917 resultados para Economic aspects. Finance
La implementación de un programa de profesionalización de conductores en una compañía de transporte terrestre de carga en Colombia, es una iniciativa, que además de producir ahorros energéticos al país, contribuye a la protección del medio ambiente y a la seguridad en las vías -- Al interior de las compañías de transporte terrestre de carga se generan importantes ahorros por menor consumo de combustible, menores costos de mantenimiento, mayor bienestar a los conductores; así como mayor disponibilidad y confiabilidad de los equipos para operar -- El trabajo de grado del que trata este documento tiene como propósito presentar un programa de profesionalización del conductor de camión en empresa de transporte terrestre de carga, en donde se identifican y definen cuáles son las etapas más importantes que debe incluir un programa de profesionalización de conductores en Colombia, y adicionalmente, se realiza valoración de la importancia de cada etapa dentro del programa -- El programa de profesionalización de conductores tiene como foco las personas, reconoce y valora su gran contribución al desempeño exitoso de las compañías de transporte, es por esto que el programa se fundamenta en teorías administrativas de motivación, clima organizacional, incentivo; al igual que teorías administrativas como ventaja competitiva, valor compartido, responsabilidad social empresarial, sostenibilidad, factor crítico de éxito y planeación estratégica -- Para la construcción del programa se realizaron investigaciones de tipo exploratorio y descriptivo, con el fin de obtener información se utilizaron distintas técnicas como entrevistas, documentos, observación y cuestionarios
Durante los últimos años, la teoría financiera y económica se ha interesado en estudiar los factores que influencian la toma de decisiones y por qué, en muchas ocasiones, debido a los incentivos de los individuos no son óptimas. Este trabajo, desde la economía comportamental tiene como objetivo identificar, clasificar y analizar el riesgo conductual en el mercado de valores de Colombia, por medio de la revisión de las actas de terminación anticipada, expedidas a las personas naturales vinculadas durante el período 2010-2015. Los principales resultados indican que aproximadamente el 80% de las conductas se evidencian en exceder el mandato de los clientes, hacer uso indebido de sus recursos, omitir el deber de asesoría y obstruir la revelación de información a los clientes.
A presente dissertação de mestrado procura abordar a edificação e consolidação do regime do Estado Novo no concelho de Torres Vedras, alicerçando a sua estrutura de análise, numa abordagem aos aspectos políticos, sociais e económicos, mais relevantes, do arco cronológico balizado entre Maio de 1926 e Fevereiro de 1949. É nosso propósito analisar, inicialmente, as mutações locais ocorridas após o golpe militar do 28 de Maio de 1926, que inaugura a Ditadura Militar (1926-1932). A compreensão desta problemática é estruturada, numa análise ao impacto daquela intentona junto da imprensa local, à designação das novas elites políticas locais e à significativa actividade da oposição local, desenvolvida até ao final de 1932. Esta abordagem inicial, mas fulcral na concretização dos objectivos, antecederá a análise à implantação das estruturas do Estado Novo (1933-1938) no concelho de Torres Vedras. A resposta a esta questão será dada, desde logo, através de quatro cenários de análise distintos. Em primeiro lugar, procura-se acompanhar a actividade das elites políticas locais e o que representavam no âmbito político-ideológico. Num segundo momento centra-se a nossa análise, na edificação do modelo corporativo e na implantação das organizações salazaristas (Legião e Mocidade Portuguesa). Num terceiro foco de análise, procuramos sintetizar a actividade da oposição local. Por fim, introduzimos a abordagem aos principais actos eleitorais da década de 30. Após a compreensão, da evolução política e institucional, ocorrida desde Maio de 1926, o início da 2.ª Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), força-nos a inflectir a análise do panorama político e institucional, para as questões económicas, sociais e ideológicas deste período. A abordagem, ao contexto internacional de guerra, é fulcral, para se compreender, de que forma o espaço territorial em estudo sentiu os efeitos do conflito. Pretende-se por um lado, esclarecer as dificuldades vivenciadas pela população local, por outro, compreender o alinhamento ideológico assumido em favor das potências em confronto. Paralelamente dar-se-á continuidade, à análise sobre a evolução corporativa local, assim como às movimentações da oposição clandestina. O último foco de abordagem recai na organização da oposição local no período do pós-guerra (1945-1949). É nosso objectivo, indagar, os contornos associados ao alinhamento das forças democráticas após o termo do conflito. Num primeiro momento, foca-se a análise, na caracterização da composição da comissão concelhia do Movimento de Unidade Democrática, surgido em Outubro de 1945, num contexto pré-eleitoral despoletado por uma aparente abertura do regime. Numa segunda conjuntura, que coincide com as Eleições Presidenciais de 13 de Fevereiro de 1949, aborda-se a constituição da comissão concelhia de apoio ao general Norton de Matos e analisa-se, as principais movimentações locais, em redor da aludida eleição.
Dissertação Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitectura, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.
The present research deals with the modernization process of the Cidade da Parahyba2, between 1850 and 1924, and its relation with the cotton economy, which represented the main source of wealth accumulation for both the private and the public sectors throughout the First Republic. This study on urban history was developed by focusing on the understanding of the city s spatial formation, and despite its emphasis on the economic aspects involved, other factors that also contribute to the development of the social life were not put aside. The modernization process of the Cidade da Parahyba was also analyzed during the period established for the study according to a chronological and thematic approach that established comparisons with the financial situation of the State, whenever this was necessary, with special attention to the contribution of the cotton economy to the State´s revenues. It was possible to detect a lack of financial help and loans from the federal and municipal administrations for finishing several public works already underway in the capital, since the federal funds allocated to the State of Parahyba do Norte were rather employed in emergency works against droughts and in agricultural development. One can then conclude that the financial resources required for the urban interventions were withdrawn from the State s treasury itself, resources that were collected mainly from activities such as cotton exportation and cotton trading. Another factor shows the interdependence between the urban remodeling and the cotton economy: during the years marked by great droughts or by hard plagues on the cotton plantations, cotton production decreased, as well as the State s finances. The first measures taken by the State s administrators were to halt all projects of urban remodeling in progress in the Cidade da Parahyba, which was, clearly, the most privileged city by the State s presidents during the period analyzed. 2 The city of João Pessoa was named Cidade da Parahyba, a designation that remained until September 1930, when it received its present-day name in order to pay homage to the president of the State, João Pessoa Cavalcanti de Albuquerque, murdered in the city of Recife in August of that same year. At that time, the State of Paraíba was known as Parahyba do Norte. Since this work is limited to a period of time comprised within the First Republic, the names employed respect the terms used in those days
A tanulmány arra keresi a választ, hogy az európai adósságválságban leginkább érintett PIIGS-országok (Portugália, Írország, Olaszország, Görögország és Spanyolország, valamennyien a Gazdasági és Monetáris Unió [GMU] tagjai) államadósság-csökkentésében milyen súlyt és szerepet tud betölteni a privatizáció. Ennek megválaszolásakor a tanulmány bemutatja a nevezett országok 2010-re kialakult adósságkrízisállapotát, az IMF előrejelzése alapján azok 2016-ra prognosztizált államadósság-rátáit, az ismertté vált privatizálandó vagyonelemeket, ezek bevételének az államadósság csökkentésében betöltendő szerepét, valamint a magánosítás nem kvantifikálható, egyéb pozitív következményeit. Nem része a tanulmánynak az adósságcsapda kialakulását determináló tényezők bemutatása, továbbá az államadósság-csökkentés privatizáción kívüli elemeinek (költségvetés kiadásainak csökkentése, privatizáción kívüli bevételeinek növelése, adósságkönnyítés-adósságrendezés, gazdasági növekedés dinamizálása stb.) vizsgálata.
Purpose: To determine the progress in Umeå concerning the furtherance of bicycle traffic in the city and to investigate the possibility of a similar progress in Jönköping. Method: Semi structured interviews with officials, politicians and enthusiasts in Umeå and Jönköping, document analysis of documents provided by the municipalities and observations of Umeå city center. Findings: Umeå’s mindset around a sustainable society have been identified and the vast difference between the two cities is the time that they’ve actively worked with the bike issue and how public officials prioritize while planning. Umeå’s large advantage in their decision making is that officials and politicians are working towards the same goal and are united in the bike issue. This makes decisions regarding bicycle promotion easier to make. Due to the difference in conditions between the cities, the writers states that Umeå’s way of planning their traffic not necessarily is the right way for Jönköping to plan theirs. Implications: In order to develop it’s bicycle network, Jönköping must dare to let go of their old way of thinking. Instead of thinking that car traffic is necessary in a city, they should have the courage to take difficult decisions that benefit bicycle promotion and thus develop a sustainable transport system. Limitations: The study does not address the economic aspects that are involved in the development of an attractive bicycle network. Also the environmental issues are only dealt with in a thorough level, as it’s necessary to fulfill the study’s objectives. The study’s purpose is considered to be achieved but the result could have been even more developed if more parties were interviewed. Keywords: Bicycle path, bicycle, sustainable transport planning, sustainable society, sustainability, Umeå, Jönköping
This report shows some initial results about the research project entitled GlobalOrg, on a Brazilian case study, investigating the sustainability of tropical fruit organic farming in a global food chains perspective. It was performed an analysis about the production strategies of certified units of a familiar smalholders cooperative from Itápolis-SP-Brazil. In this analysis it was verified the application of sustainability principles recommended by the ecological based agriculture, focused on the agrobiodiversity, material recycling and the social-economic aspects from the agroecology conversion process. The research occurs through the complementarities provided by a combination of sociological and agronomic research methods, it means, qualitative interviews and questionnaire application with semi-structured questions. What was concluded is that the establishment of an economic relationship between the cooperative and a fair-trade international entity stimulates an interesting growing in the production diversity and also stimulates the application of different principles of ecological based agriculture. It indicates an important balance between the sustainability dimensions and demonstrates a visible attitude change in the natural resource exploration in this region.
En este artículo se presenta el análisis metodológico del mercado y el inventario de las tierras necesarias para el proceso de conversión de tierra agrícola a tierra urbana en la Gran Area Metropolitana (GAM) de Costa Rica.El crecimiento de las ciudades demanda nuevas tierras para su expansión y localización del crecimiento de la población y la concentración metropolitana de las actividades económicas y sociales.Al realizarse la transformación de la tierra agrícola a urbana cambia la naturaleza de uso, su contenido económico y los derechos de propiedad.Nos interesa presentar en este tratamiento teórico-metodológico: primero; los objetivos de la investigación, el planteamiento del problema y la delimitación de a tierra urbanizable de la región metropolitana de Costa Rica , segundo; los procesos y factores que intervienen en la conversión de tierra agrícola a tierra urbana; las características del mercado, el contenido económico, el contenido jurídico y los derechos de propiedad de la tierra potencialmente urbana; tercero, los instrumentos de gestión urbana de la tierra y cuarto; el análisis regional y subregional de la tierra urbanizable.Conviene entender que esta tierra de futura urbanización está en transición y que sus formas de uso y propiedad están determinadas por esta característica transicional.Abstract:This article discusses the methodology analysis of the land market and evaluation necessary lo convert agriculture land to urban Iand in the Big Metropolitan Área of Costa Rica.The grow of the cities requires new geographical space in order to expand and locate the new population and Ihe urban concentration of the economical and social activities.In the way the agricuLture Iand transforms to urban space, the nature of the use, thee economic content and the land tenure change.It is important to present in this article about the methodological teorical approach; first the objective of the research, the problem definition of urban land in the region of Costa Rican Metropolitan Área. Secondly, the process and factors that acts in the conversion from the agriculture land to urban land; the characteristics of market, legal and economic aspects and land tenure of the potential space to convert to urban land. Thirdly, the tool of the land urban is planning. Finally, the regional and subregional of the land with the properties to develop urban facilities.The land that in the future will be urbanice is in transition and their forms of use and land tenure determined by this condition.
Questa tesi illustra la presenza del cinema italiano in Iran e analizza come gli spettatori abbiano accettato il cinema straniero in concomitanza con le trasformazioni della società iraniana. L’indagine parte dagli aspetti economici derivati dal petrolio come motore di crescita e cambiamento della società iraniana. Elemento imprescindibile dai rapporti diplomatici con i paesi occidentali, la tesi ripercorre le tappe della nazionalizzazione petrolifera, analizza il ruolo giocato dall’Italia in questo contesto e la nascita del rapporto commerciale tra Italia e Iran. Lo studio prende poi in esame più nel dettaglio le relazioni italo-iraniane dal punto di vista cinematografico, e il successo dei film italiani in Iran. Pertanto, la tesi illustra le motivazioni della presenza cinematografica italiana in Iran e prende in esame l’influenza prodottasi attraverso le relazioni bilaterali. L’analisi attraversa le tappe del doppiaggio cinematografico in lingua persiana effettuato in Italia, il cinema popolare iraniano e il cinema intellettuale. Fermo restando una componente italiana nello studio, maggiore attenzione è dedicata al Paese d’arrivo, l’Iran, usando dati tratti da documenti storici, testi, giornali, risorse disponibili e interviste con persone informate in materia. Lo studio è concentrato su testi che approfondiscono la situazione economica e cinematografica iraniana all’epoca della monarchia di Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, coincidente con il secondo dopoguerra, durante il quale l’influenza cinematografica italiana si è fatta maggiormente sentire sul cinema iraniano. Obiettivo della tesi è definire le ragioni che hanno favorito lo sviluppo del rapporto cinematografico tra i due paesi, come il cinema italiano si sia manifestato nel cinema iraniano, e i presupposti che hanno comportato la crescita di quest’ultimo.
The exploitation of hydrocarbon reservoirs by the oil and gas industries represents one of the most relevant and concerning anthropic stressor in various marine areas worldwide and the presence of extractive structures can have severe consequences on the marine environment. Environmental monitoring surveys are carried out to monitor the effects and impacts of offshore energy facilities. Macrobenthic communities, inhabiting the soft-bottom, represent a key component of these surveys given their great responsiveness to natural and anthropic changes. A comprehensive collection of monitoring data from four Italian seas was used to investigate distributional pattern of macrozoobenthos assemblages confirming a high spatial variability in relation to the environmental variables analyzed. Since these datasets could represent a powerful tool for the industrial and scientific research, the steps and standardized procedures needed to obtain robust and comparable high-quality data were investigated and outlined. Over recent years, decommissioning of old platforms is a growing topic in this sector, involving many actors in the various decision-making processes. A Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, specific for the Adriatic Sea, was developed to investigate the impacts of decommissioning of a gas platform on environmental and socio-economic aspects, to select the best decommissioning scenario. From the scenarios studied, the most impacting one has resulted to be total removal, affecting all the faunal component considered in the study. Currently, the European nations are increasing the production of energy from offshore wind farms with an exponential expansion. A comparative study of methodologies used five countries of the North Sea countries was carried out to investigate the best approaches to monitor the effects of wind farms on the benthic communities. In the foreseeable future, collaboration between industry, scientific communities, national and international policies are needed to gain knowledge concerning the effects of these industrial activities on the ecological status of the ecosystems.
A population-based study was conducted to validate gender- and age-specific indexes of socio-economic status (SES) and to investigate the associations between these indexes and a range of health outcomes in 2 age cohorts of women. Data from 11,637 women aged 45 to 50 and 9,5 10 women aged 70 to 75 were analyzed. Confirmatory factor analysis produced four domains of SES among the mid-aged cohort (employment, family unit, education, and migration) and four domains among the older cohort (family unit, income, education, and migration). Overall, the results supported the factor structures derived from another population-based study (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 1995), reinforcing the argument that SES domains differ across age groups. In general, the findings also supported the hypotheses that women with low SES would have poorer health outcomes than higher SES women, and that the magnitude of these effects would differ according to the specific SES domain and by age group, with fewer and smaller differences observed among older women. The main exception was that in the older cohort, the education domain was significantly associated with specific health conditions. Results suggest that relations between SES and health are highly complex and vary by age, SES domain, and the health outcome under study.
Neste trabalho pretende consolidar-se a contribuição portuguesa para o estudo comunitário “Na Assessment of the Social and Economic Cohesion Aspects of the Development of the Information Society in Europe” elaborado por um consórcio europeu liderado pela Nexus Europe e em que intervém o ISEGI- Instituto Superior de Estatística e Gestão de Informação, da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, como parceiro nacional português.