989 resultados para Eric Weil
O autor procura dar uma visão geral de plano de incentivo e conclui que não há um plano que possa satisfazer todos por todo tempo. Há problemas de concorrência entre empresas para contratar mão-de-obra que esteja ligada a planos de incentivos salariais sadiamente orientados, procura o governo brasileiro assegurar pelo saldrio-iamilia e pela fixação do salário mínimo a satisfação das necessidades. Deveria haver, ainda, permissão para que as empresas pudessem comprar na Bolsa de Valores ações suas para eventual distribuição aos operários. Qualquer distribuição por avaliação de mérito introduz o elemento "preconceito".
Os pesquisadores da administração lamentam o fato de que seu trabalho tenha tão pouco impacto na prática gerencial. Os gerentes, por sua vez, procuram conhecimento que possa ajudá-los a melhorar a performance organizacional, mas raramente consultam os trabalhos universitários - frequentemente tidos como incompreensíveis e irrelevantes para os desafios cotidianos. Para que a pesquisa em administração possa fazer diferença para os gerentes são necessárias parcerias mutuamente benéficas que envolvam os gerentes e os pesquisadores e que sejam apoiadas por suas respectivas organizações. Ilustramos a importância da pesquisa da administração relevante para a prática valendo-se de quatro importantes contribuições, juntos, estes casos não somente demonstram como esse tipo de parceria pode produzir conhecimento relevante para a prática, mas também promovem insights para aumentar a probabilidade de ocorrência de encontros produtivos.
A cooperação agrícola é um tema de estudo com características específicas devido à sua história, às suas normas e aos seus valores. Nós propomos um modelo de decisão baseado na tensão dialética. Esse modelo inovador de decisão permite associar as partes interessadas que intervêm na decisão e suprimir alguns limites teóricos da teoria das partes interessadas. De fato, a identificação das partes interessadas é fácil, e o caráter dinâmico da relação entre as partes interessadas e a organização é implicitamente considerado no modelo de decisão analisado neste artigo.
A inovação desempenha um diferencial na resposta às necessidades globais de saúde, pois representa a mudança que incita a evolução das organizações e conduz à maior eficiência de seus processos por meio da alocação apropriada de recursos. O artigo tem como contribuição destacar em nível acadêmico o debate sobre a qualidade de serviços, as ações de saúde e a inovação, estimulando a compreensão das relações entre eles. Em nível organizacional, a contribuição apresenta um diagnóstico local da inovação no contexto das ações de atenção à saúde, demonstrado pela relação das variáveis a serem gerenciadas, para o desenvolvimento adequado dos recursos sanitários locais e a promoção da qualidade de vida para a população adscrita.
Studies have been un dertaken into on the diversity and relative abundance of larvae of Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) spp. in 22 permanent or temporary pools in an area of 70 km² in the eastern piedmont of the Venezuela Andes, between the mountains and the plains, an area in which malaria is refractory and A. nuñeztovari is present. Twelve species were identified, the most frequent, abundant and sympatric being A. triannulatus, A. albitarsis, A. nuñeztovari, A. oswaldoi and A. strodei. The samples from the permanent pools showed greater diversity of species and greater numbers of larvae than the samples from the temporary pools. The existence of the same larval associations in pools of other localities in the eastern piedmont of the Venezuelan Andes suggests the possibility of the making an ecological map of the breeding sites of A. nuñeztovari and for these anophelines in a region extending for 430 km.
The origin of the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary (KPB) mass extinction is still the center of acrimonious debates by opposing partisans of the bolide impact theory to those who favored a terrestrial origin linked to the Deccan Traps volcanism. Here we apply an original and high-resolution environmental magnetic study of the reference Bidart section, France. Our results show that the KPB is identified by an abrupt positive shift of the magnetic susceptibility (MS), also observed by others at the KPB elsewhere. In addition, an anomalous interval of very low MS, carried by an unknown Cl-bearing iron oxide similar to specular hematite, is depicted just below the KPB. Grain-size and morphology of the Cl-iron oxide are typically in the range of hematitic dust currently transported by winds from Sahara to Europe. This discovery is confirmed in the referenced Gubbio section (Italy) suggesting a global scale phenomenon. As a conjecture we suggest an origin by heterogeneous reaction between HCl-rich volcanic gas and liquid-solid aerosols within buoyant atmospheric plumes formed above the newly emitted Deccan flood basalts. Based on this hypothesis, our discovery provides a new benchmark for the Deccan volcanism and witnesses the nature and importance of the related atmospheric change.
Magma flow in dykes is still not well understood; some reported magnetic fabrics are contradictory and the potential effects of exsolution and metasomatism processes on the magnetic properties are issues open to debate. Therefore, a long dyke made of segments with different thickness, which record distinct degrees of metasomatism, the Messejana-Plasencia dyke (MPD), was studied. Oriented dolerite samples were collected along several cross-sections and characterized by means of microscopy and magnetic analyses. The results obtained show that the effects of metasomatism on rock mineralogy are important, and that the metasomatic processes can greatly influence anisotropy degree and mean susceptibility only when rocks are strongly affected by metasomatism. Petrography, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and bulk magnetic analyses show a high-temperature oxidation-exsolution event, experienced by the very early Ti-spinels, during the early stages of magma cooling, which was mostly observed in central domains of the thick dyke segments. Exsolution reduced the grain size of the magnetic carrier (multidomain to single domain transformation), thus producing composite fabrics involving inverse fabrics. These are likely responsible for a significant number of the 'abnormal' fabrics, which make the interpretation of magma flow much more complex. By choosing to use only the 'normal' fabric for magma flow determination, we have reduced by 50 per cent the number of relevant sites. In these sites, the imbrication angle of the magnetic foliation relative to dyke wall strongly suggests flow with end-members indicating vertical-dominated flow (seven sites) and horizontal-dominated flow (three sites).
Knowledge on forced magma injection and magma flow in dykes is crucial for the understanding of how magmas migrate through the crust to the Earth's surface. Because many questions still persist, we used the long, thick, and deep-seated Foum Zguid dyke (Morocco) to investigate dyke emplacement and internal flow by means of magnetic methods, structural analysis, petrography, and scanning electron microscopy. We also investigated how the host rocks accommodated the intrusion. Regarding internal flow: 1. Important variations of the rock magnetic properties and magnetic fabric occur with distance from dyke wall; 2. anisotropy of anhysteretic remanent magnetization reveals that anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) results mainly from the superposition of subfabrics with distinct coercivities and that the imbrication between magnetic foliation and dyke plane is more reliable to deduce flow than the orientation of the AMS maximum principal axis; and 3. a dominant upward flow near the margins can be inferred. The magnetic fabric closest to the dyke wall likely records magma flow best due to fast cooling, whereas in the core the magnetic properties have been affected by high-temperature exsolution and metasomatic effects due to slow cooling. Regarding dyke emplacement, this study shows that the thick forceful intrusion induced deformation by homogeneous flattening and/or folding of the host sedimentary strata. Dewatering related to heat, as recorded by thick quartz veins bordering the dyke in some localities, may have also helped accommodating dyke intrusion. The spatial arrangement of quartz veins and their geometrical relationship with the dyke indicate a preintrusive to synintrusive sinistral component of strike slip.
Since Samuelson, Redington and Fisher and Weil, duration and immunization are very important topics in bond portfolio analysis from both a theoretical and a practical point of view. Many results have been established, especially in semi-deterministic framework. As regards, however, the loss may be sustained, we do not think that the subject has been investigated enough, except for the results found in the wake of the theorem of Fong and Vasicek. In this paper we present some results relating to the limitation of the loss in the case of local immunization for multiple liabilities.
INTRODUÇÃO: Há indícios de que a deterioração das condições de trabalho ocorrida em anos recentes influencie a mortalidade. O objetivo do estudo é estimar indicadores de mortalidade para a população de Botucatu, classificada de acordo com as ocupações exercidas. MÉTODO: Foram calculados os indicadores coeficiente de mortalidade padronizado (CMP), razão de risco padronizada e anos potenciais de vida perdidos (APVP) para a população de Botucatu, em 1997, segundo ocupações e causas básicas do óbito. RESULTADOS: Os indicadores CMP e APVP variaram entre 0,6 e 39,9 óbitos/1000 trabalhadores e entre 33 e 334 anos/1000 trabalhadores, respectivamente, de acordo com a ocupação principal exercida. Observou-se que a ordenação quantitativa das causas de óbito depende da ocupação e do indicador utilizado. CONCLUSÕES: Os indicadores de mortalidade verificados apresentam uma grande heterogeneidade quando analisados de acordo com ocupação e causas básicas de óbito, refletindo a enorme desigualdade social existente na população estudada.
Background: CDC25 phosphatases control cell cycle progression by activating cyclin dependent kinases. The three CDC25 isoforms encoding genes are submitted to alternative splicing events which generate at least two variants for CDC25A and five for both CDC25B and CDC25C. An over-expression of CDC25 was reported in several types of cancer, including breast cancer, and is often associated with a poor prognosis. Nevertheless, most of the previous studies did not address the expression of CDC25 splice variants. Here, we evaluated CDC25 spliced transcripts expression in anti-cancerous drug-sensitive and resistant breast cancer cell lines in order to identify potential breast cancer biomarkers. Methods: CDC25 splice variants mRNA levels were evaluated by semi-quantitative RT-PCR and by an original real-time RT-PCR assay. Results: CDC25 spliced transcripts are differentially expres-sed in the breast cancer cell lines studied. An up-regulation of CDC25A2 variant and an increase of the CDC25C5/C1 ratio are associated to the multidrug-resistance in VCREMS and DOXOR breast cancer cells, compared to their sensitive counterpart cell line MCF-7. Additionally, CDC25B2 tran-script is exclusively over-expressed in VCREMS resistant cells and could therefore be involved in the development of certain type of drug resistance. Conclusions: CDC25 splice variants could represent interesting potential breast cancer prognostic biomarkers.
Artigo também disponível no PROA-UA: plataforma de revistas em open access da universidade de aveiro com o URI http://revistas.ua.pt/index.php/Carnets/article/view/768/695.