818 resultados para Dermatitis ocupacional
A formação em serviço realizada pelo programa de Residência Multiprofissional em Saúde (RMS) é uma estratégia educativa que visa a mudança do perfil dos profissionais da saúde para atuação no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Dentre as profissões que compõem as residências, a terapia ocupacional foi eleita como foco deste estudo com o objetivo de conhecer e refletir sobre os desafios e tendências do processo de educação profissional e interprofissional na perspectiva de tutores, preceptores e residentes terapeutas ocupacionais. A metodologia eleita foi a abordagem qualitativa com realização de entrevistas e análise de conteúdo para a elaboração dos resultados e discussão. Foram realizadas 17 entrevistas em três programas de RMS de diferentes municípios do estado de São Paulo com cenários educativos realizados na atenção hospitalar e na atenção básica. Duas categorias empíricas foram identificadas nos resultados: (i) \"Residência multiprofissional de saúde como dispositivo de mudança\" dividida em duas subcategorias: \"Trabalho em equipe\" e \"Trabalho na perspectiva do SUS\" e (ii) \"Singularidades na formação do terapeuta ocupacional em RMS\" agrupada nas subcategorias: \"Particularidades da inserção profissional do terapeuta ocupacional nos cenários educativos\", \"Produção de identidades e a fragmentação da atuação do terapeuta ocupacional nas RMS\" e \"Terapia ocupacional e as práticas colaborativas e interprofissionais no SUS\". A pesquisa permitiu conhecer o potencial de mudanças dos programas de RMS em relação à formação dos residentes e à disseminação de práticas em saúde, colaborativas em equipe e sob a perspectiva do SUS. Os resultados apontaram a singularidade do processo formativo de terapeutas ocupacionais nas RMS que sofrem impactos pela insuficiente contratação de profissionais nos serviços, pelo desconhecimento do papel profissional do terapeuta ocupacional e pela fragmentação da atuação profissional nos cenários de prática; experiências que geram insegurança de residentes e profissionais quanto aos limites da atuação profissional e interprofissional no trabalho em equipe. O foco da terapia ocupacional nas atividades e cotidianos das pessoas no processo do cuidado em saúde e a mediação do cuidado de pessoas com deficiência e transtornos mentais foram identificados como contribuições da terapia ocupacional para as práticas colaborativas e interprofissionais no SUS. Conclui-se que o potencial de mudanças dos programas para a atuação dos residentes como futuros profissionais está diretamente relacionado com as estratégias pedagógicas desenvolvidas nos cenários educativos. A formação de terapeutas ocupacionais nas RMS depende das características dos cenários educativos, no que se refere a sua organização e interação interprofissional pré-existente, à suficiência do número de preceptores, à consolidação de fluxos assistenciais e ao (re)conhecimento da Terapia Ocupacional pelos demais profissionais dos serviços. Por fim, os participantes afirmaram a importância da RMS para a aprendizagem de saberes e práticas - próprios da profissão, comuns aos profissionais de saúde e construídos em equipe de forma colaborativa - com o propósito da qualificação do cuidado em saúde
Objetivo: Identificar competencias y contenidos básicos de salud pública para los programas de grado en fisioterapia, terapia ocupacional, ciencias ambientales, odontología y veterinaria, desde la perspectiva del profesorado de diversas universidades españolas. Método: En el contexto del II taller sobre contenidos de salud pública en los programas de grado (Mahón, 19-20 de septiembre de 2012), se organizaron cinco grupos de trabajo formados por 20 profesores/as de distintas universidades españolas, seleccionados de las guías docentes de salud pública y epidemiología publicadas en la página web de la Conferencia de Rectores de Universidades Españolas. Cada grupo trabajó sobre un grado y los resultados se discutieron en sesiones plenarias. Resultados: Para todas las titulaciones se identificaron actividades y competencias para las tres funciones esenciales de la salud pública. La mayoría de las competencias profesionales identificadas en cada uno de los grados correspondieron a la función «Valorar las necesidades de salud de la población». Los grupos de trabajo propusieron contenidos de epidemiología, introducción y conceptos de salud pública, intervención en salud pública, gestión sanitaria y políticas en salud. Las principales coincidencias en los contenidos de las titulaciones se dieron en los tres primeros. Conclusiones: Se han identificado competencias y contenidos de salud pública comunes a los distintos grados estudiados que pueden servir de punto de partida para iniciar una revisión más detallada de los programas de salud pública en los diferentes grados, y alcanzar un consenso sobre los contenidos comunes que debería incluir cada uno de ellos
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
In this consensus document we summarize the current knowledge on major asthma, rhinitis, and atopic dermatitis endotypes under the auspices of the PRACTALL collaboration platform. PRACTALL is an initiative of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology and the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology aiming to harmonize the European and American approaches to best allergy practice and science. Precision medicine is of broad relevance for the management of asthma, rhinitis, and atopic dermatitis in the context of a better selection of treatment responders, risk prediction, and design of disease-modifying strategies. Progress has been made in profiling the type 2 immune response-driven asthma. The endotype driven approach for non-type 2 immune response asthma, rhinitis, and atopic dermatitis is lagging behind. Validation and qualification of biomarkers are needed to facilitate their translation into pathway-specific diagnostic tests. Wide consensus between academia, governmental regulators, and industry for further development and application of precision medicine in management of allergic diseases is of utmost importance. Improved knowledge of disease pathogenesis together with defining validated and qualified biomarkers are key approaches to precision medicine.
BACKGROUND: Porcine ulcerative dermatitis syndrome (PUDS) is a rare disease of breeding sows with an unknown pathogenesis. OBJECTIVE: To describe the evolution of clinical and histopathological lesions over the course of the disease and to elucidate the pathogenesis. ANIMAL: A 24-month-old, pluriparous, large white sow presented during gestation with ulcerations around the teats compatible with PUDS. METHODS AND RESULTS: Clinical and histopathological lesions were monitored over the course of the disease (i.e. during and after the subsequent pregnancy). A clear gestation-dependent flare of the lesions was observed with partial resolution occurring postpartum. The histological pattern presented as a lymphocytic interface dermatitis. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: The findings in this case report link gestation with the development of clinical signs and histological changes. Multiparity appears to enhance severity and may finally result in a self-perpetuating disease. Therefore, it seems advisable to cull breeding sows after they have developed PUDS.
BACKGROUND Canine atopic dermatitis (CAD) is a chronic inflammatory skin disease triggered by allergic reactions involving IgE antibodies directed towards environmental allergens. We previously identified a ~1.5 Mb locus on canine chromosome 27 associated with CAD in German shepherd dogs (GSDs). Fine-mapping indicated association closest to the PKP2 gene encoding plakophilin 2. RESULTS Additional genotyping and association analyses in GSDs combined with control dogs from five breeds with low-risk for CAD revealed the top SNP 27:19,086,778 (p = 1.4 × 10(-7)) and a rare ~48 kb risk haplotype overlapping the PKP2 gene and shared only with other high-risk CAD breeds. We selected altogether nine SNPs (four top-associated in GSDs and five within the ~48 kb risk haplotype) that spanned ~280 kb forming one risk haplotype carried by 35 % of the GSD cases and 10 % of the GSD controls (OR = 5.1, p = 5.9 × 10(-5)), and another haplotype present in 85 % of the GSD cases and 98 % of the GSD controls and conferring a protective effect against CAD in GSDs (OR = 0.14, p = 0.0032). Eight of these SNPs were analyzed for transcriptional regulation using reporter assays where all tested regions exerted regulatory effects on transcription in epithelial and/or immune cell lines, and seven SNPs showed allelic differences. The DNA fragment with the top-associated SNP 27:19,086,778 displayed the highest activity in keratinocytes with 11-fold induction of transcription by the risk allele versus 8-fold by the control allele (pdifference = 0.003), and also mapped close (~3 kb) to an ENCODE skin-specific enhancer region. CONCLUSIONS Our experiments indicate that multiple CAD-associated genetic variants located in cell type-specific enhancers are involved in gene regulation in different cells and tissues. No single causative variant alone, but rather multiple variants combined in a risk haplotype likely contribute to an altered expression of the PKP2 gene, and possibly nearby genes, in immune and epithelial cells, and predispose GSDs to CAD.
La terciarización, o transición hacia economías de servicios con un creciente protagonismo de las ocupaciones no manuales, ha sido destacada como un fenómeno central de las sociedades contemporáneas. Frente al supuesto hundimiento numérico y político de los sectores obreros tradicionales, la clase media ha aparecido como la clase social protagónica de las últimas décadas. Vinculada a esta comprensión de la evolución de la sociedad, se ha manifestado un creciente interés por formas de diferenciación social distintas a la ocupacional de las sociedades industriales, entre ellas la cultural. En este trabajo se reconstruye brevemente este debate, y se muestra que si bien pudiera existir un crecimiento de ocupaciones no manuales, y con ello podría pensarse que habría un progresivo avance hacia una sociedad de clase media, hay importantes hallazgos que dificultan simplemente aceptar la afirmación de que Chile se ha convertido en tal tipo de sociedad mesocrática.
Objective To determine whether Treponema-associated papillomatous digital dermatitis (PDD) occurs in Australian dairy cattle. Design Mail-out questionnaire and histological and bacteriological examination of biopsy tissue from suspect PDD lesions. Procedure The questionnaire was mailed to 375 veterinarians to evaluate their knowledge of PDD, determine if they had observed the disease in Australian dairy cattle, and to request biopsy material from suspicious cases. Biopsies were examined for histological and bacteriological evidence of PDD, including for the presence of spirochaetes. Results Eighty-eight replies to the questionnaire were received (23.5%). Of 52 respondents who were aware of PDD as a possible cause of lameness, 26 reported observing the condition in Australian cattle. Of 32 respondents who were unaware of the condition, 6 reported observing lesions that might have been PDD. The majority of reports of PDD-like lesions came from the southern Australian states, the condition occurring during periods of high rainfall and proving responsive to topical or parenteral application of antimicrobials. Biopsies from five erosive lesions showed histological similarity to PDD whereas biopsies from five proliferative lesions were consistent with chronic inflammation, fibroma or cutaneous papilloma. The presence of spirochaetes was not demonstrated in any of the lesions by histological or bacteriological methods. Conclusion Anecdotal reports and analysis of biopsy material confirm that a condition similar to PDD does occur sporadically in dairy cattle in southern Australia. However, this condition has so far not been shown to be associated with the presence of spirochaetes in the lesions.
Objectives: To identify and demonstrate necrotizing dermatitis in infancy; an uncommon, puzzling syndrome, in which anecdotal reporting and personal experience indicates that one third of cases may require skin grafting. Much informed discussion about the pathogenesis of this distressing syndrome centres on the role of spider envenomation; and in particular on the speculative role of the Australian White-tailed spider, Lampona cylindrata. Methods: We present here six cases of necrotizing dermatitis treated surgically at the Royal Children's Hospital and Mater Children's Hospital in Brisbane over the period from 1991 to 1999. Clinical history, surgical details and pathological investigations were reviewed in each case. Microbiological investigation of necrotic ulcers included standard aerobic and anaerobic culture. Result: Nocardia and Staphylococcus were cultured in two cases, but no positive bites were witnessed and no spiders were identified by either the children or their parents. All cases were treated with silver sulphadiazine creme. Two of the infants required general anaesthesia, excision debridement and split skin grafting. The White-tailed spider, Lampona cylindrata, does not occur in Queensland, but Lampona murina does; neither species has necrotizing components in its venom. Circumstantial evidence is consistent with this syndrome being due to invertebrate envenomation, possibly following arachnid bites. Conclusion: In our experience there is insufficient evidence to impute a specific genus as the cause, at this stage of scientific knowledge. If the offending creature is a spider, we calculate that the syndrome of necrotizing dermatitis occurs in less than 1 in 5000 spider bites.