quatro norte americanas e quatro asiáticas. Instituições de ensino com tipologias diversas e pertencentes a distintos contextos socioeconómicos. A caracterização da amostra através de análise estrutural permitiu identificar aspetos comuns às IES-D – ações estratégicas que servem para promover a inovação. Para explicitar a interação do sistema formado por esses elementos comuns, configurou-se um modelo concetual – Hexágono da Inovação (HI). O modelo, enquanto instrumento de análise, permite criar um padrão da inovação da IES-D e posicioná-la perante o setor - ensino superior de design. Foi também realizado um ensaio da aplicabilidade do modelo concetual HI na ESAD.cr/IPL. Através da implementação da plataforma de inovação - ESAD Design Studio - Centro de Estudos e Investigação em Design (EDS/CEID), foram ensaiadas as ações necessárias para promover o design estratégico e o design de inovação.


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Identity achievement is related to personality, as well as cognitive and interpersonal development. In tandem with the deep structural changes that have taken place in society, education must also shift towards a teaching approach focused on learning and the overall development of the student. The integration of technology may be the drive to foster the needed changes. We draw on the literature of multiple subject areas as basis for our work, namely: identity construction and self-representation, within a psychological and social standpoint; Higher Education (HE) in Portugal after Bologna, college student development and other intrinsic relationships, namely the role of emotions and interpersonal relationships in the learning process; the technological evolution of storytelling towards Digital Storytelling (DS) – the Californian model – and its connections to identity and education. Ultimately we propose DS as the aggregator capable of humanizing HE while developing essential skills and competences. Grounded on an interpretative/constructivist paradigm, we implemented a qualitative case study to explore DS in HE. In three attempts to collect student data, we gathered detailed observation notes from two Story Circles; twelve student written reflections; fourteen Digital Stories and detailed observation notes from one Story Show. We carried out three focus groups with teachers where we discussed their perceptions of each student prior to and after watching the Digital Stories, in addition to their opinion on DS in HE as a teaching and learning method and its influence on interpersonal relationships. We sought understandings of the integration of DS to analyze student selfperception and self-representation in HE contexts and intersected our findings with teachers’ perceptions of their students. We compared teachers’ and students’ perspectives, through the analysis of data collected throughout the DS process – Story Circle, Story Creation and Story Show – and triangulated that information with the students’ personal reflections and teacher perceptions. Finally we questioned if and how DS may influence teachers’ perceptions of students. We found participants to be the ultimate gatekeepers in our study. Very few students and teachers voluntarily came forth to take part in the study, confirming the challenge remains in getting participants to see the value and understand the academic rigor of DS. Despite this reluctance, DS proved to be an asset for teachers and students directly and indirectly involved in the study. DS challenges HE contexts, namely teacher established perception of students; student’s own expectations regarding learning in HE; the emotional realm, the private vs. public dichotomy and the shift in educational roles.


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In the mid-to-late 1990s, the New Urban Agenda initiated a rethinking of urban development strategies placing a greater focus on regeneration of central urban spaces. The skills and competencies required by urban planners and built environment professionals to successfully implement regeneration schemes tend to differ from those required for greenfield development. The working paper summarises skills and competencies required by urban regeneration practitioners and how they are delivered through public and/or private sector providers at present. The role of the newly established regional Centres of Excellence and the professional bodies of the Built Environment professions in defining skills and educational requirements and providing training are explored. An analysis of supply and demand of skills training reveals that there is a mismatch rather than a lack of provision. The report draws on a conference where research findings were presented and discussed. It concludes with suggestions for improving the skills provision at the local government as well as community level. Skills audits were found useful tools in defining training needs. A set of sample workshop programmes outline flexible, tailor-made approaches guaranteed to address specific and identified needs.


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Since the election of the Labour Government in 1997 there have been a series of policy initiatives emphasising the importance of co-ordinated and integrated approaches to the delivery of urban regeneration and in particular Sustainable Communities. This changing policy context has given rise to a shortage of practitioners with both the technical skills to deliver specific programmes, and more especially the generic skills to work in multi-disciplinary teams in conjunction with partnership-based management boards. This paper discusses the origins of the debate about skills shortages and deficiencies and reviews the main government reports which have advocated a new approach to the provision of skills for community regeneration. It focuses particularly on the work of the Planning Network which was funded by the Centre for Education in the Built Environment (CEBE) to examine the contribution of higher education to the wider skills debate. It concludes by arguing that higher education has an important part to play in the provision of a more appropriate skills set for professional practice within a broader and more inclusive strategy involving all key stakeholders. However, employers also have a major responsibility in ensuring that key skills are maintained and enhanced within their own organisations.