833 resultados para Dairy products industry


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Bacteria are minute unicellular organisms present in abundance in air, water, soil and food and in association with the human body. The majority of bacteria are harmless to humans while a few are useful and have been exploited in, for example, the manufacture of dairy products. However, bacteria are also pathogenic and those include some of the most important human infections such as typhoid, syphilis and tuberculosis. A few bacteria are especially important to optometrists because they are associated with ocular disease, either by causing a primary eye infection or because there are ocular complications of a systemic bacterial infection.


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The purpose of this research was to examine the fasting practices of Eastern Orthodox Christians (EOCs) in northeastern Pennsylvania. Fasting, according to Eastern Orthodox Church doctrine, is primarily abstinence from meat, dairy products, fish and certain other foods during Easter Lent and other periods, for approximately 180 days annually. Goals were to discern what EOCs consider their fasting rules to be, their actual fasting practices, what factors influence this practice and the relationship of fasting to nutrition. Methodology included 29 months of ethnographic fieldwork at local parishes, content analysis of local written materials and semi-structured interviews of 58 core church members. A pile sort was conducted whereby subjects classified various foods according to fasting or non-fasting status and then sorted the fasting foods into a hierarchy of avoidance. Data were analyzed using ANTHROPAC and NVivo software. Results included identification of a cognitive hierarchy of avoidance, with meat the most important to avoid, followed by dairy and alcoholic beverages. An important finding was the differences in subjects' knowledge of Church doctrine and a wide variation in their actual fasting practices. Contrary to Church doctrine, fish was not usually perceived as a food to abstain from. A historic Byzantine Catholic presence in the area (with a different fasting doctrine), family members who did not fast, and health concerns were some factors that affected fasting practices. A conclusion is that while meat, dairy and alcoholic beverages were usually categorized as foods to avoid during fasts, it is not possible to generalize with regard to actual practices or the impact of fasting on nutrition, due to individual variation. It was demonstrated that qualitative data could provide information that can be crucial to know prior to conducting quantitative nutrition research or counseling. Findings of this study suggest that one cannot assume subjects who belong to a given religion that has prescribed food avoidance practices are following them homogeneously and/or according to official doctrine. ^


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It can be nutritious and healthy if done right. Fruits and vegetables, a granola bar, smoothie, or some fresh squeezed Florida orange juice would be good choices. On the other hand, it can poison you. Perishable protein and dairy products must be packed in a well- insulated cooler with plenty of ice and a refrigerator thermometer kept inside to en-sure the food stays below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. If you are not completely safe, it can kill you. According to Hagerty Insurance of Traverse City, Michigan, the top ten worst foods to consume are coffee, hot soups, tacos, chili, juicy hamburgers, fried chicken, any barbecued food, filled doughnuts, soft drinks, and chocolate. (see Lisa Chin, 2003) It simply takes a sudden scalding spill, an unexpected splash, or dripping condiments, any of which demand your immediate attention, to become an instant fatality.


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The generation of industrial wastes has been increased more and more in recent decades, motivating studies about a correct sustainable allocation and that also represents advantages for their generators. In this context, are included two companies of cleaning products niche, located in São José do Mipibu/RN, that produces industrial sludge at a sewage treatment plant, and that is the main approach of this research. Given this, it was studied the incorporation potentiality of this sludge as a mineral addition in cement matrix for concrete production due it high capacity of wastes immobilization inside this material, which are subsequently used in the company for making precast articles. Were added different sludge concentrations (5, 10, 15 and 20%) in a common trait (1: 2: 3), and evaluated their techniques and microstructural implications via workability test in fresh state and compressive strength, full porosity and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in the hardened state. The results demonstrated the feasibility of the process both from a technical and environmental view as economical. All concretes produced with residue showed an increase of workability given the nature of the waste that had surfactants substances capable of adsorbing tiny particles of air into the batter. However, for all concentrations were obtained lower compressive resistances than standard concrete, with a reduction of 39% for samples with 20% of sludge. This are attributed mainly to an increase of porosity in the transition zone of these material, resulting from increased formation of ettringite at the detriment to the formation of other compounds, but which still allows the use of these for the manufacture of concrete articles with non-structural nature, such as precast floor. In addition, the water absorption and void ratio increased slightly for all samples, except the concrete with 20% of waste that has a reduction for the last parameter. Given this context, the recommended maximum level is 20%, constituting a significant proportion and able to allocate sustainably all waste generated in the industry.


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This thesis uses models of firm-heterogeneity to complete empirical analyses in economic history and agricultural economics. In Chapter 2, a theoretical model of firm heterogeneity is used to derive a statistic that summarizes the welfare gains from the introduction of a new technology. The empirical application considers the use of mechanical steam power in the Canadian manufacturing sector during the late nineteenth century. I exploit exogenous variation in geography to estimate several parameters of the model. My results indicate that the use of steam power resulted in a 15.1 percent increase in firm-level productivity and a 3.0-5.2 percent increase in aggregate welfare. Chapter 3 considers various policy alternatives to price ceiling legislation in the market for production quotas in the dairy farming sector in Quebec. I develop a dynamic model of the demand for quotas with farmers that are heterogeneous in their marginal cost of milk production. The econometric analysis uses farm-level data and estimates a parameter of the theoretical model that is required for the counterfactual experiments. The results indicate that the price of quotas could be reduced to the ceiling price through a 4.16 percent expansion of the aggregate supply of quotas, or through moderate trade liberalization of Canadian dairy products. In Chapter 4, I study the relationship between farm-level productivity and participation in the Commercial Export Milk (CEM) program. I use a difference-in-difference research design with inverse propensity weights to test for causality between participation in the CEM program and total factor productivity (TFP). I find a positive correlation between participation in the CEM program and TFP, however I find no statistically significant evidence that the CEM program affected TFP.


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Lactose needs to be digested by the small intestinal enzyme lactase into its constituent monosaccharides, glucose and galactose, before transport across the epithelial cell membranes. Lactase activity is therefore essential for the development of young mammals, since their sole source of nourishment is their mother's milk. This chapter summarizes what is known about the genetics and evolution of the lactase persistence (LP) trait. Symptoms of lactose intolerance can arise after an individual with hypolactasia has ingested lactose. Many dairy products contain only small amounts of lactose, allowing their consumption by most lactase non-persistent individuals. Bacteria and yeast fermentation convert the lactose in milk into various by-products, reducing the content of lactose. Nutritional epidemiology studies, and the staggering selective advantages that have favoured LP-associated alleles over the last 10,000 years, clearly show that adult milk consumption can be highly beneficial.


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This systematic review discusses data on the dietary intake of preschool children living in the Mediterranean countries of the European Union, including the comparison with a Mediterranean-like diet and the association with nutritional status. Specifically, data from the multinational European Identification and Prevention on Dietary and life style induced health effects in children and infants (IDEFICS) study and national studies, such as the Estudo do Padrão Alimentar e de Crescimento Infantil (EPACI) study and Geração XXI cohort in Portugal, ALimentando la SAlud del MAñana (ALSALMA) study in Spain, Étude des Déterminants pré-et postnatals précoces du développement et de la santé de l'ENfant (EDEN) cohort in France, Nutrintake 636 study in Italy, and Growth, Exercise and Nutrition Epidemiological Study in preSchoolers (GENESIS) cohort in Greece, were analyzed. In the majority of countries, young children consumed fruit and vegetables quite frequently, but also consumed sugared beverages and snacks. High energy and high protein intakes mainly from dairy products were found in the majority of countries. The majority of children also consumed excessive sodium intake. Early high prevalence of overweight and obesity was found, and both early consumption of energy-dense foods and overweight seemed to track across toddler and preschool ages. Most children living in the analyzed countries showed low adherence to a Mediterranean-like diet, which in turn was associated with being overweight/obese. Unhealthier diets were associated with lower maternal educational level and parental unemployment. Programs promoting adherence of young children to the traditional Mediterranean diet should be part of a multi-intervention strategy for the prevention and treatment of pediatric overweight and obesity.


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Le fromage Mozzarella entre dans la composition de plusieurs mets populaires d’Amérique du Nord. L’aptitude de ce fromage à être râpé et ses propriétés caractéristiques de cuisson en font un ingrédient idéal. Ces qualités sont attribuées principalement aux propriétés physiques particulières de ce fromage sous certaines conditions de cisaillement et de température. Le but de ce projet était d’évaluer l’impact de différentes stratégies couramment mises en oeuvre dans l’industrie fromagère sur la composition, la microstructure et les propriétés physiques du fromage. Diverses stratégies ont été étudiées : les conditions de filage du caillé lors du procédé de « pasta filata », l’addition de protéines sériques dénaturées, le contrôle de la minéralisation et le vieillissement du fromage. Les résultats ont démontré que le contrôle de l’intensité mécanique et thermique fournie lors du filage permettait respectivement de réduire les pertes de solides et d’améliorer la répartition de la phase aqueuse dans la matrice fromagère. L’aptitude au râpage du fromage peut être optimisée en combinant l’utilisation de plusieurs stratégies dont la réduction du calcium colloïdal, un temps de vieillissement adéquat et un râpage à basse température. Par ailleurs, des changements aux facteurs mentionnés précédemment sont apportés lors de l’ajout de protéines sériques dénaturées, ces dernières ayant un impact sur la composition et la structure du fromage. Des modèles prédictifs de l’aptitude au râpage ont été développés en sélectionnant uniquement les descripteurs de composition et de texture pertinents. La perception sensorielle du fromage cuit sur pizza et les propriétés physiques du fromage fondu ont été considérablement influencées par l’évolution physico-chimique du fromage au cours du vieillissement. L’utilisation d’une nouvelle approche pour la caractérisation des propriétés rhéologiques du fromage fondu sous fortes contraintes a permis d’établir de bonnes relations avec les descripteurs sensoriels de texture. Ce travail a permis de valider l’hypothèse que l’utilisation d’une ou plusieurs stratégies simples et accessibles pouvait être mise de l’avant afin d’optimiser les propriétés physiques du fromage Mozzarella. Cela contribue à une meilleure compréhension des facteurs pouvant être contrôlés afin de développer des fromages avec des attributs spécifiques, lorsqu’utilisés comme ingrédient.


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Les problématiques de surplus de poids sont en augmentation depuis les dernières décennies, notamment chez les jeunes québécois. Cette augmentation est en lien avec des habitudes alimentaires présentant des différences importantes avec les recommandations nutritionnelles. De plus, le gouvernement provincial a instauré des changements importants au Programme de formation de l’école québécoise afin de stimuler l’adoption de saines habitudes de vie. Afin de contrer ces problématiques de surplus de poids et d’habitudes alimentaires déficientes et de poursuivre dans la lignée de la réforme scolaire, le Nutriathlon en équipe version Web a été développé. Ce programme a pour but d’amener chaque participant à améliorer la qualité de son alimentation en augmentant et en diversifiant sa consommation de légumes, de fruits et de produits laitiers. Les objectifs de la présente étude sont (1) d’évaluer l’impact du programme sur la consommation de légumes, de fruits (LF) et de produits laitiers (PL) d’élèves du secondaire et (2) d’évaluer les facteurs influençant la réussite du programme chez ces jeunes. Les résultats de l’étude ont démontré que pendant le programme ainsi qu’immédiatement après, le groupe intervention a rapporté une augmentation significative de la consommation de LF et de PL par rapport au groupe contrôle. Par contre, aucun effet n’a pu être observé à moyen terme. Quant aux facteurs facilitant le succès du Nutriathlon en équipe, les élèves ont mentionné : l’utilisation de la technologie pour la compilation des portions, la formation d’équipes, l’implication des enseignants et de l’entourage familial ainsi que la création de stratégies pour faciliter la réussite du programme. Les élèves ont également mentionné des barrières au succès du Nutriathlon en équipe telles que le manque d’assiduité à saisir leurs données en dehors des heures de classe, la dysfonction du code d’utilisateur et l’incompatibilité de la plateforme avec certains outils technologiques comme les tablettes.


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Dissertação composta por 02 artigos.