992 resultados para Dairy Cattle


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The world food crisis, Britain's reliance on imported food and feedstuffs and balance of payments difficulties were some of the factors which lent weight to the call for increased self-sufficiency in Britain's agriculture in the 1970s. This project considers two main areas: an investigation of the impact of radical agricultural change, designed to increase self-sufficiency, on the balance of payments; and, an appraisal of the potential role of the food industry within a radically different food system. The study proceeded by: an examination of the principles of agricultural policy and its development in Britain; an overview of the mechanism and meaning of the balance of payments; a consideration of the debate on agricultural import saving; the construction of radical agricultural strategies; the estimation of effects of the strategies, particularly to the balance of. payments; the role of the food industry and possible innovations within the strategies; a case study of textured vegetable proteins; and, the wider implications of implementation of radical agricultural alternatives. Two strategies were considered: a vegan system, involving no livestock; and, an intermediate system, including some livestock and dairy cattle. The study concludes that although agricultural change could in principle make a contribution to the balance of payments, implementation of agricultural change cannot be justified for this purpose alone. First, balance of payments problems can be solved by more appropriate methods. Second, the UK' s balance of payments problem has disappeared for the time being owing to North Sea oil and economic recession. Third, the political and social consequences of the changes investigated would be unacceptable. Progress in UK food policy is likely to be in the form of an integrated food and health policy.


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The technological change is nowadays, comprehended as a playing field which involves cultural and economic processes of appreciation and depreciation of the social aspects of family unit. The exclusion of small producers from the activity is used as an argument to characterize that in the contemporary intercapitalist competition, the family ways of production take up restrict social positions of a technical progress and of a cultural and economic appreciation. The state, a coparcener of the modernization process, has its relevance as a financing agent, a technical capacitor, an infrastructure propitiator, that is, through macro and microeconomic policies which can create sustainable conditions to permit, mainly, not only the family producer to be inserted in the activity, but, above all, to remain in it. This way, this study aims to identify and analyze the family producer, through its limits and potentialities, with a thesis that this would be the main agent responsible for boosting the Brazilian milk production in quantity and quality. Therefore, results were compared obtained from a field survey with data collection via semi-structured open interviews in a sample of 108 producers effectively respondents, namely: 59 family farmers with active DAP (research focus) and 49 employers producers the municipality of Monte Alegre de Minas - MG. Technological indices were used to identify the developmental stage of the producers, thus allowing a comparative study between them. The field research covered all rural municipality of Monte Alegre de Minas – MG and, the result found that the majority of family farmers presented lower rates than technological employers producers. However, it allowed us to state also that the producer family and assisted by public policies, can be the agent of transformation of dairy farming.


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Background To our knowledge, there is little study on the interaction between nutrient availability and molecular structure changes induced by different processing methods in dairy cattle. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of heat processing methods on interaction between nutrient availability and molecular structure in terms of functional groups that are related to protein and starch inherent structure of oat grains with two continued years and three replication of each year. Method The oat grains were kept as raw (control) or heated in an air-draft oven (dry roasting: DO) at 120 °C for 60 min and under microwave irradiation (MIO) for 6 min. The molecular structure features were revealed by vibrational infrared molecular spectroscopy. Results The results showed that rumen degradability of dry matter, protein and starch was significantly lower (P <0.05) for MIO compared to control and DO treatments. A higher protein α-helix to β-sheet and a lower amide I to starch area ratio were observed for MIO compared to DO and/or raw treatment. A negative correlation (−0.99, P < 0.01) was observed between α-helix or amide I to starch area ratio and dry matter. A positive correlation (0.99, P < 0.01) was found between protein β-sheet and crude protein. Conclusion The results reveal that oat grains are more sensitive to microwave irradiation than dry heating in terms of protein and starch molecular profile and nutrient availability in ruminants.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Engenharia Zootécnica, 18 de Julho de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.


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Neste relatório são descritas as atividades desenvolvidas durante o estágio curricular em nutrição e fertilidade de bovinos de leite. Engloba também, uma revisão bibliográfica sobre a influência da nutrição na fertilidade e na produção de leite, e um estudo em que se procurou avaliar a influência do controlo da ingestão de água numa vacaria de leite. Para isso, foram utilizados 2 sistemas de produção (sistemas semi-extensivo e intensivo) e maneio alimentar. Independentemente do sistema, observou-se uma estreita relação da ingestão de água com ingestão de matéria seca, e produção de leite (ingerindo 5kg de água por cada kg de matéria seca ingerida por dia e apresentando uma produção de leite cerca de 29% da quantidade de água ingerida). Em ambos os sistemas, o controlo da ingestão de água é um potencial indicador de estro, pois existe uma diminuição significativa da ingestão de água nesse período; Abstract: This report describes the activities carried out during the internship in nutrition and fertility in dairy cattle. It also includes a literature review about the influence of nutrition on the fertility and milk production. It provides a case study that sought to assess the influence of the water intake control in a dairy farm. For this, we used 2 different production systems (semi-extensive and intensive systems) and ration. Regardless of the production or feeding system, there was a close relationship of water intake, dry matter intake and milk production (ingesting 5 kg of water per kg of dry matter, and producing nearly 29% of the total water intake). Both groups showed a decrease in water intake related to oestrus, so it means that it could be a potential indicator of oestrus behaviour and be helpful for the detection of the metabolic disorders.


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No presente relatório são caracterizadas e descritas as atividades desenvolvidas durante o estágio curricular na vertente da importância do maneio, ambiente e animal no controlo das mastites. Contempla ainda uma revisão bibliográfica e estudo de caso sobre a problemática das mastites na exploração. No estudo de caso procurou avaliar-se a influência do maneio, ambiente e animal no controlo das mastites e o impacto que estas representam na quantidade e na qualidade do leite. Foi ainda realizado estudo em 30 bovinos, identificados como animais problema, com recolha de amostras de leite para análise de antibiograma com deteção de agente. Foi implementado um plano de prevenção e controlo de mastites que consistiu na implementação de medidas de higiene e maneio dos animais, implementação de operações de rotinas de ordenha, implementação de medidas preventivas com recurso a vacinação e estabelecimentos de protocolos de tratamentos para os animais com patologias associadas às mastites. Os resultados obtidos foram muito positivos, diminuindo de forma drástica a incidência de mastites de 20% para 5% anual e consequentemente, uma melhoria considerável da quantidade de leite (22 para 33 L/vaca/dia) e na qualidade do leite (CCS <300 000 cel/mL) produzido; Abstract: Mastitis: Importance of management, environment and animal. Plan for the prevention, control and impact on the quantity and quality of milk This report characterize and describe the activities carried out during the traineeship in the aspect of the importance of management, environment and animal in the control of mastitis. There is also a literature and a case study on the problem of mastitis on the farm review. In the case study we sought to evaluate the influence of management, environment and animal in the control of mastitis and the impact that they represent in the quantity and quality of milk. A study was also carried out in 30 cattle, identified as problem animals, with milk samples for antibiotic susceptibility analysis with agent detection. It was implemented a mastitis prevention and control plan with the implementation of hygiene measures and husbandry of animals, implementation of milking routine operations, and implementing preventive measures using vaccination and treatment protocols establishment for animal diseases associated with mastitis. The results were very positive, decreasing dramatically the incidence of 20% mastitis to 5% per year and hence a considerable improvement of the quantity (22 to 33 L/cow/day) and quality ( SCC <300,000 cells/mL) of milk produced.


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Las enfermedades uterinas en el período posparto comprometen seriamente la eficiencia reproductiva. La clasificación hecha hace pocos años por Sheldon et al. (2006) permite diagnosticarlas con mayor facilidad de acuerdo al tiempo transcurrido desde el parto a su detección y diagnóstico. De acuerdo con esta clasificación ha sido posible utilizar las denominaciones de metritis puerperal a la que transcurre entre los días 4 a 10 posparto; a la endometritis clínica y la piómetra, que se observan a partir del día 14 posparto y la endometritis subclínica que ocurre en cualquier momento posterior a la culminación histológica de la involución uterina (en general más allá de las 5 a 6 semanas del posparto). En esta revisión se realiza un análisis de cada una de estas presentaciones y sus características. Finalmente se describen los tratamientos posibles que en su conjunto aún no han permitido una solución total quedando claro que es un control precoz y sobre todo durante el período de transición lo que permite disminuir el impacto de estas patologías sobre el tracto reproductivo y así mejorar la eficiencia reproductiva de la vaca lechera.


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Assessing the fit of a model is an important final step in any statistical analysis, but this is not straightforward when complex discrete response models are used. Cross validation and posterior predictions have been suggested as methods to aid model criticism. In this paper a comparison is made between four methods of model predictive assessment in the context of a three level logistic regression model for clinical mastitis in dairy cattle; cross validation, a prediction using the full posterior predictive distribution and two “mixed” predictive methods that incorporate higher level random effects simulated from the underlying model distribution. Cross validation is considered a gold standard method but is computationally intensive and thus a comparison is made between posterior predictive assessments and cross validation. The analyses revealed that mixed prediction methods produced results close to cross validation whilst the full posterior predictive assessment gave predictions that were over-optimistic (closer to the observed disease rates) compared with cross validation. A mixed prediction method that simulated random effects from both higher levels was best at identifying the outlying level two (farm-year) units of interest. It is concluded that this mixed prediction method, simulating random effects from both higher levels, is straightforward and may be of value in model criticism of multilevel logistic regression, a technique commonly used for animal health data with a hierarchical structure.


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia Zootécnica/Produção Animal


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The Girolando breed progeny test was established in 1997, as a result of the partnership between Girolando and Embrapa Dairy Cattle. In 2007, the Programa de Melhoramento Genético da Raça Girolando? PMGG (Genetic Improvement Program of the Girolando Breed) was implemented. Besides interacting with previously existing initiatives of the Girolando Breeders Association, such as the genealogical register service, the progeny test and the dairy control service, the PMGG launched the Linear Evaluation System (SLAG). The main objectives of the PMGG comprises identification of genetically superior individuals, the technically-oriented multiplication of genetics, the evaluation of economic traits and the promotion of sustainable dairy activities. The program have yielded impressive results. The Girolando breed semen sales increases faster than any other breed in Brazil.


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Neste relatório são, primeiramente, descritas as atividades desenvolvidas durante o Estágio Curricular do Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária da Universidade de Évora, no âmbito de clínica e cirurgia de espécies pecuárias. Pretendeu-se, depois, determinar se a suplementação de bovinos de aptidão leiteira com β-caroteno injetável contribui para reduzir o número de inseminações artificiais necessárias para uma gestação. Por outro lado avaliou-se a influência que podem ter algumas variáveis, como sejam a estação do ano ou o número de partos da vaca. Procurou-se, ainda, estudar a evolução dos teores séricos de β-caroteno nos animais suplementados e não suplementados com Dalmafertyl®, utilizando a técnica de cromatografia líquida de alta eficácia ultravioleta. A suplementação parenteral de β-caroteno, nomeadamente com Dalmafertyl®, na Primavera, mostra resultados benéficos na reprodução de vacas e novilhas de aptidão leiteira, aumentando a produtividade e diminuindo custos; ABSTRACT: LARGE ANIMAL SURGERY AND CLINICS On the following report are described the activities that took place during the Curricular Externship as part of the Veterinary Medicine Integrated Masters from University of Évora, in large animal surgery and clinics. Also, it was intended to determine if injectable β-carotene supplementation on dairy cattle can be a decreasing factor on the artificial insemination number needed to result in pregnancy. On the other hand, it was assessed its influence on some variables that can affect pregnancy, such as seasons and calving number. It has been studied the evolution of β-carotene serum levels on Dalmafertyl® supplemented and non-supplemented animals using the high-performance liquid chromatography ultraviolet detection method, as well. β-carotene parenteral supplementation using Dalmafertyl® seems to have benefic results on dairy cattle reproduction when it comes to Spring, which leads to productivity increase and cost decrease


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Dairy industries are asked to be increasingly competitive and efficient. Despite the increasing trend in milk yield and protein content during the last decade genetic selection, milk coagulation ability has diminished and even if the absolute amount of cheese produced has increased, the relative cheese yield from a set amount of milk, has decreased. As casein content and variants, along with milk clotting properties (MCP) are determined to a large extent at DNA level, genetic selection and embryo transfer can provide efficacious tools to reverse this trend and achieve improvements. The aim of the proposed research was to determine how rapidly and to what extent milk coagulation properties could be improved by using embryo transfer (ET) as a tool to increase the frequency of k-casein BB genotype cattle and reducing A and E variants in an Italian Holstein herd with a low prevalence of the favourable genotype. In the effort to optimize superovulation protocols and results, synchronization of wave emergence was performed through manual transrectal ablation of the largest (dominant) ovarian follicle on days 7 or 8 of the cycle (estrus = day 0); different drugs and dosage for the superstimulation protocol were experimented trying to overcome the negative effects of stress and the perturbance of LH secretion in superovulated highly producing lactating cows and the use of SexedULTRA™ sex-sorted semen, for artificial insemination of superovulated cows was reported for the first time. The selection program carried out in this research, gave evidence and gathered empirical data of feasible genetic improvements in cheesemaking ability of milk by means of k-casein BB selection. In conclusion, in this project, selection of k-casein BB genotype markedly enhanced cheese-making properties of milk, providing an impetus to include milk coagulation traits in genetic selection and breeding programs for dairy cattle.


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In recent years, dairy farmers have observed a substantial decrease in cows’ survival, with a direct negative consequence on the profitability. Shorter lifespan raises questions about animal welfare and farming conditions at which cows are exposed to. However, the length of productive life depends also on voluntary culling due to low productivity and, in dual-purpose breed, to low price of carcasses (meat). The general aim of the thesis was to investigate the genetic and phenotypic relationship of functional longevity with morphological features like muscularity and body condition score (BCS) and productive traits within Italian Simmental dual-purpose dairy cattle raised in Emilia-Romagna herds.


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The application of organic wastes to agricultural soils is not risk-free and can affect soil invertebrates. Ecotoxicological tests based on the behavioral avoidance of earthworms and springtails were performed to evaluate effects of different fertilization strategies on soil quality and habitat function for soil organisms. These tests were performed in soils treated with: i) slurry and chemical fertilizers, according to the conventional fertilization management of the region, ii) conventional fertilization + sludge and iii) unfertilized reference soil. Both fertilization strategies contributed to soil acidity mitigation and caused no increase in soil heavy metal content. Avoidance test results showed no negative effects of these strategies on soil organisms, compared with the reference soil. However, results of the two fertilization managements differed: Springtails did not avoid soils fertilized with dairy sludge in any of the tested combinations. Earthworms avoided soils treated with sludge as of May 2004 (DS1), when compared with conventional fertilization. Possibly, the behavioral avoidance of earthworms is more sensitive to soil properties (other than texture, organic matter and heavy metal content) than springtails