993 resultados para Composite resins - Dental leakage
The aim of this work is to evaluate the effect of surface treatment with Er:YAG and Nd:YAG lasers on resin composite bond strength to recently bleached enamel. In this study, 120 bovine incisors were distributed into two groups: group C: without bleaching treatment; group B: bleached with 35% hydrogen peroxide. Each group was divided into three subgroups: subgroup N: without laser treatment; subgroup Nd: irradiation with Nd:YAG laser; subgroup Er: irradiation with Er:YAG laser. The adhesive system (Adper Single Bond 2) was then applied and composite buildups were constructed with Filtek Supreme composite. The teeth were sectioned to obtain enamel-resin sticks (1 x 1 mm) and submitted to microtensile bond testing. The data were statistically analyzed by the ANOVA and Tukey tests. The bond strength values in the bleached control group (5.57 MPa) presented a significant difference in comparison to the group bleached and irradiated with Er:YAG laser (13.18 MPa) or Nd:YAG (25.67 MPa). The non-bleached control group presented mean values of 30.92 MPa, with statistical difference of all the others groups. The use of Nd:YAG and Er:YAG lasers on bleached specimens was able to improve the bond strengths of them.
This study evaluated the cohesive strength of composite using self-etching adhesive systems (SE) in the lubrication of instruments between layers of composite. The specimens were made by using a Teflon (R) device. SE were used at the interface to lubricate the instruments: Group 1(G1) - control group, no lubricant was used; Group 2(G2) -Futurabond (R) M; Group 3(G3) - Optibond (R) All-In-One; Group 4(G4) - Clearfil (R) SE Bond; Group 5(G5) - Futurabond (R) NR; Group 6(G6) - Adper (R) SE Plus; Group 7(G7) - One Up Bond (R) F. Specimens were submitted to the tensile test to evaluate the cohesive strength. Data were submitted to the ANOVA and Tukey tests. ANOVA showed a value of p = 0.00. The average means (SD): G2 = 11.33(+/-3.44) a, G3 = 15.36(+/-4.06) ab, G4 = 18.9(+/-4.72) bc, G7 = 19.62(+/-4.46) bc, G5 = 21.02(+/-5.09) bc, G6 = 23.39(+/-4.17) cd, and G1 = 28.49(+/-2.89) d. All SE decreased the cohesive strength of the composite, except for Adper (R) SE Plus.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the cohesive strength of the composite using different resinous monomers to lubricate instruments used in the Restorative Dental Modeling Insertion Technique (RDMIT).Materials and Methods: The composite specimens were made by using a prefabricated Teflon device. Different resinous monomers were used at the interface to lubricate the instruments, for a total of 72 specimens divided into 6 groups: 1. control group, no resinous monomer was used; 2. Composite Wetting Resin; 3. C & B Liquid; 4. Scotchbond Multi-Purpose Adhesive; 4. Adper Single Bond Adhesive; 6. Prime & Bond NT. Specimens were submitted to the circular area tensile test to evaluate the cohesive strength at the composite interfaces. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey's test (alpha = 0.05).Results: ANOVA showed a value of p < 0.0001, which indicated that there were significant differences among the groups. The means (SD) for the different groups were: Adper Single Bond Adhesive: 26 (12) a; control group: 28 (3) ab; Prime & Bond NT: 32 (12) ab; Composite Wetting Resin: 36 (9) abc; C&B Liquid: 38 (7) bc; Scotchbond Multi-Purpose Adhesive: 46 (10) c. Groups denoted with the same letters were not significantly different. Only Scotchbond Multi-Purpose Adhesive, used for direct restorations, had a statistically significantly higher bond strength than the control group, Adper Single Bond Adhesive, and Prime & Bond NT. Adper Single Bond with Adhesive showed a statistically significantly lower mean value than C & B Liquid.Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that the resinous monomers used for lubricating the instruments in the RDMIT did not alter the mechanical properties of the composite, and therefore did not reduce the cohesive bond strength at the composite interfaces.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar o efeito da polimerização gradual, mediante a utilização de aparelhos de Quartzo-Tungustênio-Halógena (QTH) e Arco de Plasma de Xenônio (PAC), no selamento marginal de restaurações classe V em resina composta com margens localizadas em dentina. Setenta e cinco incisivos bovinos receberam preparos de cavidades classe V, na raiz, com o intuito de situar as margens cavitárias em dentina. Os dentes foram divididos em cinco grupos de acordo com o método de fotoativação. As cavidades, depois de condicionadas, foram tratadas com o sistema adesivo Single Bond (3M Dental) e restauradas com a resina composta Z100 (3M Dental) pela técnica incremental. A fotoativação foi realizada para cada grupo como descrito a seguir: Grupo I: PAC pelo método de fotoativação constante: 1600mW/cm2 – 3s; Grupo II: PAC pelo método de fotoativação por passos (800mW/cm2 – 2s, subindo automaticamente para 1600mW/cm2 – 4s); Grupo III: QTH pelo método de fotoativação constante: 400 mW/cm2 – 40s; Grupo IV: QTH pelo método de fotoativação em rampa: 100 a 600 mW/cm2 – 15s, permanecendo a 600mW/cm2 por mais 25s; Grupo V: QTH pelo método de fotoativação por pulso: 200 mW/cm2 – 3s, tempo de espera de 3min.e a seguir 600mW/cm2 – 30s. Os dentes foram armazenados em água destilada a 37ºC por 30 dias e então submetidos à ciclagem térmica, por 500 ciclos à 5 ºC e 55 ºC. Os ápices dos dentes foram selados com resina composta e os dentes foram cobertos com duas camadas de esmalte para unha, antes da sua imersão em fucsina básica a 0,5%. Os dentes foram seccionados e os cortes foram escaneados para avaliação da área infiltrada por corante por um programa de computador (Image Tools). Os cortes foram também visualizados com lupa para a determinação do grau de penetração do corante na interface dente-restauração por escores. Diferenças estatisticamente significantes foram observadas entre os grupos quanto ao grau e à área de penetração de corante (p < 0,05). Os grupos I e II apresentaram valores significantemente mais altos de infiltração e penetração do corante que os grupos III, IV e V. Em conclusão, o uso da fonte de PAC, no modo constante e por passos, resultou em valores significantemente maiores de infiltração marginal quando comparados com a intensidade de luz média emitida pelos aparelhos de QTH. Os métodos de fotoativação por pulso, rampa e continuo com a fonte de QTH resultaram num grau similar de microinfiltração.
To evaluate changes in microhardness, roughness and surface morphology of dental enamel and composite resin after different tooth bleaching techniques. Material and Methods: Dental fragments from bovine incisors with composite resin restorations were submitted to different bleaching protocols: G1 – daily 8 hours application of a 10% carbamide peroxide (CP) gel during 21 days; G2: 3 applications of 15 minutes of a 38% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) gel; G3: 38% H2O2 gel associated to irradiation with LED (470nm) during 6 minutes. The Knoop micro hardness of enamel and composite resin were evaluated at 1, 7, 14 and 21 days for G1, and after 1, 2 and 3 sessions for G2 and G3. The roughness and superficial morphology (atomic force microscopy) were evaluated before and at the end of the bleaching treatment. The data were analyzed by Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon tests (=5%). Results: Significant reduction on enamel hardness was observed after 2 and 3 sessions for G2 and G3. For composite, the reduction occurred after 21 days for G1, and after 3 sessions for G2 and G3 (p<0.05). Significant reduction on roughness and superficial morphology were observed only for enamel of G1 group (p<0.05). Conclusion: The 10% CP gel promoted only superficial alterations on dental enamel, while the 38% H2O2 gel promoted mineral reduction of this dental tissue. All the bleaching protocols promoted reduction on hardness of composite resin.
Coordenação de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES)
Aims: The study evaluated the influence of light curing units and immersionmedia on superficial morphology and chemistry of the nanofilled composite resin Supreme XT (3M)through the EDX analysis and SEM evaluation. Light curing units with different power densitiesand mode of application used were XL 3000 (480 mW/cm2), Jet Lite 4000 Plus (1230mW/cm2), andUltralume Led 5 (790 mW/cm2) and immersion media were artificial saliva, Coke1, tea and coffee,totaling 12 experimental groups. Specimens (10 mm 3 2 mm) were immersed in each respectivesolution for 5 min, three times a day, during 60 days and stored in artificial saliva at 378C 6 18Cbetween immersion periods. Topography and chemical analysis was qualitative. Findings: Groupsimmersed in artificial saliva, showed homogeneous degradation of matrix and deposition of calciumat the material surface. Regarding coffee, there was a reasonable chemical degradation with loss ofload particles and deposition of ions. For tea, superficial degradation occurred in specific areaswith deposition of calcium, carbon, potassium and phosphorus. For Coke1, excessive matrix degra-dation and loss of load particles with deposition of calcium, sodium, and potassium. Conclusion:Light curing units did not influence the superficial morphology of composite resin tested, but theimmersion beverages did. Coke1affected material’s surface more than did the other tested drinks.Microsc. Res. Tech. 73:176–181, 2010.
The aims of this study were (1) to synthesize and characterize random and aligned nanocomposite fibers of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT)/nylon-6 and (2) to determine their reinforcing effects on the flexural strength of a dental resin composite.Nylon-6 was dissolved in hexafluoropropanol (10 wt%), followed by the addition of MWCNT (hereafter referred to as nanotubes) at two distinct concentrations (i.e., 0.5 or 1.5 wt%). Neat nylon-6 fibers (without nanotubes) were also prepared. The solutions were electrospun using parameters under low- (120 rpm) or high-speed (6000 rpm) mandrel rotation to collect random and aligned fibers, respectively. The processed fiber mats were characterized by scanning (SEM) and transmission (TEM) electron microscopies, as well as by uni-axial tensile testing. To determine the reinforcing effects on the flexural strength of a dental resin composite, bar-shaped (20 x 2 x 2 mm(3)) resin composite specimens were prepared by first placing one increment of the composite, followed by one strip of the mat, and one last increment of composite. Non-reinforced composite specimens were used as the control. The specimens were then evaluated using flexural strength testing. SEM was done on the fractured surfaces. The data were analyzed using ANOVA and the Tukey's test (alpha=5%).Nanotubes were successfully incorporated into the nylon-6 fibers. Aligned and random fibers were obtained using high- and low-speed electrospinning, respectively, where the former were significantly (p<0.001) stronger than the latter, regardless of the nanotubes'presence. Indeed, the dental resin composite tested was significantly reinforced when combined with nylon-6 fibrous mats composed of aligned fibers (with or without nanotubes) or random fibers incorporated with nanotubes at 0.5 wt%. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The objective of this study was to compare the microhardness of two resin composites (microhybrid and nanoparticles). Light activation was performed with argon ion laser 1.56J (L) and halogen light 2.6J (H) was used as control. Measurements were taken on the irradiated surfaces and those opposite them, at thicknesses of 1, 2 and 3 mm. To evaluate the quality of polymerization, the percentages of maximum hardness were calculated (PMH). For statistical analysis the ANOVA and Tukey tests were used (p <= 0.05). To microhybrid was shown that the hardness with laser was inferior to the hardness achieved with halogen light, for both the 1 mm and 2 mm. The nanoparticles polymerized with laser, presented lower hardness even on the irradiated surface, than the same surface light activated with halogen light. The microhybrid attained a minimum PMH of 80% up to the thickness of 2 mm with halogen light, and with laser, only up to 1 mm. The nanoparticles attained a minimum PMH of 80% up to 3 mm thickness with halogen light and with laser this minimum was not obtained at any thickness. Based on these results, it could be concluded that light activation with argon ion laser is contra-indicated for the studied nanoparticles. Published by Elsevier GmbH.
Summary The first part of this review examined ISO approval requirements and in vitro testing. In the second part, non-standardized test methods for composite materials are presented and discussed. Physical tests are primarily described. Analyses of surface gloss and alterations, as well as aging simulations of dental materials are presented. Again, the importance of laboratory tests in determining clinical outcomes is evaluated. Differences in the measurement protocols of the various testing institutes and how these differences can in?uence the results are also discussed. Because there is no standardization of test protocols, the values determined by different institutes cannot be directly compared. However, the ranking of the tested materials should be the same if a valid protocol is applied by different institutes. The modulus of elasticity, the expansion after water sorption, and the polishability of the material are all clinically relevant, whereas factors measured by other test protocols may have no clinical correlation. The handling properties of the materials are highly dependent on operators' preferences. Therefore, no standard values can be given.
The first part of this three-part review on the relevance of laboratory testing of composites and adhesives deals with approval requirements for composite materials. We compare the in vivo and in vitro literature data and discuss the relevance of in vitro analyses. The standardized ISO protocols are presented, with a focus on the evaluation of physical parameters. These tests all have a standardized protocol that describes the entire test set-up. The tests analyse flexural strength, depth of cure, susceptibility to ambient light, color stability, water sorption and solubility, and radiopacity. Some tests have a clinical correlation. A high flexural strength, for instance, decreases the risk of fractures of the marginal ridge in posterior restorations and incisal edge build-ups of restored anterior teeth. Other tests do not have a clinical correlation or the threshold values are too low, which results in an approval of materials that show inferior clinical properties (e.g., radiopacity). It is advantageous to know the test set-ups and the ideal threshold values to correctly interpret the material data. Overall, however, laboratory assessment alone cannot ensure the clinical success of a product.
To evaluate the ability of the provisional filling material Cavit-W alone or in combination with different restorative materials to prevent bacterial leakage through simulated access cavities in a resin buildup material.