992 resultados para E407 .R45 1847
Jac. Ahrenberg and Patrimony Restoration Plans for Viipuri and Turku Castles at the End of the 19th Century This dissertation examines the unrealized restoration plans for two castles in the Grand Duchy of Finland one located at Viipuri (Vyborg, nowadays in Russia), the other at Turku (in Swedish, Åbo) during the last decades of the 19th century. Both castles were used as prisons, barracks and warehouses. From the middle of the 19th century on, their restoration and transformation into museums and "national monuments" were demanded in the newspapers. The prison reform in the 1860s stimulated the documentation and debate concerning their future, but it was only at the beginning of the 1880s when their restoration became an official state-run project. The undertaking was carried out by Johan Jacob (Jac.) Ahrenberg (1847 1914), architect of the National Board of Public Buildings. By combining written sources with drawings and photographs, this dissertation examines the restoration projects, the two castles' significance and the ways in which they were investigated by scholars. The plans are analyzed in connection with restoration practices in France and Sweden and in the context of contemporary discussions concerning national art and patrimony. The thesis argues that these former castles of the Swedish crown were used to manifest the western roots of Finnish law and order, the lineage of power and the capacity of the nation to defend itself. However, because of their symbolism, their restoration became a politically delicate question concerning the role of the Swedish heritage in Finland's nation-building process. According to Jac. Ahrenberg's plans, the two castles were to be restored to their assumed appearance at the time of the Vasa dynasty. Consequently, the structures would have resembled castles in Sweden. It is suggested that one aim of the restoration plans was to transform the two buildings into monuments testifying to the common history of Sweden and Finland. They were meant to consolidate the Swedish basis of Finnish culture and autonomy and thus to secure them against the threatening implications of Russian imperialism. It seems that along with the changing ideals of architectural restoration and the need for an original Finnish architectural heritage, the political connotations associated with the castles were one reason why Jac. Ahrenberg's restoration plans were never realized.
Conductivity measurements as a function of temperature and partial pressures of SOs, SO2, and O2, and transference experiments indicate that the transport number of Na + ions is unity in Na2SO4-I. A concentration cell based on this electrolyte Pt, O2' + SO2' + SOs'/Na2SO4-I/SOa" + SO~" + O~", Pt produces emf's that are in agreement with those calculated from the Nernst equation when equilibrium is assumed between the gas species at the electrodes. The cell can be used for monitoring the SO#SOs pollution in air, and in combination with an oxygen probe can be used for the determination of SO=/SOs concentrations in coal combustion reactors, for the evaluation of the partial pressure of $2 in coal gasification systems, and for emission control in nonferrous smelters using sulfide ores. The probe is similar to that developed recently by Gauthier et aL (4, 5) using K=SO4 as the electrolyte, but can operate at higher pressures of SO3. Because of the greater polarizing power of the Na+ ion compared to the K + ion, Na2S207 is less stable and can be formed only at a considerably higher pressure of S03 than that required for K~20~.
Most HIV-1 broadly neutralizing antibodies are directed against the gp120 subunit of the env surface protein. Native env consists of a trimer of gp120-gp41 heterodimers, and in contrast to monomeric gp120, preferentially binds CD4 binding site (CD4bs)-directed neutralizing antibodies over non-neutralizing ones. Some cryo-electron tomography studies have suggested that the V1V2 loop regions of gp120 are located close to the trimer interface. We have therefore designed cyclically permuted variants of gp120 with and without the h-CMP and SUMO2a trimerization domains inserted into the V1V2 loop. h-CMP-V1cyc is one such variant in which residues 153 and 142 are the N- and C-terminal residues, respectively, of cyclically permuted gp120 and h-CMP is fused to the N-terminus. This molecule forms a trimer under native conditions and binds CD4 and the neutralizing CD4bs antibodies b12 with significantly higher affinity than wild-type gp120. It binds non-neutralizing CD4bs antibody F105 with lower affinity than gp120. A similar derivative, h-CMP-V1cycl, bound the V1V2 loop-directed broadly neutralizing antibodies PG9 and PG16 with similar to 20-fold higher affinity than wild-type JRCSF gp120. These cyclic permutants of gp120 are properly folded and are potential immunogens. The data also support env models in which the V1V2 loops are proximal to the trimer interface.
Island systems from around the world have provided fascinating opportunities for studies pertaining to various evolutionary processes. One recurring feature of isolated islands is the presence of endemic radiations. In this regard, the Indian subcontinent is an interesting entity given it has been an island during much of its history following separation from Madagascar and currently is isolated from much of Eurasia by the Himalayas in the north and the Indian Ocean in the south. Not surprisingly, recent molecular studies on a number of endemic taxa from India have reported endemic radiations. These studies suggest that the uniqueness of Indian biota is not just due to its diverse origin, but also due to evolution in isolation. The isolation of India has generated some peculiarities typically seen on oceanic islands. However, these patterns might be confined to, groups with low dispersal ability.
The structure of a new cysteine framework (-C-CC-C-C-C) ``M''-superfamily conotoxin, Mo3964, shows it to have a beta-sandwich structure that is stabilized by inter-sheet cross disulfide bonds. Mo3964 decreases outward K+ currents in rat dorsal root ganglion neurons and increases the reversal potential of the Na(V)1.2 channels. The structure of Mo3964 (PDB ID: 2MW7) is constructed from the disulfide connectivity pattern, i.e., 1-3, 2-5, and 4-6, that is hitherto undescribed for the ``M''-superfamily conotoxins. The tertiary structural fold has not been described for any of the known conus peptides. NOE (549), dihedral angle (84), and hydrogen bond (28) restraints, obtained by measurement of (h3)J(NC') scalar couplings, were used as input for structure calculation. The ensemble of structures showed a backbone root mean square deviation of 0.68 +/- 0.18 angstrom, with 87% and 13% of the backbone dihedral (phi, psi) angles lying in the most favored and additional allowed regions of the Ramachandran map. The conotoxin Mo3964 represents a new bioactive peptide fold that is stabilized by disulfide bonds and adds to the existing repertoire of scaffolds that can be used to design stable bioactive peptide molecules.
Electron reflection and interference in the GaAs/AlAs-Al Schottky collector resonant-tunneling diode
This paper explores an on-line experimental method to highlight the process of internal damage development in composites by taking advantage of ultrasonic inspection. A loading device, which can work together with an ultrasonic inspection system, was designed, and the interlaminar shear damage of a double-sided grooved specimen of composite was examined on-line with the system. A full view of the progressive internal interlaminar damage, seen only with difficulty by common inspection methods, was successfully achieved.
La producción de frijol común (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), carece de información referente al efecto combinado de sistemas de labranza y secuencia de cultivos sobre el comportamiento de las malezas y el rendimiento. Este estudio se condujo con el propósito de determinar el comportamiento de tres sistemas de labranza (cero, mínima y convencional) en combinación con secuencia de cultivos (frijol-frijol y maíz-frijol), sobre la dinámica de las malezas y el rendimiento de frijol común. La investigación se llevó a cabo durante los años 1994, 1995 y 1996 en la finca experimental La Compañía, municipio de San Marcos, departamento de Carazo. Los suelos de la estación experimental son franco arenoso y han sido sembrados con frijol en secuencia durante los últimos seis años. El diseño experimental que se utilizó en el estudio fue de parcelas divididas, arregladas en bloques completos al azar (BCA) con cuatro repeticiones. El sistema de labranza mínima presentó mejor comportamiento en las variables del rendimiento: número de plantas por metro cuadrado (29.5), vainas por planta (7.83), peso de cien granos (18.79 g) y rendimiento de grano (1542.5 kg ha-1 , no así en labranza cero y convencional. El sistema de labranza Mínima permite mejorar la eficiencia del rendimiento de dicho cultivo y presenta mayores ventajas económicas Los resultados obtenidos en la secuencia de cultivos no muestran una clara tendencia afectando el rendimiento de grano de frijol.
Resumen: El mundo de la ópera es un campo de permanentes ebulliciones aunque todavía se le endilguen acusaciones falsas de inmovilidad y anquilosamiento. No cesan de componerse obras con lenguajes innovadores sobre temáticas inéditas. Se experimenta —a veces, abusivamente— con puestas en escena heterodoxas, y las investigaciones hallan partituras perdidas o relegadas que hacen variar, permanentemente, el mapa del canon del género. En el presente trabajo, se analiza un caso-testigo de estas continuas mutaciones. Es la recuperación entre 2006 y 2011 de tres óperas compuestas entre 1760 y 1830 sobre el episodio del Quijote referido a las bodas de Camacho. Reviste particular relevancia, a mi juicio, porque no solo ha aumentado el caudal del repertorio operístico conocido sino que por sus relaciones con la literatura nos alerta a los estudiosos de ésta acerca de fenómenos que no podemos dejar de considerar. Ellos atañen a la recepción de la obra cervantina y al mito de D. Quijote, mito cuya expansión sobrepasa, ampliamente, al público lector de la obra. Nos conduce, por lo tanto, más allá de lo literario, a las complejidades de la construcción del imaginario cultural.
La segunda coronación de la Virgen de Luján : robo de la corona y peregrinación de desagravio (1897)
Resumen: En el presente artículo el autor se ocupa de reseñar las circunstancias que rodearon el robo de la corona de la Virgen de Luján, bendecida por el papa León XIII en 1887. Diez años después de la solemne fiesta de la coronación pontificia esta primorosa joya, confeccionada por el acreditado orfebre parisino Poussielgue-Rusand, fue sustraída del camarín donde se veneraba la Sagrada Imagen. La recuperación y restitución motivó la organización de una multitudinaria peregrinación al Santuario de Luján que puso de manifiesto la profunda devoción del pueblo argentino a su Patrona.
Resumen: Con motivo de conmemorarse los 125 años de la coronación pontificia de la Imagen de Ntra. Sra. de Luján, Patrona de la República Argentina, el autor recorre la historia de los distintos oratorios, capillas y templos que le han sido dedicados, desde 1630, año del milagro, deteniéndose en los comienzos de la construcción de la monumental Basílica neogótica, reconocida como una de las más importantes de América en su tipo. El proyecto, en cuanto al diseño y desarrollo, corresponde al P. Jorge María Salvaire, vicentino, con el permanente apoyo del arzobispo de Buenos Aires, monseñor Federico León Aneiros. La mencionada Basílica guarda particular importancia histórica y pastoral en razón de albergar en su camarín la Imagen original de Ntra. Sra. de Luján, una pequeña talla de la Inmaculada Concepción, de arcilla cocida y pintada, vestida luego a la usanza española y con corona.
Imagem da capa e do miolo: Navio Negreiro, de Josafá Neves.
Apresenta a descrição dos festejos, iluminação das casas particulares com o nome dos donos, arcos triunfais, inclusive o que a Junta do Comércio mandou construir segundo o risco de Grandjean de Montigny e a pintura de Debret.