1000 resultados para Conteúdo local
Given the fact that using timber frame structures has proven to improve the seismic behavior of vernacular architecture, as has been reported in past earthquakes in many countries, its preservation as a traditional earthquake resistant practice is important. This paper firstly intends to evaluate whether the use of timber frames as a traditional seismic resistant technique for vernacular architecture in the South of Portugal, traditionally a seismic region, is still active. Secondly, the city of Vila Real de Santo António was selected as a case study because it also followed a Pombaline development contemporary to the reconstruction of Lisbon. The plan included the provision of timber frame partition walls for some of the buildings and, thus, an overview of the type of constructions originally conceived is provided. Finally, the alterations done in the original constructions and the current state of the city center are described and the effect of these changes on the seismic vulnerability of the city is discussed.
Reproductive plants in tropical forests are patchily distributed, with some in large aggregations of reproductive consepecifics while others are relatively isolated. This variation in floral density is hypothesized to have a major effect on plant reproductive success, since individuals in higher density neighborhoods can attract more or higher quality pollinators. We experimentally tested this hypothesis with populations of the understory herb Heliconia acuminata in central Amazonia. We created replicated plots in which reproductive plant density spanned the range of naturally occurring floral neighborhood size, then measured three surrogates of plant fitness in focal plants in each array. There was no significant difference between any of the three floral neighborhood treatments in total seed production, fruit set, or the number of seeds produced per fruit. Pollinator visitation rates to plants in all treatments were extremely low, with many plants not visited at all during the observation period. This could be because H. acuminata's hummingbird pollinators are unable to find the widely scattered reproductive plants, however this hypothesis appears unlikely. Instead, natural flowering plant densities may simply be below the threshold value at which neighborhood effects become important, even in "high-density" aggregations. Nutrient limitation, selective fruit abortion, and reproduction via male rather than female function may also be playing a role. We argue the absence of neighborhood effects may be a general phenomenon in central Amazonian forests, though additional experiments with other plant-pollinator systems are needed to determine the extent to which this hypothesis is supported.
Modeling clays have been used in several ecological experiments and have proved to be an important tool to variables control. The objective of our study was to determine if fruit color in isolated and grouped displays influences the fruit selection by birds in the field using artificial fruits. Data were collected in six plots distributed homogeneously in 3 km long trails with a minimum distance of 0.5 km. We used a paired experimental design to establish our experiments, so that all treatments were available to the local bird community in each plot. Overall, red was more pecked than brown and white. Isolated red and brown displays were significantly more pecked than others display. Even though our study was conducted in small spatial scales, artificial fruits appeared to be efficient in register fruit consumption attempts by bird. Although inconclusive about selective forces that sharp the dynamics of fruit color polymorphisms and choice by frugivorous birds, our findings corroborate recent studies wherein birds showed preferences by high- over low-contrast fruit signals.
Estudos recentes têm relatado o estado pluricarencial da população dos estados da Região Norte do Brasil. Paradoxalmente nessa região encontra-se uma grande biodiversidade da flora com variadas frutas e hortaliças, ainda não tão conhecidas, mas que os pesquisadores acreditam ser altamente nutritivas. Entre elas, tem-se o cariru, planta herbácea da família Portulacea, hortaliça própria da região amazônica e de fácil cultivo. Amostras dessa verdura foram submetidas a determinações analíticas a fim de obter maiores informações sobre seu valor nutricional. A maior fração desse vegetal é a água (92,24%), seguida de lipídeos (3,04%), carboidratos (2,94%), minerais totais (1,71%) e de proteína (0,07%), constituindo um alimento de reduzido valor calórico (40 Kcal/100g). Tendo em vista os resultados encontrados na análise de minerais, essa folhosa pode ser considerada como excelente fonte de ferro, zinco e molibdênio, já que o consumo de 200 g/dia desse alimento atenderia as necessidades diárias desses nutrientes. Chama-se atenção para os conteúdos de selênio e manganês, onde 100g dessa biomassa fresca podem fornecer duas e três vezes, respectivamente, as quantidades recomendadas para adultos pelos órgãos internacionais de saúde, com as devidas precauções, já que excessos desses oligominerais podem causar danos à saúde. Sendo assim, recomenda-se a inclusão dessa folhosa no hábito alimentar brasileiro, por apresentar minerais em quantidades suficientes para minimizar o estado carencial de muitas pessoas, residentes na região Norte do país, exatamente onde é encontrada em abundância e com custo reduzido.
Tese de Doutoramento Arquitetura, Cidade e Território.
In this paper a comparison between using global and local optimization techniques for solving the problem of generating human-like arm and hand movements for an anthropomorphic dual arm robot is made. Although the objective function involved in each optimization problem is convex, there is no evidence that the admissible regions of these problems are convex sets. For the sequence of movements for which the numerical tests were done there were no significant differences between the optimal solutions obtained using the global and the local techniques. This suggests that the optimal solution obtained using the local solver is indeed a global solution.
El presente estudio se llevó a cabo en cinco hectáreas de una parcela permanente establecida en el Parque Nacional Amacayacu, Amazonia colombiana. En éste, se evaluó el efecto de la variación ambiental y la configuración espacial sobre los patrones florísticos de las especies arbóreas (DAP>10 cm) a escala local en un bosque de tierra firme. Se estudió la variación florística y ambiental en cuadrantes de 20x20 m. Adicionalmente, se consideraron diferentes categorías de abundancia (total, alta, media y baja). Se utilizó el Análisis de Correspondencia Linealizado y el Análisis de Correspondencia Canónica, seguido de una partición de la variación, para cuantificar la magnitud a la cual el ambiente y la limitación en dispersión determinan la variación florística. La fracción espacial, representando procesos de autocorrelación como la limitación en dispersión, se analizó mediante dos métodos: Asumiendo un polinomio de tercer grado y por el método de Coordenadas Principales de Matrices Vecinas (PCNM). La diversidad beta de la parcela fue baja. El PCNM aparece como el método de análisis más apropiado para estudios a esta escala. Las diferencias florísticas explicadas a lo largo de la parcela de 5-ha fueron principalmente asociadas con procesos biológicos como la limitación en dispersión. La mayor parte de la variación florística, no obstante, no fue explicada por las variables ambientales o espaciales consideradas. En conclusión, estos resultados sugieren que procesos aleatorios son determinantes esenciales de la variación espacial de las especies arbóreas a escala local en tierra firme en los bosques en el Parque Nacional Amacayacu.
For any vacuum initial data set, we define a local, non-negative scalar quantity which vanishes at every point of the data hypersurface if and only if the data are Kerr initial data. Our scalar quantity only depends on the quantities used to construct the vacuum initial data set which are the Riemannian metric defined on the initial data hypersurface and a symmetric tensor which plays the role of the second fundamental form of the embedded initial data hypersurface. The dependency is algorithmic in the sense that given the initial data one can compute the scalar quantity by algebraic and differential manipulations, being thus suitable for an implementation in a numerical code. The scalar could also be useful in studies of the non-linear stability of the Kerr solution because it serves to measure the deviation of a vacuum initial data set from the Kerr initial data in a local and algorithmic way.
Existing data supports Portugal as the Western Europe country with highest HIV-1 subtype diversity. However, detailed phylogenetic studies of Portuguese HIV-1 epidemics are still scarce. Thus, our main goal was to analyze the phylodynamics of a local HIV-1 infection in the Portuguese region of Minho. Molecular epidemiological analysis was applied to data from 289 HIV-1 infected individuals followed in the reference Hospital of the province of Minho, Portugal, in which isolated viruses had been sequenced between 2000 and 2012. Viruses of the G (29.1%) and B (27.0%) subtypes were the most frequent, followed by recombinant forms (17.6%), C (14.5%), F1 (7.3%) and A1 (4.2%) subtypes. Multinomial logistic regression revealed that the odds of being infected with A1 and F1 subtype increased over the years when compared with B, G, C or recombinant viruses. As expected, polyphyletic patterns suggesting multiple and old introductions of subtypes B and G were found. However, transmission clusters of non-B and -G viruses among native individuals were also found with the dates of the most recent common ancestor estimated to the early 2000s. Our study supports that the HIV-1 subtype diversity in the Portuguese region of Minho is high and has been increasing in a manner that is apparently driven by factors other than immigration and international travel. Infections with A1 and F1 viruses in the region of Minho are becoming established and were mainly found in sexually transmitted clusters, reinforcing the need for more efficacious control measures targeting this infection route.
Relatório e lição completa apresentados como requisito para Provas de Agregação, no Ramo de Ciências da Comunicação, Área de conhecimento de Sociologia da Informação, ao abrigo do Decreto-Lei nº 239/2007 de 19 de Junho.
(CO)EMPREENDE-Programa de Empreededorismo
Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Biomédica
Tese de Doutoramento em Biologia Molecular e Ambiental (área de especialização em Biologia Celular e Saúde).
(Excerto) Será que o estudo do Jornalismo “pode ser justificado como uma forma de conhecimento, uma porta de entrada no currículo, uma actividade a que alguém possa dedicar de forma útil a sua vida profissional?”. A pergunta, formulada já lá vão 25 anos por James Carey, a propósito da História do Jornalismo, é daquelas que nunca encontram uma resposta satisfatória, para quem se interroga acerca do sentido e alcance daquilo que faz. E se bem que não faça muito sentido trazê-la quotidianamente como companheira de viagem, não deixa de ser salutar que, de quando em vez, de forma espontânea ou em contexto mais formal, nos confrontemos com ela e nos deixemos por ela desafiar. O relatório que o leitor tem diante de si é - ou resulta de - um desses momentos, no caso, decorrente de uma exigência do Estatuto da Carreira Docente Universitária, que constituiu para nós uma excelente oportunidade de reflectir sobre uma das actividades que ocupa boa parte das nossas energias quotidianas, no plano profissional. A disciplina que elegemos foi a de Jornalismo, que, como teremos ocasião de desenvolver mais adiante, leccionamos no Curso de Comunicação Social da Universidade do Minho. Guiados pelo que a lei estabelece e pelo que os usos e costumes ensinam, concebemos este relatório de modo a proporcionar ao leitor uma percepção de alguns referenciais acerca do modo como entendemos o Jornalismo; um enquadramento da disciplina no ensino universitário português e no Curso específico em que na nossa Universidade ela se insere; uma apresentação do programa, considerando, nomeadamente, a sua lógica, os conteúdos programáticos, as metodologias e recursos de trabalho e os processos de avaliação; e, finalmente, uma nota final de reflexão e de prospectiva.
Dissertação de mestrado em Direito das Autarquias Locais