806 resultados para Counselors - Supervision of


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Esta tese analisa quatro comunidades leigas católicas na região do Grande ABC e que denominamos Arranjos Comunitários Alternativos Católicos. São comunidades extra paroquiais constituídas a partir de um fundador e organizadas autonomamente no que diz respeito a um sistema moral, cúltico, símbólico e de networks. Sintonizadas com a modernidade contemporânea e sob a fiscalização do clero local, os arranjos católicos caracterizam-se por uma vida regrada, hierarquizada, voltada ao atendimento de um público-alvo específico recompondo, adaptando, combinando a doutrina religiosa católica com práticas de glossolalia, de cura e libertação da alma. Analisamos por meio de uma pesquisa etnográfica as estruturas organizacionais dos arranjos, os antecedentes sócio-religiosos dos seus membros e sua capacidade de adaptação frente ao entorno social. Constatou-se que os arranjos católicos são espaços que permitem às suas lideranças exercerem com maior autonomia sua catolicidade de caráter mais intimista e espiritualizada. Entendemos que os arranjos católicos são um tipo de catolicismo de consultoria auxiliando os seus clientes na chamada cura interior , ao mesmo tempo que, dispositivos ou braços auxiliadores da ICAR, a fim de mantê-la estrategicamente na modernidade contemporânea. Os elementos que dão coesão e força simbólica às comunidades em questão são analisadas com categorias durkheimianas e bourdianas. Tais elementos, como os sites, emblemas e os santos baluartes, tornaram-se importantes referenciais que direcionam o cotidiano dos arranjos católicos.


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No ano de 2005 foi publicado o Caderno AIDS e Igrejas: um Convite à Ação , idealizado pela organização KOINONIA- Presença Ecumênica e Serviço e tendo como objetivo instigar nas igrejas protestantes, respostas de prevenção e de cuidado diante da pandemia de HIV/AIDS. O Grupo de Trabalho Religiões (GT) foi destinado pelo Programa Estadual de DST/AIDS para ser um espaço no qual as diversas matrizes religiosas pudessem dialogar e pensar em estratégias de prevenção juntamente com técnicos responsáveis pela saúde da população. O Caderno foi publicado mediante recursos públicos com a supervisão dos profissionais do Centro de Referência e Treinamento em DST/AIDS. Através das oficinas de multiplicadores destinadas ao público de diversas igrejas, o AIDS e Igrejas tem sido utilizado como instrumental didático para orientação e formação. Explicitamos os motivos que provocaram a relação entre as entidades envolvidas na publicação do Caderno. Exploramos o conteúdo presente no AIDS e Igrejas analisando os temas mais pertinentes como os seus objetivos e sua metodologia. Destacamos o sentido do conceito comunidade terapêutica sugerido pela organização ecumênica como modelo de acolhimento e cuidado às pessoas que vivem e convivem com HIV/AIDS. Igualmente verificamos como os temas AIDS, Sexualidade e Dogma se relacionam na publicação. Também avaliamos qual a práxis utilizada por KOINONIA na aplicação do Caderno nas oficinas que formam seus multiplicadores. Nas considerações finais ressaltamos a cooperação estabelecida entre o Estado e KOINONIA, através da publicação do Caderno AIDS e Igrejas: um Convite à Ação , na superação do estigma e da discriminação em relação às pessoas que vivem e convivem com HIV/AIDS.


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Uma das políticas mais utilizadas pelo poder publico municipal para garantir o atendimento educacional às crianças de 0 a 3 anos e a ampliação do número de vagas em creches, tem sido a adoção de parcerias por meio de convênios com instituições privadas. Muitas questões emergem desta política pública como, por exemplo, a relação entre a laicidade do Estado e a religiosidade de grande parte destas instituições. Este estudo surgiu da necessidade de se dar maior transparência e ampliar o debate sobre os convênios entre o poder público municipal e entidades assistenciais, principalmente, no que tange o embate entre o público e o privado, entre o laico e o religioso. Este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar as parcerias público-privadas e os possíveis impactos sobre a laicidade do Estado e o direito à Educação. O problema de pesquisa posto foi o que o Parecer CME 12/2011 revela sobre a laicidade do Estado e a religiosidade das instituições conveniadas no atendimento a educação infantil do município de São Bernardo do Campo? Havia a hipótese de que a representação de uma entidade conveniada ao Conselho Municipal de Educação sobre educação espiritual expressasse uma possível projeção de ensino religioso na educação infantil pública. A discussão teórica envolveu autores como FISCHMANN (2009), ARELARO (2008), SARMENTO (2006), ADRIÂO (2009), OLIVEIRA (2005) e ideias que tratavam das deformações dos interesses públicos e privados, da oferta de vagas no seguimento de creche, do ensino religioso em escola pública. A metodologia empregada foi analise bibliográfica e documental. A literatura aponta uma histórica subordinação da educação infantil pública à assistência social privada e as disputas pela implantação do ensino religioso na educação básica pública. Os documentos analisados revelaram que é possível haver certo grau de comprometimento da laicidade do Estado quando se formaliza parcerias com entidades assistenciais de origem religiosa, principalmente, quando se avalia as deficiências e tendências de gestão e supervisão dos convênios realizados pelo poder público. Acredita-se que este estudo abre portas para novas investigações sobre políticas e práticas que enfrentam ou estimulam o ensino religioso em escolas públicas e creches conveniadas.


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A sobreposição da ação administrativa à ação pedagógica no cotidiano de trabalho do Supervisor Escolar tem ocupado, nas últimas décadas, espaço importante na discussão acadêmica. Fruto da insatisfação de grande parte desses profissionais que, ao assumirem os cargos, deparam-se com uma carga de obrigações burocráticas que os impede de atuar efetivamente nos projetos pedagógicos das escolas, a pesquisa na área, embora crescente, ainda carece de exploração. O problema dessa pesquisa diz respeito às formas pelas quais os supervisores escolares da Rede Municipal de Ensino de São Paulo articulam essas duas faces da função que constitui a sua profissão, a administrativa, ligada às obrigações burocráticas e a pedagógica, ligada ao trabalho pedagógico nas escolas e em outras esferas. Parte-se do delineamento da trajetória histórica do Supervisor Escolar no município, feito perante o levantamento dos referenciais legais que objetivaram sua função/profissão e dos contextos históricos em que se inseriram. Na sequência, as respostas da pesquisa realizada com supervisores escolares de diretorias regionais de educação da cidade analisadas em suas relações com o levantamento histórico citado e os referenciais teóricos eleitos, em que se destacam as obras de Demerval Saviani e Celestino Alves da Silva Júnior, autores reconhecidos como referenciais importantes e amplamente citados nas pesquisas da área da supervisão educacional. A pesquisa aponta importantes indicadores para contribuir com a elucidação do problema em tela, especialmente no que tange à controvérsia das atribuições impostas à Supervisão Escolar, à formação deficitária desses profissionais e, por conseguinte, à dificuldade de se construir a identidade profissional do Supervisor Escolar do Município de São Paulo.  


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Numa perspectiva sociológica, este trabalho tem o objetivo de identificar o perfil profissional do supervisor de ensino que atua na Secretaria de Estado da Educação de São Paulo, verificando se sua atuação está voltada ao pedagógico ou ao administrativo e qual o compromisso político e as concepções educacionais destes profissionais. Apoiando-se em Tragtenberg, Silva Jr e Huert, entre outros autores que abordam, especificamente, a supervisão de ensino, procurou-se fazer uma analise histórica da legislação, de planilhas e dos dados que foram colhidos através de depoimentos e entrevistas com supervisores de ensino efetivos de três Diretorias de Ensino da Grande São Paulo. O resultado da pesquisa aponta para a predominância de um perfil burocrático e de fiscalização na ação do supervisor de ensino, bem como de executor das políticas públicas e não partícipe da sua elaboração. O supervisor de ensino é um representante de um poder político que favorece uma determinada ordem, mesmo que exista uma tentativa de superação de uma representatividade unilateral dentro da supervisão de ensino.(AU)


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Spread spectrum systems make use of radio frequency bandwidths which far exceed the minimum bandwidth necessary to transmit the basic message information.These systems are designed to provide satisfactory communication of the message information under difficult transmission conditions. Frequency-hopped multilevel frequency shift keying (FH-MFSK) is one of the many techniques used in spread spectrum systems. It is a combination of frequency hopping and time hopping. In this system many users share a common frequency band using code division multiplexing. Each user is assigned an address and the message is modulated into the address. The receiver, knowing the address, decodes the received signal and extracts the message. This technique is suggested for digital mobile telephony. This thesis is concerned with an investigation of the possibility of utilising FH-MFSK for data transmission corrupted by additive white gaussian noise (A.W.G.N.). Work related to FH-MFSK has so far been mostly confined to its validity, and its performance in the presence of A.W.G.N. has not been reported before. An experimental system was therefore constructed which utilised combined hardware and software and operated under the supervision of a microprocessor system. The experimental system was used to develop an error-rate model for the system under investigation. The performance of FH-MFSK for data transmission was established in the presence of A.W.G.N. and with deleted and delayed sample effects. Its capability for multiuser applications was determined theoretically. The results show that FH-MFSK is a suitable technique for data transmission in the presence of A.W.G.N.


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Full text: With the rapid development of the aerospace industry, manufacturing technologies have to continuously develop and adjust themselves to ever-growing demands coming from more complex component designs and the use of highly engineered materials. Today there is an increased number of manufacturers contributing to the realization of final products, i.e. avionics, so it is easy to perceive the truly globalized dimension of the aerospace manufacturing business. With this comes the demand for further engineering developments on which the academic/industrial research institutes need to deliver solutions to real aerospace manufacturing problems. This is a challenging task since aerospace manufacturing technologies have to cover a wide range of materials (from composites to advanced Ni/Ti alloys), processes (from forging to non-traditional machining and assembly), and parts’ dimensions/batch sizes (from airframes to turbine blades). In this wide context, this Special Issue includes high quality theoretical and experimental scientific contributions on the following topics related to the aerospace manufacturing technology: (a) machining of advance aerospace alloys; (b) abrasive processes applied to aerospace components; (c) surface treatments to enhance fatigue performance of aerospace components; (d) joining and assembly of aerospace components; (e) laser machining of aerospace alloys; (f) automated/supervised manufacture of aerospace components; (g) quality supervision of aerospace manufacturing routes. The breadth of topics in this Special Issue is perhaps indicative of the complexity and challenges that the research related to aerospace manufacturing technology can offer. We hope that this issue will act as a catalyst for the development of further research, academic and industrial interactions, and publications related to aerospace manufacturing technologies for the benefit of the academic and industrial research communities.


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Highlights - Irrespective of the euro crisis, a European banking union makes sense, including for non-euro area countries, because of the extent of European Union financial integration. The Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) is the first element of the banking union. - From the point of view of non-euro countries, the draft SSM regulation as amended by the EU Council includes strong safeguards relating to decision-making, accountability, attention to financial stability in small countries and the applicability of national macro-prudential measures. Non-euro countries will also have the right to leave the SSM and thereby exempt themselves from a supervisory decision. - The SSM by itself cannot bring the full benefits of the banking union, but would foster financial integration, improve the supervision of cross-border banks, ensure greater consistency of supervisory practices, increase the quality of supervision, avoid competitive distortions and provide ample supervisory information. - While the decision to join the SSM is made difficult by the uncertainty about other elements of the banking union, including the possible burden sharing, we conclude that non-euro EU members should stand ready to join the SSM and be prepared for the negotiations of the other elements of the banking union.


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The span of control is the most discussed single concept in classical and modern management theory. In specifying conditions for organizational effectiveness, the span of control has generally been regarded as a critical factor. Existing research work has focused mainly on qualitative methods to analyze this concept, for example heuristic rules based on experiences and/or intuition. This research takes a quantitative approach to this problem and formulates it as a binary integer model, which is used as a tool to study the organizational design issue. This model considers a range of requirements affecting management and supervision of a given set of jobs in a company. These decision variables include allocation of jobs to workers, considering complexity and compatibility of each job with respect to workers, and the requirement of management for planning, execution, training, and control activities in a hierarchical organization. The objective of the model is minimal operations cost, which is the sum of supervision costs at each level of the hierarchy, and the costs of workers assigned to jobs. The model is intended for application in the make-to-order industries as a design tool. It could also be applied to make-to-stock companies as an evaluation tool, to assess the optimality of their current organizational structure. Extensive experiments were conducted to validate the model, to study its behavior, and to evaluate the impact of changing parameters with practical problems. This research proposes a meta-heuristic approach to solving large-size problems, based on the concept of greedy algorithms and the Meta-RaPS algorithm. The proposed heuristic was evaluated with two measures of performance: solution quality and computational speed. The quality is assessed by comparing the obtained objective function value to the one achieved by the optimal solution. The computational efficiency is assessed by comparing the computer time used by the proposed heuristic to the time taken by a commercial software system. Test results show the proposed heuristic procedure generates good solutions in a time-efficient manner.


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Studies have shown that a person's socioeconomic status (SES) and the environment in which they are inserted modulate their pro-sociality. While children studying in schools with a more affluent student body tend to be more generous, adults with high SES in both real and experimental situations tend to be more selfish, greedy and individualistic. Another factor that influences pro-sociality is monitoring. When we do something under the supervision of another person, we tend to be more generous and cooperative, compared to situations in which no one is watching, even if the "observer" is a drawing of eyes. This monitoring effect occurs in both adults and children. To date, no studies have investigated whether the SES and the environment influence the pro-sociality of the children. There have also been no studies on how the monitoring effect might be influenced by SES and the environment (in this case, whether the environment is a public or private school). Given this context, our main objective was to investigate whether the generosity and cooperation of monitored and unmonitored kids is modulated by these factors. To this end, we did eight matches of the public goods, under monitoring and control conditions, with 249 children from the ages of 7 to 10 years enrolled in public and private schools in Natal, state of Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil). The SES of each child's family was assessed according to the Economic Classification Criterion of Brazil (2013). Contrary to our predictions, SES, school environment and experimental conditions did not significantly influence cooperation and generosity behavior when analyzed separately. We discuss whether the influences of resource and experimental design adopted for the current study and the historical and economic conditions of Brazil might explain these observations. Interestingly, when SES and school environment were analyzed together, an effect of monitoring on generosity and cooperation was detected. More specifically, monitoring had the effect of decreasing generosity among children with greater SES in private schools; and increased cooperation among children with greater SES in public schools. These results suggest that there is an influence of monitoring on the pro-sociality of children in relation to their SES and acquaintanceship environments. We argue that these observations may be explained by different preoccupations with reputation, according to the environment in which a child is inserted.


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In whole world, including in Brazil, there is an absence of professionals who are able to be present at the moment of birth and give to the newborn the cares that they need to because either an absence of opportunity or inappropriate training to those professionals. This master´s thesis describes a construction and application of a neonatal resuscitation course that uses the problem based learning (PBL) methodology. The course has done in two meetings, one for the tutorial session, and another for practice session. The students were divided in groups of eight students each, under supervision of two teachers with experience in PBL methodology. The experience was considered successfully because there were students involvement and motivation. Some course aspects were rebuilt for its upgrading, like the correct use of methodology and building of custom educational material for students learning necessity. It suggests that the course can be used by the medical and nursing schools and perhaps other kind of health courses.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Santarém para obtenção do grau de mestre em Ciências de Educação na especialização de Supervisão e Orientação Pedagógica


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Objectives: The current study aims to evaluate dosage form preferences in children and young adults together with identifying the key pragmatic dosage form characteristics that would enable appropriate formulation of orally disintegrating tablets (ODTs). Methods: International, multisite, cross-sectional questionnaire of children and young adults aged from 6 to 18 years. Eligibility was based on age, ability to communicate and previous experience in taking medications. The study was carried out at three locations: the UK, Saudi Arabia and Jordan. The questionnaire instrument was designed for participant self-completion under supervision of the study team.Results 104 questionnaires were completed by the study cohort (n=120, response rate 87%). Results: showed that ODTs were the most preferred oral dosage forms (58%) followed by liquids (20%), tablets (12%) and capsules (11%). The preferred colours were pink or white while the preferred size was small (<8 mm) with a round shape. With regard to flavour, strawberry was the most preferred (30.8%), while orange was the least preferred (5.8%). The results also showed that the most important physical characteristics of ODTs were disintegration time followed by taste, size and flavour, respectively. Conclusions: The results of our study support the WHO's claim for a shift of paradigm from liquid towards ODTs dosage forms for drug administration to young children older than 6 years. Data from this study will also equip formulators to prioritise development of key physical/performance attributes within the delivery system.


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Le travail domestique est une des formes d’emploi les plus anciennes au monde. Au Brésil, ce type de service tire son origine de l’esclavage, technique d’exploitation économique qui a marqué l’histoire du pays durant environ 400 (quatre cents) ans. Encore au XXIème siècle, le travail domestique est sous-évalué et peine à être reconnu comme un vrai travail. La législation nationale a progressé au point de reconnaitre aux employés de maison les mêmes droits dont jouissent les autres salariés (amendement constitutionnel, 2013). Le droit international du travail joue un rôle crucial dans l’encadrement de la situation des travailleuses domestiques au monde. La Convention concernant le travail décent pour les travailleurs et travailleuses domestiques (n° 189) et la Recommandation n° 201 l’accompagnant de l’Organisation internationale du travail (OIT) occupent une place importante dans la promotion du travail décent aux travailleurs domestiques. Malgré l’existence de normes – nationales et internationales – importantes, la problématique de la condition de travail et de vie des travailleuses domestiques au Brésil va au-delà de la législation, impliquant la notion culturelle de dévalorisation du travail domestique, cette même conception qui associe le travail à domicile à l’esclavage.


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The prize honors the memory of David Cushing, Founding Editor of Journal of Plankton Research. It is awarded annually for the best paper by an early career stage scientist published in the journal during the previous year. The prize helps foster the interesting and high-quality papers by young scientists that David Cushing so actively supported. The 2015 David Cushing Prize has been awarded to Bingzhang Chen for his paper, “Patterns of thermal limits of phytoplankton” (J. Plankton Res. 37, 285–292) Bingzhang Chen obtained his PhD with a major in Marine Environmental Science at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology under the supervision of Dr Hongbin Liu in 2008. He also worked with Dr Zoe Finkel and Dr Andrew Irwin in Mount Allison University, Canada, from 2009 to 2010. During this time, he started to learn the R language and entered the field of data analysis and programming. This experience has been proved very useful for his later work.