620 resultados para Entraînement péri-opératoire


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Cet article examine la création de l'industrie du livre didactique aux États-Unis à partir des années 30 du XIXe siècle. Dès les années 20 de ce siècle, des maisons d'éditions sises dans les villes de New York et Boston étaient déjà capables de publier différents types de livres didactiques et de petits livres pour enfants et de les vendre aux quatre coins du pays, où elles avaient détaché des fonctionnaires pour ce faire. À la fin de cette décennie, le processus de production s'est sophistiqué avec l'organisation et l'entraînement d'équipes spécialisées dans l'écriture de schoolbooks. Dans le sillage de ces premières maisons d'éditions, d'autres se sont affirmées et sont devenues des puissances nationales et internationales jouant un rôle décisif aussi bien dans l'américanisation des énormes vagues d'immigrants qui sont arrivées dans ce pays, dès la moitié du XIXe siècle, que dans celle des peuples soumis à la domination militaire ou économique des EUA.


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Includes bibliography


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Background and Purpose: The evidence of the benefits from regular physical activity to hypertensives is based on dry land training studies. Therefore, the aim of this study is to compare the effect of aquatic exercise with dry land training on hypertensive women. Methods: This is a randomized controlled study with 52 post-menopausal hypertensive women. The patients were randomly allocated in three groups: water aerobic training group (n=19), dry land aerobic training group (n=19) and a non-intervention control group (n=14). The training protocol was performed by 12weeks. Results: There were no differences among the three groups concerning basal blood pressure (BP) and biochemical variables. In water group, there was a statistically significant reduction of systolic BP from 136±16mmHg at zero week to 124±18mm Hg at 11th week and 124±15mmHg at 12th week. In dry land training group, there was a statistically significant reduction of systolic BP from 138±15mmHg at zero week to 125±10mmHg at 7th week, 127±10mmHg at 10th week and 126±9mmHg at 12th week. The control group presented no change in any of the assessed variables. No changes were carried out in any antihypertensive medications during study. Discussion: This is a randomized controlled study that demonstrates the antihypertensive efficacy of aerobic aquatic exercise. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Este estudo objetiva analisar a temática letramento no Projeto Político Pedagógico do Curso de Letras da Universidade Federal do Pará, do Campus de Belém. Para tanto, ancora-se na abordagem qualitativa e na análise documental. Os documentos analisados foram: Resolução CNE CES n. 18/ 2002, que institui as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais do Curso de Letras; Parecer CNE/ CES n. 492/ 2001, que fundamenta tais Diretrizes e o referido Projeto Político Pedagógico (2005), destacando os seguintes eixos de análise: perfil do aluno, competências e habilidades (retirados do Parecer e do PPP do Curso de Letras) e planos de cursos de cinco disciplinas do Curso de Letras. Como forma de interpretar as vozes destes documentos, recorremos aos estudos de Bakthin. A pesquisa revela que tanto nas Diretrizes quanto no Projeto Pedagógico, os estudos acerca do letramento não são priorizados como campo de reflexão e análise para subsidiar a formação e a prática do professor de Letras, encontrando-se nos mesmos de forma implícita. Este campo apresenta-se de forma explícita, tão somente em uma única disciplina, como item de uma unidade e, tangencialmente, em quatro, num rol de quarenta e duas. Estas constatações revelam a fragilidade, da formação dos professores de Língua Portuguesa porque o referido campo tem se tornado, na presente década, uma categoria central para compreender a alfabetização; a apropriação de códigos de leitura e escrita do mundo; a inserção dos alunos em diferentes práticas sociais de oralidade, leitura e escrita, bem como, a prática pedagógica deste professor. Conclui que os estudos do letramento, pelo mínimo que foi anunciado no Projeto Político Pedagógico do Curso de Letras da UFPA, demonstram a pouca importância atribuída a eles pelos seus autores. Portanto, é um desafio para os sujeitos deste projeto debaterem sobre a da importância de inserir sistematicamente os estudos do letramento no respectivo Curso, de forma a ganhar o mesmo quilate que as demais temáticas de estudos priorizadas no currículo, com o intuito de contribuir para a formação e prática pedagógica dos professores de Língua Portuguesa.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Ciência dos Materiais - FEIS


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Prion protein (PrP) can be considered a pivotal molecule because it interacts with several partners to perform a diverse range of critical biological functions that might differ in embryonic and adult cells. In recent years, there have been major advances in elucidating the putative role of PrP in the basic biology of stem cells in many different systems. Here, we review the evidence indicating that PrP is a key molecule involved in driving different aspects of the potency of embryonic and tissue-specific stem cells in self-perpetuation and differentiation in many cell types. It has been shown that PrP is involved in stem cell self-renewal, controlling pluripotency gene expression, proliferation and neural and cardiomyocyte differentiation. PrP also has essential roles in distinct processes that regulate tissue-specific stem cell biology in nervous and hematopoietic systems and during muscle regeneration. Results from our own investigations have shown that PrP is able to modulate self-renewal and proliferation in neural stem cells, processes that are enhanced by PrP interactions with stress inducible protein 1 (STI1). Thus, the available data reveal the influence of PrP in acting upon the maintenance of pluripotent status or the differentiation of stem cells from the early embryogenesis through adulthood.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of 2% chlorhexidine digluconate (CHX) on immediate bond strength of etch-and-rinse adhesive to sound (SD) and caries-affected (CAD) primary dentin compared with permanent dentin. Flat dentin surfaces from 20 primary molars (Pri) and 20 permanent molars (Perm) were assigned to 8 experimental groups (n=5) according to tooth type (Pri or Perm), dentin condition (SD or CAD - pH-cycling for 14 days) and treatment (control - C or 60 s application of 2% CHX solution after acid etching - CHX). The bonding system (Adper Single Bond 2) was applied according to manufacturer's instructions followed by resin composite application (Filtek Z250). After 24 h water storage, specimens with cross-section area of 0.8 mm² were prepared for being tested under microtensile test (1 mm/min). Data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey's post hoc test (α=0.05). Failure mode was evaluated using a stereomicroscope at ×400. Treatment with CHX did not result in higher bond strength values than no pre-treatment (C groups), independently of tooth type. Primary teeth and caries-affected dentin showed significantly lower (p<0.05) bond strength means compared with permanent teeth and sound dentin, respectively. Predominance of adhesive/mixed failure was observed for all groups. CHX did not influence the immediate bond strength to sound or caries-affected dentin of primary and permanent teeth.


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Remote sensing (RS) techniques have evolved into an important instrument to investigate forest function. New methods based on the remote detection of leaf biochemistry and photosynthesis are being developed and applied in pilot studies from airborne and satellite platforms (PRI, solar-induced fluorescence; N and chlorophyll content). Non-destructive monitoring methods, a direct application of RS studies, are also proving increasingly attractive for the determination of stress conditions or nutrient deficiencies not only in research but also in agronomy, horticulture and urban forestry (proximal RS). In this work I will focus on some novel techniques recently developed for the estimation of photochemistry and photosynthetic rates based (i) on the proximal measurement of steady-state chlorophyll fluorescence yield, or (ii) the remote sensing of changes in hyperspectral leaf reflectance, associated to xanthophyll de-epoxydation and energy partitioning, which is closely coupled to leaf photochemistry and photosynthesis. I will also present and describe a mathematical model of leaf steady-state fluorescence and photosynthesis recently developed in our group. Two different species were used in the experiments: Arbutus unedo, a schlerophyllous Mediterranean species, and Populus euroamericana, a broad leaf deciduous tree widely used in plantation forestry. Results show that ambient fluorescence could provide a useful tool for testing photosynthetic processes from a distance. These results confirm also the photosynthetic reflectance index (PRI) as an efficient remote sensing reflectance index estimating short-term changes in photochemical efficiency as well as long-term changes in leaf biochemistry. The study also demonstrated that RS techniques could provide a fast and reliable method to estimate photosynthetic pigment content and total nitrogen, beside assessing the state of photochemical process in our plants’ leaves in the field. This could have important practical applications for the management of plant cultivation systems, for the estimation of the nutrient requirements of our plants for optimal growth.


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Retrovirale Vektoren basierend auf dem murinen Leukämievirus (MLV) gehören zu den zurzeit am häufigsten verwendeten Vektoren in der Gentherapie. MLV besitzt einen natürlichen Tropismus für sich teilende Zellen und ist somit besonders für die Krebs-Gentherapie geeignet.rnIn der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde zuerst der direkte Transport von pri-miRNA durch deren Aufnahme in MLV-Partikel untersucht, aber keine positiven Effekte beobachtet. Dabei blieb unklar, ob keine Verpackung der pri-miRNA erfolgte, oder die pri-miRNA nach Transduktion der Zellen nicht funktionell war.rnReplizierende MLVs sind eine vielversprechende Alternative zu replikationsinkompetenten Vektoren. Sie können das Transgen im gewünschten Gewebe verteilen und durch Integration ins Genom stabil exprimieren. Es wurden verschiedene Ansätze zur Herstellung von onkolytisch wirkenden MLVs untersucht. Dabei wurde gezeigt, dass der Einsatz des viralen Proteins R (VPR) als toxisches Gen eine Anzucht VPR-kodierender Viren erschwert, da bereits die VPR-exprimierenden Zellen abgetötet werden. Das Ergebnis zeigt den Bedarf weiterer Optimierungen, z.B. durch geeignete Anzuchtzellen oder induzierbare Promotoren zur Transgenexpression.rnEs konnte gezeigt werden, dass Expressionskassetten mit antitumoralen sh/miRNAs als therapeutisches Effektormolekül gegen die Proteinkinase PLK1 und den Transkriptionsfaktor STAT3 erfolgreich durch replizierende MLVs in Zielzellen übertragen werden und die Herabregulation der Genprodukte zu einer deutlichen Wachstumshemmung der Tumorzellen führt. Dabei konnten Expressionskassetten bis zu einer Größe von 1,6kb stabil in die 3´-UTR von Env inseriert werden. Es konnte ein reduziertes Tumorwachstum von HT1080-Zellen in SCID-Mäusen nach intratumoraler Applikation von aMLV, welches für eine miRNA gegen PLK1 kodiert, erreicht werden ohne dass die Viren mutierten (Schaser et al., 2011). Durch eine intravenöse Verabreichung der Viren oder der Applikation von vorinfizierten Tumorzellen in SCID-Mäuse mutierten die miRNA-Expressionskassetten aus ungeklärten Gründen vollständig. Durch die Balance zwischen Virusverbreitung und induziertem Zelltod sind modifizierte MLVs eine perfekte Waffe gegen entartete Zellen.rnrn